The Dream World

EP71: The Ether of Dreams & Perception

Amina Feat. Krys Ra El Season 3 Episode 1

Krys Ra El Is a Spiritual Specialist & Cosmic Guide.  As a Guide of Ether Physics, Krys serves humanity through bridging the seen and unseen realms. Offering clarity on misunderstood yet fascinating topics like,Gravity, The Ether, Teleportation, Time etc.

We cover topics such as noeticism, lucid dreaming, astral projection, and the role of dreams in connecting physical and astral realms. The discussions encompass spiritual growth, dream interpretation, and the impact of one's mindset on reality, emphasizing personal evolution through dream work and spiritual practice.

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Amina: [00:00:00] I'm really excited to chat with you today,Krys, about dreams and spirituality and how that combines with our waking life and all this interesting topic. So I will let you introduce yourself and you know, then I'll tell you a little bit about me as well, but I'm really excited to hear your story about how you got into spirituality and all the awesome things you talk about.

Krys: Awesome. Well, Amina for having me. This is going to be a lot of fun. I am Krys a spiritual specialist, a noeticist, and an ether physician. So I got into this work because as a kid I had a lot of supernatural and paranormal experiences. And being raised Christian there wasn't a lot of room for anything outside of the box.

So I needed to find answers about why the things that were happening to me were happening. And so you know, one thing led to the next. I had a lot of interesting encounters with, I'm gonna say, interdimensional beings in college in post college. And then one day I'm driviPerception is everything audio only

Amina: [00:00:00] I'm really excited to chat with you today,, about dreams and spirituality and how that combines with our waking life and all this interesting topic. So I will let you introduce yourself and you know, then I'll tell you a little bit about me as well, but I'm really excited to hear your story about how you got into spirituality and all the awesome things you talk about.

Krys: Awesome. Well, Amina for having me. This is going to be a lot of fun. I am Chris, a spiritual specialist, a noeticist, and an ether physician. So I got into this work because as a kid I had a lot of supernatural and paranormal experiences. And being raised Christian there wasn't a lot of room for anything outside of the box.

So I needed to find answers about why the things that were happening to me were happening. And so you know, one thing led to the next. I had a lot of interesting encounters with, I'm gonna say, interdimensional beings in college in post college. And then one day I'm driving to work way back when, whenever I used to be a teacher.

And I [00:01:00] remember just starting to research, like, what is God? Who is God? And that led to one thing led to another. And then after that, I kind of leaned back onto my. meditation experiences I had in college that was introduced to me by a college professor. Things got really deep from there. I started to have star contact, getting insights and downloads, and then boom, one day I wake up and I'm here on this podcast.

So that's the short version. 

Amina: Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. Wow. That's that's a lot to unpack there. It seems like a really interesting journey you had So question just so for the listeners and I guess for myself to to really understand. What is noeticism? What does that mean? 

Krys: Yeah. So no, what is is basically you can think of it as being able to access the ether or the Akashic records that will and downloading information that you don't find externally.

You just, you just know you're a noeticist. So I have a noetic mind where I can do that. I can tap in and get [00:02:00] information that's needed at least clues to it. And I just know it when I need to know it from my own internal guidance system. And this is what I teach in our upcoming cosmic Academy.

Do the work I do with cosmic frequency. So 

Amina: cool. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. I can relate to that a lot. I mean, through my spiritual journey, I started to just sometimes get downloads and just kind of feel like I just knew certain things and certain underlying truths about just reality in the universe.

And then later on, I would either confirm it through realizing that other people started to think this way as well. And I'm like, okay, so maybe I didn't just make that up or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. And then through some interesting spiritual experiences and dreams have been like a big part of that for me Just like i've always been a lucid dreamer so i've always been kind of existentially thinking in that way about just like what is beyond like what is life?

You know since I was a kid But then as I started to have like out of body experiences and similar to you interesting contact experiences and like some unexplainable things I just started to open up about kind of [00:03:00] the realities of what else could be out there and how little we truly know about, you know, the universe as humans.

So yeah, that's really, really interesting. What has your like experience with dreams been like throughout this whole journey? 

Krys: So it was actually dreams that were the common denominator through all these experiences, whether it was from. Seeing my dreams played out in front of me as a kid, astral projecting through mirrors, you know, sleeping and astral projecting literally through mirrors to this day.

It's, I don't like to sleep in front of mirrors, although I'm getting over that, but it was because of these dreams I would have where I would literally travel through mirrors or beings would come through them. So dreams play a pivotal role overall in spiritual transcendence or the realization of oneself.

For me, it's been a recent realization that dreams are not over there and I'm here. It's all one thing. Like right now in this waking life, this is a dream. This is another byproduct of what happens whenever we [00:04:00] go to sleep. And so I've realized that the only thing, the only thing that really changes about dreams is our state of consciousness and the mental agreements and ideas that we hold whenever we're in dream world and the ones we let go of whenever we are in reality.

In the waking life, but it's all one dream. 

Amina: Oh yeah, totally. I realized that as well. It's all just transitioning to, you know, different parts of our conscious existence and when I'm lucid in a dream, like last night I had like two lucid dreams and that when I'm lucid, I just really realized that. The truth of what you're saying, because I'm fully there and I'm present in this experience, just like I am right now, fully conscious.

So I'm like, this is just as real because I'm experiencing it. And it's real to me right now. I'm feeling everything. So that's so fascinating to me. And what do you, you mentioned natural projection too. What do you think is the difference? Because I get this question a lot, like actual projection, lucid dreams, OBEs, like, what's the difference?

Where do the lines blur in your opinion? 

Krys: [00:05:00] So the lines blur in the in the understanding of what you're dealing with. And what I think is missing from these dream contexts and the conversations is the fundamental understanding of reality. So reality is a super high, very high vibrating principle or liquid like fluid that we call the ether.

And that's the medium that literally is all things. And it's inter it's interwoven into all fabrics of reality. And so when you have a dream, astral projection, out of body experience, lucid dream meditation, you're still operating through this medium. And so the, the connecting point here is it's the same medium, but the difference is one state of vibration or one's thoughts and ideas, right?

So right now our brainwaves are. vibrating at a certain frequency, probably around beta, right? Cause we're having a conversation. We're very alert. We're moving. We're talking when you sit and you're [00:06:00] calm and you're in meditation, you move into alpha, theta, gamma. These can be considered different dimensions or different realms, but it's not like dreams or in the astral is something that that's, that's up there or over there.

It's really a state of mind. So if you think about it, when, when you, when you go to sleep at night, what's happening, your body is very relaxed. And you are entering into a different frequency bandwidth. So the things that connect you to this physical world, and the world's not even physical, it's just that we put most of our attention here, so it seems physical.

But the ideas that connect you to this physical world fall away. So your inhibitions are looser, and you can do more things, because now you have access to different frequencies and vibrations. in a dream. An OBE is just a higher level of a dream. Lucid dreaming is just a higher, is just a lower level of an OBE, but they're all one [00:07:00] thing.

It's like, pick your favorite, you know, skittle, red, green, orange, blue. It's the same. I haven't eaten Skittles in years. That's, that's funny. But the analogy hits. Yeah, 

Amina: that's funny. Yeah, it does. I, you know, I kind of see it the same way. Like there's levels and you can go deeper. Like some dreams are very surface level, subconscious processing things.

And then you have these dreams where we go deeper into the astral and travel to other places. And we're really, really there. So I definitely think there's levels to it. And I, you know, I tell people not to stress over labeling it either, you know, because what matters is the experience you've got to 

Krys: write.

Right. Yeah. What matters is the experience. And let's, let's talk a little bit about why some people can remember their dreams and others can't. So this is a big thing. A lot of people I've heard people say, well, it's because their DNA is not activated or it's because, you know, they have too much stress in their physical life.

None of those are inherently true. What happens is whenever you're dreaming again, your, your, your thoughts and your feelings are at a different [00:08:00] frequency at a different rate of vibration and oscillation. So you're able to tune into information that you may not have access to when you're here. When you come back to your body, cause we astral project every single night.

That's what happens. We're not the body where the consciousness that animates the physical form. So all of us astral project, the difference is some remember and some don't. So when you come back, AKA whenever you retune yourself to this specific frequency, cause you're never really leaving, you're just changing, the station of your focus point.

What happens is there's something called frequency dissonance. So let's say the physical realm is vibrating at like 40 hertz, but if your dreams are taking place at like 90 and then you come back to 40, either your baseline has to have access and be able to interpret 90 hertz or it doesn't. And so that's why people [00:09:00] forget because the frequency dissonance.

And that that's really that simple. So when you raise your frequency, You're going to remember your dreams much more. 

Amina: Yeah, that makes so much sense. So what are some ways that people can raise their frequency to start remembering more dreams in general? 

Krys: So something that I like to teach people when I talk about dreams or out of body experiences is it's not so much about like leaving your body.

Cause that's a misnomer that thought right there. The second your brain hears I'm like, I'm going to try to have an out of body experience. What are you doing? You're creating an association between you and your body. So your mind thinks, well, I am this body. Now I have to do something to leave it. So you have to change your framework of mind from leaving the body to just simply shifting and focusing on the experience that you want to have.

And just that alone, you start to, the body is irrelevant. It's not even a thing anymore. You're now [00:10:00] associating your consciousness with the experience that you want to have. That's so important. So your, your state of mind, let go of the idea that if you have to leave your body, you're not your body. The body is the projection of you.

So focus on what you want to experience. Two, meditate. Meditation is so important for people who want to raise their frequency. And raising your frequency is not just about feeling good. Raising your frequency, in this sense, is about changing the pulse rhythm or the rate of vibration. Meaning the speed or the velocity.

So something you can do that's really simple is observe reality with a different perspective. So when you're watching someone walking down the street, you Imagine them walking really, really slow. This changes your rate of vibration because as you're telling your brain, they're walking really, really slow.

That means your frequency is raising and going really, really [00:11:00] fast, right? It's all relative. So these little things like this, observing how you perceive, enhance your perception, let go of outdated thoughts and ideas. And as you fall asleep, just literally be in the place where you are. You want to fly, you're flying, start flying as you're falling asleep in your mind, use your imagination.

It's the most powerful weapon we have is our power of thought. 

Amina: Yes. That's beautifully said. Completely agree. I think a lot of that is just like you said, mind frame limiting beliefs, which is a lot about what I teach people with lucid dreaming too. And I love what you said about like, our body's not really going anywhere.

The way I see it is more like. The universe is just more available to us and we can perceive more. So I think that is a really good way to look at it 

Krys: Yes. Yes, that's it. That's literally you could summarize everything into that sentence. We're just able to perceive more That's it. And so yeah, it's like you have this [00:12:00] scale just this is really simple example, but 1 through 12 and Most people can only perceive level 1 but 2 through 12 is still there It's not like you're gaining more.

You're just lifting up your own consciousness again, to be able to interpret more of reality. And this is why it's really important to strengthen your brain too, like your physical brain because it's the, it's the antenna. 

Amina: Yeah, that's true. That's why I've been trying to get into meditation more and just practice certain things with like self control and discipline and like these things to strengthen my brain.

It's hard, but I've been working on that. Even though I'm already like a vivid dreamer, I know that I can take it to another level. 

Krys: Right. Oh my God. I love it. I love that you just said that. Yeah. Because. Something I'm teaching in my upcoming academy is like mental discipline. People buy, they skip over that, but it's, it's so important to be able to navigate your thoughts consciously.

And it makes dreaming that much easier [00:13:00] because now if you can do it in the waking life, when you're dreaming. your brain is still able to interpret what's happening. And so now you're going to be able to make those decisions and just simply be more aware whenever you're having those higher dimensional experiences.

So you're on. 

Amina: Yes, I love it. And so that kind of leads us to the next thing I wanted to ask you about, which is that connection between dreams and waking life. Like, do they influence each other? I mean, I know they do, but in what ways and how can we kind of consciously direct that? Like, does the dream influence the waking or does the waking influence the dream?

Krys: Now we can continue that thought process with, well, what is the astral and what is the physical, right? So now those two thought processes how does the waking influence the above and above influence the below? It's again, kind of what can first the chicken or the egg? I say they, it happened simultaneously.

They, there was no other way because one cannot be without the [00:14:00] other. So one defines the other, the chicken defines the egg, the egg. Defines the chicken pot defines cold. Astro defines physical, physical defines astro. You know, what's so funny. The reason I figured this out was because in my waking life, I would just, you know, pretend I'm playing basketball and like shoot hoops and do things like this.

And just, you know, you have a piece of paper, you want to throw it away. You like do the Kobe shot and all that. So I'm doing this here and night or two goes by and then I'm playing basketball. Like I haven't played basketball, like actual basketball in like years. But I'm having these dreams of me playing basketball, like really intense pickup games and like jumping on like 24 hoops and dunking and I'm like, who is influencing who here?

But it's all one thing. So as I'm playing around here, I'm setting the neurological pathways in the frequency pulse rhythms [00:15:00] to have an extended experience of playing basketball when I dream, vice versa. As I am playing basketball in the, in the higher ethers. I now get the impulse here to just pretend I'm dribbling and things like this.

So they influence each other and they're direct mirrors of each other. The difference is the physical realm is an agreed upon environment between souls that are conscious and aware for the most part. So is the, the astral. But again, like you said, we have more access to it. So they go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.

