Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
E9 - From Art Museum Exhibitions to Leading Program Evaluations: Patricia M. Shaffer’s Inspiring Career Path Story
Godfrey Senkaba spoke with Dr. Patricia Moore Shaffer, the former President of Washington Evaluators, and currently, Deputy Director of Research and Analysis for the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, DC. Dr. Shaffer reveals what attracted her to join the evaluation profession and the transferrable skills from public arts. She outlines the steps, tricks, and opportunities that have shaped her career including the life-changing experience of serving as President of Washington Evaluators. Other topics discussed include:
Background to professional practice; child and youthhood choices and career decisions; working in the arts industry and parallels to evaluation practice; becoming a professional evaluator mid-career and what it takes to succeed; top 3 skills every evaluation professional should have; biggest challenge evaluators face and how to overcome them; top monitoring and evaluation tool and/or methods used; strategies for young, emerging, or experienced evaluators to grow their professional careers; mentorship and evaluation career growth; and the role professional evaluation associations play in an evaluator’s professional life?
Connect with Dr. Patricia Moore Shaffer
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patriciamooreshaffer/
National Endowment for the Arts: https://www.arts.gov/
Find Godfrey Senkaba: https://www.mandeboost.com;
Email: info@mandeboost.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/senkaba_g
Godfrey Senkaba, M&E Boost Podcast.