Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
E2 - 5 Top Reasons for the Different Monitoring and Evaluation Jobs' Minimum Requirements
Godfrey Senkaba - discusses the top factors that inform the nature and type of minimum requirements for Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Jobs. These factors range from the organization, job, and profile of the position holder. If you are interested or preparing to sit for a monitoring and evaluation job interview, understand these factors to help you prepare for likely interview questions regarding job context, organizational interests, and job performance expectations. If you are already performing a monitoring and evaluation job, know these factors to level job performance expectations, develop informed professional development or career growth plans. The common minimum qualifications for M&E Jobs are; academic qualification; experience in M&E methodology; industry experience; funder/donor experience; and (relevant) soft skills.
Godfrey Senkaba, M&E Boost Podcast.