The podcast for soulful women in business

From homeless to CEO on my terms - now I teach women to sell with soulful power.

Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach

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In this episode, my mission is to empower female entrepreneurs like you to embrace your gifts and build successful businesses with soul. I draw from my extensive experience in sales and marketing to teach women how to sell authentically without manipulation.

In this podcast, I share principles for connecting with clients through nurturing and intuition rather than aggressive sales tactics typically used by men. My goal is for you to leave feeling inspired to step fully into your power as a spiritual leader and CEO.

The biggest takeaway is a new paradigm for sales that honors the divine feminine — no more begging or people-pleasing required.

If you're a purpose-driven woman entrepreneur ready to make your next level impact while keeping your business sustainable, you'll love learning from my wisdom and personal journey rising from homeless to successful on my terms. Join me as I unlock the spiritual keys to sales success!

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Laura Beddoe- Collins: Visibility & Business Mentor  0:13  
welcome to the podcast for soulful women in business, the podcast for innovative and progressive thought leaders anchored into their authority. And apologetically you no longer have to apologize for wanting to become rich and powerful hear in this space. In this podcast, you will evolve and expand, to embody feeling comfortable, to be visible, to speak without fear, to be seen, without fear of judgment. And a place that you can take up as much space as you desire without being labeled as a show off as too much. Because we don't compete here. We're sisters. Hi, I'm Laura bed I Collins, your host, I'm a mum, and wife, and international keynote speaker, medicine woman and so awakened business consultant, I am known for supporting female leaders to reach their peak performance, working with their hormones, and embracing their dark feminine power. You can be sexy, you can be sassy. You can be anything that you want to be this quantum field is our playground. If you choose to believe it, are you ready to play back up if you are ready to become an unleashed and wildly successful business woman with a whole lot of soul? Now let's dive in. Hi, and welcome to the podcast for soulful women in business with me your host, Laura Beddoe. Colin. So today we are going to be exploring sales and sales in your business. And this is the thing is that if you have a business, sales is the engine, without sales, your business isn't going anywhere fast. And this is why I am so passionate about helping women with sales within their business because sadly, I see so many businesses being in the well being sector for seven years, I have seen so many incredible women start businesses, only to fold 18 months to two years later. And this is part of my mission is to really empower women to understand how a business really runs the foundations that it absolutely essentially needs for that longevity. So that you are not one of those statistics that you are somebody that is creating that massive impact that you want to create and still be here through the test of time. So for me my business, I started out selling wellbeing products through a L M L. And that was the start of my journey to finding the law of attraction and really starting to implement it and play around with energetics. And then I was in a really abusive relationship. I started listening to Louise Hay every single day walking to work, and something inside of me shifted whilst listening to her on repeat every single day. And that was really the start of me shifting into the woman that has a rich mindset. A woman that knows her worth and I won't settle for anything less than what I'm worth today and the boundaries that I set are unshakable. This is something if you want to step into real CEO energy and you want to scale your business to multiple six figures or seven figures, you know, you have like this massive drive to really succeed in creating an impact and making a difference. And to put your mark on this world boundaries are something that you're really going to have to implement. Saying no to things is going to be something that you are going to need to look at. And this is definitely something that you will continuously hear me talking about. Because people pleasing energy does not make you a rich. And actually, it's quite manipulative coming from that people pleasing energy, because people never really know who you are. And they never really know where they stand. People get sales wrong. People feel that IQ, if they think that they're coming from a persuasive energy, I'm not here to persuade anybody to buy my services, I know the result that people are going to get when they step into energetically investing in themselves, they're not investing me in me, I've already gone have the knowledge that they need, I've spent 1000s upon 1000s of pounds or dollars, if you were listening from the US. And I have the knowledge, I want to teach people the knowledge. And of course, I want to make some money out that too. So that I get a return on that investment. People aren't investing in you. Yes, you're the conduit to deliver. But they're actually investing in themselves. So that they can up level and the knowledge that you hold or the transformation that you can facilitate. Because nothing changes, until we actually commit and do the work, the inner work. It's beneath the surface level. And all of the stuff that you can hear on social media, and on podcasts and the free stuff, or even the low cost stuff, you can read in books, yes, they're amazing. But they're never going to shift anything until you do the inner work. And you do the exercises. And you actually implement things who has that is listening to this has been to a really amazing event, feeling really fired up. And within two weeks, you've just feel fat again, it's because that's inspirational, but it's not actually taking you to a new level. So the way that sales has been taught up until very, very recently. It is designed by men, for men. Sales is assertive, you know, I've worked in sales for coming up for 20 years, and I have definitely worked in that, you know, the boys club, the banter, the assertive nurse, that kind of wounded masculine of dog eat dog, I've been in that environment, and we don't need to do that. That is what I'm shifting people away from. And that's why people feel that shame or almost feel like they're having to be manipulative, to get the end result. That is not what I am for. What I am here for is to guide people, if they need the transformation that I offer, and be the light to shine upon their shadows, so that they can go to that deeper level. And they can learn the knowledge and the skills that they currently don't know. Because what you don't know what you know, now isn't serving you the types of wisdom in that step into my world. They they know that they want to make this massive impact, but they're just not sure on how to get there. They've got money blocks, they they're not certain of the transformation that they offer, or that they can they can assist from they're selling themselves way too short.

