The Dream World
The Dream World Podcast is about focusing on sleep & dreams to better your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is an interactive podcast, where anyone can join the conversation about exploring consciousness. Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and normalize talking about dreams. We cover a variety of tips and topics on how to take care of the mind and body both in waking life and in the dream world. With an open mind, we investigate stories, anecdotes, research studies, myths, facts and everything in between, in order to explore the universe & all its mysteries🧠
🪐 We love talking to oneironauts (dream travelers) and learning about their experiences with lucid dreaming and other out-of-body-experiences. ⛈ To join our community, go to https://thedreamworldpodcast.com/
💡How can we learn from our dreams and apply it to our waking life? We as humans spend an entire THIRD of our lives asleep, where we sleepwalk through our dreams just as mindlessly as we walk through life. In our dreams, we visit another dimension called The Dream World. Wake up. Pay attention.
👩🏽🚀 Dreams are gifts that have a lot to teach us. Even nightmares can be transformative. “Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery”.-Stephen Laberge. ⚡️
💡 We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been inspired by them, such as Paul McCartney’s hit song “Yesterday” coming to him in a dream or of Mendeleev’s dream-inspired construction of the periodic table of elements, suggesting that dreams are more than just a byproduct of sleep.
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The Dream World
EP89: The Plasma Connection- Redefining Consciousness
Dana Kippel is best known for her groundbreaking theories on plasma and its connections to consciousness and metaphysics. Dana introduces her forthcoming book on plasma intelligence and metaphysics, suggesting that plasma could be the conduit for consciousness and is inherently sentient. We also explore how these concepts relate to dreams, explaining the potential relationship between lucid dreaming, plasma, and consciousness. Join our ongoing journey to bridge science, spirituality, and deeper understanding.
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Amina: Welcome to the dream world podcast. I'm really excited for today's episode. My guest is Dana, who is super cool. She does so many things. She's a scientist, a filmmaker, an actress, so many other things. I will let her speak for herself and introduce herself, but she is awesome because she is working on a new theory that could completely redefine how we see consciousness and metaphysics.
So let's get into this really awesome topic. And of course, we're going to tie it back into dreams. So welcome Dana to the dream world podcast.
Dana: Oh, thank you. So I feel like I have like multiple lives on the same reality. Um, I am a science fiction filmmaker and writer. So I am currently working on developing my second feature Uh, i'm also a producer so i'm producing and directing an upcoming I don't know how much I could say but upcoming docu series that is surround about simulation theory, uh in a sort of Kind of metaphysical way.
Um, and then I also write short science fiction stories and I'm going to have a book out, you know, not anytime soon. Um, I'm also an author as far as my new plasma book, uh, which is called a new force, uh, which is the metaphysics of plasma and it's about plasma intelligence and plasma holding consciousness, there's a lot about dreams in there as well in a certain section and how it relates to plasma.
That will be out next year. And then besides that, I act, uh, and yeah, go around to like conferences and kind of talk about, uh, either speculative fiction and entertainment or plasma intelligence and metaphysics.
Amina: Dude, that's awesome. You're so cool. You do so many things. I love it.
Dana: Thank you. I feel like I need to learn rest
Amina: Yes that to rest is important which we'll talk about but the plasma stuff is really cool to me I want to talk about that first So I'm kind of like have a basic understanding of what it is But like I [00:02:00] really want to get into the juicy stuff of how it's conscious Like, so what, let's start with that.
What is it? Yes,
Dana: exactly. Okay, great. So I love this. Um, so there is a lot of people will be like, okay, but in science and science, plasma is simply an ionized gas, meaning that it's a gas. Um, and the electrons are more excited and free. You could say people will. based on a scientific term what do you mean it holds consciousness?
Plasma is either very heated up and they would be like, how is that possible? Or there's cold plasma, uh, which is used to heal people, which I don't think scientists can understand or theorize how that would hold consciousness either. So my theory is that, Is that I take the characteristics of plasma, mix it with the mythology and history of a living ether, kind of like the luminiferous ether from the 1800s, this is the [00:03:00] same stuff that Nikola Tesla worked with to create free energy.
My theory is there is a special type of plasma akin to a living ether that animates. Everything we see makes up everything we see and there are different layers of it and it is the conduit for consciousness, but it has its own intelligence. So the plasma itself is sentient, almost like animalistic intelligence, or the divine feminine, I would say.
And then consciousness I see as the divine masculine, which experiences itself through a feedback system with plasma. And then our multidimensional self works with consciousness and plasma to create our multidimensional human experience.
Amina: Wow, that's awesome. Okay. Yeah, that makes so much sense. Honestly. I like this theory So, how do you even get into like studying something like this and like explaining it?
Dana: Okay, the only way I know how to say it is that I feel and it's gonna [00:04:00] sound like lunatic ish But I feel like it chose me. So Most of my life I was attracted to like neon signs, which are, it was also plasma. Um, you know, lightning, my birth father was actually struck by lightning before conceiving me, which is a little known fact because that's plasma.
