Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow
Oral Stimulation and all the sexy sex-positive stuff! My goals with this podcast are twofold: to provide you an escape to enjoy your sexuality and to improve it with the help of experts. Hi! Welcome to my podcast! I'm an erotica author and NSFW audiobook narrator. My pen name is Ruan Willow. Listen and enjoy as I narrate sexy titillating yummy erotic stories. I talk about sex and relationships with experts and sexperts. Chats focus on things to improve your sex life, including advice, tips, and lots of hot spicy erotica, and erotic romance fiction. I'm sharing ideas to enhance your relationship and intimacy, your love life, and ideas for making romance bloom in your life. I also interview authors to celebrate them and introduce you to new authors in the erotica fiction genre. This podcast is about celebrating sexuality and all things sex-positive, I care about your sexual health, both solo and with a partner(s)! Are you ready? Get ready. Let's do it ...Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow...let's go!18+only. NFSW. Leave me a voicemail for the show at: https://www.speakpipe.com/ohfckyeahwithruanwillow Copyright 2021-2025 All Rights Reserved Pink Infinity Publishing LLC Ruan Willow Music Heatseeker JB Good NO AI TRAINING OF THIS PODCAST IS ALLOWED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM PINK INFINITY PUBLISHING LLC. This podcast show is not responsible for any violations of laws in states or countries where listeners of this podcast live where this content is prohibited.
Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow
Ria Bentley's Journey in the Adult Entertainment World: Exploring Identity, Kinks, and Sex Work
Ep 579: Ria Bentley's Journey in the Adult Entertainment World: Exploring Identity, Gender, Kinks, and Sex Work.
In this episode, Ruan Willow sits down with the talented Ria Bentley, a multi-award nominated trans performer. They discuss Ria's unique journey into the adult industry, Ria's experiences with OnlyFans, and the importance of safety and testing in such work. Ria shares personal insights, career trajectory, and the challenges of navigating relationships while being a performer. Tune in for a candid conversation about identity, creativity, and the evolving landscape of adult entertainment!
(01:38) How did you get into your current work? What was your trigger?
(09:02) I obviously was bottoming for these guys. Um and so I was like I need to start finding some girls to work with
(09:40) Are you attracted to both males and females or ...
(11:14) When you're getting ready for a shoot, do you use music?
(16:08) Admitting this, I still watch porn. Do they actually watch...
(23:20) Do you have a lot of people pirating your stuff?
(27:34) Do you think AI is going to affect the adult industry?
(31:11) Do you think books are going to become obsolete, like, physical books
(36:45) I moved from Texas to Las Vegas six months ago to transition
(39:19) Do you share with your family what you're doing, or is it kind of secret
(44:10) Speaking of safety, do you ever worry about HIV in sex work
(51:16) Do you like to do kinky videos or are you more staying away from kinky
(55:03) Ria was nominated for multiple awards this year
(01:00:05) How do you choose what you're gonna wear when you shoot a scene
(01:03:36) This has been so interesting. Is there anything we haven't talked about that you wanted to mention
🗣️ Quotes from Ria Bentley
"I never dreamt that I'd be doing this just a few years ago."
"The type of content I filmed, I never set out to film interracial stuff."
"I have to really think about it and watch or know the co performers sort of what they’re like on their scenes."
"I still watch porn for both pleasure and to keep up with trends in the industry."
"I do what I can and don't work with people that don't have the proper testing within this 14 days."
Created with assistance from headliner ai
Ruan's book Servicing the Work Men, Her Filthy Hotwife Adventures
Available in ebook, paperback https://books.ruanwillowauthor.com/servicingtheworkmenherfilthyhotwifeadventures
Discreet Cover paperback https://books.ruanwillowauthor.com/servicingtheworkmenthebeginning
Audiobook https://books.ruanwillowauthor.com/servicingtheworkmenherfilthyhotwifeadventuresaudiobook
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This transcript was created by headliner ai and was not edited by a human so it contains errors. Please email ruanwillow@gmail.com with questions.
Season 5, Episode 579:
>> Ruan Willow: Hello everyone. This is Ruan Willow and I'm super excited to talk to another interesting person. I love doing this podcast. I get to talk to so many interesting people, people that I would probably never meet in real life because, know obviously different parts of the world or country. So it's really exciting for me and I'm really excited to talk to this person, find out their experience, their views on life and what they do. So you can find my podcast in multiple places on YouTube. I'm Ruan Willow, podcaster, and that's going to be mostly interviews. I can't put any erotica fiction there because they get mad at me. And then you can find me on Pod Nation TV and Full SWAP radio, which is an Internet radio station, and of course all the podcast apps and substack. So there's lots of places you can catch me. And so welcome to my podcast.
This is Ruan Willow with the Oh Fck Yeah with Ruan Willow podcast
This is Ruan Willow with the. Oh, fuck yeah, with Ru and Willow podcast. And I'm super excited to introduce you all to Ria. Now, I forgot to confirm. Is that how I say it?
>> Ria: Yeah, it's Ria. Perfect.
>> Ruan Willow: Ria. Okay. And Aria is a multi, ah, award nominated trans performer. Your favorite versatile by Trans Girl. Did I get that right?
>> Rhea: Yeah, that sounds kind of like, sums it all up, I think.
>> Ruin Willow: That's right. I foundone on your ex, so that's what we probably like because, you know, ex were kind of forced to do that. We have to be a package right on, our profile. Anything you want to add to that?
>> Rhea: Now, that's still pretty consistent. I'm still working on accumulating some nominations and I'm bi and I'm versatile though.
>> Ruin Willow: Awesome.
How did you get into porn? What was your trigger
Well, you live in an interesting life. So I guess first of all the biggest question is how did you get to where you are? What was your trigger? Anything you want to say about your path, about what brought you to what you're doing?
