The podcast for soulful women in business
The podcast for innovative and progressive thought leaders anchored into their authority unapologetically.
Creating Leaders, Building Legacies, Maximising Profit.
You no longer have to apologise for wanting to stand out as a female leader here.
Ready to evolve and expand to embody feeling comfortable to be visible, to speak without fear of judgment, this is a place where you can take up as much space as you desire without being labeled as ‘too much.’
The podcast for soulful women in business
The Power of Trusting Your Vision and Intuition as an Entrepreneur - With Guest Claire Garner - Empowerment Speaker & Mentor
Claire Garner shares her journey from an abusive relationship and struggling business to completely transforming her life by trusting her intuition, embracing spirituality and manifesting success. She launched her empowerment brand Phoenix, focusing on helping women step into their power. Claire emphasises how meditation was key to slowing down, trusting the process, releasing control and ultimately achieving exponential growth and living the life of her dreams.
In this episode we look at the cyclical cycles of death and rebirth we go through to learn and grow, becoming the teachers who can guide others from our experiences good and bad. Claire will be coming into The business membership for soulful women in January to teach some tips to improve the structure of your speaking skills to convert in sales and attract raving fans she has learned under Lisa Nichols.
We would love to invite you to join us at the pre sale rate: https://www.laurabeddoe.com/The_business_club_for_soulful_women-
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Do you feel called to step into 2024 together as part of The Business Club for Soulful Women.
Access to a community of leaders who are paving the way for the soul-led space.
Access to six months of activation, embodiment, and what it takes to become an authority as a leader in your field.
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The exact daily rituals and practices that increase my ability to receive, only working four days a week.
Book club and a new theme each month to enhance money mindset and visibility in your soul-led business.
This is an opportunity to access The Who, the What, and THE HOW.
No one is sharing this information the way that I do: Standing in your power as a woman unapologetically with your hormones. This is the thing that will change everything for you.
Don't walk, run to continue in my world and the magic starting in January.
Connect with me your host: Laura Beddoe-Collins.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 0:00
Hello, and welcome to this episode of the podcast for soulful women in business with myself, Laura Beto Collins, and today I have an amazing guest, who I met recently within a community of delicious women. And we just funded straightaway, because we have so much in common, literally so many things in common. So we are all about women, being unapologetic coming into their world wealth, about standing in our power, and understanding that when you drop that facade of trying to please everybody, that actually you please more people because you're being in your truth. So I am. So I just thank you so much for giving me your time. Absolute delicious, good is human being I'd love for you to just start by introducing yourself and just tell me a bit about your, your little empire that you're building. Oh, thank
Claire Garner 1:09
you, Laura. And thank you for having me as well, I Yeah, you know, I love you so much. So I'm really, really happy to be here. Hi, everyone. So yeah, I'm Claire. So I have a few empires. I have several businesses. But I guess really, my brand is all about empowerment. So it's all about women, stepping out of the shadows, stop playing small, stop settling, right, stop settling for mediocre, stop settling for what life has handed you and what you thought is possible for you and what you've been told you can or you can't do, and start taking your power back. Start believing in yourself, stop believing in your dreams and stop believing in your inevitability that everything you desire is actually meant for you if you allow yourself to follow it, because that's when you will fulfill it. And this is what my brand is all about. It's about women stepping into that and stepping into their power to become the visionary to become the thought leader to become the Trailblazer that they know deep inside that they're here to be. That's That's me in a nutshell. Well,
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 2:21
what a bloody nutshell it is. Let me crack inside then. So this podcast is for women that are dreaming and visioning, building a business, or perhaps they've already got a business now, I know similarly to similarly to me that you have a story underneath this, it hasn't always been this way for you. Right? So I'd love to start by asking you your story around where you had that pivotal change, where you are like, enough is enough. And that fire lit with inside you
Speaker 1 3:06
the tower moment, right. So that definitely is what it was. So yeah, long story short, I always knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, like even at school, I was the kid who was you know, always trying to sell things always trying to like do jobs, it was the one going down the road doing washing people's cars. You know, I was always trying to innovate always trying to be of service and to make money. You know, that's what I had a desire to do. So I always knew that I wanted to be my own boss, but I never knew what I wanted to do. I was just like, What am I gonna do you know, what am I good at? All I was ever good at was talking. And from a very young age, I was told that that was not something to be proud of, you know, that was something actually that I needed to work on and to stop doing so much or so for a long time I hit that voice. I ended up in an abusive relationship at the age of 18 for 15 years, and that