The Dream World
The Dream World Podcast is about focusing on sleep & dreams to better your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is an interactive podcast, where anyone can join the conversation about exploring consciousness. Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and normalize talking about dreams. We cover a variety of tips and topics on how to take care of the mind and body both in waking life and in the dream world. With an open mind, we investigate stories, anecdotes, research studies, myths, facts and everything in between, in order to explore the universe & all its mysteries🧠
🪐 We love talking to oneironauts (dream travelers) and learning about their experiences with lucid dreaming and other out-of-body-experiences. ⛈ To join our community, go to https://thedreamworldpodcast.com/
💡How can we learn from our dreams and apply it to our waking life? We as humans spend an entire THIRD of our lives asleep, where we sleepwalk through our dreams just as mindlessly as we walk through life. In our dreams, we visit another dimension called The Dream World. Wake up. Pay attention.
👩🏽🚀 Dreams are gifts that have a lot to teach us. Even nightmares can be transformative. “Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery”.-Stephen Laberge. ⚡️
💡 We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been inspired by them, such as Paul McCartney’s hit song “Yesterday” coming to him in a dream or of Mendeleev’s dream-inspired construction of the periodic table of elements, suggesting that dreams are more than just a byproduct of sleep.
🎙The Dream World Podcast was ranked #1 Lucid Dream Podcast on the web in 2024.
The Dream World
EP84: Dreams, Psychic Connections, and the Akashic Records
In this intriguing episode of the Dream World Podcast, Sarah James Middleton shares her vivid experiences with lucid dreaming and psychic dreams. We explore the intricacies and nuances of lucid dreams, interdimensional travel, and the concept of the 'dream body.' We also dive into the Akashic Records and touch on her family's history of premonition dreams, particularly those related to death. Sarah recounts a deeply personal dream involving her late grandmother, highlighting the intersection of spiritual curiosity and the impact of dreams on waking life. Influenced by Carlos Castaneda's 'The Art of Dreaming,' Sarah emphasizes the balance between spiritual exploration and staying grounded in reality. Note** A few days after the episode's recording, Sarah's grandmother passed away. This episode is in honor of Eileen.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Sarah's Links
Sarah's Tik Tok
The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
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[00:00:00] Hey dreamers, non dreamers, and everything in between. Welcome back to the podcast. If you haven't already, please check out my website. It's not the best. Okay, I made it myself, but I do have a lot of really good resources on there. Free resources at that, cool blog posts, and updates. You can also get a free PDF printable dream journal if you sign up for the email list.
It's on my website. Let me know what you guys think about that. It's got some instructional pages with some lucid dream tips on there, but since it is printable, I don't know if I should remove those or not because it might be too much waste of paper. Let me know what you think. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Back to today's episode. My guest is Sarah James, who I met on TikTok. I found her because she's doing great dream work by making videos talking about her lucid dream experiences and fun interdimensional travels. I think it is so important to use your platform to share about these things if you're a lucid dreamer Even if your content is not about lucid dreaming So as usual i'll share all the links below be sure to follow check out sarah's page [00:01:00] spread the love And sarah, thank you for joining me.
Welcome to the dream world podcast. I'm super excited to hear about all your fun trippy dream experiences Sure. Thank you for having me. I'm really excited This is my first official podcast appearance. So it's exciting. Um, my name is Sarah James. I'm Sarah James Middleton on Instagram, or you might know me from Tik TOK as under the Capricorn sun.
I mostly talk on Tik TOK about lucid dreaming, um, psychic dreams, stuff like that. I started talking about my dreams. Like. Years ago on Tik TOK, just because of that trend that went around probably in 2021, where it was like, ask the dream characters like the time. And I was like, Oh yeah, I have the dream.
I'm always lucid dreaming. So I'll just do that tonight. And then I did, and I made a video about it. And then as I was sharing my experience, people were just like, I mean, it got millions of views. People were blowing up and they were just like, how do you do that? What are you doing? Like, what are you dreaming about?
And I'm like, I knew that it wasn't [00:02:00] completely, you know, like normal to have psychic or lucid dreams or whatnot But I thought it was more so the psychic dreams that my family shares like I knew that wasn't super normal, but I didn't realize how Unusual it is for people to be able to like lucid dream every single night.
Um, so yeah, I started sharing those stories and I pretty much just like answer people's questions or like share what happens in my dreams. And it's very fun. Um, I've, it also kind of helps me like gather data because if I'm holding myself accountable and sharing it with everybody, then I'm also sort of relaying information from prior dreams and I'm writing them down all the time and I'm like keeping track of them, which is really cool to be able to like look back on.
Uh, so yeah, that's. That's sort of me. I also, just separate from the dream stuff, I am the co founder of the Myth Makers Society, which is like a fantasy DMV ball and event thing. It's like a collective, um, and yeah, that's sort of the trifecta of things that I do. [00:03:00] That's awesome. That's super cool. Yeah, it's awesome to talk to other like, Experience frequent lucid dreamers because I also didn't realize how rare it was so it's cool to talk to somebody that gets it Yeah, totally.
It's like yeah start talking to somebody and they're just like I dream that, you know, I forgot my socks and it's the first day of school. And I wake up thinking like, Oh, thank God that was a dream. And I'm like, interesting.
Yeah, that's cool. So what do you think about that whole like TikTok fear of like, Oh, don't ask the date and time. It's so bad. And there's like, there was so many like different narratives going around about what to do and not to do in the lucid dream. So I think coming at it from like a good or bad is can like lead to people who are able to do it like having kind of a, I don't know if it's like a confirmation bias.
Um, but I feel like what I found like since that video, and then since like asking for dates and times and like, um, exploring the world why I'm lucid and telling people about it, like on Tik TOK, [00:04:00] I've just found that, um, it was actually like a lot harder and a lot more. Psychological, like when I started thinking about it from like a good way or a bad way or thinking people are going to be upset.
But if I just pursue it with like the spirit of adventure or exploration, like I tend to have less pushback in the dream than I do when I like, I did experience the dream police or whatnot. Um, I don't know. Have you seen my first video about how? Yeah, I freaked out too, because I was like, I called it the dream police too.
And I'm just telling people these stories. So I'm like, Oh my God, that's so funny. And I've had the same types of Stories that, that similar types of, you're not allowed to be here in this spot. Like, you know, or they'll wake me up or end the dream or I'll have to restart. Yeah. And like, that was the first time that anybody had ever woken me up from a lucid dream.
Like I have lucid dreamed my entire life, but the very first time that I watched that video and then I asked for the date and time, which is like, granted, something I would have never done before. Like I'd never just asked that in my dreams because, um, You know, when [00:05:00] you know you're dreaming, like, why would you ask the date and time?
It's not here. Like, that's not a thought that I would have ever had. And then after that, I felt like I got a lot more pushback from, like, the dream people or whatever. Like, there was a lot more of, like, you can't be here. But I also feel, and I know this is, like, a crazy thing, But when I used to lucid dream, um, I would have like, and I don't know if you have this experience, but like Kind of from everybody's what do I call it?
Like their reactions to what i'm saying? I feel like there's part time i'm lucid dreaming and then part time i'm In a dream body, um, I have been trying to like read more about what is happening, but there's like a definite split. So like sometimes i'm lucid dreaming. I'm aware that i'm dreaming like I can explore I can control things but like it does not feel like real life necessarily like it's When I remember it, like I'm just like, okay, like it was dream.