But I never really thought anything about plasma. All I knew was like the plasma globes you see at stores. And when I turned, I think 30, I started doing transcendental meditation, basically getting out of my head, dropping into my body. And that is when I started to receive what I can only call like a plasma intelligence like direct communication with this Plasma field where I have no other way to say it But I started getting downloads of like what this field is that it's sentient that it holds consciousness It was almost like I just knew this information and then i've been spending the last three years Not only processing it, but okay, like how do I make this digestible?
How do I tell people [00:05:00] about this? What metaphors can I use? And I have so much information so it's hard to put it into one book. So I have to like Number one, learn how to focus and number two, like how do I make just one book with like the starting information, you know what I mean?
Amina: Yeah, wow, that's cool.
Okay, there's so much there to unpack because like science doesn't even understand What even is consciousness fully, you know? And I feel like they're looking at it from a point of like, you know neurons firing and a very much like, you know Physical explanation. So do you think science can even explain that with the framework we have or is it something just like beyond our current?
Dana: You're tapped in because you already know that we can't do explain it by the framework of quantum physics And that's kind of something I don't know if I could come out and say that a name yet But I'm basically coming up with like a holistic Science that mixes philosophy and art and language and all these fields of study to [00:06:00] Develop a framework that can explain plasma and consciousness and its totality I think that science is one little part of it one little Telescope you could look at it through but it's so multi dimensional in a way that Um, the current science we have is not a big enough framework to explain it.
Amina: Yeah Yeah, that's interesting and people i'm sure there's There's some scientists out there that are trying to explain it, but they're gonna reach some sort of like, you know, challenges and blockages and I don't know, maybe there's a certain level of physics to it, I'm sure.
Dana: How we process it, I'm sure, has to do with biology and physics and biophysics, which is the two of those fused together.
But, yeah. I think I've read books about people talking about the philosophy. People do talk about the science, but yes, no one's cracked it. I'm not saying I've cracked it. I do feel like I am taking a great crack or stab at the plasma stuff, but I cannot even begin to say I understand what [00:07:00] consciousness is, but I think I'm starting to kind of study it and understand it from plasma.
Like if that makes any sense, like I think plasma is the key to unlocking consciousness.
Amina: Interesting. Okay. I love this. So we know that there's some sort of plasma already within us, right? I was reading about like this bioplasma thing.
Dana: Yeah. So there's two different, so that was where I was talking about the different gradients of, or like types of plasma in my, you know, little method or theory.
There's, you know, the special type of plasma that's everywhere. It's almost like we're in a painting. And then you have your soul, which you would call the bioplasma, which is toroidal. So it's almost like coming up this way and out and around. So I experience our, my consciousness is around that membrane of the bioplasma and then feeds back through my body and my mind and then goes back out, senses my environment.
So consciousness is literally the filter that lets us, lets us experience [00:08:00] the outside plasma. And then it works with our inner plasma, which is blood plasma, to create the entire experience through maybe microtubules and so on and so forth.
Amina: So I was wondering how blood plasma was related because I know it has it's different but the fact that it has its same name I was like, is that relevant or is that a totally different thing?
Dana: It is relevant. A lot of people might say it's not if they don't have imagination, but no hate on anyone, but it's true Um blood plasma was named literally after the functions of plasma or vice versa One of them were named after the other because they because they have very similar functions And blood plasma literally is like the as above so below to the outer space plasma.
So they've they do very similar
Amina: That makes sense. Okay. So when you say this isn't everything you mean like animals trees inanimate objects like does that mean inanimate objects could hold some sort of consciousness or Or is it just like a lesser level like how does that work?
Dana: Yeah, so [00:09:00] I don't really subscribe to the whole consciousness is everything I think plasma Is everything and maybe that's too much sway in the other direction I don't know but as far as right now what I believe is that We are a painting we are painted by colors of plasma that Think of yourself as clay And you're almost like crystallized plasma like a hardened plasma body Which is the vehicle for consciousness that when the body kind of liquefies or goes back to this gas Your consciousness will you know Go on through it same kind of thing almost when you dream which i'll talk about Um, and then you can you know reincarnate and go back into another crystallized plasma with your consciousness but the difference between that and like a table for instance is I think it's very much like animism where The table has a sentience and a memory Which once again is more animalistic or just plasma, but it's devoid of consciousness So in my mind, [00:10:00] we have consciousness, but a table would be inorganic life as far as being sentient and holding memory because that's what plasma holds, but it's not conscious.
Like humans that can generate thoughts that are creative.
Amina: Yeah, that makes sense. Definitely. I love that So, how does this relate to dreams? How you know how when we go into our dreams and lucid dreaming and even out of body experiences
Dana: Yeah, um, so these are theories I'm all coming up with, but what I can, I have a couple things, but what I can guess first of all, for dreaming, because a lot of dreaming is us kind of working out things in our psyche, not all, but some that's when I believe that we're in an unconscious state of dreaming what you would not call lucid dreaming, where think of our bioplasma and what I said about our consciousness, you know, sensing our outside environment.