voice was quieter and quieter and quieter. Right and that till the point where I didn't even hear it really anymore. It was like a whisper it was just kind of gone. I was like a shell. But at the same time, I had stepped into being an entrepreneur. So I had started a business and I had kind of Lent into that. Almost delusion, I felt it was delusional belief that I could be something that I could be someone that I could make a difference, no matter what the ecology around me was telling me. I kind of had that delusional disbelief. I was like, No, I don't believe this is meant to be my life. I believe that I can be more and so what happened after many many years is the tower moment. Obviously you have all these times the universe right is trying to lead you on the right path and you ignored I mean, you Ignore them until the point where it's just like, right? You cannot ignore this. And that moment for me, was when my life was threatened sort of third time. And in that moment, something changed it, I can't even explain it. It was just like a flick of a switch. It was, you know, whatever happened happened. And my fear turned to fuel, it turned to anger, and it turned to rage. And it turned to what the fuck am I doing here? What am I doing with my life? What kind of role model Am I being to my daughters? How am I going to be this person that I know deep inside I meant to be when this is my life. And in that moment, I decided no more, never again, no more. And that was the final time that I left that relationship. So I tried to leave many, many times before. And once I did that, this was my retirement, right? My whole world changed. I had to uproot my kids, I had to move homes, I had to leave like friends and relationships, and I had to start over really, you know, find who I was because I was in that relationship from 18. So I didn't even know who I was as an adult. And within 18 months, my life 368 I found my spiritual connection, I embraced it, I integrated it into everything that I did, I started my second business, which was in selling crystals. So I got in alignment, I found my calling, I became a spiritual CEO and my corporate beers, and within 18 months, I've manifested the home of my dreams that I never even could have contemplated, you know, I was in like a one bedroom flat when I left there. I, two of my businesses went to multiple six figures in 18 months, bearing in mind, I'd been an entrepreneur for like, six, seven years prior to that, like struggling like, you know, never getting past 50k. And now, I just live the life that I always wanted, you know, I embody the future version of me every single day. And every single day, I become more and more of her and my life, my ecology, my 3d world starts to match that more and more and more. So my tower moment was the pivot, it was the change.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 7:30
That's so beautiful. And I did, I actually was saying that I could just feel the emotion within me staring because I've been there. I've been in that situation. As you know, you've heard my story. Lots of people that are already listening to my podcasts, we've heard my story. And, you know, that pivotal moment of, for me it was that threaten my ex partner threatened my son, and very violently. And that was the, that was the one of the that was sadly if I even afraid to admit this, that wasn't even the last straw. Yeah, it was it was it was it was later down the line that it was the final straw for me until I felt. And I love the way you describe that. My voice for me actually, interestingly, is that my authentic voice was a whisper. But what I'd created for myself with this really loud voice that was to cover up how sad I was feeling inside. Yeah. And that was what I everything that I'd created in my life was a facade. Because I didn't want anybody else to know how broken I truly was inside. Yeah. So from the outside looking in. It looked marvelous. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 8:54
Oh my god, I resonate with that so much. And
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 8:57
from but from the inside, there was nothing there. Yeah, I was the the version of me you see, or hear sitting, listening to this podcast today. This was, she was gone. She was way gone. She was completely broken. And she didn't assimilate the she just didn't know who she was anymore. She didn't know what she liked. Because what happens is I used to just fold myself into the relationship. Yeah, 100 lose myself completely. And I, and it's a this journey that I've been going through for the last seven years is finding out who I am and coming into my own and with business, as we all know. Strategy is part of business. And I see this as something that you regularly talk about as well. So I'm a psychotherapist and a hypnotherapist and business mentor. So the difference between working on just strategy, and then the energy that is underneath that. So that's what happened to you. You were lost. She was still in there, right? Yeah. She was lost. But once you've found that true, authentic energy and belief, yeah, that's when it went boom. Yeah. And that is what I see in my clients is, and obviously, I've been on that journey myself. It's seeing that spark. And the light switch back on. Yeah. And that tower moment needs to happen before the lights come back on right, talking about talking about your brand. So you won't have you had this wonderful Christmas crystal business. And FYI, I'm coming to your house too. Because I've seen all of your amazing crystals. And I'm, I love crystals. I love all of the things. And a story for another day, I've been using a device, which also amplifies that. So actually, recently
Unknown Speaker 11:12
when I probably know what you're talking about, yeah.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 11:15
The hilly and I went into my local crystal shop a few weeks ago, and I actually felt like it was a bit too intense for me. Yes, the energy now I actually felt like I was vibrating like raw.