>> Rhea: I know these stories are always so bizar. Like, I never dreamt that I'd be doing this just a few years ago. The story is a bit involved, but, it boils down to, a few years ago, like maybe 10 years ago, I can't say for sure. I, started hanging out with like, some friends that were more into the swinging lifestyle. you know, it was a guy and a girl and we would just start having fun and we would film stuff. Just not full videos, but just sort of clips of sex and a lot of pictures. And they, they asked me if I was on a few websites. And I had never Even heard of them. And the one that stuck with me was FetLife. And so they're like, ria, no, you should get on these or whatever. So, that's what I did. I set up an account on fatlife and just started posting some of these pictures, and little video clips. And that sort of planted the seed because I started seeing a lot of comments and likes from people. so it kind of like, oh, this is kind of neat, you know, getting the attention and this and that. And so I started having more. I was kind of a different person back then. I mean I was safe. But I sor of. We sort of would take each other's word. Like now I test every week and do sor of testing. I don't work with anyone unless they're tested within 14 days. But back then, this was when I was still living in Texas. I was having a lot of sex, a real good time. and I just started filming more and more stuff. And fatlife grew and I met somebody through FetLife, a gentleman who just kind of was m motivating me, feeding my ego and kind of pushing me into the direction onlyfans. He's like, r really start camming. What about Chatter bay? What about OnlyFans? And I just didn't really have the confidence and I didn't have m a lot of material, just these little clips. But I did. I signed up for OnlyFans and I started posting some stuff. I was working a vanilla 40 hour job as well, right. And after work I would come home and I got sort of. I have a bit of OCD as well and I'm very like obsessive and.
>> Ruin Willow: I can understand.
>> Rhea: And so I started posting stuff after work. And at the end of that first month when I saw much more of a payday than I thought then I was like, okay, this really has some potential. And sort. That's kind of how it started. And sort of on the second month and this was. This hasn't been two years yet. It, Next month. Yeah. So, all this sort of started happening and taking off kind of quick. But that's sort of how it started. And then once OnlyFans, started taking off, I was just constantly like researching what to do. I set up a Twitter X account and and I just started following people that I admired or wanted to work with. And eventually just started flying out to do collabs and that's how it started. Though kind of a story.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah. So you're kind of like kind of slowly meandered into it it sounds like.
>> Rhea: Yeah, Like yeah. I didn't just one day say oh Rhea, these are your goals. you're going toa get into porn and you're going to kick some ass and all this sort of stuff. It wasn't like that at all. But once I saw after I think the second month in that second month the payday sot of tripled. That's when I was like I'm m going to leave my job and just devote full time to this because it is a lot of work. But Yeah that's what happened and I just started flying. so I live in Vegas now but.
>> Rhea: I would come out here cause there's a lot of performers here and a lot of that work with trans performers. and so I just started coming out here at the advice to some other people I met and really just never looked back. And you. Things are a little. It's been an upward trajectory which is good.
>> Ruin Willow: So yeah, I mean that's pretty, that's pretty amazing. I mean within three months of you starting you obviously were to a point where you were making enough or you could be like okay, this is what I'm gonna do. And I've interviewed other people that are similar to that where they're like it just kind of happened and then they just kept going where they were having success and then it just kept growing for them.
>> Rhea: Yeah. so that that's sort of what it is. But it was when I started I never plan this like I said and the type of content I filmed. I never set out to film interracial stuff. it just luck would sort of have it. the guys that would reach out to me just typically were black men and I love them. I love all races. Right. But that's sort of what took off and to this day that's still My best selling content is the interation. and so I did initially focus on that anduse you know they say you have to figure out what your niche is and yeah.
>> Rhea: With that and m. That's sort of how what I did the first six months and It did really well. But I also like. So I'm versatile.
I obviously was bottoming for these guys. Um and so I was like I need to start finding some girls to work with
I obviously was bottoming for these guys. but I also really really like to fuck girls. whether it be T.R. thisis woman. and so I was like I need to start finding some girls to work some of the girls to work with and sort of transitioned into my next sort of niche. I kind of have like three, I guess a few things but my two big ones are the interracial me bottoming and me topping girls. So.
>> Ruin Willow: M m.
Are you attracted to both males and females or do you do one
Now, now this, I mean you don't have to answer anything I ask but I'm just curious. Are you attracted to both males and females or do you do one just because you like to create that content?
>> Rhea: That's a good question. But the truth of the matter is I am attracted to both. But I definitely lean to. My attraction towards females is much higher, it's much greater. And in my personal life, I would like. I'm purposely single because I'm very focused with all of this.
>> Rhea: I don't want to like get into a relationship at this juncture cause I just am focused, you know and those that can get a little weird sometimes. But I would date I don't really see myself dating men at the moment. I like to have with them, go out with them and fuck, you know, fuck with them.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: But I feel like I would have a better connection for a relationship quote unquote, with a woman, whether it's CIS female or trans. I like them both. And I've always gone out with CIS females. My life I've lived with girlfriends and stuff like that. So yeah, ah, I don't know. We'll see what happens. Like five years from now it might.
>> Ruin Willow: Be a. Oh, rightswer. You never know.
When you're getting ready for a shoot, do you use music
So would you consider yourself to be pansexual or what kind of term do you, do you identify as or have we already said it?
>> Rhea: Well I don't really put labels on myself per se. I mean I just kind of like queer or buyi I. I mean really it boils down to whatever I'm attracted to and feeling a connection with. for filming though I can film with anyone. I still haven't worked with a trans male but I kind of like to explore that. but ah, it just, I like it all to be honest with you.
>> Ruin Willow: M. I can understand. So when you're getting ready to go into a shoot, what if you're like not feeling it? How do you get your brain ready to be like hey, I'm gon toa do this? Do you have to do anything to like psych yourself up or be like to help yourself get into the mood to do that scene?
>> Rhea: Yeah, that's sometimes can be tricky.
>> Ruin Willow: I bet for Me?
