The Dream World
The Dream World Podcast is about focusing on sleep & dreams to better your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is an interactive podcast, where anyone can join the conversation about exploring consciousness. Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and normalize talking about dreams. We cover a variety of tips and topics on how to take care of the mind and body both in waking life and in the dream world. With an open mind, we investigate stories, anecdotes, research studies, myths, facts and everything in between, in order to explore the universe & all its mysteries🧠
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💡How can we learn from our dreams and apply it to our waking life? We as humans spend an entire THIRD of our lives asleep, where we sleepwalk through our dreams just as mindlessly as we walk through life. In our dreams, we visit another dimension called The Dream World. Wake up. Pay attention.
👩🏽🚀 Dreams are gifts that have a lot to teach us. Even nightmares can be transformative. “Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery”.-Stephen Laberge. ⚡️
💡 We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been inspired by them, such as Paul McCartney’s hit song “Yesterday” coming to him in a dream or of Mendeleev’s dream-inspired construction of the periodic table of elements, suggesting that dreams are more than just a byproduct of sleep.
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The Dream World
EP82: Conscious Conception & The Pre-Birth Experience
This podcast episode explores the intriguing subject of pregnancy dreams and the spiritual journey of conception, featuring Christel Janssen, a spiritual birth doula. The discussion dives into concepts such as conscious conception, birth by attraction, and the influence of incoming souls on their parents' lives.
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Amina: [00:00:00] Today's episode is a topic that I love. Pregnancy dreams and dreams about conception before the baby is born. So for those who are parents or thinking of becoming parents someday, it's a tough but important journey that you're on. And I'm proud of you for raising smart, conscious little humans. I also want to remind listeners to leave a review, comment, share, follow to support the guests and check out the links in the description.
I have a free online workshop coming up this month about trauma, nightmares, and lucid dreaming, so don't miss out on this opportunity to get a free workshop. I also co founded an aspiring startup non profit called Lucid Dream Initiative, and we're building a community of lucid dream coaches, enthusiasts, and students.
It's composed of a collective of projects that fit into dream research, education, art, and media. And we're currently calling out to anyone that wants to get involved with that being said Please welcome crystal jensen today's guest who's a spiritual birth doula and helps people communicate telepathically to their unborn babies[00:01:00]
Well, welcome to the podcast. I'm excited to talk with you. I've been following your content for a while now So i've been wanting to do an episode about this type of stuff because I find it very very fascinating Your tiktok is great. By the way. I love your videos
Christel: Yeah. I mean, same with you. Like, I love, I love what you're posting and I think it's so great to create awareness, you know, about the invisible basically.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So yeah, my name is, uh, Crystal Jensen and I'm here on Kauai. I'm originally from the Netherlands and, um, I am all into telepathy and that actually started for me when I had all these experiences This is in a flotation tank and, um, that is where I really kind of like learned how to access other dimensions.
And I was, I was trained as an acupuncturist, focused on women with fertility issues, helping women with their menstrual cycle. [00:02:00] And, um, and then from there, from developing myself kind of energetically, I learned to really tune into someone's body and to also connect telepathically to baby souls. That was kind of a next step.
And that was something too that I really developed with my own daughter when she announced herself. And during the pregnancy, we had this communication going on and it was in dreams. It was in meditations or in just like, like lucid states, basically. And she would tell me things and she would tell me like what pregnancy not is about.
And that, that it's, that it really is. For example, one thing she would tell me like, it's gender is not important at all for like this perspective where they come from. I mean, here it's very important for us, but if you understand that from their perspective, it's so different. It, it, it is a, yeah, it becomes a completely different deal.
So, uh, so, and this is what I currently do. So I help other [00:03:00] women to To develop this bond, to connect to the soul of their baby, to, in order to let the whole process of conceiving and of pregnancy and birth really go smooth and easy. Yeah.
Amina: So you mentioned a second ago, something about the flotation device.
I want to know about that. What is that?
Christel: Yeah. So I had the incredible opportunity to live for one year in a place where they had a flotation tank. So a flotation tank is like this isolation tank and it's where there, it's like this egg shaped, uh, device where you go in and you actually take away all sensory input.
So I mean, apart from like, so, so the temperature of the water is the same as your body temperature. You, you don't see anything. It's. It's dark. You don't hear anything. It's isolated. And, um, it is, uh, I mean, you smell a little bit the water, but basically that was, I mean, the amazing thing was that I was able to go in it for a [00:04:00] year long, almost every day.