There's a direct crossover. If you want to change your life, right? Something you know, you want to, I don't know, change your body. You don't like how, I don't know, you want to lose weight or something. Just dream about yourself, you know, being the woman or man who doesn't have that weight process. Your subconscious will pick up on those signals.

And [00:16:00] transfer them to your conscious and you figure out ways in the waking life to take the physical steps to make that happen 

Amina: Yeah, you can really use your dreams to make changes in your life, which might sound crazy to some people, but it's really true I mean, I do it all the time and it's just this beautiful like Flowing connection between the two states.

And so the more like aware you are of that, the more you can direct where it goes. So that's really cool. Another thing too, going off what you said, so like our physical reality, you know, there's these laws that we all agreed upon. So, you know, there's like a delay and certain limits of things we can and can't do, and in the dream, you know, especially when you're lucid, there's.

No laws, you can pretty much do anything you want and have all this fun and, you know, dunk a basketball, whatever. You're, you know, you, you're not restricted by your physical limitations, so to speak. So that's really interesting. And then it kind of makes me think of like, what do you think about like, The illusory nature of time, because, you know, we are here stuck in this linear timeline but in the dream, sometimes [00:17:00] you, like you said, you can see the future, you can see the past you can make things happen, but where does time play into this?

Like, does it really matter? 

Krys: It doesn't, it doesn't. So if we just take the example of when you're, when you're dreaming, you can be in Paris, then you can be in. Morocco, then you can be in the States in like one second. So why, and how is that, how's that possible that you can be teleporting here and here and here, and then climbing a rock cliff and then, you know, diving in the sea all within like, and you wake up and it's been like five minutes.

So how does this all happen? What is the nature of time? Well time is the awareness of being so When you're aware Of being you start to create time So in the waking life what we've done with time is we extrapolated it to mean something external than our thoughts But it's not so in the waking life We [00:18:00] confined ourselves to the cell phone that says, you know Whatever time it does and the clock that says this and gotta have this appointment So we've created A we've encapsulated Something that really isn't encapsulated and we're living this fictitious experience in the dream state time is in its true nature It's simply the reflection of where your focus is and where your thoughts are So that's why in the dream state and astral projections and obe's you think of wanting to go somewhere You're there immediately and there's there's no time because there really is no time And that is a really pivotal thing to start to comprehend And And if you just, anyone who's watching this, just ask yourself, in my dream state, I can do whatever in like two, three minutes.

So how can I translate that into my waking life? There's no difference there. Your dream is trying to tell you, let go of the ideas that you are a limited being. There is no time. It's all about your thoughts and your perceptions and [00:19:00] ideas. 

Amina: Yes, that's true. And I think that's a difficult one for a lot of people because they're like, Oh, I've been trying to do this in my dreams, or I've been working on this or whatever.

And oh, it's just not working. You know, people want like instant results. And then like, they go into their waking life and you know, they don't see results. And so they're like, Oh, well, maybe this is just, you know, not working or whatever. So 

Krys: well, that that is so right there. That has nothing to do with time.

Again dreams. Play a pivotal role in like reality. So it's like, if you can understand dream world, you're going to understand the ether and they go hand in hand. I study this stuff. So this is, this is what I do much like you. I studied the nature of reality. That's what ether physics is about. But whenever people say, well, it's not happening fast enough, dreams are not a one for one.

It's not a direct, exact thing. So for example maybe you, you've had a dream where you're trying to, to run away from someone and cause you don't want them to hurt you. And it's really intense and scary. How does that, [00:20:00] how does the experience like that translate into the waking life? Maybe in the waking life, it's not that someone's chasing you.

Maybe it's that you're having repetitive thoughts about being afraid of something, you know, maybe you're afraid of bees or whatever. And so sometimes you have to learn how to interpret dreams through a non linear sense and think in terms of concepts. See, people want to be very literal and very analytical, like, okay, I'm going to learn how to do, you know, teleportation, which listen, that's, that's a real thing.

I'm going to practice in my dream space. That's great. You come back into the physical, you enter into this lag where now you're in the super frequencies that everyone around you doesn't think it's possible to teleport. So you are directly impacted by the field that you're in. And so sometimes that causes the lag.

That causes the lag because The general population isn't on that level. So you have to go even [00:21:00] higher and expand your consciousness and raise your frequency even more to overcome the three dimensional lag. It's not so much that it's not going to happen. It's, you got to dig a little deeper and understand how reality actually is.

Amina: Yes, okay, that makes a lot of sense. And you actually answered some things that I've been thinking about myself. You know, I, I totally am growing spiritually and understanding all these truths and things. But I'm realizing that, yeah, we were co creating this reality. So I've been like thinking of this idea of like, yeah, I can manifest anything I want and create my own reality and all this and all that, which is true.

But yeah, there's other factors to it in the physical, you know, there's other people interacting and co creating it. So, you know, it's. Something to take into account. 

Krys: Yeah, we can take it into account. Not that it's not possible to overcome it. And that's all that like a highly advanced being does is it raises above its immediate circumstances and environment and starts to operate with higher principles.

So this is something that we can do. It's not that like [00:22:00] we're held back. It's more of, yeah, just be aware. There's a term called the hysteresis of the ether. Meaning there is a lag principle. Hysteresis means a lag. So there is a lag principle in reality for a couple of reasons. One, so that we can have the experience of our thoughts, so we can watch our own energy play out.

And two, you've got to be surrounded by people who are able to hold that frequency with you. I'm sure you've noticed like how quickly things actually do start to materialize and manifest in your life since you. I've developed more, right? You've come online more. You start to be aware of like, Oh, I was just thinking about that.

And that person just said it. Oh, I was just thinking about that. And like, there it is. This is because it's a dream. So once you raise your frequency, you literally start to see your dreams play out in front of you and your dreams are just your mind. It's your state of awareness. What you think is real and not real is our relative.

Amina: Yeah, that's true. I have noticed that it kind of [00:23:00] reinforces this loop between the two states and the more that I, you know, follow my passions and what I know I'm supposed to be doing. And, you know, this dream work which is just like a huge part of my journey. I connect with more people that are doing it, and that just motivates me even more because then I don't feel alone.

And then it, you know, it just snowballs from there. So yeah. 

Krys: So in short, it's, they, they both influence each other and time is really the X factor between the two because. It operates differently based on where your consciousness is at that moment. 

Amina: Yes, I think, like you said earlier, dreams are one gateway of expanding our consciousness and evolving as humans.

And there are other ways to do that and they're all related, you know, like we said earlier, meditation. All these different things that are known to just expand your consciousness, but everybody dreams. So I always say that it's a good place to start. Even if you don't remember your dreams, you're still doing things when you're [00:24:00] sleeping, your mind is still very active.

So that's why I think, you know, dreams are just my thing that I love teaching and encouraging people about. But there's so much within spirituality. 

Krys: Yeah, there's, there's so much to explore. And, and honestly, dreams become that that's your niche and you're, you're really good at it. And that becomes something that you awaken to.

You start to again, realize that your life is a dream in that you can access information from dream state. Like you really can, because again, you're not directly influenced by the collective conscious. And so as, as you're dreaming, like I figured out what a noeticist was noetically. I figured it out through, through my dream.

So you're going to love this. I was sleeping of course, what my body was. And sometimes I get these words or these phrases. And I'll get the intuition. I need to wake up and write them down. So I don't forget. So years and years ago, I started to write down. I started to wake up in my dream, physically to write down information and go back and I get more than [00:25:00] write it down.

So there's one time I get the word noetic. I'm like, what is noetic? It's so funny because I can hear my thoughts. So crystal clear, like hear myself saying, what is noetics? I don't know what it is. Okay. Well, so there's this conversation because we really are a soul is really just. A group of ideas and it's really a thought.

It's really just a thought. It's not a thing. It's it's a conglomeration of frequency of harmonics So, you know i'm thinking this, you know, what is noetics and I write it down And then the next day I wake up and I look up the definition of noetics and then noetics definition, okay Relating to mental activity or the intellect the noetic quality of a mystical experience refers to the sense of You revelation.

Amina: Like, yep. 

Krys: Come 

Amina: on. 

Krys: Right. So I, I never heard that word before. Heard it in dream state, which what is dream [00:26:00] state? Depending on where you're at consciously before you fall asleep. It's a higher field of energy that you have access to. There's information there. If you can translate that information, you can bring it back to the waking life and apply it.

Noetics! That's how I figured it out. So cool to me. 

Amina: That is awesome. I said noeticism earlier. I don't know if that's the right use The word is that 

Krys: noeticism. 

Amina: Okay, good. 

Krys: Okay. 

Amina: Yeah. No, that's interesting. That is so cool. I love how we really can get information from our dreams. And this happens so much. I hear it all the time.

People were like, Oh, I didn't even know this. And I thought in my dream, and I looked it up, and it was spot on, you know, so that just shows, you know, which is not something that science can easily prove or replicate. And because it's just like a different type of knowledge. And I've always noticed too, that sometimes when it comes to this, Trippy dream knowledge.

It just kind of what's the right word evades like it just kind of slips away sometimes Because I I don't know if people are fully ready to grasp it or [00:27:00] if like the academic world is fully ready to understand it But it's coming. I think 

Krys: yeah. Yeah, you're you're spot on and and honestly whether they're ready or not Doesn't matter as much because you are teaching and others like you and and that's what's important the mainstream Is on its own evolutionary path or lack thereof.


Amina: yeah, 

Krys: But it's true to a degree anyways yeah, you can you can get information from dream state as a matter of fact The templars the true templars not the corrupted people templars that everyone thinks are the templars But originally there was only about 11 to 12 templars and they would have these, secret meetings And their whole goal was to teach that God was within, that the source was within.

That was their whole teaching. And their story got, you know, corrupted and everything, like anything else pure on this planet for the most part gets taken and turned into something that makes no sense. But their original intention was to teach people the truth and the wisdom [00:28:00] of, really, you could say the cosmos.

And they would have a priestess Create this elixir that would put their body in this kind of comatose state the Templar Knights would travel They would be commissioned to go on a trip, an astral journey to figure out information that they needed to bring back. Like it was a part of their job description was to go there and bring back information to apply to life, to share with the people.

And so the priestess would give them Selixir. They would go in and they'd be lucid, conscious, and they would travel sometimes for days. She was the only one. And the whole entire vicinity who had the antidote to bring them back, you know, to, to wake up the physical body. And if she didn't do it right, she got, you know, cause you could kill them.

So she got kicked out or she got killed because she, or execute, I guess it's a correct word. But they started to bring back really powerful information. And this is a lot of the reason why and [00:29:00] how they got their ideas about physics and about building architectures and structures. It didn't come from this world.

All the good stuff exists in dream world, at least to me, in the higher realms, in the cosmos. 

Amina: Yeah, I agree with that. Wow, that's fascinating. I was going to say that sounds like a dream job, but maybe it's too much pressure. That's cool, though. 

Krys: No, but that's the thing is, there's no limit to this. Like, it's just another part of your being.

Dreaming is, you are that being. Again, I don't know. Not separating the two and really starting to realize that our consciousness expands beyond This physical waking experience. I wish more people knew how to consciously sleep most people i'm tired and then that's it But that's a huge portion of your being that if you had access to that and knew what was going on how to Use that energy and in in this realm then use this realm for that realm talk about gods 

Amina: Yeah, some people just don't care about their dreams.

Honestly, I always preach like everybody [00:30:00] should lucid dream at least once because that one lucid dream, if it's you can at least be looking around like, oh, I'm in a dream right now. That aha moment of like, I'm really standing in another dimension right now, experiencing this like I experienced my waking life.

That alone, one lucid dream can change people's whole perspective on life. 

Krys: Yeah. So. Yeah, well, why do you think people don't want to have that experience? 

Amina: Well, I think some people, for one, aren't ready or aren't aware. They aren't aware of the possibilities. Some people are also scared, because with dream work comes a lot of, like, shadow work and sometimes nightmares and unpleasant, like, not all dreams are peachy fun unicorns, you know?

That's true. So some people just, they don't want to dream. Some people intentionally do things like, you know, smoking weed, which suppresses your dreams for the purpose of not dreaming. Yeah. It's like different reasons. I think some people just don't care. They're like, I just want to go to sleep and rest.

And they think that if they dream a lot, they, they don't feel as rested, which everybody's different, but it's a [00:31:00] journey. And I think like with any, you know, Training or practice, you know, it takes time to get better at it and it takes persistence and attention at which a lot of people just don't have the energy for 

Krys: yeah, yeah, that's that's so interesting that you know that you say people intentionally suppress because they don't want to look at the scary thing and I think that's a really important thing to share with people is In, in dream space, the funny thing is, because it happens in your waking life too.

So people think that, oh, well, if I don't deal with it in my dream, they don't need to deal with it here. But you do. So, your thoughts and the core concepts that you hold about yourself and reality, always start to mirror back to you, whether you're dreaming or not. So the difference is, with dreams, it's much more vivid and much more real.

In the waking life, it's not as direct. It's, it's more subtle where it's like, Oh man, why does my car keep breaking down? Or man, why does this kind of relationship keep failing? It's like, you are trying to tell yourself something, right? So people [00:32:00] who might be afraid to dive into their dreams, know that you can't die in your dreams.