>> Rhea: Yeah, I really have to, I try to plan things out as best I can and if I have the opportunity to meet the co performer in advance or at least do a phone call with them, that really helps. But I have to, I do I have to really get in a headspace of what I'm going to do. not so much when I'm bottoming. but if I'm topping. Yeah I have to really think about it and watch or know the co performers sort of what they're like on their scenes. of course when we meet we talk about ah, maybe some of the positions we're gonna do or what they're comfortable with or aren't comfortable with. But yeah have. I have to sort of psych myself up and I sort of look at it like going into like if you were going to be doing a sporting competition or something's, you train for it and I'm there to show up and fucking deliver. You know what I mean? M. Yeah, I have a shit performance. people aren'tnn want to watch my scenes anymore so I really.
>> Ruin Willow: Right.
>> Rhea: Do the best I can. M. Whether or not that always happens. I mean yeah, there's certainly some scenes that I'm not particularly happy with my performance. May I usually don't release those.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh sure.
>> Rhea: Sometimes I'll sit on them for several months and go back to them and then I look at them differently. I'm like that's actually not so bad. But yeah, I really have to prepare for these things. mentally I think it helps me with how the performance is just going to go.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, just. I just interviewed somebody a few days ago who is in a similar space as you and her big thing was music. to get herself ready she often listens to music and I'm sure everybody has their things that work for them and I thought that was interesting that she has like four different playlists that she listens to and it helps her get into that mind frame to get ready to do it.
>> Rhea: I like that. See, I mean I definitely listen to music when I'm getting ready and stuff. But And that kind of leads me back to when I was talking about like athletes at a competition. Have you noticed they always have their pods in.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: Gate or like I just always see that and so they're doing the same thing. That's interesting.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, yeah. And I think certain songs get us in the right mood. Right. They pump us up, they might make us feel good, feel a certain way so it makes perfect sense.
>> Rhea: It does. I do. actually sometimes I'll pop on some porn.
>> Rhea: Like not right before but like maybe a couple hours before or like if I have like I have a noon shoot just a few hours from now. and after this when I start getting ready, I might put on like 15 minutes of porn and just to kind of get the blood flowing and just.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: Get me in the mood. I suppose. I always music when I'm doing my makeup and.
>> Rhea: Yeah. So that's interesting.
>> Ruin Willow: ###E it is. I always find that interesting to.
Admitting this, I still watch porn. Do they actually watch it
I like people that film. Do they actually watch it? I mean do you still watch it in your private life? Like is it still something that you like or are you kind of like overloaded and like. No, I just need a break from that. Or do you actually still enjoy it?
>> Rhea: Yeah, well, I don't care. Admitting this, I still watch porn. Yeah. not every day or anything crazy but part of it is for my sexual sort of pleasure I get from it and I can toy myself or jerk off or whatever. I still like to do it. But another part of it for me is I'm kind of like trying to see what's going on especially in the world to to make sure I'm not like falling behind, you know'a? Person that emulates or copies people. But there are certainly a lot of people that I maybe aspire to where I really like their scenes or. Oh, that looks really kind of cool. And I might take little bits and pieces of some people's performances but I think it's important to have your own sort of shtick and don't. And copy others, you know, so.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah. But there's nothing bad about knowing what trends are right? Like what are the popular things, what are other people doing? I kind of akin it to like for me I like to write and I like to write erotica and erotic romance. I'm always reading and not that I'm going to copy someone, but it does make you a better writer if you're reading like it impacts you, it impacts what you're thinking. It helps your brain think a different way. Not that you're going to sit down and just plagiarize what they wrote, but it does impact you and I think it enriches you in what you're doing.
>> Rhea: I couldn't agree more with you. Ruin Back in, in my younger days I was a musician and played in bandsp music and I would always be listening to current music in the genres that I liked, for that same reason or old, old music really. I always had a 70s, style to the music I would write. So I was very obsessed with a lot of these bands of that time. so you would hear these things and learn a lot of these songs and yeah, it would little sort ofinal sublinal things come into my music. So people would say I don't want to say the name of the band all that because this was in my guy. Like I'm still a little weird about that. But yeah, like when people would review the CDS back in the day, they would certainly hear some influences but they would never say like a BLT rip off of this or this or this is cliche you and stuff like that. I always like because that means, okay, I'm doing something right. Because they can kind of hear the subtle little things of this band or this banan. You know, without it being.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah. Oh for sure. I think sub. Subliminal is hard to say is a good word for that because it's kind of like you're just like soaking it in and it, it's just like anything we experience, it can't not shape us or influence us in some way. You know, we aren't existing in a bubble. What's happening to us is influencing us. Especially in it's something we're doing ourselves. I think it's.
>> Rhea: Yeah, that's exactly right. But yeah, so I'll watch a little porn here, there. And usually I don't get on pornub or Ex Hamster and look for a particular performer. Normally it's like maybe studios or directors I follow on X. they're always posting new videos or teasers of whatever's coming out. And I'll watch those and I'll like oh, that's really kind of cool know. Or I like that or I don't like that. So. Yeah.
>> Ruin Willow: Have you ever been on there and then one of your videos comes up and then how do you feel about that? And you're like, oh, that's me. Or you're like oh my gosh, again.
>> Rhea: Oh, funny. and this. Could a lot of trans people get offended by the word sissy. and I do not at all. so basically, that's sort of another niche of mine where I do well as I do like these sissy motivational sort of videos. Most of them are custom videos from people that probably want to be trans or maybe they're just sort of cross streess or like sex in women's clothes and like the idea of being a submissive little fuck toy and stuff for random. And so I do these sort of videos of me, like instructional ones. How to make them like a perfect like sissy slut, that sort of thing.
>> Rhea: But so there's a lot of these compilations out. And yeah I'm starting to see a lot of my I don't know who makes him or whatever. Butah The first time I saw it I was like that's me or whatever. Yeah, it doesn't bother me but I kind of wish that they would at least give credit to the performer.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, yeah.
