The podcast for soulful women in business

No new year, new me! How to embrace Cyclical Living in 2024

Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach

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This episode is about embracing cyclical living rather than just setting New Year's resolutions. As women, we operate on a 28-day cycle tied to the moon rather than a 24-hour cycle like men. I encourage women to tune into their intuition and cycles during this winter phase.

I invite my listeners to reflect on lessons from 2023 - Ask yourself ' Am I rushing' This was the case for me, having too much masculine energy.

Key lessons:

  • Simplify and streamline offerings based on intuition
  • Don't scrap ideas or services that flopped - tweak strategy or sales process
  • Reflect on and release what is not serving you
  • Manifest by visualizing the feeling of having what you desire
  • Get clear on your ideal client and what makes you unique
  • Focus on your zone of genius rather than trying to be good at everything

The Soul Awakened Collective for consciously living women starts 17th January come check it out if you want to hold yourself accountable and propel your desires forward this year without fear and scarcity energy behind it, learn how to sell with your story, how to 10x your revenue without burning out.

The Sisterhood & Sales free business lounge is the place to start mixing with female founders who are on the same page, over the hustle and burnout culture, and ready to learn to sell in a divine feminine way that creates the ripple effect you want to see in this world. 

Connect with me your host: Laura Beddoe-Collins.

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Laura Beddoe-Collins  0:00  
Hello and welcome to episode four of the podcast for soulful women in business with me your host, Laura Beto Collins, and this episode is coming to you in the first week of January, it's going to be with a slightly different twist than you probably are used to hearing around this time of year.

Speaker 1  0:23  
You're going to be hearing a lot of new year setting new year's resolutions really pushing yourself I'm going to be coming from a slightly different perspective. And the perspective that I'm coming from is coming from a woman who is in tune with cyclical living. Now, cyclical living is one of my passions, and it is something that I teach inside of all of my programs, and I like to educate female founders on because we are cyclical beings, and we have a womb and whether we are menstruating, perimenopause or menopause, we have seasons, there is no getting away from that. And most of us are not living in a cyclical way, most of us are living in a very masculine way, which is on a 24 hour cycle and males hormones, they work on the 24 hour basis, whereas, us women, we work on a 28 day cycle, whether we are menstruating or not. Because we when once we are past that phase in our life, we then are still working with the moon phases, the moon is what is pulling the gravity of water here on Earth. So it is causing it is causing the tides to come in and out. Now we are made up of 80% water. So we are still being affected by the seasons. So most of us are thinking about pushing and cleansing our NG which is a really, really good thing at this time of the year. I definitely use this time of year to reflect and to go inwards to really see what worked in 2023 is something that I have been doing over the past three to four weeks, seeing what needs to be reassessed, what is coming forward with me what is serving me, my my mental health, what is serving my business, what is making my business profit, what is giving me freedom and what is giving me a headache. Quite frankly, I'm gonna be using this episode to offer you some of the tools that I use in hope that you can step into an embody in your cyclical nature, the energy that you want to bring forward for 2024 and the real time when you would want to start to really push and accelerate this would be in the spring or Equinox. So we've just had the winter Equinox which was the burning of the clocks, the 21st of December was the the real deep winter. Now if you are somebody that already follows the seasons, then you will know that this time of year is really a time to clean the slate it's time to start dreaming a bit like tracking your menstrual cycle and if you don't already track your menstrual cycle ladies and you are menstruating please please please send me a DM and ask me for my free tracker because it is a game changer. And this will be the time when you will be the most intuitive when you are administrating that that one to six day window is when you The veil is thinnest This is where in the actual physical winter if you're in the inner novice atmosphere as I am in England, then you will already be in this deep winter and how can you make the most of this winter? How can you as I said before, really embrace it and really bring those intuitive gifts to the forefront and your intuition cannot really get loud unless you rest and it is really difficult and I I'm the first hold my hands up. Even though I teach this and I am an advocate for this. I am really I find it really difficult to do and during my process of reflection of 2023, bearing in mind, I got married, I hit my first six figures in my business, I still had some struggles. And I think that reflecting over that getting really, really vulnerable here, it's because I was rushing, I was rushing, I was going into my masculine I had last year, I had a really big fallout with one of my best friends who I really loved deeply. And we haven't spoken for 10 months. And that really affected me and made those walls come up of my masculine have been productive to try and not feel that pain that really didn't serve me, it made me rush, it made me not look at the small intricate details, which are the things that for your business to be successful. Those Those details are so important, looking at the numbers of your email sequences and and your conversions. And you have launched that flopped last year. Please, please, please do not scrap the idea that you had, because it won't be the actual idea and the content that you're creating in the, if you're a service based advisor, the service that you're providing a guarantee that that is excellent. It will be a strategy of marketing or a strategy of your sales process that needs to be tweaked. And if it isn't the strategy or the of the sales, or the marketing, it will be the belief that you have in yourself. And that's something that later into 2023 I struggled with because I'd had that rejection from a friend. And then every rejection in my business felt deep. It felt like somebody was stabbing me with a knife because of my hyper sensitive rejection disorder. Because I'm ADHD, I might even take this bit out, but I might not. So let's just roll with it. Because I'm just talking from the heart. The thing is, is that within this this winter phase, I was able to really hunker down and streamline my services so that I'm stepping into 2024 energy with this new insight of my intuition that's telling me that I need to simplify that I was I was making things if you are making things over complicated, and you feel overwhelmed, guess what? your community, your platform, your potential clients are going to be feeling that as well. Because everything is energy. So it's about this time of year, this winter phase this new year. It isn't about new you. It is more about clearing out what is no longer serving you and embodying and stepping into the manifestation of what is the energy that I am standing in. Am I going to stand in my power this year? Where am I? Where's my lifeforce energy still remaining that it doesn't need to be where can you call back your energy? And you'll see a lot of people starting like cleanses and, and new routines. Because they've they've had fun. And then they've they've indulged over Christmas, which is absolutely fine. And that's another thing is like mind body spirit, the physical plane, where can you detox? Where can you clear the body out, so that you can that intuition can be loud. So you can listen to that, it doesn't mean that you necessarily need to take massive action right now. Or perhaps there's something that is already there that isn't going to take so much effort and energy, our energy levels are going to be much, much lower, because we have much less natural light. So some of the things that are going to be able to help you to boost that are buying yourself a natural light to wake you up in the morning to take more vitamin C to have a lot more greens in your diet, too. And these are all things that you would be doing. If you were menstruating. It's very very similar the foods that you would eat and this is all available in the free tracker. So just DM me if you want that if you are sitting there and you're just reassessing and you're like, Okay, I had, I had a incredible year I had a bumpy year or had whatever it was, it's like, how can you really send love to that version of you? And then take everything that was great into the new year. Anything that you're manifesting this year, because this year is all about activation, abundance, and community, whatever it is that you are manifesting to manifest what you desire, it is getting into the feeling of what it is that you want. Now. Now, I remember hearing this so many times, like all of those years ago, when I would have started out on my on my manifestation journey, I'd be like, what does that mean? And now, I really, really understand it. And it is, say, for instance, you want to call in more clients, and you want to make a bigger impact, which I know so many of you want to do, because that is my ideal dream client. And I know that you are listening to the podcast. So say, for instance, that you are looking to manifest more dreamy clients, which ultimately means more money, and more money. What does that mean to you? What how would that make you feel? If you manifested 10 clients this month into your new dreamy service? Whether that's group one, the one, whatever it is, imagine that you you've crossed that finish line? And there are 10 Incredible, dreamy clients waiting for you. And they've paid you what is the feeling underneath that excitement? Security? What is the feeling there? Because whatever the feeling is, the way to manifest quicker is to visualize that you already have the thing. So I'm inviting you to do that right? Now. Imagine what they're like, who are they? You know what you have to be specific now, guys, in this year of 2024, the specifics are so crucial. So if you don't know who your ideal dream client is, that's something you need to start and work on. So who are they?