That consciousness is turned in and flipped when [00:11:00] we're sleeping. So we're sensing our bioplasma, our aura, our soul. We're sensing all the memories from that day. Which is why our dreams are working those out, like psychologically, like Carl Jung would say, right? When you become conscious, You all of a sudden are sensing that outer environment without without the light or being awake.
It's night So you're astral projecting your consciousness is going outside your body. It's almost like that membrane Flies your consciousness membrane flies away and then comes back to your body, you know, whenever And I think I'm sure there's a difference between astral projecting and lucid dreaming as far as like how it functions I cannot claim to know that But I think a way to understand that is through plasma as well, like where it's within the same framework and once again, just like our daily life is made up of this plasma field, the nightlife is too.
It's just like in different pockets or [00:12:00] layers or something.
Amina: Yeah, no, that's really interesting. So when it comes to like, How we perceive the world and like our senses. Um, I loved how you were making a video about how like the olfactory sense specifically is like really interesting when it comes to just consciousness and this whole plasma thing.
So can you explain that a little bit?
Dana: Yes, and I had a ADD moment. I realized your name is almost like anima with the letters we arranged, and anima would be a word for plasma or the thing that animates everything, so I think that's cool. So with the olfactory sense in mind, which has to do with smelling, but now in the latest studies, also has to do with seeing through smelling and memory.
And I think it has a link with Alzheimer's, where when that sense goes, they think you might have an issue with Alzheimer's, which is connected to memory, which is connected to the plasma field, which is the realm of memories, ideas, imagination, dreams. So on and so forth, [00:13:00] what's interesting about that specific sense and why I theorize it's like our direct connection to the plasma field or the, the memory, or I don't even know if we know how it really functions or works yet with sensing the plasma field, but there is, I think only one filter.
So it's almost like we're directly experiencing that field in reality versus our touch, taste, eyes, everything else has like multiple filters. Yeah. To, to go through the brain. So it's almost like more filtered, not as like, you know, not a straight shot of reality in the same way it's filtered through maybe our belief systems where that's smelling the olfactory is not.
Um, and I, and what I said in my TikTok video, which I thought was really interesting is there are many comparisons in ancient. Mythologies and ancient history to smelling and sweet smells, meaning one thing and, you know, [00:14:00] rancid smells, meaning another thing, and it had to also do with like sensing the sun, like with ant, uh, tendrils or with the beetle things, which, which those things, sorry, I'm not, I'm blanking on the word, but those things are smellers to sniff their environment and the fact that it's connected to the sun, which is made of plasma.
I thought was interesting.
Amina: Yeah, that is interesting. And the Egyptians didn't they also kind of have like a word for plasma like a concept that's kind of like that life force in everybody? Yes, my dog. No, it's okay. Dogs are dogs are approved on this podcast.
Dana: Okay, good. Okay, what is the word for? Yeah, so let's
Amina: Yeah, so Ka K A.
Um, I don't know if that's related to plasma, but I feel like the concept is kind of similar. Like, um, the, The vessel for like our spirit [00:15:00] essentially So I feel like they were on to something
Dana: Yes, there is actually a lot of comparisons to Egyptian culture that I'm gonna have in my book that directly correlate to plasma Off the top of my head I'm trying to think of maybe one to share that I haven't talked about Um, well, okay.
I don't know if it's raw or who it is, but they have a, uh, or is it, or is the God of the horizon Horus? Okay. I there's something there that relates to plasma because plasma is the in between state, the liminal state. And I think back then they were harnessing that to make the pyramids. And I think Horus has a lot of comparisons to plasma.
Same with raw, same with Ka. I think they all were comparisons to plasma and harnessing that, uh, energy.
Amina: That makes sense. Okay, so, getting into this information and like, learning more about this, [00:16:00] what, what do we do with this information? Like, how do we use it for humanity or individual lives, you know?
Dana: Yeah, um, that's the most important part.
I think that's what drew me to plasma, and I haven't talked about it much on my page yet. Once again, it is stuff i'm formulating for my book and a lot of these theories are kind of half baked right now until I finish writing them but the fact of the matter is through Knowing we have the power of harnessing this plasma with our consciousness, since consciousness can mold plasma, it can travel through plasma, it opens up the belief and the proof that astral projection is real, lucid dreaming is real, We can use these things to learn to empower ourselves The biggest thing I want to spread to people is the key the power Everything you need in your life is literally inside of you.
You do not need a teacher a leader like a mentor Those things are great. But Learning how to [00:17:00] trust your inner self and your inner plasma um is where we're going in this world and establishing what you think is true You Because we're going into a time where nothing but everything is true, where the news can't tell us what's true anymore.
It's really like social media. It's like, um, is democratized and it's like all these people's opinions. And that's amazing. And you get to choose what you resonate with instead of being spoon fed things from like five channels. And I think the biggest thing I want to show is that number one, you have power.
You have all the power of your own life. Uh, and number two, there's times where also you need to surrender and let go and be in the divine feminine. Um, and then, yeah, number three, I think is just, yeah. How to relate to it and work with it, to do like magical things in your life and harness it for like self love.
And there are so many ways there are so many. Cool things how it's gonna help humanity.