You can't like, you're going to be okay. The best thing that you can do is to face those things because the sooner you face your inner self. In your inner turbulence, the more harmonized your life will be. So I would say dreams would be a great catalyst for something like that. You become really, really powerful when you allow yourself to face yourself.

Amina: Yeah, yeah, that's facts right there. Do you keep a dream journal or like write them down? 

Krys: In my phone, in my notes, I do have a dream folder. Where I write down my dreams. And this is, I didn't do this because someone was like, Oh, you should have a dream job. I did it because it was a natural progression of my state of operation where I would have these dreams.

And like I said, I would need to write them down or these keywords. And there's still some that I haven't figured out yet, or maybe I haven't seen how they translated. Cause you know, like I said, it's not a one for one. But I do, yeah, I do definitely keep, keep [00:33:00] tabs on my dreams. Not every night, but cause I think it gets to a point where you just realize that like, you are the dream and you, and it's like a crossover.

So it just becomes part of your unfolding, you know? 

Amina: Yes, definitely. Definitely. I was just curious. And you know, I always tell people like find what works for you, you know, you don't have to obsess over writing down every detail, you know, you can just write down the ones that are meaningful to you or whatever.

It's really about building your own practice. 

Krys: Right, exactly. And what do you think about this is something I think people would like to hear is, body. So we say we have this physical body, but yet when we're dreaming from your perspective, I know I have mine, but do you think we have a different body?

And if so, how and why? 

Amina: Interesting. Good question. You know, I do think we are more than just our physical bodies, but we're not necessarily completely disconnected from our body when we're dreaming. Have had these experiences where I have this dream body, you know, and I'm looking at my [00:34:00] dream body.

Sometimes it's a different character Sometimes it's myself Sometimes I literally roll out of my physical body and I can like see my dream Astral hands or whatever and then there's like this concept, you know of like this Seven bodies that we have are these different levels of bodies that we have. So I kind of go off of that theory and just based on my personal experiences, I think they're all connected.

It's kind of like this you know, like those Russian dolls that open up and there's like dolls inside of dolls. It's like, we have a body and then we have a spiritual self. So I don't know if that makes sense, but it still feels like my body, like when I'm in a lucid dream, I'm looking at my hands and things like that, but Sometimes it looks different.

Sometimes I don't feel pain. Sometimes I do it just like depends on the dream And sometimes i'm conscious of my physical body either I can see myself sleeping or I know exactly what I had for dinner last night And some dreams i'm not aware of my physical body at all. I'm just so immersed in the dream Yeah, even while lucid so yeah Yeah, 

Krys: and I think [00:35:00] that's a good thing for people to realize is that whether you're dreaming or not, your body is a reflection of your state of mind, your state of consciousness.

So when you're dreaming, you can change your body. Like. We got into these avatars cause we, we picked them. We generated the thoughts and the ideas and the concepts that brought forth this avatar. So in dream world, it's the same way. At least through ether physics and cosmic frequency, our thought process is that we don't have any number of bodies.

It really just depends on what you think about yourself. So you can generate any kind of body at any kind of time. That's why you can self heal. Because your body is not a consistent thing. It's only consistent because you keep thinking about it in the same way. But if you have an element or something, and you start to focus energy in that place on your physical body, physical body, you will heal yourself because the body changes it's static and dynamic energy, it's the wave in the particle based on your ability to focus.

So yeah, I think it's really cool to have [00:36:00] different avatars to navigate the dream space. 

Amina: Yeah, definitely. It's fun Sometimes it's intentional like I'll shape shift and then sometimes I was like look in the mirror in a dream Which is always fun for me actually and I'll just be like somebody else and I'm like, who is that?

But I still feel like me like inside. It's my consciousness 

Krys: exactly and that's it. Yeah, sorry I got so excited, but that's it. It's like your consciousness is the Is the X factor. It's the consistent theme. That's what doesn't change. What changes is how we perceive ourselves, right? But you're still always there.

Amina: Yeah. The concept of the body is so weird. Like the more I think about it, I don't really know what it means. Cause even if I think about myself now, you know, I don't know if you ever heard people say like, what part of your body is you, like, if I were to cut off my legs, I would still be me. If I would cut off my arms, I would still be me.

If I was just a head, I would still be me. 

Krys: Right. I don't 

Amina: know. Where are you in your body? 

Krys: Right. You're everywhere. And then it's like, well, where does your body end? Right? Like if you have the consciousness of a tree, are you not [00:37:00] like you're then you realize that's so deep. I'm so glad that you said that because that's going to be in that just shows you right there.

The body is just the vessel for that for you, which is a soul, which is a consciousness. And that kind of goes into prophecy. I wanted to talk about this because a lot of my dreams are, what is it? Precogn, not precognition, premonitions. And so let's talk about, cause you asked about time earlier. How do premonitions play into dreams and how can we predict the future?

Amina: Yeah. And what do we do with that information? 

Krys: And what do you do with it? Right. So I'll tell you this experience. I was sleeping in my old house a couple of years ago and I woke up at 4 AM. Didn't know why, but I got the intuition to just. sit outside and I go out, I'm just sitting under the tree.

It's like a full moon and literally the most random thing happened. And we live in like the country. It's not like, there's not a lot of traffic. It's like these dirt dirt roads. And this guy comes swerving [00:38:00] off the road into our yard, hits the mailbox and jumps out and is like, Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm like, just imagine this.

I'm sitting there like in the shadows of the moon night. And I just stand up. I'm like, are you good? He's like, Oh my God, who are you? Like, how'd you get here? And I'm like, don't worry about it. Okay. He was fine. Ended up being okay. But if you take that, that's kind of how dreams are. This was a physical thing that happened, but I got the premonition to be out there at 4am because who, who knows something worse could have happened if, you know, I wasn't there, but I was able to kind of hold space with this guy.

But from his perspective, Someone just appeared out of the darkness. Like, what's up, man? How you doing? Like, so how do I know that was going to happen? Well, because time is not a linear thing. Again, time is the, if actually time isn't even a part of this equation right now, it's more about how much information you have access to.

So you can start to predict the future based on pattern based on etheric [00:39:00] rhythms. So let's say for example, a pattern, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, right? If you go far enough with that pattern, blue, green, you can predict from the first six colors all the way to the next thousand because it's a pattern.

So someone who can see the first six, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, and then someone comes in and says, well, I think in the year 1942, we're going to have green. How'd you know that they're reading the pattern? It's that their pattern. So when you start to know how to. read energy understand etheric pulse rhythms, you can predict the future because you're seeing into the, you're seeing into the future, which is just a different frequency of pattern.

So yeah, that, that to me is what a prophecy is. 

Amina: Oh, that makes sense. So what if like, sometimes it feels like like a dream premonition is just something so random and out of the blue. And I don't feel [00:40:00] like I, at least I can't notice a pattern there, but it'll be just a random moment in the day, not something that I meant to predict or like a big event or anything like that.

So what do you think about that? I usually take it as like a moment of alignment, but I never know, like, what do I do with this information? 

Krys: So time is kind of eluded. The past and the future are just all different states of vibration. They're not places, they're not things. So sometimes you get information from what you would consider the past or the future and you are just that that pinpoint of focus where it kind of just like is realized.

And so you could actually be picking up information from another aspect of yourself that you're interpreting here and it doesn't seem like it's relevant for you here. But it's relevant for you there, right? So then you get into, okay, well, let me see if I can connect with my part of myself that is having that experience.

You know, you'd sit in meditation and just kind of tune in and say, okay, what's up? How's this relevant? And you might see a whole scene play out [00:41:00] from Amina in, you know, whatever realm. And then that one thing happened, you're like, oh, okay. So she needed to experience that there. So that's just one way it's, it's not always about here.

Sometimes I think reality shows us that we're part of something much bigger and we can't think so much about, well, what's happening here in the now. Sometimes it really is about expanding the mind into how's, how's this affecting the greater experience? Dreams can help people in so many ways because they can expand the consciousness.

They can help you make sense of your waking life. You can gain superpowers. There's like really no limit. You just are becoming more of your, True nature at that point. 

Amina: How often are you like lucid in your dreams? 

Krys: I feel like almost every night at least really good for for like a portion of it I have kiddos running around so like I don't always get the best sleep But I would say 90 percent of the time I'm remembering some portion of the dream But knowing while I'm in the dream that I'm dreaming and something that [00:42:00] just popped into my head is like fear So whenever people have fear and dreams and stuff like that If you have a fear in your waking life, you can use your dreams to overcome it So this is a silly thing, but there was this movie we watched one time and it had a bear in it and the bear was literally terrifying.

And like, it scared me. I don't really, not that it scared me, but it just was more twisted than I, than I'm used to. I don't really like seeing like demented and like yucky things like that. And so I started having nightmares about bears chasing me. I was like every night it was like, Oh my God. And so it never really actually hurt me, but it like instilled this fear from this.

I'm not going to say the movie because I don't want to recommend it to anyone, but in the dream, I decided that one night I said, you know what? I know how this works. I just don't need to be afraid. And I know that if I show up in my dream, like fearless, it's going to stop. I literally called the bear in, going to sleep.

I said, okay, I'm ready to face you. Like, let's do this. Like, let's get it on bear. Lo and behold, went to [00:43:00] sleep with that intention. And I saw the bears chasing me through the house, through the woods, and da da da da. I'm like, I just remember this moment in my dream, I'm like, oh yeah, oh yeah! I got loose and I said, okay, you know what?

Stop! I turned around and just yelled at the bear to stop. And it just, it literally physically got smaller, and it just kind of like tiptoed away. And I was like, okay, good. Have not had a dream about bears since. So 

Amina: that's great. 

Krys: Direct correlation. 

Amina: Yes, perfect example. That is one of my favorite uses for like dream work.

It's like conquering your fears. And even if it's something, you know, from waking life or something traumatic, you know, you can use your lucid dreams for that. And this is actually Scientifically proven that lucid dream therapy is good for like nightmares and fears and things like that. It's kind of like exposure therapy.

And it's less scary because you're like, okay, I know I'm in a dream so I can fully submerge myself in whatever I'm scared of. And you know, your brain is still registering that, you know, therapy of [00:44:00] being in the environment and being okay. And being safe. It's like this safe mode, you know? Yeah. And then when you wake up, it has real impact on your psyche.

And you know, you slowly start to feel better about it. And like 90 percent of people that I talked to say, when I confronted the nightmare image, it, it went away. I didn't have the nightmare again. 

Krys: That's it. Because it, the thing that creates the fear is the feeling of powerlessness, right? And so when you, when you confront something, you are showing that you have power.

And so if you have power, then it can't have power over you. So it like cancels each other out, but it nullifies, right? That's, that's so important to, to face yourself and to be fearless in that way. And that goes into the idea of where are our thoughts? Like, so if I asked you, Amina, like you said, you know, if I cut my leg off, would I still be me?

Yes. So where are your thoughts? When you're dreaming where your thoughts taking place or when you're awake 

Amina: when I'm awake I feel like it's [00:45:00] kind of centered around like my head But when I'm dreaming sometimes it's the dream itself Like sometimes I'm thinking as like the greater entity of the dream and sometimes I'm just observing and I'm not even in the dreams Mostly, I'm in the dream And then in the dream it's kind of like this mixture between I'm me right here in my body And i'm in the dream and sometimes I can see other parts of the dream kind of like astrally just like You know observing the dream from these greater perspectives So I think that's a really cool thing about dreams is that our our point of view is broader.

Krys: Yes, exactly exactly and You kind of just said it but yeah, your thoughts are held They're not held in the body per se at least not one localized body, you know, they say we're not our thoughts But I think it's different I think we are our thoughts because the thoughts are the experience are the frequency that we then experience.

And, you know, so if we're in this physical world right now, we're having thoughts, but where are those thoughts streaming from, you can't find a thought in the brain, just like you [00:46:00] won't, you won't find my voice in my throat. So thoughts, they are part of the dream all the time. We're always connected to the ether.

We're always connected to the astral. Because that's where thoughts emanate from 

Amina: interesting. Yeah, it reminds me of this metaphor that I heard once that was like It's kind of like trying to look for the the broadcaster guy inside the radio like he's not in there, but his voice is there But the other thing too that it wanted made me want to ask you is what do you think about like intrusive thoughts?

Like if we are our thoughts or if we're not our thoughts and we have these thoughts, you know Which a lot some people struggle with more than others That you don't want to identify with like I didn't think that that's horrible. Why would I think that like? Where do those come from? And what do we do about that?

Krys: So that comes from just being part of the field, right? so if I can use this example if I have a bowl of cold water and I put one finger in In this part of the bowl another finger in this part of the [00:47:00] bowl. Is the water still gonna be cold? 

Amina: Yeah, 

Krys: right so no matter if it's this finger this finger or one here or here I'm still picking up on the core signature or the feeling or the experience of the bowl of water being cold.

So thoughts work the same way. You are in that bowl or in that field and you're just one of those fingers. But you're going to pick up on the core signature in the other people's thoughts and experiences. We call this a telepathic field. And so everyone's trying to figure out like, Oh, we need to practice telepathy.

We are always all telepathic. Those thoughts that you're getting our telepathic thoughts. You just, you just haven't associated it with telepathy because science fiction doesn't show it to you like that. So that's what happens is we're just picking up on other people's thoughts and feelings. And this is why it's very important for you to meditate and get very familiar with your own energetic signature, your, your specific core frequency.