It wasn't like I could not physically feel my body. I wasn't like [00:06:00] in a body, but sometimes I'm in a dream body. And then like, when I did ask for the date and time, it was then like, for some reason, so much easier after that, like, I was entering dream body all the time and then I was getting a lot of pushback from people in that state and I've realized that if I hold my consciousness back and I'm like not in dream body like I'm not like just observing the dream from like a no it's I know it's too it's so weird it's kind of like so right now if you could just not feel your body and you knew that you were there and you're still a character in the dream And you're lucid and you know that you're here, like right now, like we're interacting, you know you're here, but you're not like moving your, it's like non body.
But when I become in a body, then I can like feel everything and there's like air and gravity. I literally feel the sensation of being in a body, but I also can feel pain and I can feel, I mean, not like, I usually don't end up in pain, but like, I [00:07:00] feel tired. I feel like I'm physically somewhere else. And the sensation is really real.
Like I cannot. When I'm lucid in a dream, sometimes I can like teleport places or I can do things like there are laws that are governing when I'm in the body. So like when I'm in the body in dream, I can like feel the body. And then like there's gravity and there's, I have to open doors. Like I can't just like teleport places.
It's not the same as lucid dreaming. It's more like. People are saying it's sort of like astral projection. Um, I've been reading a book that's a little, it's kind of freaking me out. I don't know if you've read it, but it's called the art of dreaming. Um, someone was recommending that to me. I'm about halfway through, but it was getting way too real.
And I was like, these people sound unwell. And yet I am, oh, is it Carlos Castaneda? I do have that. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm like halfway through that book and his. He sounds delusional, but then everything he's describing, experiencing, I've experienced. So I'm like, yeah, no, he's the real deal. I really, I like Carlos [00:08:00] Castaneda a lot.
He's been in the game a while. Yeah. I mean, it's real. Cause like, he's like his explanation of the logic of like his experience as a person in reality. I'm like, this does sound insane, but the dream experiences he's had. I'm like, okay, I've experienced so many of these things, and now you're giving me words for them, and they, you know what I mean?
It's weird. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, so that's kind of where I'm getting the term dream body from, it's like really different than being aware, it's more like, Like physically possessing a form. It's bizarre. Yeah. Interesting. I have like a combination kind of of what you're describing. Like usually when I'm lucid, I have full sensation.
I'm in a body. I can feel things. Sometimes I feel pain. Sometimes I don't, but I can still like teleport and do magical things that don't really apply to like regular physics laws. But then there are some dreams where I'm more detached. So I think it's definitely like a spectrum. [00:09:00] Um, I don't know. I'm still figuring it out.
People react differently to you depending on which one you're in. Um, definitely. Yes. There's some levels of dreams where they're more on my side. Um, I also noticed too, like, especially with all these, like seeing videos online of trying things in a dream, like an expectation kind of plays a role in how they're going to react a lot of times if I'm kind of subconsciously expecting them to do something or kind of.
Feeling like the dream's going to go a certain way. The dream will kind of respond to that sensation. Yeah. Um, but I have asked the date and time in my dreams before it, before it, I even saw it online and I've usually had positive responses to it. A couple of times they kind of looked at me weird and the dream got kind of creepy, but it really wasn't that bad for me, at least.
Um, but when I did do it, it was kind of fun. I was like lucid in the future and I was like seeing all these things in like the year 2029. So it's kind of interesting. Yeah, I was like seeing things that you feel like correlate to real life. Like, do you like from your personal belief? Do you feel like you were like in the future?
100 percent like when I was [00:10:00] there, like my family owned a restaurant, like my brothers were there. It was so vivid. And like, they were just like telling me everything like, yeah, we bought this last year. It's 20, 29, whatever, whatever. Um, and I didn't even know this, but later on, my brother told me like, yeah, I would open like a restaurant one day.
So we'll see. I don't know, like there's some reality where that's happening for sure. I was going to say like, so I know, I don't know how many of my like videos you've watched, and I don't know if you already know this, but we can talk about it anyways. Cause I think it's really interesting paired with what you're saying.
saying there. I had energy healing done probably like a year ago and I had just had it recommended to me. And, um, I actually, I will say, don't let me get sidetracked. Cause I want to tell you this. Cause I feel like I'm totally in agreement with you, but like, I also believe that we're time traveling in like different, almost like parallel universes.
Um, but I'll tell you why I've come to this conclusion. I just, I had this energy healing done. And, um, my therapist at the time had like referred this girl to me and it was like this [00:11:00] lady and I went to her place and I was very skeptical. I've always been very, very skeptical about things that I haven't personally experienced.
I'm actually like weirdly skeptical for experiencing so many psychic things. Like I'm like the biggest skeptic. Um, but I went to her and I was like, what I'm going to do is not to tell her what I'm experiencing. And then. If she can tell me what I'm experiencing, then I'm going to know this was real. And so while we were doing this energy stuff and I'm laying on this table, I was projecting my energy and I was like, I'm going to hold my energy above my body, like hover above my body.
And it was like an hour and a half. She's doing all this stuff. She's walking around. It's kind of quiet. Like there were some weird things that happened. Like I started having this vision of like, I have my eyes closed the whole time, but I had this vision of crows flying across my vision. And then a crow came and started pecking at the window and calling.
And like, that was really weird. And, and then, and I consider myself a crow because of like communicating with the dead in my dreams. And so I thought that was very interesting. And then at the [00:12:00] very end of the session, she like touched me and I got, I suddenly felt like so heavy, so heavy. Like so heavy.
Like my energy wasn't outside anymore. And then she was like, okay, we're done. And she goes, that was the craziest thing. I've never had somebody like your energy was hovering like six inches above your body, the entire session until the very end. Like I had to force it back into you. She's like, no wonder you can actual project.
Like your body is your energy is like existing right out here. And I was like. That is exactly what I had. So then right after that, I started having a series of dreams, like lucid dreams, except for what it was, was they weren't lucid dreams. They were like parallel universe streams. And so what would happen was I would wake up in a moment that existed in this timeline.
It's like, for instance, I dreamed that I was in this class this one day and there was this guy and I literally like never met him. Like we have never hung out. We're not friends on social media. Like this is a person I don't know for all intents and purposes, but I went to an art college and I remember this one day, like very vaguely, [00:13:00] he sat near me and he drew me during class and he like handed me a portrait that he drew of me.
And that really did happen. But in the dream, I was. back in that moment. And it felt like, I mean, I was in the moment, living in the moment in my body. Like, this is not a dream. So realistic. But then it like fast forwarded through our whole life together. And it was like, we were like, we were rock climbers or something.
Like we were like backpacking and we, like, we were getting married. It was like this whole thing. And when I woke up, like I was legitimately like, Like heartbroken. Like I'd lost this person that I had had this like 10 year relationship with, but it's this person I really knew in real life. So I decided, I was like, it was so realistic.
I looked him up. So this man is like almost pretty much off social media. I didn't even remember his name at first. I had to message someone that was in the class and be like, do you remember that one dude that looked like this? They told me his name. Turns out he is a backpacker. He's like a long distance hiker.
That's what he does. Like his, everything we were doing in the dream is like what [00:14:00] his. what he does in real life. And I had no way of knowing that. It was just so crazy. And I started having a series of these dreams of like moments in my past where like, I guess I could have made a different choice. And then what my life would have looked like in this alternate universe, like what I'm doing there.
So bizarre. That's so cool. That's, I totally believe in this parallel life theory. Like every time we do one thing, some parallel universe has these different versions of us. And yeah, even if we don't notice it, you know, you might have these connections with people that you kind of, sometimes they seek through and we feel them.
Yeah. And I think that's what you were probably experiencing with that dream from the future. Like, depending on how connected it is to the future here, I do feel like You can visit these parallel places and like, see things that are going to happen, like in their own weird way. Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's happened to me a lot.