Amina: I love that. Yeah, there's definitely a lot of [00:18:00] potential there and I think that's a really important message Especially with like all the shit going on in the world and all the different directions people are being pulled in It's really important to like, you know, trust yourself So earlier you said that like plasma has its own intelligence kind of right like its own.
It's like its own beings That's within us. And then we have our own soul, I guess. So is that like part of us? Is it like kind of like the collective? Is it like God? Like what is explain it? I don't even know what I'm trying to say.
Dana: No, for sure. It's interesting. It's kind of like Just like consciousness there seems to be a narrative where there's this greater all consciousness this greater You know thing and then we're like fragments of that.
It's kind of a little that's more like divine masculine this is more like a little bit more liquidy or in flux if that makes sense like There is, you know, I call her, you know, the mother, or the cosmic mother, or this [00:19:00] plasma field. We are expressions of her, and we are a little, like a more denser version of that field, like bubbles.
We're like each plasma bubble, soul bubbles, and we're made up of her, our mom, and then we have our dad, which is consciousness, and then we are the expression of both of those Interweaving, which there are a lot of, um, you know, Egyptian symbols like with, you know, the interweaving thing with the wings. Um, and I think those two things create the multidimensional experience.
Uh, that is the only way I, I will, here, I'll say this theory, I haven't talked about this yet, but I basically think that consciousness, the way people are referring to it. In my mind, empowering that is wrong, or I have a different opinion. I think that there is consciousness, which has more to do with thought and our belief system, and then I think there and more logic, and then that's the way I think it [00:20:00] functions.
And then there's plasma, which has to do with our feelings and our senses. And then I think what the, what the real light is, what the real thing behind everything, what is always there is the self. So it's almost like, once again, this large self, almost like a third God, if you were to say that plasma is a female God, consciousness is a male God.
There's almost like this child slash grandmother spider God, which is like the self. And then we are each multidimensional selves reflecting that in our own individualized way. So it's kind of like three. Three and three. It's, it's confusing, but that's just the way I see it in my head.
Amina: Honestly, that makes a lot of sense.
Like, I totally resonate with what you're saying. I like that theory.
Dana: And it empowers the self. It empowers us and it lets us know, hey, we literally actually are special. We are not meaningless. Like, our individual expressions are so special and we can harness [00:21:00] consciousness or plasma as tools as humans. I love it.
Amina: So what about like your personal like experiences like you mentioned that like you meditate like what is your like practice just in general like
Dana: Yeah, um, it's funny Like I'm you know human obviously like anyone else and I go in and out of periods of like amazing Meditations and then ones where I'm just like so in my head and they suck And then like I want to give up for a few days and then I go back to it so So I started with transcendental meditation that honestly was an amazing start to drop me into my body and out of my head and my logic.
Um, the only way I know how to explain it is almost like tricking your consciousness and like your monkey mind. And it lets you almost like sink into that plasma field where you can have experiences that are very bliss, like, and dream, like. Um, but then for some reason through that method, I started having experiences that weren't really accepted in transcendental [00:22:00] meditation, more like ecstatic and feminine, and they kind of were like, Oh no, go back to the practice.
And I kind of wanted to like jump out of those bounds. So then I just started, I went to the Monroe Institute, started doing their meditations. I think those are great. Tools as well, you know, and then I started realizing meditation can be laughing, it can be walking around the lake, like whatever I wanna do that day to connect with myself, uh, with V Self and whether I wanna harness my consciousness to astro project in my meditation, or whether I wanna be in transcendental meditation and sink into the plasma or the mother.
I can choose and that is kind of where i'm at with it now Um, I think as spiritual people a lot of us can get caught especially early on in our journey with thinking We're better than people that don't meditate or don't practice spirituality or like know these things And that is within itself not spiritual, right?
So the most important lesson i've learned is that a [00:23:00] teacher who loves the kids they teach and is in a flow state That's their meditation a soccer player. That's their meditation like You spirituality and that's why I like the word metaphysics but like No one's better than anyone no matter what they practice.
What matters is that you find what's authentic to you And do what you love and don't let things hold you back. And that to me is like true spirituality. If that makes sense. I
Amina: just,
Dana: yeah, definitely.
Amina: It goes back to the whole trust yourself thing and look within. So I love that.
Dana: Know thyself that like.
Quote takes on a whole new meaning
Amina: Sorry, I'm trying to figure out why my Wi Fi sucks so bad right now. The Cosmos are upset at our conversation They're giving away too many secrets No, for real. It's so annoying every time I try to record like a good podcast it like does this
Dana: I'd honestly love to hear about like How you start what pull I know i'm like interviewing you now But what you pull what pulled you into the dream stuff or what?