Because once you have [00:48:00] that, then if you get an intrusive thought. You will know, okay, this is not my thoughts. What do you do with it? It's no different. If someone shows up to you and they're being a jerk, what are you gonna do? You're gonna say, leave me alone, peace, and just throw you something else. 

Amina: I'm not entertaining that, 

Krys: I'm not choosing to entertain the idea or that concept.

It doesn't fit my perception of how I want to view reality. Right? So that's what we do is we just don't wanna, we don't associate, that's the word. We do not associate with things that we don't want to experience. Association means agreement. Agreement means experience. 

Amina: Love that. Yeah, that's great advice, honestly.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. 

Krys: So sometimes our dreams show up as, as memories from what we call past life experiences or, or I don't even like to say past life, but simultaneous parts of ourselves. So sometimes like for me, a lot of it is very cosmic. I will see different starships and I'll have different experiences on, on starships.

And, you [00:49:00] know, on one level it could be, well, was that, is that something that's going to happen to me? Or is this just a memory that I'm having from something that actually has already happened? So learning how to translate our dreams and fitting it into this centralized, this centralized part of ourselves is really, really important.

Not everything is a linear past future. Sometimes it's just that you're picking up on different signals. From the greater self from the larger cosmic self of your own being. 

Amina: Yes I love that you said you don't really call them past lives because I kind of reached that point too where i'm realizing like they're all parallel Like if time isn't real which we just established or it's not linear like we think it is Then all these past lives future lives are all happening right now Like our soul could be living a hundred different lives right now Maybe even on the same earth in the same time as us, which is great Mind blowing to me.

Krys: It is. Well, that, well, that's what's happening. So, ooh, my gosh. Okay. I know we're coming up to the end of time, but [00:50:00] this is so important. Okay, I'm not in 

Amina: a rush. 

Krys: Okay, so you could have met your future self already. Or your past self. Like, physically. Because time's not linear. So, if you're a soul, you choose that maybe you want to have an experience as Mina, and maybe you want to have an experience as, like, Tiffany.

You want to have that experience. So you incarnate into different time periods. Maybe Tiffany is I'm not sure how old you are, but maybe Tiffany's like 45 and Amina is like 27, whatever. Right. So one day you're 28. 

Amina: Yeah, pretty close. See 

Krys: so Amina, you're, you're in the grocery store and you meet this woman and she's really sweet and she's really kind and she just, you feel very connected to her, but you're not sure.

Why? You have a great conversation and you're just like, huh, she seemed like a really cool person. She could have been you as that expanded version of yourself at 45 years old, shopping in the same grocery store. And it would make [00:51:00] sense because if she's you, then of course you'd be drawn to the same kind of food and environment for the most part, but she could have been a future aspect of you.

So that's the cool thing about dream and time and astros. When you really understand what it is, you see it playing out in your waking life. So you definitely can tune into other aspects of yourself here and there and anywhere. 

Amina: Yes, I love this. I actually just did a whole podcast episode about this where I was talking with someone about like Counterparts and how our dream characters can be other aspects of ourselves.

So that's really really cool. 

Krys: Yeah Yeah, and as a matter of fact, that's like the main way it happens is, is that, but I think we're so used to, especially mainstream spirituality, past life regression, past, past, past. And this idea, this entrenchment of past creates the idea that a reincarnating or incarnating is a linear thing.

It's not linear at all. [00:52:00] 

Amina: Yeah. 

Krys: Like when you incarnate, it's really about what do I want to experience? And so you can drop off in the year 1999 and 2024, then 1720. And it's all you because from that higher perspective, you know, dates, what are dates? They're not, they're not real. They're just different frequencies.

And so I think this allows us to expand our experiences as people, as humans, as a source, as the ether, as a soul. Tremendously, because now what's the limit? There's, there is none anymore, you know? 

Amina: Yeah. Yeah. That's so fascinating. I think that's an important thing for people to start to realize, you know, it's all happening right now.

And I've had dreams show me that too, where I had this like one really profound lucid dream that I always share and I'll spare you all the details. But in one part of it, you know, I was in like this part where they were like, yeah, humans aren't allowed here. This is just where spirits hang out to watch you on earth.

And they could literally [00:53:00] watch on this planet. Big TV scream any time and place on earth. Like they were watching the dinosaurs. Like they were watching what do you call it? Atlantis, ancient Egypt. And they were watching today. Like they were just flipping the channels. Like it's all happening right now.

Krys: That is literally you summarize like all of reality. Cause that's all it is. See, and that concept right there is so important for people to understand. Cause that's, that is more true of time than what we think. Right. So it's like the dinosaurs, the ETs, all this, it's all happening now. But like, what is the now?

And why does it seem like it's separated? It only, it's only separated by groups of ideas. So for the the dinosaur period or the dragon period, that's the whole thing. But anyways, that group of ideas is it centralizes here. That group centralizes here. This other group centralizes here, but it's all happening in the source, in the field, in the ether.

This goes back to being able to predict things. When you raise your consciousness, now you have access to the field. And what's, what's the limit to the field? There is not, it's [00:54:00] just a matter of what you can tune into and what you can't. I watched this movie, I think it's called planet 51 or something. And this is how that concept is shown to me.

Like through this movie, basically humans went back or traveled somewhere and they went to this ET planet, but the ETs were like living in like a very, like kind of undeveloped civilization. And in that moment I was like, Oh my God, wait. So that undeveloped civilization was happening in the same moment that the advanced humans were happening.

Wait, so that means a year is not an actual place. It's just a concept. Yeah. Like the year 1920 is just a concept. The year 1940 is just a concept. The people in 1920 dress a certain way. They do a certain thing. If I were to change my lifestyle to fit the theme of 1920, it would look like the 1920s, it would feel like the 1920s, but it would still be 2024, technically, by the fake time, but [00:55:00] it's all happening now.

Amina: Yeah, wow, that's mind blowing. In that same dream that I told you about, they also told me, like, anything you see in movies like that, or any movies that really touch you, is true somewhere, somehow. Like, there's truth in movies. Exactly how they show it and they hide it in plain sight. So that was another message that I got from my dream.

So yes, on that movie. Totally. 

Krys: I love that. Yeah. And it's like, and it's cause if you can have a thought of it, then, then you're generating the experience. Cause again, Nothing exists without the observer. So it can't be in a movie. It can't be on Hollywood without there being it coming from some form of consciousness.

You know, there was a science experiment. You'll love this. There was a science experiment done. I don't remember the years, but it was sometime, I think in the 1980s or nineties, there was this group of like elderly people and they were just really, really sick and just not doing well, like at all. Some of them had like different kinds of cancers and things like that.

This group of scientists Transcribed Took these couple [00:56:00] elderly, elderly people and they put them in this setting, like in a little town setting that was designed for, I think the 1940s. So here, here the group of people from the 1990s, but they get brought to a setting just like different houses that looked like the 1940s cars look like 1940s.

The food was 1940s. The music is 1940s. After the first week the people became happier. After the second week, their physical bodies started to show signs of positive reinforcement. Like they started to become healthier. After the third week, their sickness started to go away. Fourth week, they actually started to show signs of anti aging.

They started to reverse their age, like physically reverse their age. They stayed in there for a while and they actually got younger, physically got younger. All their sickness went away. The difference was, the year didn't change. Right. So they came from the 1990s, but we're just put into a different environment.[00:57:00] 

But what happens when you're put into a different environment is that the concepts, thoughts, and ideas change. So their body was responding to the 1940s as if they were there. And so it generated the experience of going back in time in being younger so much so that their bodies healed. That's what time travel is really being able to shift your thoughts.

To a different set of frequencies to have that experience. 

Amina: Wow, perception is really everything. 

Krys: Yes. 

Amina: That's cool. 

Krys: It's everything. That's awesome. Right. I know. So we do that in dreams all the time. We're always shifting our perceptions, but it's like, oh, that was just a dream. Hello? 

Amina: Just a dream. What does that even mean?

Krys: Yeah, 

Amina: no for sure when I'm in a dream I'm really there and it has a profound impact on me. And yeah, my dream memories I cherish them just as much as my waking [00:58:00] life memories. So 

Krys: yeah. Yeah Have you been what's been like the most impactful thing that you can remember like from? You That's kind of been like a life changing thing for you from, from astral dream space.

Amina: Man, there's so many that like come to mind. It's been like, like this fabric of things that have just impacted me. But that one dream I share, which I called the lucid lesson. That was a big one for me that I just love sharing with people. And I've had other dreams like that where I've, you know, gotten.

You know, spiritual knowledge and information that, you know, then later up, you know, matches up with other people's thoughts and theories. And I've also had dreams that like literally healed me from things like emotional things and even physical things. But like when I was going through a hard time in my life, I had a dream where I literally found a spirit guide and they like sucked all of this pain out of my body.

And it was like this really magical thing. thing. So dreams like that, that have really like helped me, like when I was struggling to do it in waking life, the dreams have picked me up and put me [00:59:00] back on my feet and said, you're, you're good. You've got this. And I literally wake up feeling, I was like healed.

I was so much better. I was not, you know, going, you know. I was still going through what I was going through, but I was able to handle it because of that dream. And then I got that healing from beyond me. I literally was in the dream, like begging my spirit guides, like, please just like heal me. Like, I don't want to feel this way anymore.

So things like that, like so many dreams have had an impact on me. And also through like meditations and certain experiences, I've had OBEs as well that were just really interesting. And I will always remember those, like the point of, Exiting my body and re entering my body, quote unquote, because it's just such a vivid memory for me.

I will always remember what that feels like. 

So those just, they have a special place in my heart. 

Krys: That's awesome. Yeah, yeah. So the ability to tune into a higher frequency that then has impact in this dimension, in this realm. That's very, very real. And you can do a lot of work like that just through meditation, like you said.

[01:00:00] That's really powerful. So, have you had Star contact like with your stellar family as you were. That's how I see it. 

Amina: Yeah. So I think so. I mean, I haven't had any like really specific or maybe I have, and I'm just downplaying it. I've had a few dreams where I'm lucid and I find a dream character and, you know, one time they told me like, Oh yeah, my name is, her name was Valeria in this dream.

She's like, I'm an alien and I support you. And I, you know, I'm an extraterrestrial and I hang out with you and watch you or whatever, support you. She didn't say anything of the fact that we were related in that dream. But there was another dream where I was asking like a spirit guide about like my past, current, parallel lives.

And they were telling me how, Oh, you know, you, you were in Atlantis and you were in, you know some astral star family, but I didn't really get much details on it, so it's still something that I'm exploring But I've also had like weird, like psychedelic experiences where I like saw aliens and stuff.

So I don't know what to make of those. 

Krys: Yeah. The psychedelics are a whole other animal in and of itself. [01:01:00] But that's, that's really cool. Yeah. I mean, cause that, that's where I've gotten a lot of my information is, is from literally from dream space and meditation and, I find that you can access the same level of consciousness and meditation that you do in dreams, if not more, because you're kind of more in control, I guess you could say, like you're very much aware of her physical surrounding.

Amina: But 

Krys: even sometimes in deep meditation, I get to a point where I do lose feeling in my body, not in a numb way, but I become kind of that like thought being, this is kind of like, all right, well, And then you don't have kind of the monkey mind. And then now your mind kind of goes on autopilot where you're hearing different ideas and thoughts.

It's almost like I'm reading the field. Oh my God. Wait a second. This is like Professor Xavier and the X Men. 

Amina: Oh, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, 

Krys: it is. People. Yeah, it's kind of like, 

Amina: you can see it all. Yeah. 

Krys: Wow. That makes 

Amina: sense. Yeah, I need to I've had experiences like that with [01:02:00] meditation, and I'm slowly like slowly separating from my body, but I can still see myself.

I always feel like tethered kind of, and I need to get into it more. I'm at the stage where I only meditate like five to 10 minutes. That's as much as I can handle, but hey, it's better than nothing. 

Krys: That's totally fine. It's totally fine. That was just on the hyzer. That was so funny to me, like this five to 10 minutes.

And that's, that's all I got. Like, 

Amina: I'm working on it. 

Krys: No, honestly I set my alarm sometimes for three minutes. Cause when you really get good at, get good at meditating, you don't need long. You can drop in like really quickly because you, you have now become the frequency. And so it doesn't take a lot of time to really just.

Like center in so five minutes is great. And if I'm going beyond like 10, 15 minutes, 20, 30, it's because I'm trying to, I'm, I'm, I'm traveling. I'm, I'm going to figure something out. I'm, you know, practicing some of my abilities for me now. Meditation is more of a tool to utilize higher functions than like.

You know, I want to feel peace and [01:03:00] joy. It's like I teach people what I call advanced meditations where you are literally doing that Professor x thing and tapping into the ethers and so yeah, but I want to respect your time. I could chat all day 

Amina: Yeah, honestly same. This is my favorite topic But why don't you like say, you know, where can we find you?

What are your links? What do you want to share all that good stuff? 

Krys: Okay. Yeah, this has been amazing i'm chris rael or chris christelle or just chris And I teach either physics through cosmic frequency and we're going to be launching a cosmic academy in the next couple of days, which is so freaking amazing or where we'll be diving into all these things.