>> Rhea: Stu though so that sucks. But they're just little blurbs like anywhere from like 2 seconds to 5 seconds most of them.
>> Ruin Willow: So it's kind of like piracy. And we have the same thing in books and stuff but piracy, it's kind of like a sick advertisement for you. You know what I mean? Like they're taking your content without giving you credit but at the same time it's also putting you out there more maybe. But the thing is if they don't know your name, how would they find you? Right? Like if it's just a little clip they can't really find unless they can recognize you if they've seen you somewhere else. I guess.
>> Rhea: Yeah. No, that's exactly my thinking on it is if All these people are seeing little clips of me but nobody has tagged me and nobody knows my name. Well that's not going to help me. Followers or subscribers or what have you.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: sometimes I will like leave a comment under this video. Ah o. Yeah m. You know like that's revently yet ah 2 minutes and 20 seconds or whatever.
Do you have a lot of people pirating your stuff
I have done that.
>> Ruin Willow: That's a good idea.
>> Rhea: Caus. I also have noticed I have noticed other people put my name in there. Oh I recognize Rhea and Nixie and blah blah blah. So that's also kind of cool. But yeah, it's just the worst is when somebody puts a long video of me and no name, no tag anything. Cause it's like it doesn't. It does get a ton of. Ton of followers but they don't know who I am.
>> Ruin Willow: So that's so annoying. Why are people pirates? I don't really understand this because you're not good enough to make your own shit. You know, you got to go around Stealing everybody else's shit. I don't understand it. I just it bugs me. And I don't know why people feel like they have the right to do that either.
>> Rhea: You know, I think it's just ignorance. I feel like the people that are doing it certainly aren't performers. They're just like, That are super into porn. Andever turns them on, they're just gonna post it probably in their mind. They're like, oh, this scene is so hot. I'm just going to. But I could be wrong. That's my thinking on it. But yeah, they just don't get it if they're not a perform. I kind of understand. I don't know. Before I did this, I wouldn't really have thought of the importance of tagging people on little things. I don't know. I mean like now if somedy, if I'm not using tripods and somebody's filming me, I always say pick or video by tagm because they deserve, the exposure as well. So.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, and I've seen some people say that they do this for books because they can't afford to buy books. But then I'm thinking, but that's still stealing content. That's still stealing something somebody made. And I understand that, but I'm like, go to the library, you know, like just there are places you can read or liter roica is free, you can read, you know. So stealing people's actual books I think is just so slimy. And their content is just slimy because there are places that offer it for free. Go there and use that content instead of stealing from someone who's trying to sell it, you know, as make a living.
>> Rhea: Do you have a lot of people, pirating your stuff?
>> Ruin Willow: I am scared to look, but it's a huge problem. There are pirate sites out there. I am 100% convinced that I have some out there too. we just did. I just did an anthology, a charity anthology of erotica authors. There' 45 of us that contributed a story. And all the money that we raise is going to World Kitchen. World Hunger Kitchen. I forget what it's called now, but so like they give food to people for hurricane relief and you know, in the fires and stuff. And we just found out that that was pirate. I'm like, you're gonna pirate a book that we are fundraising for? What kind of slime bag does that shit? You know? So that's on the pirate sites now. Our anthology is on the pirate sites when we're trying to make money to help feed people who are in troubles. Like seriously, that's, it's awful that piracy is a really bad problem and there's a woman that I just feel so bad for her. Somebody took her book, fed it through an AI to create, to change it a little bit, to create a new book. They took her cover, altered it a little bit and then they published it on Amazon.
>> Rhea: Yeah, Yes's crazy, all this AI stuff. And yeah, easy, people can do that now. makes me sick.
>> Ruin Willow: I know. And then so like what is she supposed to do about it? Because they changed her story a little bit. It's like what, at what point is it considered plagiarized? How much content in the book has to be different before it's not plagiarized. And you know, it's like, so she's fighting this. I don't even know. I don't even know what Amazon does about this. I mean that's a problem.
Do you think AI is going to affect porn much? The industry
but you know, you think AI is going toa affect porn? I mean I know there's like a lot of, you know, creating AI images and that kind of thing. Do you think it's going to impact porn much? The industry.
>> Rhea: Honestly? I would suppose so, but I honestly, I don't really know much about AI, how it works, but it's kind of scary. I don't know what this. Five years from now things are going to just be, I think, drastically different. Like I don't really know how.
>> Rhea: And then like, you know, well, I was about to go on a politics thing, but I'm not going to. Yeah, this I don't know. I would imagine. Yeah, there's going to be some changes with porn and I don't really know. I've done one. this isn't really AI, but you know, they do virtual reality.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah.
>> Rhea: So I'm told that I haven't seen it nor do I even own the head set to watch it properly. Like I'm Told that people are now doing or they have some way of like how was it explained to me? Like the viewer can somehow upload maybe say a picture of their couch or their bed and it, it looks as if they're in their own bedroom and they're fucking this girl or guy or whatever. It's just like, I mean it's pretty cool but I don't know. See I'm kind of rambling in a different.
>> Ruin Willow: Well, it's really interesting. Yeah, because I feel like I've Also heard things like people are making their likeness and then people can like, interact with them as an AI Like Ved. I think I've seen one porn star do something like that. I mean, it sounds like so, like she's being, a virtual interaction. Like, that's just. That's interesting. As long as she has control over it. That's the thing that worries me. It's like if they're just taking any old picture of anybody and can upload it and then like fuck them without their permission, like, where is the consent with this? Using someone's image or likeness? you know what I mean? Like, that's a little bit scary.
>> Rhea: Yeah.
>> Ruin Willow: But if you don't know about it, would it bother you, like, if you don't know someone's doing that either? You know, I don't know. These are all these crazy questions.
>> Rhea: No, I guess just out of sight, out of mind. Bute.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, Well, I guess I have to say too, I would much rather watch. I mean, I'm not against like the cartoon little porn clips, but I really like people. I really like to see people fucking. I mean, that's just so for me. I don't think AI would ever completely replace it for me because I like to watch humans. I want humans to be doing this. You know what I mean? Like, it's a desire that I like.
