The podcast for soulful women in business

Why Your Inner Child is Quietly Sabotaging Your Success (and What to Do About it)

Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach

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Do you ever feel like an invisible barrier is holding you back from achieving your biggest goals and stepping into your next level of business success? You're not alone. Unhealed inner child wounds subtly and quietly sabotage our ability to put ourselves out there, be visible, and fully claim our worth and value in the world.

In this vulnerable episode, intuitive business mentor Laura Collins reveals her journey of freeing herself from past pain to elevate her entrepreneurial dreams. You’ll learn:

• Why your inner child’s fears block you from opportunities to connect with new clients
• How to transform criticism from being personalized attacks into constructive feedback
• Simple but powerful tools to nurture, validate, and empower your inner child
• The secret to effortlessly attracting abundance by keeping your heart wide open

This podcast will give you a breakthrough moment of awareness and equip you with strategies to heal the past, unmask your truth, and unlock the next level of success your soul is calling you toward. It’s time to break free from the invisible inner barriers, embrace your weirdness and wonderfulness, and boldly claim the prosperity you deserve!

I mention my free community The Business Lounge for Soulful Women in Business

I also mention my free LIVE training: The Three Pillars to Activate Powerhouse Credibility in Business

Which I recommend if you are ready to step up and look at new ways to take up even more space with your soulful service and look at ways to get more visible. 

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Speaker 1  : Laura Beddoe Collins 0:00  
Hello and welcome to this episode of the podcast for soulful women in business with me your host, Laura Beddoe Collins, your spiritual boujy bestie for business. So, this episode, we're going to be going in deep with why your inner child is sabotaging your next level of success. And hello, if you're watching on Instagram, hello, if you are watching in the business lounge, for soulful women, if you are in if you're not in the business lounge for sale for women, then the link for that will be in the show notes for the podcast. Let's get stuck into this, this episode that is, it is completely channeled, I have no script for the first part. And then I have got a script for the second part because I'm going to be giving you some practical tools, so that you can implement them when you are going to a networking event which by the way, if you are local to East Sussex, and you are looking for an event, which you want to find your people, you want to find those spiritual soul lead women that are powerhouses that are activating their heart activating their minds, then soul speaks the event yesterday was absolutely mind blowingly good. Honestly, I wish that I could bottle that feeling that I had and I still have it, I can still feel it in my heart. I honestly had an absolute blast, it felt effortless. And this is the thing ladies when you are running a business, from your values. And when you are running a business that is you like it is just you authentically you poured out into into reality, you feels easy. Yesterday, felt easy. The whole thing from start to get finish, every single woman that was in that room was a powerhouse. And not a single person in that room. I felt needed to compete compare. Because the thing is, is that when you are really in your power, and when you have done the work, you don't need to compete, you don't need to compare because us women, when we're in our divine feminine, we're supposed to nurture, we're supposed to love and have our heart space wide fricking open. And even when somebody gives you constructive criticism, you can still remain with your heart wide open, really invite women to step into a place where they are creating a business that feels easy. You have to detach from the outcome. And keep your heart wide open to know that yes, you are here to be of service. But it's not a personal attack at you if somebody isn't enjoying it. So yesterday, I did have some feedback about having too many speakers yesterday. And afterwards, the one of my clients who who came who gave me that feedback, because I have been doing so much work on myself recently. And because I have done so much inner work on myself and my inner child which what we're going to be talking about in a moment. It it didn't feel like an attack on me. It felt like somebody's given me their honest opinion and feedback. And I said thank you and it's something that I will take on board. And of course, if everybody started to, you know, have their opinion about the way that I run my business, then I'm going to use my discernment. But if it's genuine and I felt that way yesterday, I felt that there was a point where I felt that the room just needed to chat and network and and be in the room. And we hadn't had one of our speakers. So I definitely took that on board. So when you do this one A when you are in your, in your sovereignty, when your heart space is wide fricking open, then it becomes easy to not make it about you. And guess what, when your heart is wide fricking, open, love, and abundance are the same thing. The frequency of abundance, the frequency of love is always available to us. I'm just going to repeat that the frequency of love, and abundance is always available to us. And we are the ones that are blocking it. By listening to the news, by listening to people complain and joining in with complaining, the way that we've been conditioned to water ourselves down to keep ourselves small, all of these things are equating to black. And feeling like we're not good enough, like the world owes us a favor. And this usually will amount to something that is deep, deep rooted within you. And and it doesn't matter how much journaling you do. It doesn't matter how many affirmations you do unless you work with somebody on your unconscious block, which you probably won't know what it is. Because even though I had been doing this work for 10 years, when I faced a new block, because guess what, every single level of your success, you are going to have a new block. Oh, the joys, right? There's going to be a new glass ceiling that you need to smash through. And the thing is, is that, obviously because I I work with the unconscious mind, and I have been doing this work for so long, and I'm trained as a hypnotherapist, and I'm trying to work with trauma. Yes, there is a certain amount of this stuff I can do myself. And I do do this work on myself very regularly. But I still go and see a therapist once a month. And when I go see my therapist, guess what happens? things come up that I would never have been able to get to myself. And I walk away from those sessions thinking What the eff, right. But usually, for me, because of my story boils down to my inner toy a child doesn't feel seen, she feels very invisible. And it's down to me to make her feel loved. Rather than pushing that feeling away. I need to listen to her. I need to nurture her, I need to give her what she needs. For me to thrive as this adult version of myself at 38 years old. I need to do this in a work. And yes, journaling helps. Yes, affirmations help. But unless I get to the root cause, is it actually going to change anything? No. It's basically like putting a plaster on and keep picking off the scab, we need to heal the deep inner wounds five of the examples, I'm going to give you why your inner child is hindering your results. So say for instance, you wanted to step onto stages. So at the moment, where I'm focusing on supporting women to go to their next level. So