Astral projection, ether physics, and a bunch of other stuff. But yeah, so my website is cosmic frequency. org. My Instagram is cosmic frequency. There's not a second E in the word frequency because we took out the ether. Play on words. And then YouTube cosmic frequency nine and what else? I have a tick tock [01:04:00] cosmic frequency and the, yeah, that's all the places.

If you guys want to connect, let me know. Just reach out Instagram. Our email is usually the best. And yeah, sign up for the Academy, a one on one services I offer. I'll be speaking on a contact at sea cruise in September. I got invited to a seven day cruise. You can join me there. I'll be on another podcast in June.

And yeah, you'll see all this stuff. Connect I'm here. 

Amina: Yeah, that's exciting. I'm excited to follow along your journey and keep connecting. Want to do a part two sometime 

Krys: Yeah, for sure. I mean, yeah, let's let's do this again. I think there's a lot to explore Dreamworld You're a great host and I can tell that you've done a lot of research just from your own inner You know, experiences.

So that's, that's really powerful. That's noetic mind. So well done to you. Thank you. 

Amina: Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. And people can find me on the dreamworldpodcast. com or the dream world podcast on all social medias. 

Krys: Beautiful. All right, my [01:05:00] friend.

ng to work way back when, whenever I used to be a teacher.

And I [00:01:00] remember just starting to research, like, what is God? Who is God? And that led to one thing led to another. And then after that, I kind of leaned back onto my. meditation experiences I had in college that was introduced to me by a college professor. Things got really deep from there. I started to have star contact, getting insights and downloads, and then boom, one day I wake up and I'm here on this podcast.

So that's the short version. 

Amina: Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. Wow. That's that's a lot to unpack there. It seems like a really interesting journey you had So question just so for the listeners and I guess for myself to to really understand. What is noeticism? What does that mean? 

Krys: Yeah. So no, what is is basically you can think of it as being able to access the ether or the Akashic records that will and downloading information that you don't find externally.

You just, you just know you're a noeticist. So I have a noetic mind where I can do that. I can tap in and get [00:02:00] information that's needed at least clues to it. And I just know it when I need to know it from my own internal guidance system. And this is what I teach in our upcoming cosmic Academy.

Do the work I do with cosmic frequency. So 

Amina: cool. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. I can relate to that a lot. I mean, through my spiritual journey, I started to just sometimes get downloads and just kind of feel like I just knew certain things and certain underlying truths about just reality in the universe.

And then later on, I would either confirm it through realizing that other people started to think this way as well. And I'm like, okay, so maybe I didn't just make that up or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. And then through some interesting spiritual experiences and dreams have been like a big part of that for me Just like i've always been a lucid dreamer so i've always been kind of existentially thinking in that way about just like what is beyond like what is life?

You know since I was a kid But then as I started to have like out of body experiences and similar to you interesting contact experiences and like some unexplainable things I just started to open up about kind of [00:03:00] the realities of what else could be out there and how little we truly know about, you know, the universe as humans.

So yeah, that's really, really interesting. What has your like experience with dreams been like throughout this whole journey? 

Krys: So it was actually dreams that were the common denominator through all these experiences, whether it was from. Seeing my dreams played out in front of me as a kid, astral projecting through mirrors, you know, sleeping and astral projecting literally through mirrors to this day.

It's, I don't like to sleep in front of mirrors, although I'm getting over that, but it was because of these dreams I would have where I would literally travel through mirrors or beings would come through them. So dreams play a pivotal role overall in spiritual transcendence or the realization of oneself.

For me, it's been a recent realization that dreams are not over there and I'm here. It's all one thing. Like right now in this waking life, this is a dream. This is another byproduct of what happens whenever we [00:04:00] go to sleep. And so I've realized that the only thing, the only thing that really changes about dreams is our state of consciousness and the mental agreements and ideas that we hold whenever we're in dream world and the ones we let go of whenever we are in reality.

In the waking life, but it's all one dream. 

Amina: Oh yeah, totally. I realized that as well. It's all just transitioning to, you know, different parts of our conscious existence and when I'm lucid in a dream, like last night I had like two lucid dreams and that when I'm lucid, I just really realized that. The truth of what you're saying, because I'm fully there and I'm present in this experience, just like I am right now, fully conscious.

So I'm like, this is just as real because I'm experiencing it. And it's real to me right now. I'm feeling everything. So that's so fascinating to me. And what do you, you mentioned natural projection too. What do you think is the difference? Because I get this question a lot, like actual projection, lucid dreams, OBEs, like, what's the difference?

Where do the lines blur in your opinion? 

Krys: [00:05:00] So the lines blur in the in the understanding of what you're dealing with. And what I think is missing from these dream contexts and the conversations is the fundamental understanding of reality. So reality is a super high, very high vibrating principle or liquid like fluid that we call the ether.

And that's the medium that literally is all things. And it's inter it's interwoven into all fabrics of reality. And so when you have a dream, astral projection, out of body experience, lucid dream meditation, you're still operating through this medium. And so the, the connecting point here is it's the same medium, but the difference is one state of vibration or one's thoughts and ideas, right?

So right now our brainwaves are. vibrating at a certain frequency, probably around beta, right? Cause we're having a conversation. We're very alert. We're moving. We're talking when you sit and you're [00:06:00] calm and you're in meditation, you move into alpha, theta, gamma. These can be considered different dimensions or different realms, but it's not like dreams or in the astral is something that that's, that's up there or over there.

It's really a state of mind. So if you think about it, when, when you, when you go to sleep at night, what's happening, your body is very relaxed. And you are entering into a different frequency bandwidth. So the things that connect you to this physical world, and the world's not even physical, it's just that we put most of our attention here, so it seems physical.

But the ideas that connect you to this physical world fall away. So your inhibitions are looser, and you can do more things, because now you have access to different frequencies and vibrations. in a dream. An OBE is just a higher level of a dream. Lucid dreaming is just a higher, is just a lower level of an OBE, but they're all one [00:07:00] thing.

It's like, pick your favorite, you know, skittle, red, green, orange, blue. It's the same. I haven't eaten Skittles in years. That's, that's funny. But the analogy hits. Yeah, 

Amina: that's funny. Yeah, it does. I, you know, I kind of see it the same way. Like there's levels and you can go deeper. Like some dreams are very surface level, subconscious processing things.

And then you have these dreams where we go deeper into the astral and travel to other places. And we're really, really there. So I definitely think there's levels to it. And I, you know, I tell people not to stress over labeling it either, you know, because what matters is the experience you've got to 

Krys: write.

Right. Yeah. What matters is the experience. And let's, let's talk a little bit about why some people can remember their dreams and others can't. So this is a big thing. A lot of people I've heard people say, well, it's because their DNA is not activated or it's because, you know, they have too much stress in their physical life.

None of those are inherently true. What happens is whenever you're dreaming again, your, your, your thoughts and your feelings are at a different [00:08:00] frequency at a different rate of vibration and oscillation. So you're able to tune into information that you may not have access to when you're here. When you come back to your body, cause we astral project every single night.

That's what happens. We're not the body where the consciousness that animates the physical form. So all of us astral project, the difference is some remember and some don't. So when you come back, AKA whenever you retune yourself to this specific frequency, cause you're never really leaving, you're just changing, the station of your focus point.

What happens is there's something called frequency dissonance. So let's say the physical realm is vibrating at like 40 hertz, but if your dreams are taking place at like 90 and then you come back to 40, either your baseline has to have access and be able to interpret 90 hertz or it doesn't. And so that's why people [00:09:00] forget because the frequency dissonance.

And that that's really that simple. So when you raise your frequency, You're going to remember your dreams much more. 

Amina: Yeah, that makes so much sense. So what are some ways that people can raise their frequency to start remembering more dreams in general? 

Krys: So something that I like to teach people when I talk about dreams or out of body experiences is it's not so much about like leaving your body.

Cause that's a misnomer that thought right there. The second your brain hears I'm like, I'm going to try to have an out of body experience. What are you doing? You're creating an association between you and your body. So your mind thinks, well, I am this body. Now I have to do something to leave it. So you have to change your framework of mind from leaving the body to just simply shifting and focusing on the experience that you want to have.

And just that alone, you start to, the body is irrelevant. It's not even a thing anymore. You're now [00:10:00] associating your consciousness with the experience that you want to have. That's so important. So your, your state of mind, let go of the idea that if you have to leave your body, you're not your body. The body is the projection of you.

So focus on what you want to experience. Two, meditate. Meditation is so important for people who want to raise their frequency. And raising your frequency is not just about feeling good. Raising your frequency, in this sense, is about changing the pulse rhythm or the rate of vibration. Meaning the speed or the velocity.

So something you can do that's really simple is observe reality with a different perspective. So when you're watching someone walking down the street, you Imagine them walking really, really slow. This changes your rate of vibration because as you're telling your brain, they're walking really, really slow.

That means your frequency is raising and going really, really [00:11:00] fast, right? It's all relative. So these little things like this, observing how you perceive, enhance your perception, let go of outdated thoughts and ideas. And as you fall asleep, just literally be in the place where you are. You want to fly, you're flying, start flying as you're falling asleep in your mind, use your imagination.

It's the most powerful weapon we have is our power of thought. 

Amina: Yes. That's beautifully said. Completely agree. I think a lot of that is just like you said, mind frame limiting beliefs, which is a lot about what I teach people with lucid dreaming too. And I love what you said about like, our body's not really going anywhere.

The way I see it is more like. The universe is just more available to us and we can perceive more. So I think that is a really good way to look at it 

Krys: Yes. Yes, that's it. That's literally you could summarize everything into that sentence. We're just able to perceive more That's it. And so yeah, it's like you have this [00:12:00] scale just this is really simple example, but 1 through 12 and Most people can only perceive level 1 but 2 through 12 is still there It's not like you're gaining more.

You're just lifting up your own consciousness again, to be able to interpret more of reality. And this is why it's really important to strengthen your brain too, like your physical brain because it's the, it's the antenna. 

Amina: Yeah, that's true. That's why I've been trying to get into meditation more and just practice certain things with like self control and discipline and like these things to strengthen my brain.

It's hard, but I've been working on that. Even though I'm already like a vivid dreamer, I know that I can take it to another level. 

Krys: Right. Oh my God. I love it. I love that you just said that. Yeah. Because. Something I'm teaching in my upcoming academy is like mental discipline. People buy, they skip over that, but it's, it's so important to be able to navigate your thoughts consciously.

And it makes dreaming that much easier [00:13:00] because now if you can do it in the waking life, when you're dreaming. your brain is still able to interpret what's happening. And so now you're going to be able to make those decisions and just simply be more aware whenever you're having those higher dimensional experiences.

So you're on. 

Amina: Yes, I love it. And so that kind of leads us to the next thing I wanted to ask you about, which is that connection between dreams and waking life. Like, do they influence each other? I mean, I know they do, but in what ways and how can we kind of consciously direct that? Like, does the dream influence the waking or does the waking influence the dream?

Krys: Now we can continue that thought process with, well, what is the astral and what is the physical, right? So now those two thought processes how does the waking influence the above and above influence the below? It's again, kind of what can first the chicken or the egg? I say they, it happened simultaneously.

They, there was no other way because one cannot be without the [00:14:00] other. So one defines the other, the chicken defines the egg, the egg. Defines the chicken pot defines cold. Astro defines physical, physical defines astro. You know, what's so funny. The reason I figured this out was because in my waking life, I would just, you know, pretend I'm playing basketball and like shoot hoops and do things like this.

And just, you know, you have a piece of paper, you want to throw it away. You like do the Kobe shot and all that. So I'm doing this here and night or two goes by and then I'm playing basketball. Like I haven't played basketball, like actual basketball in like years. But I'm having these dreams of me playing basketball, like really intense pickup games and like jumping on like 24 hoops and dunking and I'm like, who is influencing who here?

But it's all one thing. So as I'm playing around here, I'm setting the neurological pathways in the frequency pulse rhythms [00:15:00] to have an extended experience of playing basketball when I dream, vice versa. As I am playing basketball in the, in the higher ethers. I now get the impulse here to just pretend I'm dribbling and things like this.

So they influence each other and they're direct mirrors of each other. The difference is the physical realm is an agreed upon environment between souls that are conscious and aware for the most part. So is the, the astral. But again, like you said, we have more access to it. So they go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other.

There's a direct crossover. If you want to change your life, right? Something you know, you want to, I don't know, change your body. You don't like how, I don't know, you want to lose weight or something. Just dream about yourself, you know, being the woman or man who doesn't have that weight process. Your subconscious will pick up on those signals.

And [00:16:00] transfer them to your conscious and you figure out ways in the waking life to take the physical steps to make that happen 

Amina: Yeah, you can really use your dreams to make changes in your life, which might sound crazy to some people, but it's really true I mean, I do it all the time and it's just this beautiful like Flowing connection between the two states.

And so the more like aware you are of that, the more you can direct where it goes. So that's really cool. Another thing too, going off what you said, so like our physical reality, you know, there's these laws that we all agreed upon. So, you know, there's like a delay and certain limits of things we can and can't do, and in the dream, you know, especially when you're lucid, there's.

No laws, you can pretty much do anything you want and have all this fun and, you know, dunk a basketball, whatever. You're, you know, you, you're not restricted by your physical limitations, so to speak. So that's really interesting. And then it kind of makes me think of like, what do you think about like, The illusory nature of time, because, you know, we are here stuck in this linear timeline but in the dream, sometimes [00:17:00] you, like you said, you can see the future, you can see the past you can make things happen, but where does time play into this?