Why [00:24:00] this is your thing and what you're working on and then I would love to like relate to that in some way with what? I'm working on
Amina: cool. Yeah, I mean feel free to ask me anything So yeah, that's like my thing kind of how we were talking about, you know I find like what comes to you and what calls to you and what makes you happy like lucid dreaming is definitely that for me Um, i've always been like a dreamer since I was a kid like i've always had vivid dreams and lucid dreams Um, I didn't really have like a community of people like supporting me in this until like I was an adult and I started like a podcast and You know just got into like the online community of like lucid dreamers and stuff So I love teaching people about lucid dreaming and i'm also really interested in like the research side of things um And just understanding like how the brain works But I kind of have like a similar problem to what you were saying not problem But like i'm seeing this is gonna be a thing where it's like, you know A lot of scientists are just looking at it as like, you know, neurons, electrons, whatever, firing.
And they're like, maybe [00:25:00] not looking at it from like that bigger picture point of view. Yeah. Which is what I'm trying to like really understand and bridge the science and the spirituality. So that's kind of like my thing.
Dana: Okay, well, maybe when I come out with the name of my framework, you can use it for your stuff.
Amina: totally. Totally. I love it. I think we're on the same wavelength. And yeah, I think there's so many different things that just like go under this umbrella.
Dana: Yeah, okay. So let me ask you so for lucid dreaming just like for me plasma stuff comes so easy to me Like I know it it seems like that's obviously lucid dreaming for you.
And this is your gift so like is it possible for anyone to do and Because I feel like I suck at it and I feel like I saw something where you say that's like a limiting belief Like how do I break free to that? And should I try it? And like, what do you think?
Amina: Yes. Okay. So it is a limiting belief. I do believe that like, everybody can lucid dream.
Everybody has this ability. Um, like any ability, some people might be better at it than others, you [00:26:00] know, more natural or they started earlier or whatever, but it's a learnable skill. So it's like going to the gym, you know, you might not have abs after like a week, but like with consistency, you can get better at it.
So same thing with lucid dreaming. It's like a brain muscle. Um, And so, I don't know, have you ever had a lucid dream, or you just don't have them often?
Dana: Well, I've, so I've, I have dreams that come true. I have dreams that communicate. Literal inventions to me, but as far as becoming lucid in a dream I actually don't think I've ever had I get sleep paralysis all the time though.
Amina: Okay, so that's within the same realm. That's related It's cool. I mean you're a vivid dreamer. It seems like you're a powerful dreamer So that's perfect the perfect basis to become a lucid dreamer Yeah, yeah, I think you will you will definitely have it in no time Do you write your dreams down at all or do you just kind of if they're important?
Dana: I do if I'm not lazy in the morning, like sometimes I get my coffee and I get out of bed and, you know, I'll forget to, or, you know what I mean, [00:27:00] where you're like, oh, I will, but then you don't. But, um, a lot of the, I would say half of the time I do and I dream every night. So
Amina: that's pretty good. I mean, it's like, yeah, you don't have to like.
Have this super strict. It doesn't have to be difficult is what I tell people you just find a way to like incorporate it to your life, but you do have to put some like awareness into it, you know, like, especially during the day. That's kind of. What helps me a lot is just doing like some sort of reality check during the day, whether it's mental or physical.
Um, and you really have to train your brain to like, start thinking, is this a dream or not? Because that way, getting into that habit, you'll eventually think that in the dream and then you'll be like, Oh, actually it's, it is a dream because you know, you're not supposed to be here or whatever it is, weird dream situation.
So it kind of takes some time to train your brain to think that way. It's like a thought process almost.
Dana: Are you going to write a book on this as well?
Amina: Yeah, so I I did like co author a book where I did a chapter on it With some other people that are also like [00:28:00] dreamers and you know kind of within this dreamy realm And I am eventually gonna write my own book But I don't know what cuz you know I could do beginner content like you know teaching people how to start their practice and then there's like advanced lucid dreaming stuff and like All the cool trivia experiences you can have within a lucid dream You It's cool.
There's so many things you can use it for like whether it's just having fun and just flying around or like deep spiritual work like it could be either depending
Dana: on what you need. That to me sounded like you lit up when you said the second part. So it feels like you're like, it feels like your soul wants to do the advanced one.
And listen, there's already so many basic book dream, like that's what I was
Amina: going to say. Like everybody knows the basic methods and that's easy to find. You know,
Dana: you should do your own thing and relates to like what you talk about with like learning and belief systems. And I would also love to talk to you at a later date.
I can't talk too much about it, but in the show I'm developing, we have a series. That has to do with one of the episodes has to do with lucid dreaming that I [00:29:00] want to talk to you about Maybe we could like bring you in for an interview But with that said so has your group found that you guys can Communicate in lucid dreams obviously scientifically to prove it takes machines and stuff.
But have you guys been able? To prove it at least anecdotally
Amina: Yes. So many times. Okay. So I ASD, which is the international association for the study of dreams, a bunch of dream researchers and dream obsessed people like me. Right. Um, they have, they used to do this contest all the time where they would try to do like dreaming targets and share dreaming experiments and stuff like that.
Um, and they had such strong hits, like all the time they would have like people that would dream exactly what the target was, or like super close in their own, like metaphorical dream translated way. Um, and I actually just did a presentation at. One of their conferences with my friend, and she's also a lucid dreamer.