Speaker 2: Laura Beddoe Collins  9:09  
the the types of women that I'm calling in are women that already have success in their own right. And they already have, they've got that foundation of their business, and they want to start looking at other ways to get themselves out there. And that means Guess what? Your next level. So your next level, what does that look like in your business? It is getting visible, it is going to networking events. It is like this year, if you are already seeing success in your business, but social media isn't what it used to be and you don't want to pay 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of pounds on ads. Your best thing to do is get on your tour bus and get yourself out there into the world and network and to speak at events, and get yourself into corporates, perhaps by doing keynotes. corporates right now have so much budget, if you are a wellness entrepreneur, or you do something that is heart led, then you are they they have budgets for that right now. So getting yourself into a corporate talking about wellness, your your modality, they are going to be able to pay you for that. And then guess what, you can do a snippet an hour workshop, and then they're going to have your details, they might turn into a one to one, they might turn into something else who knows, but it's just getting yourself out there, outside of this box of social media. Social media is amazing. Don't get me wrong, it's free. We can use it every single day. But it has its limit, unless you want to spend 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of pounds on ads, which I know a lot of business owners don't know where to start. If you really want some support with that I can point you in the right direction. It's something that I'm definitely looking at in my business at the moment. And what is the other thing media, so getting yourself onto podcast? So the soul, the podcast for soulful women, we're always looking for incredible speakers. Well, I'm going to be doing a summit in the summer. And as some of you may already know, and I've spoken to you about it hasn't actually been released yet. So that's a little sneak peek behind the scenes and what is to come. And we're going to have an in person summit at the end of the year. So these are some of the ways that you can think outside the box. But your inner child might think, I don't want to do that. That sounds really effing scary. Oh, my goodness. What will people think? What will What if somebody judges me, and so a past client, it's usually only one or two people that you're thinking about when you don't want to expose yourself and start to think bigger. And for me, I've got a say, as you may or may not know, go back and listen to other podcast episodes. My story, I had a very abusive ex partner. And for a long time, I would water myself down to because I was afraid that he would hear what I was talking about. And I was a threat. And that's that's insane when I think about it now. Like I was hindering like he was still living in my head, even though he wasn't in my life. So how is your subconscious mind blocking you from your lips level of success? So that is the example I'm going to give you is. So for me in my I'm diagnosed ADHD, and I'm on the waiting list to be seen. People say why don't you go private? I haven't gone private because I don't know whether that hinders the results of, of, of the what will come out. So I'm not sure I met I think I might have traits of autism as well. So I really want a medical opinion, and will it change anything? Will I go into medication? No. But I know that my inner child all the way through school, felt invisible or felt naughty or felt bad. And then that made me mold myself into what I thought that they wanted me to be. So my whole childhood, I felt invisible. And of course that shows up in my life all of the time. I'm 38 years old. But it shows up in so many different ways. And I have to work with that inner child and let her know that now. It's safe for her to be seen. It is safe for her to use her authentic voice and have to work on that all of the time. This isn't just something that, you know, I do want to Oh, I go for a 90 minute Senate session with a hypnotherapist and then I'm fixed doesn't work like that. And for me to run my business in a successful way, and to reach the levels of success that I have. I have to be accountable. I have to work with people that are going to push me forward and cheer me on and they're going to say to me, do you know what that idea about your book or that idea about your summit or that idea about your mastermind? Wow fucking done. I can't wait to see you release it. Instead of Oh, you're sure. Oh, that sounds like a that that doesn't sound like it's going to work and that's obviously what you're coming up against. When you are telling your dream means to people that don't think big, right? And then your inner child is going to be like, Wow, this is not safe. So you need to be around people that are going to tell you, this is safe. And then you need to do that inner work. That is this episode wrapped up, I would love to invite you to the I've condensed all of the work that I have done over the last seven years into one master class, it is on the sixth of March, there are two times that you can come you can come at 1130 or 730, the same day. So I just wanted to be able to accommodate for my American tribe and my Canadian tribe to be able to come at that later time. So there's no excuses lady, if you are lapping up this conversation, I have condensed my my life's work, basically, into this masterclass for you to claim that your powerhouse credibility to know that it is safe for you to step onto any stage. And it is safe for you to step onto any circuit, walk into any room and pull up your seat and know that you are enough. Because ultimately it might be your inner child that is telling you we're not safe here but you are safe and it is safe for you to come out. It is safe for you to talk about your passion. And guess what, just like I have today, if you open that heart space to receive more, and stand in your authority to receive more, then that gives everyone around you not just your ideal clients, your family, your husband, your wife, the man down the shop. It gives everyone permission to stand in their truth. We need to unmask now 2024 Is the fucking year that we all are mask the more weird and wonderful in my world. You are welcome and it's time for you to take off that mask. It's time for you to be the real authentic you and how you're going to do that is with my support in this masterclass which is your powerhouse status with three core pillars which is which are anchor and ascend if you are listened to this on the podcast, the link is in the show notes

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