And I had these amazing experiences. So what's, what started happening was that I realized that I would go in it and first The first and foremost important thing was to relax. I mean, to relax your body, to really relax your neck, to, to kind of really surrender. And that sometimes, I mean, I got better and better at it, but it's really like, like, yeah, letting your body deeply relax.
And then what would happen is that my energy body would start floating. So it would float above the Above my physical body or first in that process of relaxation, my body started to always tremble. So I would just like my whole body started to tremble and shake just involuntarily, I wouldn't do anything, but it would just happen.
And then I would just start floating. So my energy body started floating above my body. And then what always would happen is that I would flow. Like, it was like, I was going to stand up. So from, from laying and floating, I would stand up [00:05:00] and then I would. Start spiraling. I would start spiraling, spiraling, spiraling, and I will spiral into an experience.
And the amazing thing was that I was able to actually guide myself to do this. So, the intention in which I came into this flotation tank would determine the experience, would like, I mean, I would Could you say, Oh, I just want to deeply relax. Or I could just say, I want to experience my own birth, or I want to experience, um, uh, the solution to a problem.
Or like I, I could, I could just have these, I had it completely dialed in that I knew, okay, I can, I know how to get into this state. And I, and then, and then I would fall into this, like. spiraling tunnel and then I would be presented with what my intention was. And, um, so that, that is where I really kind of learned to access other dimensions really.
Yeah. And it was, this was like a long time ago. I mean, I think I was [00:06:00] 24 or something like, I mean, it's, 30 years ago. Yeah, that's fascinating. And how long would you float in there? It would always be, it wasn't that long. I mean, I would, it was between 30 and 45 minutes. It would never be much longer. And, and I think that was for certain reasons, I know people have dematerialized in those things.
And, and I, I, and I was always like, okay, if I stay longer, I mean, not that I was thinking, I mean, it was just like, I would go in the experience and then I would move out and that was. Usually that amount of time. Yeah. And I'm not, I'm not completely sure why,
Amina: but yeah. Interesting. So when we have these types of out of body experiences and we go and explore other dimensions, do you think this place that are astral body or our soul goes to is related to where babies come from before they're born, or maybe where we go after we die.
Do you think it's the same or different places? There's so many
Christel: [00:07:00] layers to this experience. So it could be just, I mean, it just could be that you're just going to your unconscious, but I always compare it to, it is like we have the earth and around the earth is all these different layers. And there is these, what I call near earth realms where there's all this.
It's like stuff that's happening on earth is reflected there and there's, and, and, and there is the, the part that's kind of outside of it, which is the crystalline realms where it's more, where there is no duality so much, but, and, and, and this is usually when I speak about the new children, I mean, make a distinction with that.
They are there. They're located in this kind of space. Space outside of duality and where there's just creation energy, where there is just inspiration and, and, and creation energy. And they come from that space and that's where they kind of create their life plan and prepare for their life on earth. And, and, and, and there's also certain [00:08:00] schooling that they do or that they go through.
And so what my own experience is really that when I would go there, I would go through this It's kind of outer atmosphere of the earth, simply. Yeah, that
Amina: makes sense with the layers. Um, cause even just through my own experience with, um, out of body, I've noticed that there's different depths that you can go to.
And when you mentioned new children, what do you mean by that specifically?
Christel: Uh, I always make the distinction between birth by attraction and birth by conscious choice and birth by attraction is just that energy seeks energy, which usually it is that So, um, the idea is that if you, like, if you die, you kind of stay, you can either go all the way back to this pure realm, like this, this, or you can kind of stay closer to earth in these near earth realms.
pulled, sucked back into this cosmic womb. So this, this happens a lot, like 80 percent of all people born, born on earth [00:09:00] are going through this kind of like, I mean, you could call this karma, but, but I, I don't call it that way, but it's, um, but so the new children, they have gone through this, they've either been on earth before, usually they have, uh, reach certain levels of, of development and there, um, yeah, so they're on a higher frequency and they come in in a much more conscious way and they, they want to have also conscious parents.
And it could also be souls that have never been on earth before. They can come from other planets from other dimensions, other solar systems. They can come straight out of God or straight. Like, I mean, it could be like angels incarnate. I mean, it could be, but, but the new children, they have like really like a special mission and, and, uh, so it's about.