Um, and we got such close hits just trying to exchange, like, dream information with each other. Um, like, I sent her a sushi, like, which is what I [00:30:00] was projecting, trying to think about. And, like, what she got out of it was, like, a Swiss cake roll, which is basically, like, a chocolate looking sushi, but, like, Structurally, it's the same thing.
So we'll get a lot of structural hits, but the brain has this way of like translating it into like whatever else you might think it is. Once you get the logical mind gets involved. You know what I'm saying? It's like a broken telephone interdimensionally pretty much.
Dana: Well, but I was just going to say, so funny you say this with the plasma stuff.
So my end goal 50 years old is to create. Some type of pathway to interdimensional communication, right? That is like the end This is literally why i'm doing it besides helping people because I think I think Not only will everything else be groundbreaking, but knowing that there are interdimensional beings Whether it's a higher self future selves once we establish that real contact and know we're not alone in that way I think a lot of depression and like issues will lift Because we will always feel connected to something if that makes sense.
Like it'll bring back family [00:31:00] and community on like a whole new level and even like aspects of self. But the reason I'm saying that is because I think through my plasma stuff, I could prove why you're the dream thing is like that. Because the plasma field is like fractal it's in flux and it's more, you know, inter multidimensional.
And what it's like your consciousness string between the field and the field is so much like static and other stuff that like sometimes when it's not a pure connection, you know, uh, you send a dog and they'll get like a three headed dog because some of their, you know, belief systems will be Put into that and their culture sees it differently and stuff like so anyway, your your bioplasma where your consciousness interacts with your dreams If they have a different belief system or cultural system or how they were raised They might see things based on that which also explains demonic visitations and ghosts and seeing shadow people like [00:32:00] Those actually might just be Impressions in the plasma field that are denser or lighter energies That we're seeing as our fear reflecting off them Which is why someone might see a witch someone might see a devil and so on and so forth Yeah,
Amina: yes that makes so much sense And I definitely think it's related and it would explain so much because number one dreams are thought responsive.
So our Emotions and thoughts like affect how the dream go. And when you're lucid, you can see that. Like I can make dream characters say what I'm thinking and things like that. And sometimes the dream has a mind of its own and there's this whole concept of the sentience behind the dream. And that's when you get into this deeper level of it.
Yes. And then you can communicate with the dream itself. Like sometimes I, I've had these deeper experiences when I'm talking to like the dream as a whole, and it's like smarter than I am and knows things that I don't know. It knows everything. It's crazy. Yes. Yes. Exactly. So to me, that
Dana: would be akin to the Akashic Realm or the Plasma Field, where it holds past, present, and future, everything at once.
It has a [00:33:00] high perspective of your life, like, It's almost, that's what I connect with. So we're connecting with the same thing, which I already knew, but basically you get your own downloads for your life from that field that anyone can do. Right. But you're just plugged in right away. And I get those downloads from, from my knowings where you get it from dreams.
But that field you call the dream field is literally the plasma field, which is sentient, which doesn't have consciousness, but it has the intelligence of. Once again, it's kind of like the divine feminine, like it has its own beings and it has its own life forms and it has its own greater intelligence in the whole as well as the beings within it.
If that makes sense. It's so layered.
Amina: There is, there's this like thing going viral right now. The study hasn't been posted, but, um, the scientists kind of tried to like do that using this technology and they did like this coding thing to have people communicate in the dream. I don't know. Like, I think it's going to go two ways.
It's like. People that [00:34:00] understand the bigger picture. And then like people that are just really trying to like make this make sense on paper, you know, which is going to be hard. So I don't see, I don't know
Dana: if that will ever, it's so funny because, so I'm coming up with an abstract on plasma for a consciousness conference and I, you know, I was like, Oh, I'll make a scientific paper that explains this process.
And as I dive more and more into it, it almost feels like a red herring where it's like, The deeper I go, the more I'm confused. And it's like, this is we're diving into the field of like paradox and, and holistic ness and multidimensionality. And it's like through once again, the framework of science, when we're talking about these almost like fifth or sixth dimensional and fourth dimensional and multidimensional things, like it's, It's impossible almost to prove through science.
That's what I think is going to be realized though. And I think that's where we are evolving to, which nothing against science, but there's just going to be things out of that realm that we will have to [00:35:00] prove by intuition and truth versus on paper, like
Amina: people are going to struggle with that one.
Dana: But like the universe is not on paper, guys.
And, and even like the mathematics of the universe, like, maybe that's one expression, but that is, that cannot explain everything.
Amina: Yeah, the math is a cool, the math is cool. I'm bad at math. But like, I know the way it
Dana: codes,
Amina: everything is really cool.
Dana: And because it is, it is almost like a plasma spiritual simulation.
So Totally would explain there's numbers behind it. I think those numbers are fractal in some way or in flux and paradoxical within themselves But like I totally am believing that but I as I said, I don't think there's one way we can explain anything We can explain it through all these things, but we're gonna have to put them all together Truly, it would be like trying to explain who I am by my elbow
Amina: Yeah, that's so true.
It's really a big paradigm shift that's coming and I'm just interested in seeing how it goes because some [00:36:00] people are going to be like, Oh, but it's not proven scientifically. But like, then we have this new scientific framework, which is really what science is all about. If you think about it is like disproving what we know and like learning more
Dana: things.