Like, I've seen future little bits and pieces of my future that then happen or even sometimes the dream, like, it's kind of this beautiful connection. Like sometimes a dream [00:15:00] will inspire the future or, you know, you can kind of use your dreams to pick, you know, kind of navigate all these parallel lives and versions of ourselves.
I actually heard this really cool thing recently and like, I don't know where I heard it. Positive. I heard it somewhere, but it was like saying something about how, like, like the reason that a lot of people feel such intense unrest in their souls is because like, there's so many variants of their life out there that are all like pulling at them.
And so when you. Like begin to know yourself better and you become more whole in this life where it's like each decision isn't going to make such a split life between then that's when you end up in a place where like you're feeling more centered and more like at ease in this reality because we have to make up for the fact that there's all these other like parallel universes pulling us in different directions but like for instance now I feel like I've gone through a lot of therapy and I'm in like a really great place in my life and like I was even telling my fiance this like [00:16:00] My choices in my day to day life for all of these different reasons, like they would not lead me on super dissimilar paths anymore.
Whereas back then I would have been led on like this myriad of paths that looked insanely different. And I used to feel really pulled apart because I could not determine what I was supposed to be doing. And now that I'm kind of here, I feel less like that as a person in my real life. I don't think I would have like believed in necessarily anything parallel, um, or like parallel dimensions.
Or any of that stuff unless I, and I don't know exactly like what I think about the nature of all of that. Obviously it's out there, but I don't. I don't think that we're really able to grasp like the enormity of existence. And so I just kind of leave that open in my mind and I just experience what I do in dreams.
And then I allow that to sort of shape how I feel about that stuff. And so I'm like, even if the energetic signature of a parallel universe exists, and it's only accessible in dream, like it still [00:17:00] exists. subconsciously in the folds of our reality. Even if this is like the only true reality that we can access.
I do kind of feel like there is a hidden reality, even if it's just in our minds that does exist and does pull at us and we can access it in dream. Yeah. Yeah. That's so cool. I definitely think there's so much out there. I mean, you know, I feel like we're more than our physical body and what we physically can perceive.
And like, just my dream experiences sometimes, like I really feel like Fully convinced that when I'm there lucid, that I'm here in this other like universe doing these things. And there's all these things that are going on. And I had one that I related to a lot. It was like this like research center. And they were like, it kind of had like all these files on people, like with my name and everything.
And it was like, They were broadcasting dreams to people and doing these experiments of like seeing if they'll get lucid. And it was like all the files of all the dreams I've ever had or will have. And like all these memory banks of like my life's and stuff. Um, so that was really cool. And I've also had like dream [00:18:00] characters be like, yeah, no, like I'll cover for you.
You're not supposed to be here, but like lay low and like, telling me all these like secrets of the universe and all this crazy stuff that had just shaped my view of things. And, you know, even one time, which I think you mentioned to the dream character was like, yeah, I watch you all the time. I'm like a fan.
Like, yeah. Like you have a show like on earth and they just like watch us and cheer us on from like these other dimensions. So it's like, it's just crazy. It's so amazing. Yeah, I literally get the point where I'm like, okay, am I making this up? Cause I like, I know I have a show or like, are these people really here?
Cause I'm like, well, because, okay. And I, I don't know if you feel the same way, but it's like when you're lucid dreaming and you can control everything. A lot of times you can control like characters and make them do things like things that are part of your mind. You can control, but. But when I'm in these spaces, like even if I try to control these things, I can't control them because I, I really do.
I now believe that there's something like outside of us, like they're either other people or future people or people that exist in a [00:19:00] different dimension that we cannot access in this space. Like body in this life, but I don't think that they're like parts of my imagination because the things that are in my imagination I can control and I can move a maneuver with the energy that I have that's allowing me to be lucid But I can't do that Yeah I've learned to like tell the difference between some dream characters that are more intelligent and some that literally Just project my thoughts or like repeat back to me what I'm already thinking.
I can kind of tell now Yeah And I do think like some dream characters really live in these other dimensions. Like there's so much more that we don't even understand. Like you said, Have you ever like looked at somebody and like, you know, when you're having a dream and you think you're like with your sister, have you ever looked at them and then realized that they're not that person?
Like really became lucid in that moment and like seeing their real faces. Yeah. trippy. And sometimes it's like, When I'm not lucid, it's like so hard to describe like, Oh, it was like my sister, but not my sister. Like, I don't know. It's like this weird dream logic. But then when I'm lucid, I'm like, Oh, I don't know if I trust you anymore.
[00:20:00] Yeah. Like do they ever look non human to you? Honestly? Yeah. And like, I've had interesting conversations with them and they've told me about their lives. And when they start telling me things that I could never know, and like, Like you said, sometimes you confirm things to be true about our own physical reality that you didn't know before.
So that kind of proves that it's not just in your head, but yeah, I've, I've seen all sorts of like interesting interdimensional beings and they, I've noticed sometimes too, that they have the ability to like, or I don't know if it's just how we perceive them, but they can present to us a certain way, like as somebody we know, or as like a recognizable face, maybe that's just how our dream renders it.
But yeah, a lot of times it's just other energies passing through this like field of just the astral world that we're temporarily visiting while we dream. I totally believe that. Yeah. I've had, um, I've had like some different, interesting experiences with that. Like for a while when I would like, I dream a lot about Taylor Swift.
I really don't know why, but, um, I've had like weird dreams [00:21:00] about her. Like, Before she released Midnights, I had this dream that like I met her and then she was releasing a song called Paris. But then like I think she literally did release a song called Paris on her album, but she hadn't announced it when I had the dream.
Like, it was very weird. I have like these weird dreams about her like a lot. And then, but what would end up happening is like because I dream about her so often, she became like a tell for me that I was dreaming. Like I knew that I'm not going to be meeting with Taylor Swift in real life. And so then I would be looking at her, talking to her.
About something and then she would turn into a dream person and it's like I refer to it as like the bad look alike version of whoever I thought it was Um, it's like i'm looking at them and they're definitely she's definitely taylor swift and then like as i'm looking at her like her cheekbones are higher and her eyes are like wider and her head is like weirdly shaped and then i'm like She's not Taylor Swift at all!
Like, and it gets kind of freaky and like, it's, it's taken some time for me to not be like, afraid of what I'm seeing because if you approach it with fear, I just feel like, [00:22:00] it does, like, the dream doesn't respond well. Like, fear gets you kicked out. But if you're there and you're like, you know that you're safe and you know that you're dreaming, and you're holding yourself, like, in your own energy, then, then, But I feel like a lot of people don't have the energy to be able to wake up.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's hard, you know, it's kind of a lot of what I teach people is like, just embrace it with like curiosity and like that, like exploration of the dream space and not necessarily try to control it. Sometimes it's better to just go with the dream and see what happens. Um, and yeah, I think that underlying energy, it's kind of like this certain challenge with lucid dreaming, like, you know, how to navigate the dream space, you know, safely and in a healing way.
Yeah, that's really interesting. Have you seen the movie waking life? I have not. Oh, you might like it. Um, It kind of reminds me of how you're describing with like the faces changing and stuff It's like this kind of rotoscoped movie. It's like half animated half like live action and it's all about this guy's lucid dreams So he just going through these lucid dreams like talking to people having these weird trippy Conversations and their faces are all like [00:23:00] melty and like dreamlike I've literally thought about like writing a book because I have so many stories written down and i'm just like I should just Compile these, but I don't know how I would do that with like, it's so hard to compile things that don't have like a narrative stream where it's just like, I mean, I guess I could find one if I really looked, but I don't feel like that's the point of dreams.
