The Dream World
The Dream World Podcast is about focusing on sleep & dreams to better your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It is an interactive podcast, where anyone can join the conversation about exploring consciousness. Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and normalize talking about dreams. We cover a variety of tips and topics on how to take care of the mind and body both in waking life and in the dream world. With an open mind, we investigate stories, anecdotes, research studies, myths, facts and everything in between, in order to explore the universe & all its mysteries🧠
🪐 We love talking to oneironauts (dream travelers) and learning about their experiences with lucid dreaming and other out-of-body-experiences. ⛈ To join our community, go to https://thedreamworldpodcast.com/
💡How can we learn from our dreams and apply it to our waking life? We as humans spend an entire THIRD of our lives asleep, where we sleepwalk through our dreams just as mindlessly as we walk through life. In our dreams, we visit another dimension called The Dream World. Wake up. Pay attention.
👩🏽🚀 Dreams are gifts that have a lot to teach us. Even nightmares can be transformative. “Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery”.-Stephen Laberge. ⚡️
💡 We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been inspired by them, such as Paul McCartney’s hit song “Yesterday” coming to him in a dream or of Mendeleev’s dream-inspired construction of the periodic table of elements, suggesting that dreams are more than just a byproduct of sleep.
🎙The Dream World Podcast was ranked #1 Lucid Dream Podcast on the web in 2024.
The Dream World
EP95: Lucid Dreaming and Shamanic Traditions
In this episode, I talk about dreams and lucid dreaming with Ghost Abelar, a practitioner trained in the Toltec lineage. Ghost shares insights on the profound healing and transformative power of dreams, and how his shamanic practices integrate with dreaming to influence reality. We discuss various dream techniques, the role of animal totems, lucid dreaming experiences, and practical tips for inducing lucidity. Additionally, we explore the interconnectedness of dreams and waking life, offering a unique perspective on how to harness the power of dreams for personal growth, healing, and manifestation.
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Ghost: [00:00:00] Dreams are an avenue of power.
Amina: Dreams have this powerful healing ability and when you bring lucidity into that, you can just learn so much about yourself and, and heal things, even physical things. So there's so many things you can use lucid dreaming for.
Ghost: There's so many ways to dream, you know, there's even, perhaps even more ways to dream than there are to live.
But I guess if you really realize that the dreams are creating your life, right? There's just as many as both.
Amina: Well, I'm here with Ghost today, who I met on TikTok, and we have a lot of similar interests. We make similar content. We're on the same type of path, so we're going to chat a little bit today about our experiences. So yeah, why don't you introduce yourself, take it away, tell me a little bit about kind of what got you into Dreams and making the type of content you make.
Ghost: Hey, so my name is Ghost Abelar. I've been trained in the Toltec lineage for, I guess, five years right now. And the [00:01:00] Toltec lineage is a lineage of dreaming and shamanic practice that goes back to central Mexico. And so I first got into dreaming maybe about eight years ago now when I first discovered Carlos Castaneda.
who was a anthropologist in UCLA, who was apprenticed to a very powerful shaman named Don Juan Matus. And Don Juan made the interesting statement that dreams are an avenue of power. And so I was really intrigued by that, because I had never heard anyone really talk about dreams in that way. I just sort of, I mean, I've had some strange dream experiences when I was younger.
You know, but nothing that I was really like that interested about. But when I found out that, you know, shamans were using dreams to actually go to other realms and make contact with beings, one of the first things he told Carlos was to look at your hands in a dream to be able to find them consistently.
So I tried doing that, and I didn't actually have very much success with it for a long time. But then when I had went to Mexico right during COVID, actually, I was sort of searching [00:02:00] for some shamanic wisdom, and I had found grandfather peyote in a very unexpected place in time. So it didn't quite give me what I was looking for.
But then when I came back to the States, I found that one of the authors that I really read and admired Sergio Magana, who's a very powerful Mexican healer and shaman who teaches the more traditional practices of lucidity and dream awareness, and actually, the way in which dreams are creating our life, because one of the things that I've learned.
Is that according to shaman, just not our life that is creating our dreams. It's our dreams that are creating our life. And so that was a really interesting perspective to me. And he said that those that don't remember their dreams are among the living dead because they have no control over their life.
So at first I was sort of. Resistant to that, but I was happy to go along with the different trainings. And then as I've sort of grown older and more experienced, I've realized the truth to that statement. And yeah, I've had some pretty interesting experiences in the different trainings and the different methodologies that we've, that I've [00:03:00] started practicing.
So that's a bit of an introduction, I suppose.