This is what I'm going to say to people. I want to make a tick talk about this and I haven't yet. Can you prove love scientifically?
Amina: Oxytocin? I don't know. I guess not. In certain ways people can put all these, uh, you know, hormones and things attached to it.
Dana: Right or the interactions or whatever you can try but has everyone like really done a paper on love where like They complete like no It's the same mystery as plasma as gravity as the dream world and it does not fit in the framework of science And my point is same with electricity.
These things are real. We use them. We experience them, but we literally can't prove them on paper where we're where we're going is we're You know, people like us are going to have just as much power as scientists, and that's going to be hard, but we work for it the same, just in a different way. And [00:37:00] yeah, it'll just be really interesting.
Amina: Yeah. Here's a metaphor for you that you made me think of. So it's like, think of like people in like the 16th century or like long before electricity was everything. And we had, you know, Whatever. Back in the day, right? They didn't know what electricity was. They didn't have plugs and light and things like that.
They had candles or whatever, but they knew that like there was sparks when you rub shit together or like, you know, when blankets in the cold make little sparks. So they knew that there was something there that like, I don't really understand what this is, but it's some sort of powerful, invisible force.
And now this powerful, invisible force like runs our whole life and we can't live without it. So it's like that massive. Like size of a shift is like kind of like where we're headed
Dana: where we're headed. Yeah Just that's what I think is with plasmids and and consciousness. It's like, okay We're seeing artifacts of it or glimmers of it and now we're gonna harness it The problem is you could harness it in negative ways and positive ways.
That's that's anything that once again, it's a tool like ai Don't get it confused people. So [00:38:00] like, we just need to make sure we are working on ourself. So we learned how to harness with curiosity and love versus ego and greed. And that's how the world is going to go to.
Amina: That's true. And the same thing applies to the dreams and all the other tools is like, it can be used for good or bad.
So that's kind of cool. Yeah. I'm loving this
Dana: discussion. I feel like you pulled exactly out of me like what is most important. And yeah. I feel like I kind of almost came to some revelations, too, that, like, I want to replay and, like, write in my book.
Amina: Yay! Inspiration. I can't wait for your book to come out.
I will definitely order it. I'm
Dana: excited. I decided I am going to self publish because I was thinking, like, okay, let's say I finish in December. I finish editing it in, like, February. That will take a whole nother year to get out with like a publishing company, and I'll only get like 6 percent of the proceeds.
If I publish it myself, number one, I'll have complete control, and I could put it out ASAP. So I'm gonna, [00:39:00] it'll be out next year for sure.
Amina: Yay. Power to the self. Yes. Yes. I do want to say like where people can find you and like all that good stuff.
Dana: Yeah. So people, I think the most important way if you're into this stuff is obviously my Tik Tok at Dana K I P P E L.
My name, Dana Kipple, uh, my website, danakipple. com talks about my working plasma theories as well as plasma merch. I just put like sweatshirts on there that say plasma intelligence because. I mean, they're, they're the only plasma intelligence clothes in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Um, yeah, and then my Instagram is dana.
thealien, um, on my website, you can find all the links to like my movies and my poetry book I wrote. My first film was called Reflect. It's on Apple TV and Amazon and Vudu, I believe, and Tubi. Um, and it's a metaphysical film [00:40:00] about shadow work in Sedona, Arizona. That's enough.
Amina: I love it. I will put all the links to make it easy to find.
Okay. I want to ask you something else. So back to lucid dreaming, um, when you have your first lucid dream, it'll happen eventually. Like maybe you haven't thought about it yet, but any thoughts of like what you might want to do when you get lucid?
Dana: Interesting. I think like the one thing you brought up was really interesting that's not talked about that much is like, and you should make a tick talk about it if you haven't, but like communicating with the, or I'll make a tick tock and I'll reference you communicating with the dream, like the larger macrocosm of the dream intelligence, like, because I believe it's plasma, that would be the first place I go.
And then maybe also wanting to communicate with like, my future self within that or like, um, I don't know, just explore. It's, it's hard to really, I'd be open, I guess, you know, I don't [00:41:00] know.
Amina: Okay. Yeah. I figured you were going to say something related to that, like figuring more about plasma or talking to the dream.
Definitely cool. Um, yeah, there's so many endless possibilities of things you can do. So that's a good place to start. It's good to have like one or two things in the back of your head so that if you do just suddenly randomly get lucid, you already. Know what you want to do.
Dana: Yeah, talking to the plasma and you'll have to send me like a little play by play on How you do talk to the bigger dream because then I can know how
Amina: yeah It's literally just like talking to the sky like it's in everything.
Yeah, you just like can scream out to the sky or like Whatever, like there's no rules or right or wrong way to do it. It's kind of like a little experimentation, creative mode. You just kind of see what happens. And sometimes the dream goes your way or has a satisfying response. And sometimes it doesn't.
