The podcast for soulful women in business

Why Your Inner Child is Quietly Sabotaging Your Success (and What to Do About it)

Laura Beddoe - Womens Empowerment Coach
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00:00 | 17:46

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Do you ever feel like an invisible barrier is holding you back from achieving your biggest goals and stepping into your next level of business success? You're not alone. Unhealed inner child wounds subtly and quietly sabotage our ability to put ourselves out there, be visible, and fully claim our worth and value in the world.

In this vulnerable episode, intuitive business mentor Laura Collins reveals her journey of freeing herself from past pain to elevate her entrepreneurial dreams. You’ll learn:

• Why your inner child’s fears block you from opportunities to connect with new clients
• How to transform criticism from being personalized attacks into constructive feedback
• Simple but powerful tools to nurture, validate, and empower your inner child
• The secret to effortlessly attracting abundance by keeping your heart wide open

This podcast will give you a breakthrough moment of awareness and equip you with strategies to heal the past, unmask your truth, and unlock the next level of success your soul is calling you toward. It’s time to break free from the invisible inner barriers, embrace your weirdness and wonderfulness, and boldly claim the prosperity you deserve!

I mention my free community The Business Lounge for Soulful Women in Business

I also mention my free LIVE training: The Three Pillars to Activate Powerhouse Credibility in Business

Which I recommend if you are ready to step up and look at new ways to take up even more space with your soulful service and look at ways to get more visible. 

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