Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
Monitoring and Evaluation Boost
E16 - Hiring M&E Staff. Top 10 Tips for Managers - Part 2
Godfrey Senkaba discusses the last five of the top ten tips every manager should know to hire the best monitoring and evaluation, staff. Whether you are a monitoring and evaluation manager or a generalist project manager, we often must deal with organizational processes, systems, practices, and own individual choices in any hiring decisions. The following is the last set of tips to help you make a good M&E Staff hire.
Tip #6. A good oral interview by an M&E candidate may not translate into good M&E job performance. Be aware and address the excesses of this M&E job assessment method.
Tip #7. To offer a good and strong job start, the technical onboarding plan for the new M&E hire should be developed earlier than when they start work.
Tip #8. Do not focus all your M&E job assessment on the candidate’s knowledge of monitoring and evaluation alone. Rather, test the M&E candidate’s overall fit to the M&E role you advertised.
Tip #9. Never let your personal interests and fears override your objective assessment of the M&E job candidate’s capability and fit for the M&E role.
Tip #10. Aim for diversity on the M&E Team for better results. For example, beyond demographics-based diversity, aim for diversity in terms of background training and professional experience of the M&E Staff.
In addition, check out Episode 15 for Tips 1 to 5. These tips will help you to improve how you assess M&E job needs, justify M&E roles and responsibilities, M&E job recruitment process including M&E Job interviews, and how to help M&E Staff start their new jobs strong. Have you ever hired M&E Staff? What is your experience? What have you learned? I will be happy to hear from you. Use the comment box below or send me an email. Thank you for your feedback.
Connect with Godfrey Senkaba:
Website: https://www.mandeboost.com
Email: info@mandeboost.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/senkaba_g
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/godfrey-senkaba-32452428/
Godfrey Senkaba, M&E Boost Podcast.