20 percent of children that are born on earth currently are coming in as new children and they have certain abilities. And, and, I mean, the main characteristic is really that they, [00:10:00] they're not going to forget who they are, uh, like, like many of us did, like we come here and we totally forget who we are.
And then we have to do therapy and kind of figure out who are we, what am I doing here? And what is life about? But they, they come in like. Okay, they know exactly that they are beings that incarnate. And they know that this is in a way just a game. You know, this is just a simulation or just, um, an experience.
And, and this is, I mean, in a way our 3D reality is not to be taken so seriously. You know, they, they know that. They, they know lucid dreaming, you know, they know, yeah, they know all kinds of things. Yeah, if it makes sense.
Amina: Yeah, definitely. It's really fascinating. And I've always thought as well that, you know, we can choose our own parents or that babies choose who they, you know, where they want to be born.
Um, do you think this applies to everybody who's born? I know a lot of people struggle with that idea of like, why would I choose this life? Why would I choose what I went through? Or my parents were terrible. Why would I choose them? So what do you think [00:11:00] about that?
Christel: Yeah. So, so I think also it's good to understand, like, I mean, again, it, it comes back to, to this.
birth by attraction and birth by conscious choice. That's part of it. Also, it's usually just like who we are is like this incredible big soul, but who incarnates is only a small part of that big soul. So, so we, it's usually an aspect that incarnates. So it could be that you're just. this big enlightened being and a part of you says, okay, I'm going to, I'm going to experience what it is to, to be brought in this extreme density and to, and limitation and, and situation maybe of abuse or, or pain or suffering, and to then give myself some keys to move out of it.
So, so sometimes it is. And, and partially, partially part of it is just, um, birth by attraction where certain energies that are not resolved kind of continue and want to be resolved. And [00:12:00] then this part of you just incarnates as a, as a person and, and experiences, uh, these terrible situations and also knows, okay, during my life, I'm going to kind of, uh, raise above it and I'm going to heal and I'm going to find other ways.
And I'm going to, and it's, it's going to serve you in, in one way of another or another. So, I mean, yeah, that's kind of how I really view it. It's, uh, I mean, you would always think like, why would I, you know, If you would really choose your parents, why would you choose these, these terrible parents and, and yet still, I mean, sometimes it's not something that you can really determine with your mind, you know, you cannot really with your mind say, Oh, it is because of that, but it's usually like this really deep feeling and realization how perfect it is and how it's just a way energy plays out.
Yeah. Yeah. If that makes sense. Yeah.
Amina: So would you say that birth by conscious choice is when, you know, the parents are intentionally trying to [00:13:00] have babies and connect. Um, and then is birth by attraction just, uh, when the soul is attracted to, you know, whichever energy fits, whether they plan to the pregnancy or not.
Christel: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's kind of like, so I mean in an extreme case, like there is this, soul that left the earth, maybe in a, in a, in a traumatic way or to a car accident or, or, and then it's, it, that energy kind of stays with, with this, with this soul. And, and it, it is like, like I said before, it could stay in these near earth realms.
And then it's, it, it's kind of sucked back into this cosmic womb. There's this, this big cosmic birth canal that's That's the one way highway to earth and then, and then, then they're in there like unconscious. And then there's parents on earth that, that kind of match that energy that maybe are like are in an abusive relationship or are whatever drug addicts or whatever.
[00:14:00] And they, they, they just open up and they, they send out the signal like, and it could be very unconscious. So, so because there's always like, well, why is it so easy for those? people that are not conscious at all to become pregnant. But that is because of this, because of these energies, they, they, they look for each other and, um, and, and then certain patterns repeat itself.
And it's not always like good or bad, you know, it's usually a whole package of all kinds of energies, very beautiful energies and very kind of more challenging energies that, that kind of start matching. Yeah. So, but birth by conscious choice is much more, Where you are completely aware as parents. Okay.
This is why we want to conceive like, like that, you know, really know the why. And it's not so much it, it, the why is really coming from your being, from your soul that, you know, okay, this, this, this fits in my current [00:15:00] life plan. And, and, and then it's not like on demand, you know, it's not like, okay, now this month, I'm going to get pregnant.