Speaker 1 11:32
The first time I went to our crystal supplies, I had that because I'd never been around that much energy. And I didn't even really realize what was happening. But within about half an hour, I was like, You know what I'm feeling really overwhelmed, like actually feel really tired. And she was like, yes, really normal, which, just like you're not accustomed to, like this much energy around you.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 11:54
Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting. And I could talk to you about crystals all
Speaker 1 11:59
day long. Everything has frequency, right. So everything around you is vibrating. So crystals are no different. They're vibrating at a certain frequency. And depending on what crystal it is, as to what frequency it's vibrating at and to what you want to hear or what you want to do, whether you want to manifest or you know, whatever you kind of want to do through the crystal, you're just, it's allowing you to tap into that frequency. And when you tap into that frequency, that's when you can start vibrating yourself at that frequency. And no matter what that is, it's going to magnetize more of that into your world. So, for example, quickly, I've got a Kundalini Citrine right beside me. Abundance and success, right? So if I work with that crystal, I'm aligning with the frequency of abundance and success to manifest more of it into my life. And that's, you know, a very quick
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 12:53
yeah, I've got, I've got a couple of days. I've got some tower one. So I regularly make myself the crystal grids read. Yeah, yeah. So every, every 90 days, I make a new one. Natalie
Speaker 1 13:06
Yeah, my my, I mean, we're going on a tangent here. But my mom and my stepdad used to actually make crystal grids for us like the actual plates, you know, the kind of so they would use recycled wood and kind of laser print like the, you know, the flower of life or whatever you want to put on it. And we would have our own handmade crystal grids that we sell as well. I mean, we do add, but we do
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 13:29
have to put them the way I have the linked for Claire's crystal in the in the show notes. 100%. So tell me about your brand. So what When was it that you decided to step into this leadership role? And you wanted to speak on stages, train with Lisa Nichols and start getting your voice heard? When was that? When did that happen?
Speaker 1 13:56
I mean, this year has really been a pivotal year for me in regards to to that side of things. So I birthed Phoenix which is my my empowerment brand. I like to call it because there are numerous things underneath it. There's, you know, coaching, there's speaking there's events, there's retreats, so there's multiple layers to it, but ultimately, it's the empowerment and that really started on the back of my own coaching journey. I was in a very high level nine month coaching can shape a container with the incredible Jamie see, and it transformed my life that again, it was another transformation that we've had last night. Yeah, it was just incredible and it's funny and I talk about this a lot because I went on my own obviously journey through it and being a generator and you probably get this as well Laura is quite often I can I can absorb someone else's, someone else's energy or love for something and Take it as my own without realizing that it's not necessarily mine. So what happened for me going through that coaching is, within a couple of months, I want to be a coach. Because I saw how amazing Jamie was. And I was like, I just like, I want this life, this is what I should be doing. And I was like, this is right. And so I birthed Phoenix, and I became a coach. And very quickly, I realized, actually, I don't want to be a coach. I mean, I do do coaching, but I don't want to be a coach, I want to create an impact. I want to be a visionary, I want to leave a legacy. Coaching is great, and it's transformative. And I will always have a coach and I will always help people with coaching. But I also want to create a much bigger impact than that. And so it was very interesting watching my own journey of navigating what I thought I wanted to do, because I was in someone else's presence of doing that, too. Then again, coming back to myself finding my authentic voice, listening to the intuition, which, you know, I was trying to kind of simmer down, I was like, Hush Hush now. Got this. It was, um, but yeah, so this year was really my transformation of birthing Phoenix, finding my path moving forwards now into my life, right? So yes, I've got successful businesses, but what do I want to do in the world? You know, what is the impact I want to make? What's the legacy I want to leave what's the bigger blueprint of what my soul is here to create. And that's really been my journey this year. And that's, that's where Phoenix is today. And that's what I'm all about empowering other women to do as well. And it's
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 16:41
interesting that your brand is called Phoenix Rising, because you are rising, right, you're coming out. Coming into Roan. And and and the thing is what people don't realize, I think people don't realize is that we are continually going through death and rebirth, death and rebirth. And that it's interesting that you said about pushing away. But the intuition is trying to tell you and it's like the ego is like no, but I want to do this. And it's like because that part of the identity is so gripped and loved on. And this is something that I've actually been really working with a mentor, through some shadow work and realizing that my old identity was very weak and very, very, the good girl people pleaser. wanted everybody to like me, I've also always been entrepreneur, always been a visionary, or almost to the point where I think I my soul pings forward into the future. And she thinks that she's already there. And then I get this version of me needs to realize that I'm here. I'm not there yet. And I That's why I regularly have to really ground myself. But thinking about identity, which is something that you've touched on is that where I've, my identity is shifted so far away from that version of myself. It's almost as if my belief is that no matter what, I will always be successful. And that is great. But not when you're clutching on to it's so tight that actually that's a disservice as well. So you've got is, is fascinating. And of course, our soul, we come here we come down into this beautiful body and this life. But the interesting part is we actually choose it, we choose to go through what we've been through. So then we can have almost like a guide. So people to avoid some of that pain, exactly.