>> Rhea: Yeah, no, I agree with that too. I want to see a couple or group. I actually like watching 3 Sims and Group St too. not all y, but yeah, I want to see the real deal. That's what I gravitate towards.
>> Ruin Willow: so I don't think that'll ever go away. Right. Like, so I think people are going to still want to watch people. No matter how big AI gets or takes over, I still would rather watch people.
>> Rhea: Yeah, absolutely.
Do you think books are going to become obsolete, like, physical books
kind of going back to the book thing, do you think books are going to become obsolete, like, physical books?
>> Ruin Willow: I, you know, that's been a thing that's talked about, but there's so many people that like to collect them and be collectors and collect different editions of different covers. And some people just really like to hold a book. So I don't think it will ever completely go away. I think it's a preference. Like, I don't mind reading on my phone, but there's a lot of people that don't want to read on a screen they want to read on. You know, they want to hold a book. So I don't think it'll ever completely go away. and it's a lot I've even seen some authors say I'm only going to do paperback because of all the piracy going on with ebooks.
>> Rhea: That's another good point. And it kind gets back to vinyl records. yeah. Disappeared in the 90s, I guess. And then cds got huge, or maybe the 2000s. And then, What do you think it was about 15 years ago, vinyl sort of made the comeback again. And people, they want to hold a record if it's a G, open it up and put it on the turntable and just enjoy it. That's the way I am now. I will say I don't have a turntable anymore or records. But yeah, and it's weird. Yeah. So maybe books will be the same. because I kind of get that. I like the idea of physically holding something and having it and maybe putting it on the shelf or whatever. It's just. It's cool, you know, it is.
>> Ruin Willow: and it'just popped in my head. I was on a podcast and I actually interviewed him for mine too. He's. He's a porn star that's now like retired and now he's a podcaster. And he was saying how back in the day when he would do stuff, it would be put on a cd, right. And then people would watch the DVD or the cd and so it was. The only way they could get it was to have the physical, you know, dis. Right. And so, you know, maybe that'll never go away because it's one way. Especially these people that are unfortunate to live in these states that are completely restricting it. They could still watch it by purchasing that. You know what I mean? Like.
>> Rhea: Yeah. so I wasn't really aware of this till recently, but they still put out foreign DVDs. It's a thing. And in fact the new. The AV all these nominations are out and they're DVD ones.
>> Ruin Willow: I ohn't that interesting. See, we can never. Trends are gonna change.
>> Rhea: Yeah. It's just. I just would never have thought DVDs would be a thing. Certainly not for porn. Like maybe like Blu Rays for the super movie buffs that really want the best quality because know like the 4k and all that sort of stuff up for porn. I would never associate a dvd and I m would be curious to know what. It's got to be an older age group that buys them, I meane hundred forty even buying a dvd.
>> Ruin Willow: That's true. And so like the guy that I interviewed, he is. I think he's. I don't know. I Don't know if he's in his 50s or 60s, but he's like, he still sells his content from when he was doing porn, but he also, he also has. And he says he also has his DVDs, but. And he said too, you made more money when you would sell a DVD versus you put it in digital content. He's like, some of these people are selling their entire channel for $3 a month. And he's like, I. It's like foreign to him because he made so much more money because he was selling. They had to buy the full physical desk, right? But then the thing is, and it'the same thing with books. Once it's created, it's out there. Like, you can have book banning and all that kind of shit, but once it's a physical book, it exists in this world and it might get burned, but it might be somewhere else. Like, you know, I've seen some people say, take the band books and hide them for like five, 10 years and then bring them back out and disseminate them. That's a really interesting idea. So it's like once something's physical in the world, it's there. So that's why I always tell authors to print out your books. Print out your books, have a copy, have several copies. Because once it exists, it's a thing in this world. And digital stuff can just be gone.
>> Rhea: That's totally true. I can't believe that people actually are banning books.
>> Ruin Willow: I mean, I know, isn't it who.
>> Rhea: The authority and who thinks that that's okay? It's so messed up.
>> Ruin Willow: I just, it just, it is so disturbing. It's like to the point where some of these states I'm finding out are doing this. I'm thinking, I don't want to go there. I don't want to live there. I want nothing to do with these kind of states.
>> Rhea: I was from Texas. Now, I did live in Austin, which was the cool city in liberal, but it's. Yeah, yeah, Texas is a joke, but sor.
>> Ruin Willow: I wouldn't move there for anything.
>> Rhea: Never been.
>> Ruin Willow: You said I've never been there and I wouldn't move to Texas for anything. Sorry, Texas people, but your state fucking scares the shit out of me. And I'm not going there.
>> Rhea: You're smart. So that's why I moved here.
I moved from Texas to Las Vegas six months ago to transition
Well, actually, yeah. So kind, of getting back. Ah. I moved here six months ago to Vegas, because I was spending way too much money coming here like every. Oh, yeah, you. And, I'm so glad I Did. And also, I'm new to transitioning. it was easy for me just to hit the ground running. And, I was in Austin my whole adult life, and I had way too many friends and acquaintances and didn'I. Was only open with my small group of closest friends and my family, and I couldn't do it there. It was just, too hard. So this has been, like, the best decision for me. And I'm so happy after moving here, like, from day one, you know, I can, dress the way I want and, you know, present the way I want to, without, any weirdness. So I haven't.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, it seems. Yet it seems so much safer. Yeah. Like, to me, it just seems like it would be such a safer place to live and, you know, be who you are and who you want to be and present as you want, you know, without any troubles. Because. I don't know. it's just. I never really realized. Maybe I was just ignorant that there's so many differences between the states. Like, I just.
>> Rhea: I don't know.
>> Ruin Willow: It just seems more evident right now. Maybe I'm paying attention more. I don't know.