It could be that you had. This conscious choice a year ago and then a year later, all of a sudden you, you can see. So, so sometimes I asked women that became pregnant and they really made a conscious choice. They said, was it a conscious conception? And they say, no, but, and it is because they're like, They were not aware when it was happening, but these souls, they are really outside time and space, you know, so it's, it's, it's not like we cannot control the, the, the time and space here, you know, it's so, so sometimes it comes as a surprise where it wasn't really a surprise that was made like this, this more conscious choice.
Yeah. Yeah.
Amina: Yeah. That's interesting for me personally. Like I have always wanted to have kids since I was a child, like so young. It's always been like a huge part of like what I feel like my [00:16:00] path in life is. And I've just always loved kids and wanted to contribute to like, you know, raising conscious children of the next generation, which is so important.
But it's funny, you know, because as much as I have these desires and you know, I'm approaching 30 or whatever, I don't have money and I don't have a husband. So what are ways that women can, you know, if they want to start conscious conception, maybe even before they're actually ready. Is that something that you talk about?
Christel: Yes. Yeah. I talk about that actually a lot too. So often dating is so. kind of convoluted by, by the desire to have a child. So these women, they, they're like, I want to have the father for my children or, you know, and that can sometimes be put such a pressure on, on a looking for a partner. So what I always say, if you can, Kind of cultivate and nourish and, and connect to this desire to have children and then to already, so I teach certain techniques where you can [00:17:00] already develop a conscious bond where it's not only that you have this desire, but where you literally allow yourself to raise your vibration.
And to connect. So, so basically where we are on earth is a much lower vibration where these souls are as a much higher vibration. And to, to connect to these, to your future baby is to help yourself, to raise your vibration and to know that you're going to kind of meet in the middle. And then when you can do that, and sometimes it's like a group of souls that you connect to, and, and sometimes it's just one, and then you It, it feels really good in the first place.
It feels really good because you feel like it's really honoring who you are as a soul and it's honoring them and they feel really appreciated and loved and acknowledged for not just like that. They're going to be a baby, but they're going to be a completely intelligent being that's kind of on the same level as you or, or of a much higher [00:18:00] level.
And, and that's, that's, that's great. It feels honored to be received in that way. So, so, and from there, it's, it's amazing to see that things start to then shift. So, so then the right father will be brought to you and you don't have to. Do it anymore. And then the finances will fall into place. You know, the, the, the, yeah, like when my daughter was born, it was in 2008 when that big crash was, then, I mean, the second she was born, I mean, she brought so much abundance, like, like things were flowing so well, you know, it, it's, yeah, it's kind of, you have to.
Reverse engineer it, maybe, or yeah, it's, yeah, yeah. And it doesn't mean like, I mean, you cannot do it with your willpower, you know, I mean, you know about that. You cannot just like will yourself there, but it's, it's really like kind of opening up and to, and then have these exchanges and then see where it wants to go and, [00:19:00] and know that you create like this beautiful foundation in yourself A soul to come and then then you will be just benefit from it for the rest of your life.
I mean that that's That's the beautiful thing So the more you're you're able to make this conscious connection and and nurture it and develop it that that's the best Yeah, during the life of the child, you just know who it is and you know why you're together. And you know, you know, each moment how they feel, what they're doing.
Like, I mean, it's, it creates an amazing telepathic connection. Like, yeah, like my daughter and I, we could, can never do really like an, an, a guessing game because we always know like, what am I thinking about? We just know what, what the other is thinking about.
Amina: That's cool. Yeah. So to what extent can the incoming soul affect the events happening?
I've heard stories of like maybe a miscarriage was because the soul wasn't ready or didn't like the, the energy or, or even. They purposefully make [00:20:00] condoms break so that they can be born or whatever way that it could go.
Christel: Yes, exactly. I mean, if you would really, like, if you would really listen to them, they always say, I'm the one.
I'm the one making it happen. So, so as much emphasis that There is here on fertility and becoming pregnant. They sometimes say, well, it doesn't matter. I mean, even though you have like an, a certain illness or PCOS or whatever, your whole life, if you give them the ability to come, um, then, then it appears that it is healed or all of a sudden your ovaries are responding normal and they, and they do.
come through all kinds of birth control. The pill even and, uh, or diaphragms or I, yeah, I had that happen myself and, um, or morning after pills or whatever that, that are condoms that break. They have such an incredible influence. I mean, I know so many stories where. Yeah, [00:21:00] the soul just was like, okay, I, it's time I need to come right now.