Amina: Yeah, that's awesome. I love it. There's so much to unpack here. So let's first kind of define like shamanic dreaming. Like what does that mean to you?
Ghost: Well, shamanic dreaming to me, it just means simply being aware of dreams as having power, you know, and them and having like an experience and an influence over our life, you know, so everybody is technically doing, they're doing dreaming in a way.
But most people, they're dreaming in only what's known as the realm of the dead, or the Mictlan. So this is the, their past experiences, which is creating the future, which is the way that most people think about it. But there's also other realms of dreams, um, when you can sort of meet different allies or spirit guides in the dream realm to induce certain results.
So for example, one of the first things that we really started working with and talking about is the influence of animal totems. Because animals are beings that live very deeply in our subconscious, you know? So we've evolved. alongside animals for a very [00:04:00] long time. So one of the things that we learned is if you want to dream of more abundance, uh, let's say we can dream of the crocodile.
Why? Because the crocodile, it sits near the waters and the nature, everything goes towards the crocodile. The crocodile is also one of the oldest creatures in the world because they are really apt at surviving. They're related to the dinosaurs. And so when beings come to the water, the croc, which they inevitably do, the crocodile goes and gets to get fed.
And that's why he's related to abundance. Now there's a lot of other ways to create abundance, but that's one of them. And then there's many, many other animals as well, like the snake for physical healing, because it sheds its skin, the Jaguar for emotional healing. So we've learned about these different animals and then you learn techniques as well to induce them into our dreams and to sort of begin to manipulate energy such that we can manipulate our dreams and dream of the result or the the dream that we want to create to change our life.
Amina: I love that. I love how you show that anybody can do this, but he can tap into all dreamers. You know, [00:05:00] it's not necessarily like one shop in the community that that's the only one that can, you know, you know, traditional as well. So are you, how often are you like loose? For
Ghost: me, lucid dreaming is one of those things that I really want to develop my abilities more in, you know, because even though I've had quite a lot of training, there are certain just been blocks in my own lucidity that I've noticed, but it has happened a few number of times.
And what I've noticed is the times that it happens is when I really heavily work with my own fears. I actually go and remove my own fears and then are able to just become lucid and it's really it's similar in the way to what my teachers told me I've just they've just been ended up being proven time right time and time again, is that the reason that we're not lucid is because we have a fear of death.
And so once we're able to overcome the fear of death and all other fears are really I'm auxiliary to that fear than it is that we become lucid. So I've had more success with just simply going and doing the techniques to go and create [00:06:00] certain animals or create certain dreams in my life and then watching them show up because there's techniques for them in the toll tech lineage, dreaming is not just what happens while we're asleep.
They actually described dreaming is the fundamental action of the cosmos. And so it's, it's a bit bigger than just what happens while we are asleep. But that is also the biggest way in which it's expressed, because one of the things they say is that dreams have four times as much power as the waking state.
And so it also takes because they have four times the power, it takes four times the energy to change them as well.
Amina: Yeah, dreams are definitely powerful and we'll get back to the lucid dreaming thing because there's a lot to be said about that. But I wanted to go back to something else you said about how dreams create reality, like dreams create our waking life.
And I've noticed this too. There's this really interesting kind of synergy between the two and they kind of co exist, kind of feed off of each other. And a lot of people might be worried by this idea though. You know, I see people that have like nightmares, for example, or anxiety dreams and stuff [00:07:00] like that.
So what do you mean when you say dreams create reality? Like to what extent does the things we dream about affect our waking life? Cause a lot of people might think that that's. Like a scary thought, you know, if you're not having good dreams.
Ghost: Yeah, I mean it totally can be, but you have to like ask your, I mean it's just, it's not, the world is not necessarily as easy as we'd like it to be.
And I mean one of the reasons that we have nightmares or anxiety dreams is there's many different levels of dreaming. And one of the things that shamans have realized is that our dreams are not necessarily, it's not just us. in there, although everything in our dream is a reflection of us. So we're the whole dream, but there are beings like, uh, inorganic beings, as they're called in Castaneda, Yeyelis in Pipitlan, as they're called in the language of Mexico.
And there are two different types of spirits, really. And the Yeyelis are the ones that are really causing the nightmares and the anxieties. Because they're beings that have a, they feed on our order, and they give us chaos. And so that comes in the form of like, okay, [00:08:00] they love to go and harvest our lower emotions to just eat pretty much, you know, so those are kind of like the vampires or whatnot.