>> Rhea: Texas makes everything difficult for, m. Man. Like, when I moved here, well, I did my legal name change here. I shit you not. It was done within 36 hours. It was almost so easy. That would never fly in Texas. They tried to make things as difficult as possible there because of our governor. Their governor. Excuse me.
>> Ruin Willow: Right.
>> Rhea: So, yeah, I don't understand some of these states exactly.
>> Ruin Willow: But anyway, I, know I want to go there. That's all I got to say.
>> Rhea: But, yeah, it's been a good thing for me move here because always, there's a lot of performers here, as I was. I think I mentioning earlier. But, also so many of them from all over come here just to shoot. And so it gives me much, much more opportunity to film with more and more people. So it's.
Do you share with your family what you're doing, or is it kind of secret
>> Ruin Willow: Do you share with your family what you're doing, or is it kind of a secret from them?
>> Rhea: That's a good question. So, yes and no. Okay. Actually, my brother knows everything. Actually, all of my friends and my brother know everything that I do. My mom, who is quite old and getting bad dementia, she doesn't know I am, in front of a camera. She thinks that I'm filming adult content and, helping other people. She doesn't need to know what I do.
>> Ruin Willow: No. Right.
>> Rhea: There's no point. but, so, yeah, I keep that from her. And she she doesn't really understand it. So I'm lucky that she doesn't ask the questions that much or whatever.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: Ah, but yeah, no, she's great. She's just ah, she doesn't need to know. And then my dad, we're not real close. We talk on the phone about every three months. and he, so when I moved here, and he also knows that, I'm trans. and he wanted to know why I was moving here. And I kind of told him the same story I told my mom, which is not a bold face. Like I told him that I'm working with adult content stuff, helping people with filming. It's not really true, although I do film people.
>> Ruin Willow: Right. It's sort of, I mean'it's in the ballpark of true.
>> Rhea: Right, it's in the ballpark. So, yeah. It's not like I told them, oh yeah, I'm a lawyer and you know, just m. Right.
>> Ruin Willow: I think it comes down to, and this is something I've learned as the older I've gotten, you don't have to tell everybody your full story. You can tell them what you're comfortable with saying and be okay with that. And you know, in the past I always would feel obligated or whatever to say things and we don't have to live that way.
>> Rhea: Yeah.
>> Ruin Willow: That.
>> Rhea: My closest friends, they like. I think that's a smart decision. They don'tn to see my stuff because it might be a little weird. But there are a couple of them that they're like, yeah, what's your performer name? I wa want toa look at some of your stuff or you want to. I mean, I'm fine with that if you want to. And'like oh, I think this is great. And so a couple of them do, and they actually really like it. It is what it is, right?
>> Ruin Willow: Well, yeah, if they're not going toa be your audience, they don't need to know. But if they're okay with being your audience and they like it and you're okay with it, then yeah, what's the harm? Makes sense.
>> Rhea: Interesting. Because they were like my guy friends when I was a guy. It's just. Yeah, it's weird. But they're supportive, so. And then my ex girlfriends, they know what I do. I'm still very close with my 2 or 3 like long term girlfriends that I had. And they don'tnna see it, but they know what I do and they're happy I'm proud of my accomplishments. how this has kind of been doing well for me and that's fine. Make your own decision. Frankly I don't really want them watching my porn. Yeah, I m watching it is also a little bit weird for me so.
>> Ruin Willow: M. Right, right. And I think that's fine. They're just not your audience, they're not who you're trying to reach your. But it's nice that they're proud of you and aren't like you know, you know, saying oh we don't want anything to do with you. You know what I mean? Like they're not.
>> Rhea: Yeah.
>> Ruin Willow: Disowning you I guess that's the word.
>> Rhea: Yeah, I know because they very well could have. Although deep down I knew that because when we broke up with any of these relationships it was a mutual thing. We've Been great friends obviously that's why I them so I knew that they would be supportive. I think they initial because they don't understand the business or really just the safety that was their biggest concern was safety contracting HIV or STD thing. And so I also appreciate their concern for that and I had to explain exactly how it works.
Speaking of safety, do you ever worry about HIV in sex work
speaking of this is an important topic is the whole safety and testing doing that work. And I don't think a lot of people realize because on you I'm constantly getting messages from people just anything from stupid stuff like hey babe, thatch fuck or M I want to collab how much for this, how much should that and I just delete all this. I don't even reply. But They only knew what a collab really is, you know, because they don't And the thought of having to get pictures of each other's ids signing model release consent forms, having a proper pass certified test that's within 14 days. which are not friggin cheap. so they just you know sometimes if I feel like well they might be serious, they might really want to film with me. I have this long sort of email with all of the details that I just past and they read it and usually they never get back to me because they're scared. but it's the thing. Yeah but the safety thing with testing. yeah, it's just so important, you.
>> Ruin Willow: Know and oh yes because youe because once you have it, you have it. You know what I mean? It's like you can't go backwards from it. You can, you can treat it and stuff but you once you have it you have it. So.
>> Rhea: Yeah, yah, yeah, no, that's exactly right. So I just do, do what I can and don't work with people that don't have the proper testing within this 14 days. And I test every, I just, it's a lot of money but I just buy a $400 monthly pass where I can test them. Okay. So I just do it every week. And you know, sometimes there are like false positives. Like you wake up the next morning when your results come in and it says oh you're positive for blah blah blah. Deep down it's super alarming but I kind of always know that I don't think this. It's only happened two or three times over the last year. So I'll go back that day, usually two days in a row to confirm it and it comes back fine. So that's good. Yeah.
>> Ruin Willow: Do you ever find that, you know, do you ever worry when you're getting with someone like does it ever impact you like in the back of your mind thinking okay this, this might be on, this might be I could get something or do you feel pretty safe because everyone's testing?