And so it's like, yeah, it's kind of difficult because it's like, There's so many interesting things and sometimes they connect and sometimes they don't. Even sometimes they feel, like, contrary to one another. Like, sometimes I will experience, well, like, for instance, so, like, I have spoken on TikTok about how me, my mom, and my grandma all have, like, psychic dreams when people die, um, and, like, I only experience it if I'm sleeping when the person passes.
Usually that's like pretty much when I experienced it, I've had a few outliers where like the person passed and then like a couple days later I had a dream about it. Um, but there were so many other things confirming that like, It was not [00:24:00] just a dream. You know what I mean? Cause I'm, I'm quick to write off and say like, Oh, well, I'm dreaming cause I know that person passed away.
Um, but I've had some where it's like, okay, the person passed away and my mom had the same dream and she was in my dream. And then we both remember the dream. And then we both had these signs. And then we both ran into somebody from that person's family that we haven't seen in 20 years. The same day we had the dream, like, That vibe.
But like my dreams are so connected to real life and it's happened so many times in my life that I'm like, okay, the 25th time that I fall asleep and someone that I've met before dies in some weird way and they were not like terminally ill. And then I have a dream that I'm with them and then I wake up and I know that they're dead and they passed away while I was asleep.
Yeah. Like the 25th time. You're kind of like, okay, this is, this is a thing and it really has to do with reality. And so because of that, I think that's what's made me so curious in my other dreams is like, if those are very tangibly connected to what I'm experiencing in my real life, then like maybe those other dreams that I'm having are not.
Fake, you [00:25:00] know, yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, dreams are deep, you know, and I believe that there are some dreams that are just our daily life processing and some dreams are deeper. And like, the more we pay attention, the more we can start to notice like, okay, like you said, I know what this is. I've felt this dream before.
I know what this kind of dream is. So yeah. Wow. That's really powerful. Do you like write your dreams down or keep track? Yeah, I write them down. Um, usually when I have them, I will write them down, but especially if it's something that's like really intense. Um, like actually I had this really wild experience.
I haven't even talked about on Tik TOK yet. And like, I, I'm kind of waiting to make a video, but I'm willing to share like the part of what has happened. My grandma has dementia and she is my grandmother has psychic dreams and has had psychic dreams on my life. And she's, um, essentially at a place where she can't say more than like, yes or no.
She's like, when you're talking to her, she zones out. She's like not there. Um, she's very late stage dementia. And so I had this really random dream. Um, and. The dream was lucid, [00:26:00] but it was almost what I call like a movie dream. So it was like this very cool story. And it was like me and my grandma, and we were like saving the world and then this whole thing.
But part of it was that I had, we were leaning into my ability to like communicate with those that had already passed over or like souls that were out of their body. And at the end of the dream, I realized that like, and it lasted for a very long time, I will say this. So like, I was in the dream. And the part that I remember the most is the ending because of how emotionally impactful it was when I realized I was there with my real grandma.
But like, I had been in, it was this dream that went on for like months. It's like months of me and my grandma like doing all this cool work and like working in the spiritual world and doing all this stuff. And I was experiencing it for a really long time, like a movie dream for most of the dream. And then at the very end, we had to like close the portal.
And like, holy, we had to like. You know, I had to go back to the real world. I couldn't bring this energy with me. It was like this whole thing, but when I touched my grandma, I realized that like I had an energy exchange with [00:27:00] her and then I was like, you're gonna die and i'm you're gonna die and I am Giving you this energy and it was this moment of like her being able to be clear for the first time in a really long time.
And like, I was crying, I was really sad. And I was telling her, like, I'm so thankful that I was able to have like all this time with you in this dream, even though I know it won't feel like that when I wake up, like, I'm really grateful that we were able to connect in this way. And then we had this energy exchange, which I've been reading about in In the Carlos Castaneda book.
Right. And so I had this dream, I woke up in the morning and I was going to call my mom and be like, will you check on grandma? Like it was, I feel like I had a psychic dream about her, but I just, I didn't want to stress her out. I was like, she didn't die in the dream. Like, it was just this really weird moment.
We had this energy exchange that we were talking about. Like, because I had read that book, I was like, I'm going to give you some energy, whatever. So then I went away for the day. I was actually like up in, out of state. I was like three hours away. My mom thought I was shooting a wedding. And when I was on my way home, she called me and she was like, Sarah, you are not going to [00:28:00] guess what happened today.
And I was like, what? And she was like, I went to visit your grandma. And it was like, she was, awake. She had a paradox, an episode of paradoxical, um, lucidity. And so she woke up that day and she was completely herself. She could speak in full sentences. She remembered everything that's happened all the way.
Like she could talk about things that happened last week and like in full clarity notes, like where she is, who she is, what she's doing. She called everybody in the family except for me. Cause my mom thought that I was like at a wedding. But it was like so crazy. Like I had this dream that I gave my grandma energy so that she could be lucid.
And then I woke up and she had for probably the first time in like five years was able to have a, like say anything other than yes and no insanity. Like there's no, I have no way to describe that. And like the Yeah, it was really crazy. Like, I don't know. I was, I was very, very concerned that she was going to pass away the next day because a paradoxical lucidity usually happens within 72 hours of death.
And that was like two days ago. Um, but she's still kicking as of today. Um, I do feel like when she passes, I will have a [00:29:00] dream of some sort and then I'll kind of have like resolution as to what happened with that or like whatnot. But that is like something that happened to me like three days ago. And like, it was very.
I even told my mom, I was like, I had this dream. And I was like crying on the phone. I was like, like, there's no way to describe that. Like I had this whole dream. I was with her out of nowhere. It was a psychic dream. I dreamt that I gave her my energy. And the next day she woke up and had like an unexplainable bout of lucidity for the first time in like five years.
Wow. Wow. That is honestly really powerful. And I know that like the three of you have this like psychic dream connection, which just makes it way more common for you to have like these shared dream experiences and good that you got to spend some time with her. Um, and, and I'm sending all the love and peaceful transition energy to you guys.
Yeah. Yeah. It was super crazy. And like my mom and I will have dreams about my grandma that she like, we'll visit her, um, in like space, like The place between life and death sometimes and we'll both [00:30:00] dream that we were both there And then we'll tell each other in the morning and like it's but it's very interesting My mom is not a lucid dreamer She is only a psychic dreamer and her dreams are very uncontrolled like she doesn't write them down She doesn't practice anything with the dreams um the only reason that I know that she has them is because when I was a little kid I would I mean, you know, I'm like five years old and I would wake up and be like, uncle Bobby came and visited me in my dream last night and he died while I was asleep.
And my mom had to like, explain to me that, I mean, to be fair at the time, she was like, we don't tell people about this stuff. I was raised like extremely religious. And she was just like, Yeah, you'd like, don't mention this. Um, you can talk to me about it. I have the dreams too. And like, it's just, there's nothing we can do.
Like we're, we're like, I like to think of myself as a diamond on the end of a record player. Like how the diamond reads the record and then it plays music. Like for some reason, my soul or my energy or whatever can like pick up when people pass away, but it's not, there's nothing I can do to stop it. I don't dream [00:31:00] before people pass away.
I don't dream, like I'm only having those dreams. It's like. Either with my grandma or for people who are already deceased. Um, but yeah, I mean, it's been very interesting to traverse the lucid space while also, I don't know, like trying to determine, I guess what that is. Uh, cause it's, it's something. Yeah. I don't know.
Yeah. I mean, you're definitely like a very spiritual person and a very lucid dreamer. So, you know, you have strength in your abilities. And I think that like some people to kind of have this role, like, I feel like we all have different kinds of like, self esteem. Spiritual roles. And some people help people transition, especially people they're close to, you know, um, is that the transition from this life to the beyond life, um, is a very interesting one.