Speaker 1 18:58
Like you have to have your lessons because otherwise what would you teach, but the best teachers are the ones who teach from experience, you know, the ones who have been there, done that come out the other side, because you can resonate so much more. You know, it's the difference of reading a book and actually implementing it into your life. You know how many people read a book, they don't even finish it, and then they think they know everything. And it's like, actually, you need to start implementing it into your real life to know what you're talking about. You know, if you've got if you're in hospital, and you've got a surgeon who's maybe operating on a human body for the first time, you're probably going to be a lot more nervous than you would if it's someone who's done it time and time again because no matter how much they've done the thing and the the kind of play practice if you like, it's a real body now, you know, it's different. And there's the pressure and the real lightness of knowing that someone's life is in your hands. I don't want talking about surgeons, but
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 19:56
it's a good metaphor. I think it's a good metaphor. Okay. For me,
Speaker 1 20:00
but you know what I mean? It's that difference of living something and being able to lead someone else, from your own perspective, from your own path to talking about something that you've read.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 20:13
I agree with you, I think the best teachers have experienced what they teach. And I think that's probably why I'm so multitalented. Fortunately, I think for a lot of shit. And that's something I want people to avoid. Yes, yeah. And actually, you're talking about your human design. I'm a one, three. So I'm an investigator. And then the third line is the martyr. So I'm here to investigate, let it roll since and then teach everybody.
Speaker 1 20:46
I'm a free fix. So we both have that free of like, we're meant to make the fuck up so that other people don't have to?
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 20:52
Yeah, yeah. You know, and that's what I'm always teaching as well, inside of all of my spaces is that, you know, it's not, it's not going to always be Epping up, you go into ebb and flow, just like our cyclical nature, as you know, I teach women around the menstrual cycle and how to live in a cyclical way. And this is exactly the same, we have seasons of life. And it's like learning that, even when you're going through it, and it feels like Oh, my God, this lesson again, then it's like, it's just trying to help you to shift into the right direction. You know, it's like going with that with that flow. Which brings me to my final question. So obviously, this podcast is all about soulful women in business, spirituality, what would be your main top tool that you would offer to women that are running a business and running it in a heart led soulful way?
Speaker 1 22:06
I think meditation is one of the key, the key things that changed how I run my businesses. So in my past, I was always very controlling very hands on like, no one else can do it as good as me, you know, I couldn't release anything I couldn't delegate. I couldn't ease up. You know, it was very much the hustle the grind the burnout culture, like I have to do doo doo. And being in that, that rat race, and always feeling like time was running out. So I always had a thing about time, like, there's never enough time, you know, if, if I don't get my success today, it's never gonna happen. You know, it was really the sense of pressure, it was like being in a, in a compression cooker. That's what my life was. And I was one of those people that said, I'm no good at meditating, you know, I can't switch my mind off. I can't stop it. I've got too much to do. I don't have time for that, you know, single mom of two kids running businesses, I don't have time to do nothing. We always say like, those are the ones who need it the most. Because when you when you allow yourself that time, you get more time, because everything that you're doing becomes easier. You're not. Oh my gosh, honestly, like the things going through my head now. Like, I would be rushing everywhere, like, everywhere. I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. Like, get out the door. We're gonna be late. Constantly. This was my life's frantic. And I think for me, meditation has not only grounded me, not only stopped the chatter, in my mind, which as a double Virgo floor, it was like, hey, you know, it was always that and it was always critical as well. And always wanting to do do do but more
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 24:11
never enough. Never enough. Never enough. Not good enough. I can resonate with that.