>> Rhea: I don't really think about that once I see their test results. maybe earlier on I did. I've just come to the conclusion, you know, this spils down to it is sex work and there's always a chance of getting something. the good news, all these things are treatable. and really everything except I suppose hiv can be treated with either a shot or some antibiotics. but what really sucks is if you have a lot of work lined up and like if you do get something, well then you're gonna have to cancel all thatuse you're gonna. It's few weeks for the treatment to take effect. But the HIV thing. Yeah, I still think about it like I'm on prep. my chances of getting something would be extremely low because I won't work with somebody that Positive. But if you do get hiv, that's always going to show up on your tests which means're not clear to work and then have m. No work. So.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, yeah, that's a problem.
>> Rhea: Problem. It's concerning. but you know I, this is sort of how I'm making my living. So I do have sex to work.
>> Ruin Willow: Right, right.
>> Rhea: But again I just do it with other people with the past certified test. I don't.
>> Rhea: You want to hear something interesting?
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: I haven't had sex in My personal life and I think it's been over a year now.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh, wow.
>> Rhea: Either on camera or very few. Probably count on one hand with performer friends of mine, that I know are tested anyway, but you know, maybe don't run the camera, but yeah, right. So.
>> Ruin Willow: Wow. Yeah, that's like a different way of life, right?
>> Rhea: Yeah, it kind of sucks. But I'm just at the moment, as I kind of mentioned, I'm just really focused and determined and so it's like I just like to have a lot of content. I put out a new scene every week, sometimes more. And so I just stay busy and film as much as I can.
>> Ruin Willow: And it's nothing wrong with having a stockpile of content. Like I mentioned to that gentleman that I interviewed, you know, he still makes money on stuff he's made years ago. So like once it exists, you can keep making money on it. So yeah, you want to backlog as much as you can, especially in the beginning, right?
>> Rhea: Yeah, that's true. And I was fortunate. Well, I suppose just lucky. last, the August before last, it was my very first trip here to Las Vegas to do some collabs and I was fortunate enough to walk away with an amazing like three way scene. M this day it's still my best sellling video. And coincidentally just this week, it was like nominated on many vids for video of the year. I mean because it just does well, you know. And so, yeah, older content certainly has its place. You know, people still buy it for sure.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah, yeah. And I kind of think that since there's so many kinks out there that there's a lot of porn is just going to be evergreen, you know what I mean? Like people, there's always going toa be somebody into aboutot everything, anything you do.
Do you like to do kinky videos or are you more staying away from kinky
Which reminds me, we haven't talked about kinky stuff. Do you like to do kinky videos or are you more staying away from kinky stuff? other than what you've mentioned, a.
>> Rhea: Lot of it, but I like it. like I've done a couple p videos like where people are peeing on me and I'm fine in my mouth even swallowing it. something about it taught to me. I haven't released any of it yet because I haven't quite figured it out because those pie scenes, they're quick, right. They're never going to be o.
>> Ruin Willow: Right, right.
>> Rhea: I'm so putting out a 20 plus minute video because I feel like I owe that to my fans to give them a proper but m I want to start doing more like pissed stuff. so I might have to like put out like maybe a compilation when I have enough.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.
>> Rhea: But yeah, the sort of stuff like that, I like that. like I don't do BDSM stuff. I definitely do a lot of more, dominant stuff topping girls, you know, because a lot of the people I work with just are so submissive and they want me to chok them and smack them and spit on their face and all, crazy stuff. And a lot of times they're dicks are in cages and m down to them and I like doing that. But I couldn't reverse the role and take on that super submissive thing. It's just, just not me and not you. I don't like being, I like being spanked to a degree, but, I don't like a lot of pain inflicted on me and I don't like a spit on my face. I like them to pass and I like to be cold, like kind of nasty slud and this and that something m is hot, but m. And then other than that, I do a lot of. I never would have thought my feet would be a commodity.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah, really?
>> Rhea: So crazy. my foot content does really well. so I'll do stuff where I suck my toes or come on my feet or have people suck my feet or fuck my feet. yeah, another sor of area, that does well for me. if that fits into that of ah, kink sort of thing, I think.
>> Ruin Willow: That'S definitely a kink of fetish. I'm imp pressed that you can get your toes to your mouth because I can't do that. Yeah, that's not happening for me.
>> Rhea: But, I sometimes have to do a little stretching. In fact, I need to start stretching more. I keep saying, okay, rhea, you gotta stretch twice. Like at the end of the night when I'm done, I, I sort of have a couple hours of streaming something on tv, have a cocktail or whatever and doing it. I try to make myself stretchs. I forget because I do. It's kind of important to be sort of limber industry.
>> Ruin Willow: It is. I can imagine.
>> Rhea: Yeah. So, But yeah, I'll do a little bit of the foot sucking and or it's more like toe licking insteadu so I just kind of it out and do it.
>> Ruin Willow: But yeah, see there you just did it. I can't do that.
>> Rhea: I have a in my sock, but.
>> Ruin Willow: Always get holes in socks. What is that?
Rhea was nominated for multiple awards this year
they're just like, it's morning yeah, so we haven't talked much about, your multi award nominated stuff. We talk about that a little bit. We didn't even touch on that yet.
>> Rhea: Yeah. so last year, one of my good friends text me and she's like, oh my God, Rhea. I knew it. And congratulations, you were nominated for a Fleshbot. I can't remember what the title was, but that was my nomination and I was just like, really? Because it was.
>> Ruin Willow: That's cool.
>> Rhea: Fresh. It was like, like, I don't know, a, month after that August collab or something crazy. So I got that and then I got a couple AVN's last year. Like Nice Nation. One of those was Best Threesome or more Some. And one would. Or maybe they're like called Favorites. And then favorite, trans content creator. A tea Noam for, content creator. And then just so right now the new ones, I get like an official AVN Insider one which is sort of the biggest one for me because it's not like a fan nomination and that. Oh yeah, that's Trans Newcomer.
>> Ruin Willow: Nice.
>> Rhea: I know'so. Excited.
>> Ruin Willow: For sure.