And I think the more we dream and are lucid in our dreams, like the more aware we are of these transitions and like the smoother time we'll have. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Like, [00:32:00] I tend to feel very at peace or like have a really clear understanding. Um, my mom who has the dreams, like doesn't. Poor, my poor mother.
She has like, because I can lucid dream, and that's kind of what I was saying about this in between space. When my mom's there, she believes that she's in a park with my grandma. When I'm there, I see like, you know, when you're at the mall, and someone's like, planted a tree in the middle of the mall, and like, then the mall goes on forever.
Like we're in a, a manufactured space and there's tons of people who all are in their own little pocket parks. And when you're in there, like my mom sees it as a park, but I see it as this larger thing with like lots and lots of people, but they're all blurry. Like I'm only in my dream, but I can see that it goes on forever.
And there's all these other people in their parks. And I've actually talked to some of my friends who are like not spiritual and don't have dreams. And a lot of them have had the same dream of visiting a deceased loved one in a park. And I was like, Yeah, that's like where me and my mom go, but my mom will always see it as a park.
And I always see it as something that's like a lot more or like more nuanced. And I can kind of peel [00:33:00] back the layers of reality and like be outside of the park, see what's beyond the park or like see my grandma for who she is or what she's really saying. My mom will be very stuck in the, like she doesn't know it's a dream until she wakes up.
Then she's like, oh my gosh, this crazy dream. But we'll like have the same dream the same night. We'll both be there. She'll have known that I was there. I'll have known that she was there, but she doesn't become lucid. She's not a lucid dreamer. She just like knows when she wakes up like, oh, I had this dream.
But we only ever dream about each other. And then we only ever share those dreams. So like if she's ever in my dream, she knows she was in my dream. And if I was ever in her dream, I know that I was in her dream because we'll dream at the same time. Of being together. Wow. That's so fascinating. That's a really interesting connection y'all have.
And I've noticed this a lot too with shared dreaming is like, if one person's lucid and the other one's not, like you said, you'll usually remember more details or have wider perspective on the dream, but I love that you guys have that like spiritual dream connection. That's really cool. Yeah, it's really nice because I think I would have thought I was like actually going crazy if I had my mom also [00:34:00] have the dreams because I'm also like, I'm very dream sensitive.
So like if I am someplace that is like haunted or has like weird energy, like pretty much haunted, like I will have, like, if I fall asleep someplace near someone's ashes or like in a place where someone died or in a haunted hotel, I will have a dream about it. No doubt. Like, So I can't sleep in a lot of different places.
I have to be like really careful about like hotels and about like, even I just went on vacation and I spent the night in a hotel, the hotel was haunted and I had like an extremely frightening haunting dream and like, I just have to be really careful about all of that. It's a thing even like i've noticed like some people are more sensitive than others, of course But physical location plays a huge role like the energy of the earth not even just the hotel but like the location of the country you're in and even like The sheets that you sleep on like I I heard a story of one of my friends who's also kind of sensitive to this stuff And she bought like these brand new like they were either like Indian sheets or [00:35:00] pure Egyptian cotton or something.
And she had instantly a dream of like this civilization and like this energy of like, yeah, like where the sheets were from. So it's that, that was really fun. Yeah. Try to get some like Egyptian cotton or something. See if it affects. I was going to say I've been having, since I had that like database.
Weird. Like they're gonna gimme a shot dream that I talked about. Um, yes. Recently since that dream, I've been having a really hard time lucid dreaming again. And like I have been able to lucid dream a few times, but I've found that, um, around the same time I had that dream, we got blackout curtains and if jack like, oh, nice leaves, even one of the curtains open or leaves the door to the bathroom open, that like reaches the skylight.
If there's like a direct path from me to a window that is. open in any way, like as far as light goes, then I will lucid dream. But if he closes them, I won't. I don't understand why that is, but it is a thing. So I have experienced that. Well, that you're figuring out what, what affects you? Yeah. Well, I didn't think anything [00:36:00] of it.
And then this one night he left it open and I thought like, Oh, this is going to bother me. And it was the first night I lucid dream since having that. Wow. And I was like, I usually like it dark too, but now that I think about it, like I have most of my lucid dreams in the morning ish hours. And I think it's cause I'm a little bit awake.
There's like a little bit more light and I'm kind of not fully, fully asleep. So I still have a kind of more awareness overall. You have like. Any like narcolepsy problems? No, but no, no narcolepsy problems. But I can sleep anywhere. Like I sleep very well, like I could sleep anywhere. Do you fall asleep really fast?
Yeah, I do fall asleep fast. Um, so I try to like do kind of, sometimes when I'm falling asleep I kind of try to hold onto my consciousness as long as possible and, you know, do a little like mental visualization and things. But yeah, I fall asleep very fast, so it's easy for me to kind of wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep and kind of be lucid.
Sure. Um, but yeah. Yeah, I've been wondering because they I'm I was going to be part of a sleep study. Um, they're about 90 percent certain that I technically have [00:37:00] narcolepsy. Um, it turns out narcolepsy is mostly measured by how quickly you fall asleep in comparison to other people. Um, so it's not about falling asleep all the time.
I see I am. I spent, I fall asleep like, or I sleep like at least 10 hours a night. Um, I am chronically tired and I used to have issues of falling asleep, like while driving or like at restaurants or like in the middle of the day. Like I would just fall asleep at my desk. Like, so I did have sort of the standard narcolepsy symptoms for a while, but I'm also, I was like, oh, I don't know.
Yeah. I talked to somebody, I can fall asleep, like within like probably a minute. Like if I'm tired, I could be asleep in like 30 seconds. Um, But yeah, that can technically qualify you as being narcoleptic. And I am kind of getting the vibe, like maybe that is part of lucid dreaming because maybe like, I don't know if it's light or sound or whatever, but maybe it's like we're waking up, but our body is not waking up because we're like narcoleptic.
And so then that's one of the reasons why we're like awake in our minds, as opposed to other people who really, really struggle [00:38:00] doing that. That makes so much sense and I never even thought about it because I do sleep a lot Even during even if I sleep like nine hours at night I'll still take a nap during the day and I could sleep just anywhere that I fall asleep I can't watch movies because i'll just fall asleep Like I literally I can't do anything i'll fall asleep way too easy if I get even the slightest bit comfortable You might also be narcoleptic.
Honestly, probably I know. You have to spend the night in a lab for like two nights to get a form of IUDs, and I don't want to do that. But I was like, after talking to the doctors, I was like, okay, so I'm just going to take it that I'm like, likely narcoleptic. And yeah, I think that's like part of it, because people will constantly be like, can you teach me to lucid dream?
And it is so hard to teach somebody who does not lucid dream how to lucid dream. Like, if your brain doesn't wake itself up, like, getting to that takes years and years of practice. It's like, It depends, you know, because I do teach people from beginner level and what it takes, it can take even just weeks or months.
But what's important is like, if the person really wants to, and if they're going to like some people, it takes more effort than [00:39:00] others. Obviously some people are more natural than others, but it is a learnable skill. So it's like going to the gym. Like, you know, if you find the right way and really give people like guidance and like the right resources, any, I do believe anybody can learn how to lose a dream and it's not that hard.
Um, But there's a lot of factors to it, you know, that may, because some people don't even remember dreams to begin with. Yeah, I always tell people, you know, start writing down your dreams, notice patterns, notice these telltale signs, like you said, that will trigger you to be like, okay, this is a dream because I see this in my dream often.
Um, and it really takes like, like your waking life awareness, like building that lucidity Generally in your life, and if you don't have the the effort and dedication to do that It's not going to become natural like probably for you You might relate to this but like when you're lucid in a dream at least for me I just kind of recognize the feeling and I know like, okay This is a dream like i'm so used to recognizing the feeling mine and logical like it's really mental It's it's not a feeling it's more like a Um, I'll be doing something and then it's wrong.