And you can think in your own timing, but, but it's, it's usually, or it's always their timing. And sometimes they come in the case of miscarriage, they come. And it's sometimes hard to explain, but sometimes they come for a little bit to just do like a test flight, you know, it sounds really bizarre, but they sometimes come to to experience a body for a little bit.
And that, that's, that's kind of what my daughter told me too. Like I was pregnant in 1999 and then I was really happy, but then my partner appeared to be, uh, had a gambling addiction and took all my money. And I was like, this is not right. So I chose an abortion. And, um, When my daughter was born seven years later and, uh, she was four years old, she started talking about this experience.
And she said, I was in your belly before, and you went to the doctor and took me out. And I [00:22:00] was kind of like shocked, like, Oh, I'm sorry. Oh my God. And she was like, Oh, but that was not a big deal. She said, it wasn't your choice. It was my choice. She said, or she said, in fact, we all chose to come back later in In Hawaii, be born in Hawaii.
So this was in the Netherlands. And she said. I didn't want to be born in the Netherlands. I, I wanted to be born in Hawaii and I knew that already. So I, I left, I wanted to leave. Whereas in my perspective, it completely was like, uh, I made the decision to have this abortion. So, so that is another aspect that we think it's our choice or our doing, but.
But from their perspective, they're the one initiating it. And, um, and so she was speaking about this whole group of souls that she was part of that all were in bodies before. They all had an experience as in a pregnant mother and, and then had a miscarriage or just [00:23:00] left, you know, and then to come back later.
as a group. And then she named all her friends and yeah, and some were with different parents, different fathers, but they all, we all decided to be born together. So, so I mean, when you really plug into this awareness of these souls and how they come here and what they choose, all the choices that they make, uh, and, and the influence it has here on, on our reality.
It's amazing. It's amazing because then. I mean, and it's such a liberation in a way for me to understand that it was her choice and it was in a complete agreement. And that's what she said. She said, you told me that I could come back later. And it was true. I said, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's not going to work out, but you can come back later.
And she said, because she didn't come, something else needed to come. And then she said, instead of me, our dog came, which was so amazing because I had indeed a dog [00:24:00] that was born two months later. And the conception of that dog was the same day as the conception of that pregnancy, which, which is super bizarre, you know?
And my daughter, like when she was like, that was 11 years later, she was speaking about this. Yeah.
Amina: Wow. Yeah. That makes me think that even our pets are part of this like soul journey that we're on.
Christel: Yes. Very much. Like very much. Yeah. I mean, there's so much to say about this. Yeah. I described this in my book with my own dog.
Like, I mean, it's just amazing. They're very much part of our conception journeys. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. So.
Amina: Yeah, it's really comforting. You know, a lot of people who have miscarriages or failed pregnancies, they are hard on themselves, you know, so this is good for them to hear. And, um, I've always wondered that like, is when you get pregnant again, is it the same soul?
Is it a different one? I think it could be both depending on the circumstances, but that is really interesting.
Christel: Yeah, it is. It is both. Yeah. It could be, um, Completely different soul, [00:25:00] but sometimes, usually when you have developed like some kind of agreement or bond, then, then it can stay. And sometimes it's 10 years later that you conceive, you know, yeah, of the same soul.
Amina: So do you have any particular, like interesting stories, either from your own pregnancy that comes to mind or stories you have heard that. You want to share if like anything stands out to you right now?
Christel: Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's so many things, but, uh, or, or, or something simple, like when I was pregnant myself, I mean, it's like everything that you're doing and thinking they are experiencing with you and it's not to create guilt or to create it or to say like, but, but, but there to have this awareness that they're aware of everything.
My daughter would just. Yeah. Tell me all these things. Like for example, she had announced herself. So two weeks before I got pregnant of her, she appeared as a, as a, like a [00:26:00] bubble, like a ball of energy and, and yeah. And she like, like visceral present. And she said, I want to be born with you. Is that okay?
And, and it was so strong and clear. And I felt that. I, that question landed so deep in me and it, it, it's the answer came from so deep too. So I really felt like I said, yes, with all of my being, I mean, I, it couldn't be like I've, it was the deepest yes I've ever said. And it, and it was such a beautiful, pure, respectful.
mutual agreement question. And yeah, so, so in that moment, I felt like, like worlds just moved. And I, I, I, it was like, I know that in this moment, my whole life with her is laid out and in all the potentials and, and, and because of this deep, Mutual agreement. [00:27:00] I know that things are going to be easy. Every, every part of it is going to be easy.
