Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
E5 - Keeping up With Trends: Holta Trandafili's Evaluation Career Path Story
Godfrey Senkaba spoke with Holta Trandafili, World Vision’s Research, Learning, and Analytics Manager. The premise of their conversation was Holta recently celebrated 20 years of work as an evaluator.
We discussed everything! From her interests in evaluation; formative years as evaluator; biggest challenge and opportunity; progression through evaluation “ranks” to lessons learned. Additionally, we discussed the changing scope of, and trends in monitoring and evaluation, and how to adapt and grow your career.
[00:34] Hello, everyone! Introducing Holta Trandafili, an evaluator with over 20 years’ experience
[02:30] Background in International Development, interest and start of Evaluation career.
[06:57] Moving from one evaluation job to another, and what skills were needed.
[10:15] The Research vs Evaluation debate. My experience of both, if not in one!
[14:28] Top career moments including biggest opportunity, challenge, and regret.
[20:50] Lessons Learned: working as an evaluator, and in Albania and United States
[23:55] Strategies to keep up with evaluation trends.
[29:43] Influential monitoring and evaluation book, method or tool
[32:48] Thank you for listening!
Find Godfrey: https://www.mandeboost.com
Connect with Holta Trandafili via LinkedIn
Links mentioned: Home | Better Evaluation
Godfrey Senkaba, M&E Boost Podcast.