Like, [00:40:00] um, at one time I had a funny one where it was like, I was, um, my parents are in the process of like kind of getting divorced. And so I was helping them in the dream, like go through old photographs and like old receipts and papers and like get rid of things that we didn't need from the basement, which is like a real thing that needs to be done at my parents house.
Um, I, my brain will literally trick me into having the most freaking Mundane dreams ever so that I don't wake up. Um, and so I was having this very mundane dream. I'm going through papers. I'm doing this whole thing. And then I picked up a piece of paper and it was like, it said something like you are in a, like, this is a dream.
And then I was like, this is a dream, isn't it? And I let go of it and just hovered paper. Yeah. It just like hovered. And then I was like, wow, I am in a dream. Like, you know, things will like happen, but it's, it's mostly like, Logic puzzles. Like if I'm doing something, then I look down and like, I have different nails than I have, like, I'll be like, those aren't the nails that I got this month.
Like, this isn't my, this is a dream or like, that's not my comforter. My dog [00:41:00] destroyed that comforter. I don't have her anymore, but it's always something that's like, so mundane. It's not like my fiance is a banana. I'm like, it's like my comforter doesn't have a rip in it. Where it's still all brown or my toenails aren't painted.
Like it's something that small. And then I'll be like, this is a dream. Well, that's the thing. It's like training your brain to notice the small things and doing this in waking life, it's a skill that you can build. And most people don't do that. Like we're just on autopilot. We don't pay attention to things.
You know, I even do that a lot. So like the more aware you are in your waking life, the more you'll notice these little dream things, especially if you do have really like Just regular life type of dreams, but even sometimes you have, you know, people have magical monsters and unicorns and they still don't realize they're dreaming.
So it's just about questioning your reality and getting used to that. Eventually it becomes like a second nature. It does. And I think that like, that's one of the things is I think that It's half of it is energy. Half of it is like [00:42:00] the recognition it. I think it's like passing that spectrum. Like, like, I don't know.
Okay. I have a question. Have you ever, um, like experienced anything with like the Akashic records? I have had some interesting dreams where I'm in like this library looking at all these files of people in my life. And I did have like a reading with this girl. Girl wants that does like these Akashic record meditation readings.
And she told me a lot of interesting things, which are starting to, which I'm starting to see connections in my waking life of things that she said, you know, to look out for and things. Um, so I'm still navigating it. Is that kind of yeah, I I yeah, I think that was like the goal of the reading um, so she told me some things like about what to look out for in the future of like interesting potentials in my life and Some things about like my past and where I come from some of which have matched up to some dreams that i've had of Like past lives and like, or parallel lives, I should say, because I believe it's all kind of happening at once.
Yeah. Um, so [00:43:00] I'm still kind of making sense of it all. Like I'm not like the expert, right. Any means, but, um, I've definitely had some interesting experiences. I'm just like seeing the record basis of everything that is going on beyond the, this reality. Yeah. I've, um, I've had one really intense Akashic record dream.
Um, but I also like, I don't know, weird signs kind of pointed me in that direction at one point. Like I had a lot of people asking me about like Edgar Cayce, um, who is like a very famous like dream psychic. And so I like looked into him and then I realized that like in this really weird way, um, his, the day he died is including factoring leap years is exactly 50 years before I was my exact birthday, which I thought was like extremely weird.
My mom was like looking at it. She's like, this is like, if you factor in the leap years and anyways, I did it. And I was like, that's bizarre. And we have like exact, like very, very parallel lives. Um, we both had like the same [00:44:00] upbringing and like had the same career before we. Then we, and like after my age, like we were both photographers, like we're both like all this stuff.
And then, um, so I felt kind of like interested in his work, though I did stop kind of researching it because, um, I found that it was like a little too dogmatic and like religious. He was very, very religious. And he felt like he was accessing something like the book of life from the Bible, essentially. And so like, um, I found it a little hard to connect with.
Um, but that was the first time that anybody had ever put a name to like the Akashic records or like this idea that there's this like higher knowledge that we can access when we're in the dream space that like is real. Um, but I had only ever seen it in ways like I would study for tests or like I would be able to like learn things that I hadn't learned in my waking life.
And then like bring those into reality. Or I would like, yeah. Know if something was gonna happen or someone was pregnant or someone was whatever like I would know little things from my dreams But I had this [00:45:00] really interesting Like I wouldn't even call it a lucid dream. Um after reading the art of dreaming I understand a little bit more why it was so intense.
But um, I had a dream that my Fiancé and I, like, I woke up and I was lucid and I was in a living room with him, um, and he was like, I am here as a guide for you. Um, and he actually shows up pretty frequently as like, probably the only spirit guide that I have encountered in my dreams is him from a parallel universe where he is a lucid dreamer and I'm not.
Um, and we'll like meet up and I'll ask him questions and he'll be like, I don't know You know, I exist here, but we'll never meet because the version of me that you're with is not me here, but like our souls are here and like we're able to access this. So he was like, I'm your anchor and you're going to go through all these dreams and you're going to do what needs to be done.
And I was like, Okay. Like, cool. Yeah. So I walked over to [00:46:00] like the television cause we were in this living room and I was like, I reached into the TV and then I was sucked into the TV and I was in this like other dream. So then the dream's going on and then I'm like, wait a second, like, no, I have to anchor myself.
I have to like go deeper into the dream because I'm trying to find something and I don't exactly know what I was trying to find, but I felt like I was Trying to find a person, but essentially I had to burrow through all these dreams. So then I like, I pick up a phone and then I'm sucked into the phone.
And then I'm like in a phone, in a different kitchen, and then I go through the window. And then like, so I'm going deeper and deeper and deeper. And then finally I'm sitting in my parents living room with this person who is like a friend of mine. And he and I shared a lot of like beliefs. He didn't have like the exact same type of psychic dreams, but I would have dreams about him a lot.
And he's the first person I met where I was like, Oh, I believe in past lives now. Like our meeting was very weird and like, we've had a lot of shared psychic experiences. And so when I was there, I suddenly knew, and I was like, Oh my god, and he was like, oh, I've been waiting for you, like, I can't read [00:47:00] this, and I know that you can, so I've been waiting for you to come here to read this, and he's holding this little book, and I look at it, and immediately I recognize that it's like the Akashic book of our lives, like, our souls journeys together, like, that we've had.
And so when I opened it up, it became this like, I'm fully lucid. Like I am there in a body lucid there. Like, so I opened up this book and it turns into this large, like illuminated tome. And as I was reading it, it was just like, Every answer to my life that I've ever had. And like, I was reading it and I'm, and he's like, what does it say?
And I, as I'm reading it, like, I'm not telling him and he's just like, Oh, I really want to know, like, please tell me what it says. And I was like, I closed the book and I looked at him and I was like, I can't tell you what this book says. And when you are able to read it, you'll be able to read the book, but.
I, we cannot take this back into our waking lives. I was like, I am going to allow [00:48:00] myself to forget what I just read, because if I don't, it will ruin my life. And I will not be able to exist as like a person on earth here. And I won't be able to do what I need to do. And I was like, but this is the last, like, I was like, our, we will never meet again in this life.
This is the end of our journey of incarnating together. And like, I have learned what I needed to learn and you will learn your lesson, but like, it's not with me. And like, Jack is my counterpart. That's my fiance. I was like, so I'm going to go back and like, I wish you the best. And I like hugged him and we like embrace and he's like, I understand.