And two weeks later, I had like the, the conception and, and the moment, I mean, the moment of conception was really. Beautiful to that, that, um, yeah, I, I described this in my book too, that because of conception takes usually is a few hours after, or it can be a few days, even after the intercourse, you know, so, but that morning was the intimacy with my partner, which was really special, you know, when, when you have a conscious conception and you're not even fully aware of it, but the, the The being is really present, is really present and makes it like an amazing experience where you're like, whoa, whoa.
I've never felt such so deep in love, you know, and that you even wonder, am I in love with this person or am I in love with myself or am I in love with my baby? Or, or is it all of it? Or it's just this incredible space. And then later this, this afternoon, I [00:28:00] was sitting by myself at the beach, really far from the ocean.
And I felt this incredible, like, golden light enter me. And I knew, okay, this is the conception. And then I opened my eyes and it was this, this, this really big shell. I mean, this sounds, I always feel a little bit embarrassed to say, but it had appeared in front of me. It was wet and it was this big shell that had appeared and the ocean didn't bring it there.
And, and the sand was dry, but the shell was wet. And And there was no way that it could have, that anybody could have put it there, or it was just like it had appeared. And the same had happened that first time when I got pregnant in 1999, with, with my daughter, and that a pearl appeared out of the sky, like, and, and fell on my paper.
I mean, there's a whole story to that. But so, All to say there is so much magic happening and in this manifestation, you know, in this, in this [00:29:00] process of coming into embodiment and coming into the manifestation and coming into this world. Yeah.
Amina: Wow, that is magical. And I fully believe it. I mean, there's so much we don't know about reality and ourselves.
And I know we just barely scratched the surface of a couple of things, so I'll let you talk about your book in a second, and where people can find your page and stuff. But I do want to ask you about dreams, because I can't wait. Love talking about dreams. What are pregnancy dreams like? Why have, why do people report they're so crazy and weird and spiritual?
I mean, I know you're literally a portal while you're pregnant. Um, but what was your experience like? Yeah. So, so
Christel: I think it's really important to understand that when you're pregnant or even a few months before you become pregnant, you are in this, what I call this vortex, this, this spiritual womb, this spiritual birth canal.
And it's like this. I mean, sometimes I, I mean, there's all different shapes and forms that you can experience it. Sometimes it's more like a tunnel. Sometimes it's like a roller coaster. [00:30:00] Sometimes it's like this big space that's really bubbly and, but it's, it's, it's basically a reflection of our physical womb and physical birth canal.
And, and because everything that's here on this physical realm is also mirrored on the other side or, and the other vice versa. So when you're pregnant, you're connected to this space. And in this space are all the emotions and all the energies that are currently on earth. So there is the wildest things like war and, and, and just pain and anger and, and aggression and grief.
And there's all these different emotions and energies. And there's also the most beautiful, pure energies. So usually in the dream time, you You go there and, and it could either be that you are just with your baby in this really pure merging place where it's really lovely and sweet. And, and, and you're, you just going through this cosmic womb, [00:31:00] or you just experience all the energies that, that the soul of your baby also is experiencing, which could be, I mean, it could be a very wild ride and this is what you experience.
So many, many women report that they have all these. It's terrible, terrible dreams. And it doesn't mean specifically that your child has that energy, but it means what they are going through or that you're just experiencing what is in there too. You, you, you, it's like all the souls that are going to be born on earth.
In the next 10, 12, 11, 13 months are in there and, and they come with all kinds of energies. And some are very unconscious and very like confused and, and chaotic and others are very like balanced. And that's, that's what you can all feel and you can do that during the day. And that's, that's great. can cause morning sickness, but especially during the dream time, you're, and that's why I always, um, advise women that are pregnant to, to do certain, uh, breathing exercises [00:32:00] to kind of balance yourself and to prepare yourself like, okay, I'm going to go back in a dream time, time, and I'm going to, be connecting to this cosmic womb, and I can do it in an unconscious way and be like swept away, or I can experience like the essence really of what incarnation is, you know, that, that, uh, yeah, so it's, you can go there in a very conscious way and then, then it doesn't need to be so wild and, and then you can, yeah.
And then women get. hear their names or hear about the path of this child or hear about the connection to other family members. Um, or I mean, they get the most amazing information. Yeah,
Amina: that is so cool. It reminds me, have you seen the Disney movie Soul?