Speaker 1 24:17
Yeah. And meditation was one of the first things that I implemented when I kind of found my spirituality and had my spiritual awakening, and it changed the game, change the game for me. So if you're starting out in this world, and then this journey, and you're feeling like any of that, like time is running out, you know, there's too much to do. When is your success going to come? You know, how much more work do you need to do? Surely, you know, surely it should be it by now is up. And I know it's counterintuitive because we feel like we should be doing more but if you ease up and actually release the reins a bit and release a bit of a control and start to understand that time is an illusion anyway. And when we center ourselves, we can actually manipulate time because we can get more of it by being more grounded. And by being more assertive and more aware and more focused, rather than kind of focusing on a million things at once. It actually feels like you get more of it back. And it takes off the pressure. Because you know, you trust that your success is inevitable. And when you know something's inevitable, you don't question it constantly. Because you just know, it's not like a when it's a I know. So that was a long day long.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 25:38
And I still I still have to work on that I really do a showing inside of experience that I'm running at the moment. That especially having a three year old, like it's, I feel like as a mum, I'm rushing, rushing, rushing, rushing, and I really have to work that work. And it's always It feels almost like, when I catch myself mostly, then I'm not conscious. Yeah, very old habits. Because of all of the trauma in my past. That is where I'm at my body is addicted to stress. Yes, it's what it knows. Yeah. So I consciously have to work on slowing myself down and embodying that I know that whatever I do, that the universe is providing for me. I don't need to rush around like, and that's difficult with it's very, very wrong. Because they are very in they were very embodied. They don't need to rush. They're taking their time all the time. So it's like that. And she is obviously teaching me patience. Yes,
Speaker 1 27:01
exactly. I can't tell you. I mean, I know we've been talking a long time. But patience is such an identity illusion, right? And I was one of these people hands up, I would say, I wasn't born with patience. And I would wear it like a badge of honor. Right? I would literally be like, I'm too busy for that. You know, I'm far too motivated for that. I don't have patience. I just get shit done. That was who I was. And yes, I do get shit done. But I also don't force it. I don't push it. I don't fresh your eyes it because I trust now that everything is happening in the quantum field. And it's just a matter of time until it comes into my 3d reality. But yeah, patience is like a massive, a massive kind of block to to our success, right? Thing that success.
Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor 27:53
Trust and patience, are the keys. Those are the two keys that it's difficult because human beings, especially the web we live in with everything is like we can just press a button it fast, fast, fast, you know, AI, all of it everything. But we need to use that as a tool. Rather than thinking we need to be fast. Yes. So if you take anything, there's so many things we can take away from this episode, right? The tower moment, we can take away that knowingness or that you are worthy of whatever it is that you dream about that knowing that in and knowing like, I knew, I just had this feeling like I knew I was going to be speaking on stages. I knew I didn't know how, yeah, how it's gonna happen. How's knockdown for you? You don't know. I'm new. And I just had this vision all of the time bubbling away underneath the surface. And it's like that if you have that, as a woman, trust it. Yeah. Yeah, trust. Just keep building that momentum following. The universe gives you clues if you're present enough meditation, get mind for it is going to work for you. Okay, so I wanted to end the podcast, just letting you know that Claire is going to be coming inside of the membership in January. She has had training from Lisa Nichols who, oh my goodness. Lisa Nichols was one of the women that inspired me to become a speaker. She is absolutely incredible. If you don't know who she is, please go and have a look at her. She's a motivational speaker. She I think her brand is speaks to the masses. The masses, yeah. motivate the masses. She was on the secret. She's absolutely incredible. And Claire has been under her wing we've had to her team, and teaching how to speak with a framework that convert, so she's going to be teaching some of the skills inside of the membership in January. So there is a pre sale on at the moment until the 15th of December. If you join, check out the show notes to come and join us inside of the business club. For soulful women in business, is there anything that you would like to tell us about any anything that you would like to promote whilst you are on the on the podcast?