And it has like a, you're not satisfied with the response or it just like does nothing. So it's really, you don't know. It kind of has a mind of its own sometimes. What
Dana: is the coolest thing you've gotten to download on from Screaming to the [00:42:00] Dream Skies? I've had
Amina: some interesting ones for some reason. I'll always try to ask it like what's the meaning of life?
Yeah, like try to like get some figure something out I don't know and like it always just gives me like one word. So I've gotten like unity. I've gotten creative expression Expression and I've gotten fruitivity. I don't know if that's like a huge revelation, but in the moment it was like really cool Also, just like interesting things have happened Like it like absorbed me one time and I like was the dream like just like observing the dream from like this Perspective.
So that was cool.
Dana: That was so cool. The fruitivity word I have found funny enough that the plasma field likes to make words up and like combine words together. So the fruitivity thing kind
Amina: of
Dana: like creativity and bringing things to fruition by using that's what I thought.
Amina: And I looked it up and fruitivity is a word.
Apparently enjoying, possessing, or. [00:43:00] Capable of producing fruit. I don't know.
Dana: No, that makes it, well, there's like a lot of, you should look up like the mythology of fruit and the, like, Yeah, because just like what fruit meant and like the Bible or other mythologies, it's always very interesting what kind of like correlations you can make.
But I do find the plasma field like, or it will tell me a word, which is a word, but I just don't know the word. And that's how I know it's not coming from myself.
Amina: Yeah, another interesting one that I just thought of. So one time I asked the dream, I was just like, how can I heal my traumas and blockages?
Like I just screamed it out to the dream. And then out of nowhere, like this guy in like a blue hazmat suit comes out, and he hands me like this puzzle. And the puzzle has like all these little like plastic chips on it. And it's like a word puzzle. And the first one Says programming with like a bunch of R's and there was like a black cat so it was like purring like Programming and that's what the chip said so it's like it gives me these very cryptic Responses that are like so deep, but I'm like I need more [00:44:00] answers
Dana: Well that I mean, I'm sure you already understood this but like you're limiting beliefs and your subconscious programming Trump yeah, and but in a cat so I would look up what a cat means interesting.
Oh my god. That's so cool And it's so funny. I get what you get in lucid dreams. I get in my meditation So when I meditate I basically I dream but it's not dreaming but like I'll go into this field that feels like a lucid dream where I'm being interacted with by this plasma field or by the beings in it.
Or sometimes it's myself, but like, I'll get, it's the same exact kind of communications, but like, you know, for me, that's what's so hard about the plasma field too, by the way, with mental health is that when people realize that almost like a God, we have our own unique relationship with it and no one can take that and it's ours and.
What are symbols and signs and channelings for or us alone like it becomes really [00:45:00] special
Amina: Yes, exactly And I love this relationship between like meditation lucid dream all these other like states of consciousness and tools that you can use even like Psychedelics and like, you know these things when used right it brings us to the same place almost so I think that you know underlying factor that common denominator might be plasma It is.
I just know it.
Dana: I think you're onto something. I support you. I like and I'm the first to say I might be wrong and I'm sure I'm sure I might be wrong But like I really feel like it's plasma It makes total sense. Yeah, i'm on board this special type of plasma as I said akin to a living ether So like to explain or prove what that is I don't know.
Like, all I know is that many people have talked about this field. They, Len McTaggart called it the field. Rupert Childrake calls it, I think, morphic resonance or morphogenic field. Like I'm very well aware. I'm not the first person to think of this, but I think using it and calling it, calling it [00:46:00] plasma is awesome.
Uh, and it's like a unique way to look at it. That might unlock things. And I did think of this on my own, but I will say when I went to Google I found Robert Temple. Who coincidentally the next year released a new science of heaven, which was the first book I read about plasma. And then this guy, Andrew Collins used to write about intelligent plasmas years ago.
So clearly like this has been in, you know, some people's minds, which is, so I was, I didn't invent this, but I just have a unique relationship with it and I love sharing about it. But it's, it's cool how we can all influence each other with our ideas.
Amina: Yeah, I love that. I mean, we all related in some way, energetically, and we're all going to eventually reach these conclusions as science and understanding of these things progresses.
So I think that it's great. It's if, if anything, it's validating that, you know, there's other people that have studied this and I think I'm really excited to see how you pioneer the way, so.
Dana: I'll [00:47:00] be, I'll be watching.
Amina: Well, same with the dreams. Thanks. Thanks. Yeah. Let me know how your dreams go. I'm happy to help you lucid dream and we can check in periodically and I'll give you tips and stuff.
Dana: Yeah. Well, I was going to say once I'm done with this frigging book and I can like put some actual time and effort into it. Like I would love to do that and maybe write an article on it or, you know, with you or something. So we'll, we'll, we'll chat again. I'm sure.
Amina: Say hello. Oh, so cute. She's a star. I love it.
Well, thank you for chatting. It's been so mind blowing. I have so many things I need to like deep dive and research about now. So thank you for that. And
Dana: yeah. Yeah. Same. I have so many TikTok ideas now for communicating with the dream world, comparing it to plasma. So look, I will tag you when I make that.
Amina: Yay. All right. Sounds good.