>> Rhea: And then also I got a fan one for this year for favorite Trans porn star. And I just got a tea. they're still announcing them. maybe there'll be more.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, that would be nice. Huh?
>> Rhea: Is it, Ms. Unique, I think, is what they'reing.
>> Ruin Willow: O. It's nice to get that. I mean, it's, you know, it's just, it's just kind of validation and it just, I don't know, it's just a fun thing to get nominated. Right? Like, even if you don't win, it's just. It feels good to be nominated for something like that. Right?
>> Rhea: It's the validation. It's. Oh my God, I love it.
>> Ruin Willow: Hm.
>> Rhea: you know, whether or not, I suppose. Yeah. Nominations help anybody too. Yeah, more people. Your name starts getting out more and more. I also got an ex hamster, Trans Creator of the Year, Nice in it. But, it was kind of cool because I think there were only four others up for it because a lot of these. No, there's like a dozen, two dozen people in that group. But, I m. Have to tell you, there are so many wonderful performers though in all of these, categories that I got nominations. So I'd be thrilled with anyone that wins because I know most of them anyway. Most of them I've friends with, know or have worked with. So I'm just, just be. I'm Grateful to have the nomination.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, yeah, yeah. it's fun. It's fun to see people, you know, get nominated too, I'm sure.
>> Rhea: Yeah, I'm excited to go to the avn. Yeah, that's next week.
>> Ruin Willow: where's it at?
>> Rhea: So it's here in Las Vegas at the O Hotel. And it is the. It's an expo for a few days and then the award show.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah.
>> Rhea: So yeah, my plan is I'm going to do some signings on the 22nd at a booth at the exp Expo. So I don't know when this will air. I'm sure it will be after but, but yeah, I'll do that and I'll just go up there and do some networking and go to some of the evening parties and then the awards show is. I GUESS it's the 25th, whatever that Saturday is. Okayates. so yeah, do the red carpet and then go to the awards show and hopefully I'll have a better experience. Last year I didn't have a good experience ca becausee I was all bo my loansome didn't know us so.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah, yeah.
>> Rhea: Kind of felt really kind of out of place. But this year I already am going with a close friend of mine who's also trans. So we'll kind of be each other's wing woman. So that'help me feel a little more. I'll just be in a better spirits.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, Yeah. I need just to know more people. So it's just. Yeah, makes sense. Be a different experience than previous.
How do you choose what you're gonna wear when you shoot a scene
So I have another question. I just, I don't know why I just thought of this M. My brain works weird. Well, how do you choose what you're gonna wear? Like when you're gonna do something? You know, do you have criteria or do you just like go with hey, I like this, I'm go going toa do this.
>> Rhea: Are you, Are you talking about like a scene or.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, sorry, yeah, like when you're gonna do a scene or when you're gonna shoot or do video or whatever.
>> Rhea: So yeah, like I have a lot of just lnerie super trashy stuff. I don't wear it as much as I used to. I like to. But frankly I don't have much of a woman's body. I don't have tits yet and I don't have bottom surgery. The Brazilian butt lift.
>> Rhea: That's sort of also my draw to a certain group of people. They like this sort of body versus yeah. but So I like I don't know, I'm just trying to think here. I do shoot a lot of stuff. lately I've been more into street clothesi sexy stuff that you might wear out to a club and ah, you know just some little panties and a bra and underneath because it's gonna come off anyway. But
>> Rhea: Yesterday I shot a scene with a lovely trans friend I've finally got to meet and shoot with and we kind of planned out an angel devil thing. So I had some wings on and it was like a trashy angel thing and she devil thing and so I think that worked really well. Oh yeah, generally. Yeah. We'll converse about what we want to do. I will say like I try to introduce my scenes with a little, just a quick little one or two minute dialogue that's I'm not an actor but just some ad lib sort of chit chat to set up a little scenario. But yeah if we'll either say a slight costume or let's just start off in lingerie. some of the little studios I work for generally will tell you do you have anything in this color or this color?
>> Rhea: I'll do that. I knew like When you do a lot of stuff with like Grooy they'll tell you what they would like for you to wear or some sort of not costume but sexy secretary or okay yout clothes or.
>> Ruin Willow: Just whatever Ye so sometimes you get to pick, sometimes there's guidance.
>> Rhea: Got it. Remever I do my solo masturbation stuff. I usually start off and I'm usually just in like panties and a bra or maybe a fish netitty type, you know, mini skirt or mini dress. you know just something slty.
>> Ruin Willow: Sure. Slutty and fun and sexy and hot. Yeah, all that good stuff.
This has been so interesting. Is there anything we haven't talked about that you wanted to mention
This has been so interesting. Is there anything we haven't talked about that you wanted to mention or talk about before we finish our chat?
>> Rhea: I know we covered quite a lot and then we did got to chitchat about other sort of stuff too like books and and records. yeah, not really. I'm just really thrilled that you had me on here. And yeah, I'm just trying to get my name out more to people and I appreciate you letting me use your podcast as a platform. That's very kind of.
>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah, ablutely. And we'll tell everybody where they can find you when we're Perfect timing.
>> Rhea: so rehantley.comcomm and it's B E N T L E Y. Well R I A and then yeah, I think a lot of people think my name is are H E a or something like that. Yeah, but it's Ria A but yeah. R.com will we'do the trick or you could find me on TwitterX at the Rea Bentley.
>> Ruin Willow: Very cool. And then I'll put your links down the podcast show notes too, so then hopefully people can find you. But it helps to put it to say it too because if, there's certain places I can't put a link, then it's still there. So. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. This has been really fun. It went really fast and I enjoyed our chat. It was very interesting and fun.
>> Rhea: Likewise. It was such a pleasure meeting you and I hope we get the opportunity to speak again.
>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, definitely. Well, you have an amazing day.
>> Rhea: You too. Ruin. Take care.
>> Ruin Willow: Okay, you too. Bye.
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