And I was like, I've now just like, I've received this information. I read it and like, if I took it back, it would derail what I'm meant to do. And so I closed the book and I said goodbye to him. And I was like, I just am not like, we, we may meet in dream again, but like, I'll never see you physically again in my life.
And then he was like, I understand. And then I crawled back through all of the dreams until finally I was back in the living room with [00:49:00] Jack. And he was like, did you do what you needed to do? And I was like, I did. And he was like, okay, great. Then like, it's time to wake up. And then I woke up and that was.
It was very wow, that's intense. So you don't remember any of the lessons. I remember reading the book and, and telling myself, like, I can't allow myself to remember what was written. Yeah. Yeah, I have a lot of dreams like that, where I, I know that I'm intentionally making myself forget the lessons of the dream.
Like so many times my dream journal will say, either I forgot this part or, uh, I made myself forget. It's interesting how our higher self kind of knows like, okay, our conscious self can't have everything, you know? Yeah, yeah, because I remember like the strongest memory that I have of that dream is closing the book and telling him like, what I just read is not meant for us to read.
To know awake. Like there is just, I will not allow myself. And as, as you can tell, I was lucid the whole time. Like I can remember everything other than [00:50:00] what that book said. And I was like, I will not allow myself to bring this back. Like, I know that it would absolutely destroy my life and I, I just can't.
And so, and it's really interesting 'cause actually when I've been talking about not having lucid dreams, um, I became lucid in a dream the other night and then I woke up and I. woke, I started waking other people up in the dream. And then I decided to like, pull him towards me. And then I woke him up. And then he was like, Oh my gosh, like, like, I thought I was never going to see you again.
And I was like, I just wanted to check in. And he's like, I've thought about he was like, It's really interesting. Like, I know that I don't know what was in that book and he's like, but I think about reaching out to you. And yet I know that I can't because of our conversation. And so like when I dream, like, or when I, whatever, like I don't, and I was just like, that's cool.
And like, I saw some other people that I knew, like I was. towards me that like I had connections with and kind of checking on them in the space. But I was like, yeah, like that aligns, this is good. Like, yeah. Like my mom was also there and like [00:51:00] my, just a few other people that I like checked on or whatnot.
And I thought that was really interesting. Cause I haven't been able to lucid dream in like such a moment. And like the minute that I was there, I was like worried about all these people that I've had like dream connections with. And, um, but yeah, I, I definitely feel like it's, Extremely real. And I've wondered like, um, Edgar Casey did hypnosis to like access the Akashic records.
Um, and I've, I've never done like hypnosis or anything like that, but like, I have wondered if I would be able to access it if somebody did work with me on like hypnotism, because, um, that is, it seems like that's the way that people who have that ability can like access it, but what I was going to say is that I feel like there is a difference, like people, I think anybody can lose the dream.
But I feel like sometimes people have different like spiritual gifts. Like, I'm not certain about like the person that I read that book with. Like, I don't know, maybe he will eventually in another life get to a point where he could access that book. But I know that he couldn't when we were there. And so I'm like, and like [00:52:00] Jack, his counterpart, that's there.
Like he can't access the records I've asked him. So like, I was just like, interesting, but sometimes I'll ask like, am I, special, like two, you know, dream characters or entities that I'm talking to in the dreams. And they'll always say like, technically everybody can do this. Like what you're doing is like a gift that you have, and it is more natural for you.
And you're, you can access things that most people cannot and will never be able to. But the physical ability is there for everybody. If they really, like, I don't know if it can be taught. It's just like, it's. In our brains, like somehow this is accessible by everybody, but like most people will never access it in their life.
Yeah. Wow. That's some powerful stuff. Yeah. You're definitely a gifted dreamer. And yeah, you know, I think some people are slowly starting to awaken in general, like, especially after COVID, a lot more people started having lucid dreams. And that's why people are even just more curious. Like I'm sure as you see in your comments, people are like, wow, I want to do this.
I'm curious. What does my [00:53:00] dream mean? Like, and that curiosity alone is good. I like seeing people just. Want to know more about their dreams, even if they're not fully like lucid or whatever. Yeah because sometimes our dreams give us like so much perspective and when we write them off it's like Yeah, it's like it's a whole lifetime that we live Like it's still important Right.
Exactly. I i'm pro like all the dreams are important I cherish my non lucid dreams just as much and sometimes they give me more messages and things than when i'm really there You know exerting my ego onto the dream Yeah Oh yeah. So that's exactly the vibe like exerting your ego. It's really like, it's like this energy of like, I'm here and I'm existing and I'm controlling and like whatever.
It feels like that sometimes. Like sometimes I feel like it's the energy. Like sometimes I'm like, I'm just so tired. Like I don't want to be here. So it's fine. The dream can take it away. But then that I do think that's kind of what helps people wake up is this idea that it's like, No, like I am [00:54:00] here and I'm safe and I'm able to like explore and the dream's not gonna wake me up Like I can be here.
Yeah, I love that. Yeah dreams are so special to me I mean we spend a third of our lives asleep in this other dimension Like I just want to like take it in as much as possible. But yeah And it's so interesting the more that you explore it and like the things that exist over there like I don't why one thing that I guess I think about a lot is like like I said I've really I've been reading The Art of Dreaming so that's really on my mind but in that book he talks about how in this one experience with the guy that was like guiding him they end up like on a street in a city.
And then he's like, the city is not from earth and the people are not from earth. But then when he realizes where he is and he gets all freaked out about it, they all turn on him and wake him up. And then he's like, how do I get back there? And it's like, I find it interesting. Cause I'm like, okay, so all these like parallel reality is like, what does it look when someone like pops into our reality?
Like It's interesting. Like, I wonder if, like, if [00:55:00] there's a way that we look to them, because it seems like there is. And in that dream I had where I was like on this, not a spaceship, I guess, but like what I said with the, the shot and all that stuff, like in the vid, the movie, the, the video monitor that I was watching of other dreams I'd had and me waking up, like there was a physical manifestation when I would like become, when I was in a dream that was not there when I was lucid.
So I could see like, The lucid dream happening or whatever. But then when I would get into my dream body, there, there's a physical change to the. The person that I was in the dream and then it became very apparent that I was there in the body and so like And then that's when people would get upset in there And so I was watching that and I was very curious as to like why it looked like that Um, but there was obviously no answers since that was such a stressful dream um, but it is something that i'm like looking out for as far as like if I ever do Reach a place where I can ask more questions about that.
Um, You But I usually feel like, and I don't know if you feel the same way, but I [00:56:00] feel like The answers that we receive in dreams are so clear when you're in dream And when you wake up, they're unclear and I yeah I almost feel like we're speaking a language in dream that doesn't exist in in real life because yeah for sure because essentially like i'll get things where it'll be like, you know, our Are you god and then like like i'll be talking to something right?
I'll be like is this god and then the person will be like Or like the entity, the thing that I'm talking to will be like, I am and I'm not like, I'm somebody might consider me God. Some people may not like I'm not. And I am like, there's a lot of that vibe. It's like, I'll be like, you know, what is this? And it's like, oh, It is and it isn't.
Like, this is the universe and it's not the universe. Yeah, and in the dream it makes so much sense too. And I feel like it's like Yeah, it is the universe and it's not the universe. Yeah, totally. Yeah, it's so clear. And I feel like even though we're so confused when we wake up, It's still integrating into [00:57:00] our brains, like the lesson translates, you know, the language kind of translates in a way, even if we're not aware of it.
So I always found that really interesting. Yeah, for sure. Like I've received a lot of like, I don't want to call them messages, but like, They are kind of messages like i've asked questions and received answers that I feel like have made me a lot more confident in like myself and my path and what i'm doing in this life And so I feel like that's really translated like I used to be a very insecure person and like once I really leaned into I guess like asking questions in my dreams and like get it receiving sort of like Answers without bias like I try really hard to like not bias myself and have no other thoughts and like really Express curiosity.