Christel: Yes. Yes. They kind of remind me of how they plan
Amina: out, you know, their life and and then they come in and then they go out and then there's the new souls and all that.
That's such a good movie. Yeah. It's amazing how
Christel: Disney or all [00:33:00] kind. Yeah. How, how movies show this, this information, you know, and it's really visionary often. Yeah. Or, you know, that's another aspect. So these souls, they, they get, or these 20 percent of new energy souls, children, they, they get a preparation.
So they get really. preparation to come to earth. They are prepared. They know how conception works, how a female body works. They know all the laws on earth, but they also learn about the future. So they're very visionary. They're very, they know already what's going to happen on earth in, in 15 years, where we, we are just very limited here.
We don't know, but they already have this visionary information. And, and to know that and to, to help these souls to come here with this information and not being shut down is like a, yeah, tremendous asset, I think. Yeah. Yeah.
Amina: And so when they come and they remember these, Their past and the universe and all of that.[00:34:00]
Do you think that stays with them? Or as they grow older into like adolescence and adulthood, do you think they kind of separate from that a bit?
Christel: I mean, I think they, they separate much less than, than our generations did like earlier January. They, they kind of like stay, they keep certain memories active and, and with them.
And, and, and, but I mean, to various degree, they also. forget and shut down. And yeah, depending on, I know sometimes the way they're educated or they're raised or yeah, but um, but in general they have this commitment that they remember who they are and, and how the world works and what they come here to do.
Amina: That is beautiful. This is fascinating stuff. So if people want to know more, what's your book called? Where can they find it or, or where can they find you and your content?
Christel: Yeah. So, um, my, my book is called clouds in bodies, [00:35:00] essential guide to conscious conception for the new energy children. So it is really about those new children and it's on Amazon.
Um, and, uh, and on Tik TOK, I also have another book called 49 days, which could be super interesting for you too, which is about the afterlife where I had like, I mean, but maybe we should do another podcast, but it's, but I had all these for two and a half years. I had these amazing communications with my boyfriend who died and communicated on my computer screen from his coma about an end from the, from the afterlife about where he was and all these different dimensions he would go to.
And ultimately also came back to his body. I mean, it, it's, uh, wow. I need to know more about that. We're going to have to do a part two. Yes, we do. I'm sure we do. Yeah, so, for me it's really helpful to have this information, to understand what happens after we die, and to understand, like, all these different, like, these layers.
I feel like I know so much about it because of [00:36:00] that experience, which was so outrageous. I mean, and I have been in so many ways denied, like, or judged about, like, the, I mean, it was Super bizarre. But so that's another book, 49 days. It's called the essentialist journey in the modern afterlife. But anyway, so, and I teach, uh, all kinds of classes about telepathy and connecting to the soul of your baby during pregnancy and, and for conception.
And you can find me at crystal Jansen. com. So C H R I S T E L J A N S S E N. com. And I'm mostly under the. handle spontaneous movement as a on, on Facebook, YouTube. Yeah. That's where you can find me. Yeah.
Amina: So do you have any, to close out like any just thoughts or advice on your mind for maybe anybody that this episode could relate to?
If you're slightly
Christel: thinking that there is more to birth than what we are presented [00:37:00] with, when, when you're struggling like in the medical world or, and you feel that this resonates, Find ways to connect to your baby because it will, your, your child will be, will be so grateful that you do this. And I mean, to me, I have to say that still, like, it's, it's, it's.
There's not a day going by that I don't realize the incredible gift it is to have a conscious conception. It just takes a guessing out of everything. So, so if you slightly feel that this resonates or, or connect to me and, and do a class or, but know that you can already connect in and invite your soul in.
And that's, That's such an incredible gift and I'm sure that that's going to change the world You know that so I'm actually very hopeful for the future connecting to these Babies just makes you very like hopeful even though we think that the world is coming to an end but When you connect to them, they're like, Oh [00:38:00] no, not at all.
Where we, we will come and incarnate and we come to have our own experience and we're excited about it and we're going to do this. We got this. So that's, um, I guess that's my closing statement. Thank you so much. I'm excited
Amina: for the future too. I think that conscious children are going to make the world a better place.
Right. Yes.
Christel: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that there is going to be more and more and more conscious children that there, it's going to kind of grow and become bigger. And yeah. So there's going to be a whole different movement and yeah. Yeah.