Like, does it really matter? 

Krys: It doesn't, it doesn't. So if we just take the example of when you're, when you're dreaming, you can be in Paris, then you can be in. Morocco, then you can be in the States in like one second. So why, and how is that, how's that possible that you can be teleporting here and here and here, and then climbing a rock cliff and then, you know, diving in the sea all within like, and you wake up and it's been like five minutes.

So how does this all happen? What is the nature of time? Well time is the awareness of being so When you're aware Of being you start to create time So in the waking life what we've done with time is we extrapolated it to mean something external than our thoughts But it's not so in the waking life We [00:18:00] confined ourselves to the cell phone that says, you know Whatever time it does and the clock that says this and gotta have this appointment So we've created A we've encapsulated Something that really isn't encapsulated and we're living this fictitious experience in the dream state time is in its true nature It's simply the reflection of where your focus is and where your thoughts are So that's why in the dream state and astral projections and obe's you think of wanting to go somewhere You're there immediately and there's there's no time because there really is no time And that is a really pivotal thing to start to comprehend And And if you just, anyone who's watching this, just ask yourself, in my dream state, I can do whatever in like two, three minutes.

So how can I translate that into my waking life? There's no difference there. Your dream is trying to tell you, let go of the ideas that you are a limited being. There is no time. It's all about your thoughts and your perceptions and [00:19:00] ideas. 

Amina: Yes, that's true. And I think that's a difficult one for a lot of people because they're like, Oh, I've been trying to do this in my dreams, or I've been working on this or whatever.

And oh, it's just not working. You know, people want like instant results. And then like, they go into their waking life and you know, they don't see results. And so they're like, Oh, well, maybe this is just, you know, not working or whatever. So 

Krys: well, that that is so right there. That has nothing to do with time.

Again dreams. Play a pivotal role in like reality. So it's like, if you can understand dream world, you're going to understand the ether and they go hand in hand. I study this stuff. So this is, this is what I do much like you. I studied the nature of reality. That's what ether physics is about. But whenever people say, well, it's not happening fast enough, dreams are not a one for one.

It's not a direct, exact thing. So for example maybe you, you've had a dream where you're trying to, to run away from someone and cause you don't want them to hurt you. And it's really intense and scary. How does that, [00:20:00] how does the experience like that translate into the waking life? Maybe in the waking life, it's not that someone's chasing you.

Maybe it's that you're having repetitive thoughts about being afraid of something, you know, maybe you're afraid of bees or whatever. And so sometimes you have to learn how to interpret dreams through a non linear sense and think in terms of concepts. See, people want to be very literal and very analytical, like, okay, I'm going to learn how to do, you know, teleportation, which listen, that's, that's a real thing.

I'm going to practice in my dream space. That's great. You come back into the physical, you enter into this lag where now you're in the super frequencies that everyone around you doesn't think it's possible to teleport. So you are directly impacted by the field that you're in. And so sometimes that causes the lag.

That causes the lag because The general population isn't on that level. So you have to go even [00:21:00] higher and expand your consciousness and raise your frequency even more to overcome the three dimensional lag. It's not so much that it's not going to happen. It's, you got to dig a little deeper and understand how reality actually is.

Amina: Yes, okay, that makes a lot of sense. And you actually answered some things that I've been thinking about myself. You know, I, I totally am growing spiritually and understanding all these truths and things. But I'm realizing that, yeah, we were co creating this reality. So I've been like thinking of this idea of like, yeah, I can manifest anything I want and create my own reality and all this and all that, which is true.

But yeah, there's other factors to it in the physical, you know, there's other people interacting and co creating it. So, you know, it's. Something to take into account. 

Krys: Yeah, we can take it into account. Not that it's not possible to overcome it. And that's all that like a highly advanced being does is it raises above its immediate circumstances and environment and starts to operate with higher principles.

So this is something that we can do. It's not that like [00:22:00] we're held back. It's more of, yeah, just be aware. There's a term called the hysteresis of the ether. Meaning there is a lag principle. Hysteresis means a lag. So there is a lag principle in reality for a couple of reasons. One, so that we can have the experience of our thoughts, so we can watch our own energy play out.

And two, you've got to be surrounded by people who are able to hold that frequency with you. I'm sure you've noticed like how quickly things actually do start to materialize and manifest in your life since you. I've developed more, right? You've come online more. You start to be aware of like, Oh, I was just thinking about that.

And that person just said it. Oh, I was just thinking about that. And like, there it is. This is because it's a dream. So once you raise your frequency, you literally start to see your dreams play out in front of you and your dreams are just your mind. It's your state of awareness. What you think is real and not real is our relative.

Amina: Yeah, that's true. I have noticed that it kind of [00:23:00] reinforces this loop between the two states and the more that I, you know, follow my passions and what I know I'm supposed to be doing. And, you know, this dream work which is just like a huge part of my journey. I connect with more people that are doing it, and that just motivates me even more because then I don't feel alone.

And then it, you know, it just snowballs from there. So yeah. 

Krys: So in short, it's, they, they both influence each other and time is really the X factor between the two because. It operates differently based on where your consciousness is at that moment. 

Amina: Yes, I think, like you said earlier, dreams are one gateway of expanding our consciousness and evolving as humans.

And there are other ways to do that and they're all related, you know, like we said earlier, meditation. All these different things that are known to just expand your consciousness, but everybody dreams. So I always say that it's a good place to start. Even if you don't remember your dreams, you're still doing things when you're [00:24:00] sleeping, your mind is still very active.

So that's why I think, you know, dreams are just my thing that I love teaching and encouraging people about. But there's so much within spirituality. 

Krys: Yeah, there's, there's so much to explore. And, and honestly, dreams become that that's your niche and you're, you're really good at it. And that becomes something that you awaken to.

You start to again, realize that your life is a dream in that you can access information from dream state. Like you really can, because again, you're not directly influenced by the collective conscious. And so as, as you're dreaming, like I figured out what a noeticist was noetically. I figured it out through, through my dream.

So you're going to love this. I was sleeping of course, what my body was. And sometimes I get these words or these phrases. And I'll get the intuition. I need to wake up and write them down. So I don't forget. So years and years ago, I started to write down. I started to wake up in my dream, physically to write down information and go back and I get more than [00:25:00] write it down.

So there's one time I get the word noetic. I'm like, what is noetic? It's so funny because I can hear my thoughts. So crystal clear, like hear myself saying, what is noetics? I don't know what it is. Okay. Well, so there's this conversation because we really are a soul is really just. A group of ideas and it's really a thought.

It's really just a thought. It's not a thing. It's it's a conglomeration of frequency of harmonics So, you know i'm thinking this, you know, what is noetics and I write it down And then the next day I wake up and I look up the definition of noetics and then noetics definition, okay Relating to mental activity or the intellect the noetic quality of a mystical experience refers to the sense of You revelation.

Amina: Like, yep. 

Krys: Come 

Amina: on. 

Krys: Right. So I, I never heard that word before. Heard it in dream state, which what is dream [00:26:00] state? Depending on where you're at consciously before you fall asleep. It's a higher field of energy that you have access to. There's information there. If you can translate that information, you can bring it back to the waking life and apply it.

Noetics! That's how I figured it out. So cool to me. 

Amina: That is awesome. I said noeticism earlier. I don't know if that's the right use The word is that 

Krys: noeticism. 

Amina: Okay, good. 

Krys: Okay. 

Amina: Yeah. No, that's interesting. That is so cool. I love how we really can get information from our dreams. And this happens so much. I hear it all the time.

People were like, Oh, I didn't even know this. And I thought in my dream, and I looked it up, and it was spot on, you know, so that just shows, you know, which is not something that science can easily prove or replicate. And because it's just like a different type of knowledge. And I've always noticed too, that sometimes when it comes to this, Trippy dream knowledge.

It just kind of what's the right word evades like it just kind of slips away sometimes Because I I don't know if people are fully ready to grasp it or [00:27:00] if like the academic world is fully ready to understand it But it's coming. I think 

Krys: yeah. Yeah, you're you're spot on and and honestly whether they're ready or not Doesn't matter as much because you are teaching and others like you and and that's what's important the mainstream Is on its own evolutionary path or lack thereof.


Amina: yeah, 

Krys: But it's true to a degree anyways yeah, you can you can get information from dream state as a matter of fact The templars the true templars not the corrupted people templars that everyone thinks are the templars But originally there was only about 11 to 12 templars and they would have these, secret meetings And their whole goal was to teach that God was within, that the source was within.

That was their whole teaching. And their story got, you know, corrupted and everything, like anything else pure on this planet for the most part gets taken and turned into something that makes no sense. But their original intention was to teach people the truth and the wisdom [00:28:00] of, really, you could say the cosmos.

And they would have a priestess Create this elixir that would put their body in this kind of comatose state the Templar Knights would travel They would be commissioned to go on a trip, an astral journey to figure out information that they needed to bring back. Like it was a part of their job description was to go there and bring back information to apply to life, to share with the people.

And so the priestess would give them Selixir. They would go in and they'd be lucid, conscious, and they would travel sometimes for days. She was the only one. And the whole entire vicinity who had the antidote to bring them back, you know, to, to wake up the physical body. And if she didn't do it right, she got, you know, cause you could kill them.

So she got kicked out or she got killed because she, or execute, I guess it's a correct word. But they started to bring back really powerful information. And this is a lot of the reason why and [00:29:00] how they got their ideas about physics and about building architectures and structures. It didn't come from this world.

All the good stuff exists in dream world, at least to me, in the higher realms, in the cosmos. 

Amina: Yeah, I agree with that. Wow, that's fascinating. I was going to say that sounds like a dream job, but maybe it's too much pressure. That's cool, though. 

Krys: No, but that's the thing is, there's no limit to this. Like, it's just another part of your being.

Dreaming is, you are that being. Again, I don't know. Not separating the two and really starting to realize that our consciousness expands beyond This physical waking experience. I wish more people knew how to consciously sleep most people i'm tired and then that's it But that's a huge portion of your being that if you had access to that and knew what was going on how to Use that energy and in in this realm then use this realm for that realm talk about gods 

Amina: Yeah, some people just don't care about their dreams.

Honestly, I always preach like everybody [00:30:00] should lucid dream at least once because that one lucid dream, if it's you can at least be looking around like, oh, I'm in a dream right now. That aha moment of like, I'm really standing in another dimension right now, experiencing this like I experienced my waking life.

That alone, one lucid dream can change people's whole perspective on life. 

Krys: Yeah. So. Yeah, well, why do you think people don't want to have that experience? 

Amina: Well, I think some people, for one, aren't ready or aren't aware. They aren't aware of the possibilities. Some people are also scared, because with dream work comes a lot of, like, shadow work and sometimes nightmares and unpleasant, like, not all dreams are peachy fun unicorns, you know?

That's true. So some people just, they don't want to dream. Some people intentionally do things like, you know, smoking weed, which suppresses your dreams for the purpose of not dreaming. Yeah. It's like different reasons. I think some people just don't care. They're like, I just want to go to sleep and rest.

And they think that if they dream a lot, they, they don't feel as rested, which everybody's different, but it's a [00:31:00] journey. And I think like with any, you know, Training or practice, you know, it takes time to get better at it and it takes persistence and attention at which a lot of people just don't have the energy for 

Krys: yeah, yeah, that's that's so interesting that you know that you say people intentionally suppress because they don't want to look at the scary thing and I think that's a really important thing to share with people is In, in dream space, the funny thing is, because it happens in your waking life too.

So people think that, oh, well, if I don't deal with it in my dream, they don't need to deal with it here. But you do. So, your thoughts and the core concepts that you hold about yourself and reality, always start to mirror back to you, whether you're dreaming or not. So the difference is, with dreams, it's much more vivid and much more real.

In the waking life, it's not as direct. It's, it's more subtle where it's like, Oh man, why does my car keep breaking down? Or man, why does this kind of relationship keep failing? It's like, you are trying to tell yourself something, right? So people [00:32:00] who might be afraid to dive into their dreams, know that you can't die in your dreams.

You can't like, you're going to be okay. The best thing that you can do is to face those things because the sooner you face your inner self. In your inner turbulence, the more harmonized your life will be. So I would say dreams would be a great catalyst for something like that. You become really, really powerful when you allow yourself to face yourself.

Amina: Yeah, yeah, that's facts right there. Do you keep a dream journal or like write them down? 

Krys: In my phone, in my notes, I do have a dream folder. Where I write down my dreams. And this is, I didn't do this because someone was like, Oh, you should have a dream job. I did it because it was a natural progression of my state of operation where I would have these dreams.

And like I said, I would need to write them down or these keywords. And there's still some that I haven't figured out yet, or maybe I haven't seen how they translated. Cause you know, like I said, it's not a one for one. But I do, yeah, I do definitely keep, keep [00:33:00] tabs on my dreams. Not every night, but cause I think it gets to a point where you just realize that like, you are the dream and you, and it's like a crossover.

So it just becomes part of your unfolding, you know? 

Amina: Yes, definitely. Definitely. I was just curious. And you know, I always tell people like find what works for you, you know, you don't have to obsess over writing down every detail, you know, you can just write down the ones that are meaningful to you or whatever.

It's really about building your own practice. 