Speaker 1  12:04  
What do they like? Where do they hang out? What is their purpose? And how you're going to feel working with them, activating them in whatever way that you are currently working with? What is your uniqueness that makes you stand out? And maybe that's something right now you're like, I don't want to tell people about this. Because it sounds weird. And there's a lot of my clients, that was me two years ago. Oh, I don't want to talk about that. I'm clairvoyant and have closure of words, because people are just gonna not take me seriously. And they're gonna think it's weird. But they don't. They think it's wonderful. They think it's wonderful. It makes me unique. And the way that you do what you do is unique. Because no one does it like you do. And the thing that you're probably hiding is the thing that people want to know about. And that's that's how you are going to stand out is by having the fundamental necessities in your business that you're doing week in week out, even when it feels monotonous, boring. And then there's going to be something else that you stand for. Maybe it's women's empowerment, maybe it's supporting women through domestic violence. Maybe it's talking about veganism, maybe it's talking about neuro divergence. Maybe it's talking about shamanism, whatever it is, it's going to make you unique. And that's the thing in 2024 is going to be the thing that is going to support you it is going to be the thing that activates you and makes you stand out for the rest. And no matter what it is that you stand for. It will not be the same for anybody else because the way that you talk about it is unique hope that was of service to you this episode, I wanted to about the soul awakened collective of women that are consciously living, activating, living in a cyclical way, in community, activating money, mindset, unlocking that which wound to help you to really stand in your power to share your voice to get visible to skyrocket your sales if this is some if this is what you are looking to activate in 2024 then the collective is going to be the place that you are going to want to start. We have a book club. We we meet on a monthly basis in person and virtually the link for the collective is in the show notes. I would absolutely door to see you inside. And to start activating yourself and female founders to live in a cyclical way to know that you are worthy to know that you are enough. And to know that your dream no matter how big is worthy that you have a sisterhood of cheerleaders that want to see you win, I look forward to seeing you inside of the free community. If you're not already inside of the free community, then why the hell not. The link for that is also in the show notes. I wish you all of the happiness for this new year. But know that if you are a witch, then your new year starts on Spring Equinox, I love you. Be kind to yourself, love all of the parts of who you are, because you are a queen, even the bits that you think are broken the shadow, you are a queen, and every part of you is lovable.

Speaker 1  16:09  
And you don't have to be good at everything. You don't have to be a genius at every single part of your business. And I think if you want to focus on one thing this year, it is really focusing and doubling down on what is your so don't, what is your zone of genius? Where can you delegate, because delegation is the key to expansion. If you want to scale and 2024 If you want to make a profit, then start to delegate the parts that you know that you're not great at. And you will start to see your business grow and thrive. And not only that, you will be part of the ripple effect, giving people jobs that are in their zone of genius. And if you currently do not have a mentor or investing in your growth, then that is the place where you would want to start investing in my business is a non negotiable. Going to see a therapist every single month. Having a business mentor, having a mentor that is strategic on the bits of my business. The details that I am not great at is a non negotiable. So start to think about in your reflection for 2023. What are the parts of your business that you know you're not great at and how can you start to delegate or to grow in that area? Speak soon

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