That can change when you change the knowledge. You change the beliefs. I know that it's it's possible because I was homeless with nothing. And it was only when I changed my belief and I guess first of all, I was given some guidance, and I believe some magic and miracles. And then once I had the money I needed to start to take take the steps, and invest in myself. And the first time I ever invested 5000 pounds, oh, my goodness, that was freaking scary. It was so freaking scary. But I knew that if I wanted to start seeing those types of figures in my life, that I needed to take that leap, and I needed to trust that I would get a return on my investment. So I'm going to be talking about now, in the next part of the podcast, the six principles of sales. And this is coming from insert of the 14 days experience that I recently took something mazing women through, and is now instantly accessible when you commit to my membership, the business club for soul for women, and the link for that and all of the amazingness that is going to be in that community, including networking, collaboration, raising your profile and visibility, getting seen in PR, telling your story that converts, and money mindset is all going to be involved inside. And it's also going to be a global platform that you're going to want to be in if you're a spiritual woman, and you want to be known, this is the place to be come and pitch yourself. Learn how to pitch yourself and be amongst high caliber, incredible women, and be accountable for your results. And learn more about your amazing talents and gifts. Here is the excerpt from the 14 day experience. I hope you enjoy it. Okay, so it is my intention that you leave feeling empowered. And you don't need to sell with it. All of that gross manipulation. Some I actually left an experience recently because of this. I don't that fake urgency, manipulation, it doesn't need to, it doesn't need to happen anymore. We're not, we're not fucking DFS, right? We don't need to do that. Especially when we're coming from this place of this five days living. Now I want to teach you a way that you don't need to do all of that. I just know it's bollocks. Excuse my language. And yeah, it's my, my mission to teach you how to sail in alignment and have masculine structure because sometimes we can have a really feminine attitude. And then we don't take any action. We're not taking any of that action, which is what we need. We need the masculine, the structure, the discipline to do the things. And, and we need the feminine of intuition slow. This is why women is actually been proven statistically, women are actually better at sales. Okay, so just to give you an insight as to what, even though I have coming up for 20 years experience in sales and marketing. When I set up my business, as in this holistic space, I had massive impostor syndrome, because I felt new, I was like, Who is gonna? Who's gonna want to listen to me, he's gonna take me seriously. Like, all of the things were going on for me. Let me know if you resonate with that. I was undercharging massively, and over giving, like, I just wanted to help everybody. I was worried that people wouldn't take me seriously because I'm really spiritual. But the problem was, I wasn't taking myself seriously, that was a problem. I didn't realize it at the time. I was coming from a really needy, thirsty energy as well, which I needed to work on. And actually, it was really refreshing a bit. The event I did last month is one of the women that came I've known her for a very long time. She's like, your energy is just so different. And there is something that happens when you step out of fear. And you just step into this place of service. I was also not collecting enough information and setting up my services to what I thought that they needed, rather than delivering what they needed. So now I own my authority. I talk about what I do. on and offline I talked about I talk about it non stop and I'm really clear about who I serve. If what I stand for, I know who my people are, I have really strong boundaries around my offerings. And I deliver amazing service that reflects the price point, I still owe the give. It's who I am is my feature. It's just who I am. And I don't think that will ever stop. I just I'm born to help people. But there is a limit it depending on where people go, so that it's fair for the people within the group, I take my gifts and myself really seriously. Like, I know that I'm good at what I do. And I suppose that does come with time, and your skin in the game. But it's definitely something I help my clients to feel. feel like they can talk about their spirituality, and not feel like an impostor. Because it's really, really on the rise anyway, which is incredible. Like when I first started talking about some of the things I talked about five years ago, especially around the menstrual cycle, which is people would look at me, like what, but it's really cool that now people are really started to talk about it. And it's becoming is becoming more accessible, which is why I talked about those things. So familiarity, equals trust. So when you say, a brand, this is why building a brand is so important. So when somebody says a brand is so much more than a logo, a brand, if you are running a small, service based business, which I believe all of you here are, it's your face, it's your values, it's your, it's, it's all of those things, and it's consistently showing up and telling people who you are, what you do, what you stand for. And that's a bit like Heinz beans, right? That's a bean. But everybody knows who what Heinz beans is, because there's that consistency, it's a brand. It's a feeling when you buy that, because of the the tagline of it. You know, it's like that family feeling. What is the feeling that people feel when you're not around, building that connection, building those relationships, deepening those relationships. Forget about the money piece. Do people feel connected and like they trust you. And that they feel like you are being authentic. Because if they don't, then that is where the where that's where people are ghosting you or not telling you why they're not doing the things. Why they don't want to work with you. It's because it's something in there made them feel unsafe. As women that are in our divine feminine. The key skills that we have, are in intuition. They are nurturing, and they are intuition, and they are empathy. And this is something that you know that I've worked in sales for a very long time, as I've talked to you a few times, when you're when you've been taught to sell in the way that men sell. I've worked in call centers, you know, it's not using those skills of really listening, or what most people have. The person that you were three or four years ago, is probably the person that you're going to help because you have the manual on how to avoid all of the stuff that you've been through. You have been listening to the podcast for so for women in business with me your host, Laura Beddoe Collins, your soul awakened business mentor. It means the world to me that together we are raising the consciousness of this planet and

putting the good stuff back into this world. My love language, our words of affirmation, so it would mean the world to me if you click that subscribe button. And screengrab this episode and let's share it Let's share this message. Let's get as much money into good female leaders hands And I promise that I will share it until next time love you see you soon

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