Krys: Right, exactly. And what do you think about this is something I think people would like to hear is, body. So we say we have this physical body, but yet when we're dreaming from your perspective, I know I have mine, but do you think we have a different body?

And if so, how and why? 

Amina: Interesting. Good question. You know, I do think we are more than just our physical bodies, but we're not necessarily completely disconnected from our body when we're dreaming. Have had these experiences where I have this dream body, you know, and I'm looking at my [00:34:00] dream body.

Sometimes it's a different character Sometimes it's myself Sometimes I literally roll out of my physical body and I can like see my dream Astral hands or whatever and then there's like this concept, you know of like this Seven bodies that we have are these different levels of bodies that we have. So I kind of go off of that theory and just based on my personal experiences, I think they're all connected.

It's kind of like this you know, like those Russian dolls that open up and there's like dolls inside of dolls. It's like, we have a body and then we have a spiritual self. So I don't know if that makes sense, but it still feels like my body, like when I'm in a lucid dream, I'm looking at my hands and things like that, but Sometimes it looks different.

Sometimes I don't feel pain. Sometimes I do it just like depends on the dream And sometimes i'm conscious of my physical body either I can see myself sleeping or I know exactly what I had for dinner last night And some dreams i'm not aware of my physical body at all. I'm just so immersed in the dream Yeah, even while lucid so yeah Yeah, 

Krys: and I think [00:35:00] that's a good thing for people to realize is that whether you're dreaming or not, your body is a reflection of your state of mind, your state of consciousness.

So when you're dreaming, you can change your body. Like. We got into these avatars cause we, we picked them. We generated the thoughts and the ideas and the concepts that brought forth this avatar. So in dream world, it's the same way. At least through ether physics and cosmic frequency, our thought process is that we don't have any number of bodies.

It really just depends on what you think about yourself. So you can generate any kind of body at any kind of time. That's why you can self heal. Because your body is not a consistent thing. It's only consistent because you keep thinking about it in the same way. But if you have an element or something, and you start to focus energy in that place on your physical body, physical body, you will heal yourself because the body changes it's static and dynamic energy, it's the wave in the particle based on your ability to focus.

So yeah, I think it's really cool to have [00:36:00] different avatars to navigate the dream space. 

Amina: Yeah, definitely. It's fun Sometimes it's intentional like I'll shape shift and then sometimes I was like look in the mirror in a dream Which is always fun for me actually and I'll just be like somebody else and I'm like, who is that?

But I still feel like me like inside. It's my consciousness 

Krys: exactly and that's it. Yeah, sorry I got so excited, but that's it. It's like your consciousness is the Is the X factor. It's the consistent theme. That's what doesn't change. What changes is how we perceive ourselves, right? But you're still always there.

Amina: Yeah. The concept of the body is so weird. Like the more I think about it, I don't really know what it means. Cause even if I think about myself now, you know, I don't know if you ever heard people say like, what part of your body is you, like, if I were to cut off my legs, I would still be me. If I would cut off my arms, I would still be me.

If I was just a head, I would still be me. 

Krys: Right. I don't 

Amina: know. Where are you in your body? 

Krys: Right. You're everywhere. And then it's like, well, where does your body end? Right? Like if you have the consciousness of a tree, are you not [00:37:00] like you're then you realize that's so deep. I'm so glad that you said that because that's going to be in that just shows you right there.

The body is just the vessel for that for you, which is a soul, which is a consciousness. And that kind of goes into prophecy. I wanted to talk about this because a lot of my dreams are, what is it? Precogn, not precognition, premonitions. And so let's talk about, cause you asked about time earlier. How do premonitions play into dreams and how can we predict the future?

Amina: Yeah. And what do we do with that information? 

Krys: And what do you do with it? Right. So I'll tell you this experience. I was sleeping in my old house a couple of years ago and I woke up at 4 AM. Didn't know why, but I got the intuition to just. sit outside and I go out, I'm just sitting under the tree.

It's like a full moon and literally the most random thing happened. And we live in like the country. It's not like, there's not a lot of traffic. It's like these dirt dirt roads. And this guy comes swerving [00:38:00] off the road into our yard, hits the mailbox and jumps out and is like, Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm like, just imagine this.

I'm sitting there like in the shadows of the moon night. And I just stand up. I'm like, are you good? He's like, Oh my God, who are you? Like, how'd you get here? And I'm like, don't worry about it. Okay. He was fine. Ended up being okay. But if you take that, that's kind of how dreams are. This was a physical thing that happened, but I got the premonition to be out there at 4am because who, who knows something worse could have happened if, you know, I wasn't there, but I was able to kind of hold space with this guy.

But from his perspective, Someone just appeared out of the darkness. Like, what's up, man? How you doing? Like, so how do I know that was going to happen? Well, because time is not a linear thing. Again, time is the, if actually time isn't even a part of this equation right now, it's more about how much information you have access to.

So you can start to predict the future based on pattern based on etheric [00:39:00] rhythms. So let's say for example, a pattern, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, right? If you go far enough with that pattern, blue, green, you can predict from the first six colors all the way to the next thousand because it's a pattern.

So someone who can see the first six, blue, green, blue, green, blue, green, and then someone comes in and says, well, I think in the year 1942, we're going to have green. How'd you know that they're reading the pattern? It's that their pattern. So when you start to know how to. read energy understand etheric pulse rhythms, you can predict the future because you're seeing into the, you're seeing into the future, which is just a different frequency of pattern.

So yeah, that, that to me is what a prophecy is. 

Amina: Oh, that makes sense. So what if like, sometimes it feels like like a dream premonition is just something so random and out of the blue. And I don't feel [00:40:00] like I, at least I can't notice a pattern there, but it'll be just a random moment in the day, not something that I meant to predict or like a big event or anything like that.

So what do you think about that? I usually take it as like a moment of alignment, but I never know, like, what do I do with this information? 

Krys: So time is kind of eluded. The past and the future are just all different states of vibration. They're not places, they're not things. So sometimes you get information from what you would consider the past or the future and you are just that that pinpoint of focus where it kind of just like is realized.

And so you could actually be picking up information from another aspect of yourself that you're interpreting here and it doesn't seem like it's relevant for you here. But it's relevant for you there, right? So then you get into, okay, well, let me see if I can connect with my part of myself that is having that experience.

You know, you'd sit in meditation and just kind of tune in and say, okay, what's up? How's this relevant? And you might see a whole scene play out [00:41:00] from Amina in, you know, whatever realm. And then that one thing happened, you're like, oh, okay. So she needed to experience that there. So that's just one way it's, it's not always about here.

Sometimes I think reality shows us that we're part of something much bigger and we can't think so much about, well, what's happening here in the now. Sometimes it really is about expanding the mind into how's, how's this affecting the greater experience? Dreams can help people in so many ways because they can expand the consciousness.

They can help you make sense of your waking life. You can gain superpowers. There's like really no limit. You just are becoming more of your, True nature at that point. 

Amina: How often are you like lucid in your dreams? 

Krys: I feel like almost every night at least really good for for like a portion of it I have kiddos running around so like I don't always get the best sleep But I would say 90 percent of the time I'm remembering some portion of the dream But knowing while I'm in the dream that I'm dreaming and something that [00:42:00] just popped into my head is like fear So whenever people have fear and dreams and stuff like that If you have a fear in your waking life, you can use your dreams to overcome it So this is a silly thing, but there was this movie we watched one time and it had a bear in it and the bear was literally terrifying.

And like, it scared me. I don't really, not that it scared me, but it just was more twisted than I, than I'm used to. I don't really like seeing like demented and like yucky things like that. And so I started having nightmares about bears chasing me. I was like every night it was like, Oh my God. And so it never really actually hurt me, but it like instilled this fear from this.

I'm not going to say the movie because I don't want to recommend it to anyone, but in the dream, I decided that one night I said, you know what? I know how this works. I just don't need to be afraid. And I know that if I show up in my dream, like fearless, it's going to stop. I literally called the bear in, going to sleep.

I said, okay, I'm ready to face you. Like, let's do this. Like, let's get it on bear. Lo and behold, went to [00:43:00] sleep with that intention. And I saw the bears chasing me through the house, through the woods, and da da da da. I'm like, I just remember this moment in my dream, I'm like, oh yeah, oh yeah! I got loose and I said, okay, you know what?

Stop! I turned around and just yelled at the bear to stop. And it just, it literally physically got smaller, and it just kind of like tiptoed away. And I was like, okay, good. Have not had a dream about bears since. So 

Amina: that's great. 

Krys: Direct correlation. 

Amina: Yes, perfect example. That is one of my favorite uses for like dream work.

It's like conquering your fears. And even if it's something, you know, from waking life or something traumatic, you know, you can use your lucid dreams for that. And this is actually Scientifically proven that lucid dream therapy is good for like nightmares and fears and things like that. It's kind of like exposure therapy.

And it's less scary because you're like, okay, I know I'm in a dream so I can fully submerge myself in whatever I'm scared of. And you know, your brain is still registering that, you know, therapy of [00:44:00] being in the environment and being okay. And being safe. It's like this safe mode, you know? Yeah. And then when you wake up, it has real impact on your psyche.

And you know, you slowly start to feel better about it. And like 90 percent of people that I talked to say, when I confronted the nightmare image, it, it went away. I didn't have the nightmare again. 

Krys: That's it. Because it, the thing that creates the fear is the feeling of powerlessness, right? And so when you, when you confront something, you are showing that you have power.

And so if you have power, then it can't have power over you. So it like cancels each other out, but it nullifies, right? That's, that's so important to, to face yourself and to be fearless in that way. And that goes into the idea of where are our thoughts? Like, so if I asked you, Amina, like you said, you know, if I cut my leg off, would I still be me?

Yes. So where are your thoughts? When you're dreaming where your thoughts taking place or when you're awake 

Amina: when I'm awake I feel like it's [00:45:00] kind of centered around like my head But when I'm dreaming sometimes it's the dream itself Like sometimes I'm thinking as like the greater entity of the dream and sometimes I'm just observing and I'm not even in the dreams Mostly, I'm in the dream And then in the dream it's kind of like this mixture between I'm me right here in my body And i'm in the dream and sometimes I can see other parts of the dream kind of like astrally just like You know observing the dream from these greater perspectives So I think that's a really cool thing about dreams is that our our point of view is broader.

Krys: Yes, exactly exactly and You kind of just said it but yeah, your thoughts are held They're not held in the body per se at least not one localized body, you know, they say we're not our thoughts But I think it's different I think we are our thoughts because the thoughts are the experience are the frequency that we then experience.

And, you know, so if we're in this physical world right now, we're having thoughts, but where are those thoughts streaming from, you can't find a thought in the brain, just like you [00:46:00] won't, you won't find my voice in my throat. So thoughts, they are part of the dream all the time. We're always connected to the ether.

We're always connected to the astral. Because that's where thoughts emanate from 

Amina: interesting. Yeah, it reminds me of this metaphor that I heard once that was like It's kind of like trying to look for the the broadcaster guy inside the radio like he's not in there, but his voice is there But the other thing too that it wanted made me want to ask you is what do you think about like intrusive thoughts?

Like if we are our thoughts or if we're not our thoughts and we have these thoughts, you know Which a lot some people struggle with more than others That you don't want to identify with like I didn't think that that's horrible. Why would I think that like? Where do those come from? And what do we do about that?

Krys: So that comes from just being part of the field, right? so if I can use this example if I have a bowl of cold water and I put one finger in In this part of the bowl another finger in this part of the [00:47:00] bowl. Is the water still gonna be cold? 

Amina: Yeah, 

Krys: right so no matter if it's this finger this finger or one here or here I'm still picking up on the core signature or the feeling or the experience of the bowl of water being cold.

So thoughts work the same way. You are in that bowl or in that field and you're just one of those fingers. But you're going to pick up on the core signature in the other people's thoughts and experiences. We call this a telepathic field. And so everyone's trying to figure out like, Oh, we need to practice telepathy.

We are always all telepathic. Those thoughts that you're getting our telepathic thoughts. You just, you just haven't associated it with telepathy because science fiction doesn't show it to you like that. So that's what happens is we're just picking up on other people's thoughts and feelings. And this is why it's very important for you to meditate and get very familiar with your own energetic signature, your, your specific core frequency.

Because once you have [00:48:00] that, then if you get an intrusive thought. You will know, okay, this is not my thoughts. What do you do with it? It's no different. If someone shows up to you and they're being a jerk, what are you gonna do? You're gonna say, leave me alone, peace, and just throw you something else. 

Amina: I'm not entertaining that, 

Krys: I'm not choosing to entertain the idea or that concept.

It doesn't fit my perception of how I want to view reality. Right? So that's what we do is we just don't wanna, we don't associate, that's the word. We do not associate with things that we don't want to experience. Association means agreement. Agreement means experience. 

Amina: Love that. Yeah, that's great advice, honestly.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. 

Krys: So sometimes our dreams show up as, as memories from what we call past life experiences or, or I don't even like to say past life, but simultaneous parts of ourselves. So sometimes like for me, a lot of it is very cosmic. I will see different starships and I'll have different experiences on, on starships.

And, you [00:49:00] know, on one level it could be, well, was that, is that something that's going to happen to me? Or is this just a memory that I'm having from something that actually has already happened? So learning how to translate our dreams and fitting it into this centralized, this centralized part of ourselves is really, really important.