Um, and I feel like then i'm given answers, which is funny because in that book, you know That's what they say. They're like, there's this like There's the knowing the vibe that like will answer you in dreams and tell you the truth. Um, and I do feel like [00:58:00] I experienced a lot of that and I am like, I am told the truth a lot in dreams.
I don't ever have, I don't want to say ever because I have not ever recorded it and I don't want to say it's not possible, but I don't ever really have dreams that like don't come true or like are. False. Like, I don't have dreams, and then I think something's gonna happen, and then it doesn't. Um, I pretty much only have dreams that either, like, immediately come true, come true later, or, like, it's an answer that's very vague, but it's not something that's, like, incorrect.
Like, I'm not usually given, like, incorrect information, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, definitely. That's really cool. Um, do you have like a plan of like things you want to do when you get lucid or do you just kind of go with it? Um, I think that like, one of the things I'm interested in is This idea of like holding my energy, being able to like project my energy and like go deeper, [00:59:00] um, and be able to maybe like see things for what they are.
So like that's something that I have done in the past. Like I've said, I'll like break through the layers of dreams. Um, I'm not entirely certain, like, After reading some of the stuff I've been reading, I'm just hesitant about, like, how involved in that I want to be, like, I do feel like I've experienced some of the things, like, one of the things in the Art of Dreaming they talk about is that there's this place where the Masters of Dreaming go, like, the dream people go, that, like, Dream people, you know, but like the people who practice the art of dreaming go I mean, it's this place where you can see the universe, but you see it as like this web of light It's like this It's like orbs of light going on forever and you can see like other people's energy bodies and like I have been there before It was very jarring and then somebody was like, how did you get here?
Like I've never seen you before and I was like, are you God like it was it's actually funny to think back on now like Thinking if those are people since that is like a shared experience by the people who practice the art [01:00:00] of dreaming that like that is their meeting place like if I just show up and I'm like, Hey guys, and they're just like, Who are you?
How did you get here? Like, and I was like, Are you guys like God? Like what's going on? And they were like, explaining like the world to me. And like the way that he describes that sort of energy and what it is, is what the guy told me in the dream like a year before I read this book, so I do find that really fascinating, but based on that, and then continued reading of that, I'm like, I don't know how, Involved with like the mysteries I want to get I'm like, maybe I just need to be more Explorational and more interested in like I don't know like learning new skills or doing stuff that's like more entertaining, um and adventurous than like psychologically, spiritually, like deep.
I don't know because one of the other things that I've kind of realized [01:01:00] is I think that if you are someone who takes the art of dreaming seriously, um, or you are somebody who thinks about like dreams in that way, it almost is like being a monk. Like, If you believe that dreams are allowing you to access like the true nature of reality and like secrets of parallel dimensions beyond ours, like it's, it becomes so much more interesting than being like a human on earth.
Um, and I really feel very connected to the fact that like I have work to do here. And so I don't really want to do anything that's going to displace me from like my human experience. And so. That's why I think that I'm more interested in like continuing to have lucid dreams and share the stories and just like To like listen to their dreams than I am in like making contact with extraterrestrial beings or something Even though I do feel like that has happened in dreams before and it is very interesting and I'm willing to like talk about it And share it.
I don't feel like that's gonna be like the most helpful thing for me I just want like the most More so on the [01:02:00] Carlos Castaneda way of like freedom of just being able to like explore and learn and like have freedom in dreams and not be like asleep, essentially, like being able to like have more control in the dream space.
I think that's like what I'm most interested in. Um, as a lucid dreamer, and I, you know, and then the continuation of, Maybe one day being able to like access the Akashic records in a meaningful way or like help with people like passing over and stuff like that. Like that sort of work is interesting to me as well.
Um, but I don't want to be a medium. So yeah, no mediumship is not for me. Again, like I started reading something or watching something I watched, um, after death on Netflix. I've seen that. Yeah. Very interesting. I got to the episode about mediums. And I was like Yeah, I would I think that I would be considered a medium technically But I don't practice that because I'm like that is the last thing I want to do.
I don't want to yeah You know, [01:03:00] it's good to find your own journey and it's important to have fun with it, too And like you said there's work to do here and I'm sure you're gonna inspire people with your dream stories in whatever way that you Know you choose to do it But yeah, having fun is good too.
You know, it's not always deep spiritual stuff that we have to do in lucid dreams. Um, I'm going to send you a link that I've kind of put together with some of my friends of like different things to do in a lucid dream. And some of it's just silly fun stuff. Oh, yay. That's all of it's like spiritual stuff.
Yeah. I'm about to end it. I feel like when people ask me to do things and they're fun, I'll do them and they're great. And then sometimes people ask me to do something that's like. Weird and then like I'll do it and then I'm like, oh no Like I should not listen to this person But like I remember their comment now here I am like, you know, like the date and time thing I feel like the people don't like the dream does not react well to that and like I Yeah, it, it reacts fine if I ask about like more vague, timeless questions, but if I'm like really specific about date and time, like things can just get kind of like weird and like, I feel like [01:04:00] everybody's glitching.
It's like breaking the illusion. It is breaking the illusion. They're not happy. I'm like, it's okay. I know. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's good to try different stuff and just have fun with it, you know? Yeah, for sure, definitely. Dude, well, this has been so fun. I really appreciate you just, like, being open and just sharing your experiences with me.
Like, it's good to know that other people have these deep, awesome dreams. Yeah, this is so cool. Like, I just love knowing that other people are out there and are having them, too. Because it's, it is an isolating feeling, like, sometimes when you start sharing and there's just, like, I will say, like, I'll get comments.
Um, and like messages. And sometimes people will like send me a message and be like, I have the same experience of you as you. And then they'll just describe like a dream that they've had where they have no control. They're not lucid, but it has like the same room that I'm describing maybe. And like, they'll be like, it's the same dream.
And I'm like, thank you for sharing. But like, it's, it's not the same. And I feel like, [01:05:00] and I don't say that in a mean way. It's just sort of like, It felt really isolating for a long time because even with my mom like she doesn't lucid dreams Even though we shared the psychic dreams like we didn't share the lucid dreams and now I feel like i'm connecting with some more people that have lucid dreams and I feel a little less like Literally crazy like I feel less crazy because i'm like, okay There are other people out there that are experiencing this i'm not alone.
Like it's a real phenomena Other people are having the same experience or similar experiences. And even though they're all different, like, it's real! It's real and other people can validate that, you know. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you know, everyone has their own journey and stuff. And I just like to normalize talking about these things so we can all just kind of know that like, You're not crazy.
Like whether you're lucid or having premonition dreams or whatever, repetitive dreams, like, yeah, just, that's why I do a podcast. Premonition dreams are real. They are very, very real when people have them and it's not crazy. Yeah, I agree. I think it's good to just normalize it. Cause even the [01:06:00] CIA. The CIA be releasing those but like they've been known for a long.
Oh, yeah They've been working on lucid dreaming stuff whenever they were doing all that actual projection work, too They also use lucid dreams and meditation and stuff. Yeah, they've been on it. So It's about time that everyone else starts to wake up to their own inner Potential yeah, my fiance's always joking.
He's just like the FBI is gonna take you away one day I know people say that to me too. Like oh, they're gonna come after you. I'm like, I don't care I'll die on this hill happily. Yeah, I'm just like I'd actually project my eyes out of there, right? Exactly I don't mind. Yeah, i'm just gonna follow my dreams Literally.
Yeah. It's all your dreams. Yeah. Totally. But this has been really great. Thank you for chatting with me and having me on.