Not everything is a linear past future. Sometimes it's just that you're picking up on different signals. From the greater self from the larger cosmic self of your own being. 

Amina: Yes I love that you said you don't really call them past lives because I kind of reached that point too where i'm realizing like they're all parallel Like if time isn't real which we just established or it's not linear like we think it is Then all these past lives future lives are all happening right now Like our soul could be living a hundred different lives right now Maybe even on the same earth in the same time as us, which is great Mind blowing to me.

Krys: It is. Well, that, well, that's what's happening. So, ooh, my gosh. Okay. I know we're coming up to the end of time, but [00:50:00] this is so important. Okay, I'm not in 

Amina: a rush. 

Krys: Okay, so you could have met your future self already. Or your past self. Like, physically. Because time's not linear. So, if you're a soul, you choose that maybe you want to have an experience as Mina, and maybe you want to have an experience as, like, Tiffany.

You want to have that experience. So you incarnate into different time periods. Maybe Tiffany is I'm not sure how old you are, but maybe Tiffany's like 45 and Amina is like 27, whatever. Right. So one day you're 28. 

Amina: Yeah, pretty close. See 

Krys: so Amina, you're, you're in the grocery store and you meet this woman and she's really sweet and she's really kind and she just, you feel very connected to her, but you're not sure.

Why? You have a great conversation and you're just like, huh, she seemed like a really cool person. She could have been you as that expanded version of yourself at 45 years old, shopping in the same grocery store. And it would make [00:51:00] sense because if she's you, then of course you'd be drawn to the same kind of food and environment for the most part, but she could have been a future aspect of you.

So that's the cool thing about dream and time and astros. When you really understand what it is, you see it playing out in your waking life. So you definitely can tune into other aspects of yourself here and there and anywhere. 

Amina: Yes, I love this. I actually just did a whole podcast episode about this where I was talking with someone about like Counterparts and how our dream characters can be other aspects of ourselves.

So that's really really cool. 

Krys: Yeah Yeah, and as a matter of fact, that's like the main way it happens is, is that, but I think we're so used to, especially mainstream spirituality, past life regression, past, past, past. And this idea, this entrenchment of past creates the idea that a reincarnating or incarnating is a linear thing.

It's not linear at all. [00:52:00] 

Amina: Yeah. 

Krys: Like when you incarnate, it's really about what do I want to experience? And so you can drop off in the year 1999 and 2024, then 1720. And it's all you because from that higher perspective, you know, dates, what are dates? They're not, they're not real. They're just different frequencies.

And so I think this allows us to expand our experiences as people, as humans, as a source, as the ether, as a soul. Tremendously, because now what's the limit? There's, there is none anymore, you know? 

Amina: Yeah. Yeah. That's so fascinating. I think that's an important thing for people to start to realize, you know, it's all happening right now.

And I've had dreams show me that too, where I had this like one really profound lucid dream that I always share and I'll spare you all the details. But in one part of it, you know, I was in like this part where they were like, yeah, humans aren't allowed here. This is just where spirits hang out to watch you on earth.

And they could literally [00:53:00] watch on this planet. Big TV scream any time and place on earth. Like they were watching the dinosaurs. Like they were watching what do you call it? Atlantis, ancient Egypt. And they were watching today. Like they were just flipping the channels. Like it's all happening right now.

Krys: That is literally you summarize like all of reality. Cause that's all it is. See, and that concept right there is so important for people to understand. Cause that's, that is more true of time than what we think. Right. So it's like the dinosaurs, the ETs, all this, it's all happening now. But like, what is the now?

And why does it seem like it's separated? It only, it's only separated by groups of ideas. So for the the dinosaur period or the dragon period, that's the whole thing. But anyways, that group of ideas is it centralizes here. That group centralizes here. This other group centralizes here, but it's all happening in the source, in the field, in the ether.

This goes back to being able to predict things. When you raise your consciousness, now you have access to the field. And what's, what's the limit to the field? There is not, it's [00:54:00] just a matter of what you can tune into and what you can't. I watched this movie, I think it's called planet 51 or something. And this is how that concept is shown to me.

Like through this movie, basically humans went back or traveled somewhere and they went to this ET planet, but the ETs were like living in like a very, like kind of undeveloped civilization. And in that moment I was like, Oh my God, wait. So that undeveloped civilization was happening in the same moment that the advanced humans were happening.

Wait, so that means a year is not an actual place. It's just a concept. Yeah. Like the year 1920 is just a concept. The year 1940 is just a concept. The people in 1920 dress a certain way. They do a certain thing. If I were to change my lifestyle to fit the theme of 1920, it would look like the 1920s, it would feel like the 1920s, but it would still be 2024, technically, by the fake time, but [00:55:00] it's all happening now.

Amina: Yeah, wow, that's mind blowing. In that same dream that I told you about, they also told me, like, anything you see in movies like that, or any movies that really touch you, is true somewhere, somehow. Like, there's truth in movies. Exactly how they show it and they hide it in plain sight. So that was another message that I got from my dream.

So yes, on that movie. Totally. 

Krys: I love that. Yeah. And it's like, and it's cause if you can have a thought of it, then, then you're generating the experience. Cause again, Nothing exists without the observer. So it can't be in a movie. It can't be on Hollywood without there being it coming from some form of consciousness.

You know, there was a science experiment. You'll love this. There was a science experiment done. I don't remember the years, but it was sometime, I think in the 1980s or nineties, there was this group of like elderly people and they were just really, really sick and just not doing well, like at all. Some of them had like different kinds of cancers and things like that.

This group of scientists Transcribed Took these couple [00:56:00] elderly, elderly people and they put them in this setting, like in a little town setting that was designed for, I think the 1940s. So here, here the group of people from the 1990s, but they get brought to a setting just like different houses that looked like the 1940s cars look like 1940s.

The food was 1940s. The music is 1940s. After the first week the people became happier. After the second week, their physical bodies started to show signs of positive reinforcement. Like they started to become healthier. After the third week, their sickness started to go away. Fourth week, they actually started to show signs of anti aging.

They started to reverse their age, like physically reverse their age. They stayed in there for a while and they actually got younger, physically got younger. All their sickness went away. The difference was, the year didn't change. Right. So they came from the 1990s, but we're just put into a different environment.[00:57:00] 

But what happens when you're put into a different environment is that the concepts, thoughts, and ideas change. So their body was responding to the 1940s as if they were there. And so it generated the experience of going back in time in being younger so much so that their bodies healed. That's what time travel is really being able to shift your thoughts.

To a different set of frequencies to have that experience. 

Amina: Wow, perception is really everything. 

Krys: Yes. 

Amina: That's cool. 

Krys: It's everything. That's awesome. Right. I know. So we do that in dreams all the time. We're always shifting our perceptions, but it's like, oh, that was just a dream. Hello? 

Amina: Just a dream. What does that even mean?

Krys: Yeah, 

Amina: no for sure when I'm in a dream I'm really there and it has a profound impact on me. And yeah, my dream memories I cherish them just as much as my waking [00:58:00] life memories. So 

Krys: yeah. Yeah Have you been what's been like the most impactful thing that you can remember like from? You That's kind of been like a life changing thing for you from, from astral dream space.

Amina: Man, there's so many that like come to mind. It's been like, like this fabric of things that have just impacted me. But that one dream I share, which I called the lucid lesson. That was a big one for me that I just love sharing with people. And I've had other dreams like that where I've, you know, gotten.

You know, spiritual knowledge and information that, you know, then later up, you know, matches up with other people's thoughts and theories. And I've also had dreams that like literally healed me from things like emotional things and even physical things. But like when I was going through a hard time in my life, I had a dream where I literally found a spirit guide and they like sucked all of this pain out of my body.

And it was like this really magical thing. thing. So dreams like that, that have really like helped me, like when I was struggling to do it in waking life, the dreams have picked me up and put me [00:59:00] back on my feet and said, you're, you're good. You've got this. And I literally wake up feeling, I was like healed.

I was so much better. I was not, you know, going, you know. I was still going through what I was going through, but I was able to handle it because of that dream. And then I got that healing from beyond me. I literally was in the dream, like begging my spirit guides, like, please just like heal me. Like, I don't want to feel this way anymore.

So things like that, like so many dreams have had an impact on me. And also through like meditations and certain experiences, I've had OBEs as well that were just really interesting. And I will always remember those, like the point of, Exiting my body and re entering my body, quote unquote, because it's just such a vivid memory for me.

I will always remember what that feels like. 

So those just, they have a special place in my heart. 

Krys: That's awesome. Yeah, yeah. So the ability to tune into a higher frequency that then has impact in this dimension, in this realm. That's very, very real. And you can do a lot of work like that just through meditation, like you said.

[01:00:00] That's really powerful. So, have you had Star contact like with your stellar family as you were. That's how I see it. 

Amina: Yeah. So I think so. I mean, I haven't had any like really specific or maybe I have, and I'm just downplaying it. I've had a few dreams where I'm lucid and I find a dream character and, you know, one time they told me like, Oh yeah, my name is, her name was Valeria in this dream.

She's like, I'm an alien and I support you. And I, you know, I'm an extraterrestrial and I hang out with you and watch you or whatever, support you. She didn't say anything of the fact that we were related in that dream. But there was another dream where I was asking like a spirit guide about like my past, current, parallel lives.

And they were telling me how, Oh, you know, you, you were in Atlantis and you were in, you know some astral star family, but I didn't really get much details on it, so it's still something that I'm exploring But I've also had like weird, like psychedelic experiences where I like saw aliens and stuff.

So I don't know what to make of those. 

Krys: Yeah. The psychedelics are a whole other animal in and of itself. [01:01:00] But that's, that's really cool. Yeah. I mean, cause that, that's where I've gotten a lot of my information is, is from literally from dream space and meditation and, I find that you can access the same level of consciousness and meditation that you do in dreams, if not more, because you're kind of more in control, I guess you could say, like you're very much aware of her physical surrounding.

Amina: But 

Krys: even sometimes in deep meditation, I get to a point where I do lose feeling in my body, not in a numb way, but I become kind of that like thought being, this is kind of like, all right, well, And then you don't have kind of the monkey mind. And then now your mind kind of goes on autopilot where you're hearing different ideas and thoughts.

It's almost like I'm reading the field. Oh my God. Wait a second. This is like Professor Xavier and the X Men. 

Amina: Oh, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, 

Krys: it is. People. Yeah, it's kind of like, 

Amina: you can see it all. Yeah. 

Krys: Wow. That makes 

Amina: sense. Yeah, I need to I've had experiences like that with [01:02:00] meditation, and I'm slowly like slowly separating from my body, but I can still see myself.

I always feel like tethered kind of, and I need to get into it more. I'm at the stage where I only meditate like five to 10 minutes. That's as much as I can handle, but hey, it's better than nothing. 

Krys: That's totally fine. It's totally fine. That was just on the hyzer. That was so funny to me, like this five to 10 minutes.

And that's, that's all I got. Like, 

Amina: I'm working on it. 

Krys: No, honestly I set my alarm sometimes for three minutes. Cause when you really get good at, get good at meditating, you don't need long. You can drop in like really quickly because you, you have now become the frequency. And so it doesn't take a lot of time to really just.

Like center in so five minutes is great. And if I'm going beyond like 10, 15 minutes, 20, 30, it's because I'm trying to, I'm, I'm, I'm traveling. I'm, I'm going to figure something out. I'm, you know, practicing some of my abilities for me now. Meditation is more of a tool to utilize higher functions than like.

You know, I want to feel peace and [01:03:00] joy. It's like I teach people what I call advanced meditations where you are literally doing that Professor x thing and tapping into the ethers and so yeah, but I want to respect your time. I could chat all day 

Amina: Yeah, honestly same. This is my favorite topic But why don't you like say, you know, where can we find you?

What are your links? What do you want to share all that good stuff? 

Krys: Okay. Yeah, this has been amazing i'm chris rael or chris christelle or just chris And I teach either physics through cosmic frequency and we're going to be launching a cosmic academy in the next couple of days, which is so freaking amazing or where we'll be diving into all these things.

Astral projection, ether physics, and a bunch of other stuff. But yeah, so my website is cosmic frequency. org. My Instagram is cosmic frequency. There's not a second E in the word frequency because we took out the ether. Play on words. And then YouTube cosmic frequency nine and what else? I have a tick tock [01:04:00] cosmic frequency and the, yeah, that's all the places.

If you guys want to connect, let me know. Just reach out Instagram. Our email is usually the best. And yeah, sign up for the Academy, a one on one services I offer. I'll be speaking on a contact at sea cruise in September. I got invited to a seven day cruise. You can join me there. I'll be on another podcast in June.

And yeah, you'll see all this stuff. Connect I'm here. 

Amina: Yeah, that's exciting. I'm excited to follow along your journey and keep connecting. Want to do a part two sometime 

Krys: Yeah, for sure. I mean, yeah, let's let's do this again. I think there's a lot to explore Dreamworld You're a great host and I can tell that you've done a lot of research just from your own inner You know, experiences.

So that's, that's really powerful. That's noetic mind. So well done to you. Thank you. 

Amina: Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. And people can find me on the dreamworldpodcast. com or the dream world podcast on all social medias. 

Krys: Beautiful. All right, my [01:05:00] friend.