And so they're really good at going and sending people like, and if you get like, kind of advanced in a certain way, you'll feel it, actually, even when you're awake, and there'll be like a something that goes into your aura, and then you just start getting anxious. And you know, then it's like, you start to have a bunch of anxious dreams.
It's like, What's the likelihood that you're anxious in real life, right? You know, so is, does the problem really end? You know, it doesn't mean that your whole life is going to be totally over, but it's kind of like if you have just like a tab on your computer open, that's just playing scary music all the time, you know?
And it's like, if you just leave that open all the time, and you're then wondering like, why is everything just like a spooky ambiance? Well, then you need to kind of learn some techniques to deal with that, um, if you want to go and get rid of it. So. It's, it is kind of, it's just the way, the way it is, you know, we live in a world of power and, you know, most people are not really in tune with their own power and they were sort of brought up in a way to not be able to really realize that or [00:09:00] express that or even realize that's an option.
So, I mean, it's just kind of the way it is according to the shamanic lineage that I've trained and studied and experienced.
Amina: Yeah, it makes sense, you know, I mean, a lot of people are scared by this idea of like being vulnerable when you sleep, but it is a very natural thing. I mean, I've also held the belief and noticed just through my own experiences that some dreams, you know, we're processing our daily memories and we're dealing with, you know, just stuff from our day.
There are deeper dreams where we can encounter energies and go deeper away from our body and into this shared collective dream space and it takes a lot of psychic self defense sometimes to You know, and this is why I teach lucid dreaming as well, because it's really about taking control over your dream space and the same applies for waking life.
You know, you have this self defense on the type of energies you allow in and that affects what you put out, you know? So it's the same thing in dreams, I think. And the more, you know, the more you're able to lucid dream and be aware of what's going on in the dream or just your dreams in general, even if you're not lucid, if [00:10:00] you have that relationship with your dreams.
Then it kind of blocks out a lot of the, the extra stuff that kind of passes us by. So, you know, I don't want anybody to get scared like, Oh, I'm vulnerable and I can get, you know, possessed or whatever. Cause I think that we, we do have some power as well.
Ghost: Oh, we have, we have so much power, you know, I mean, but most people are just kind of asleep with the, the programs, even, even in our own life, you know, when we go and get scared of something or we're really worried about it.
Like, are we really remembering that we're creating this, our own experience that we're dreaming this? Or are we just kind of like going along with another narrative, you know, and so that's why one of the tasks of of dreamers is really like moving away from this dreams where we are just like watching a story like we're on TV and moving to dream for actually personally experiencing them.
And it's funny, even though I haven't necessarily been lucid as much as I would like to, I've noticed my dream body. Just sort of does things that are not, you know, normal, for example, you know, like just last night I had a dream and I was just shooting a bunch of electricity out of my hands, you know, and I was like, Huh, [00:11:00] that's interesting.
Ultimately, not that great of a dream because there was a lot of like violence and fighting, you know, but I was also working with the programs of my own relationship to money and poverty. And it said that like, one of the things that they've, I've been given in the course of my training is just like a dictionary almost of what do dreams mean and dreams of fighting are related to.
A lack of abundance in the earth, you know, so that's why it becomes very, very important in my opinion, um, to really be kind of very conscious of what we're consuming, because all that information, especially like all the movies, like scary movies and, um, violent movies and all these things that are just creating like certain dramas in our life, they go right to our subconscious and
Amina: then we dream about
Ghost: them.
And then it's like, uh, When I found that out, I just swore off violent video games and I was like, this is so just like the opposite of what I want to create, you know, but yeah, that's the dream of violence is actually related to your relationship with the earth and the earth wants the dream of peace. So, you know, there's a lot of different ways to really.
Understand that [00:12:00] what's going on in our dreams is just where, like we are seeing directly what's going on in our own inner inner life and our own inner dialogue at a very deep level, you know, so it's like when you can kind of move past the judgment and the fear and be like, you know what, I'm, I'm just ready to change this, then that's kind of where we remember our power.
Amina: Yeah, for sure. And so, when it comes to lucid dreaming, you said you've had a few, we can talk about that a little bit. What have your lucid experiences been like so far? Like what made you become lucid? Was it like a spontaneous thing or did you try? Um, cause it's such a spectrum, you know, like you mentioned.
You might be fully lucid, you might be semi lucid, and it's like a spectrum, it's not easy necessarily to define yes or no.
Ghost: Yeah, I mean, it certainly is a spectrum, you know, I have to wonder when I'm just doing some more supernatural things in my dreams, like what level of lucidity, I'm not really at, you know, it's, it's funny, according to the Toltec tradition, there's actually a way to tell when you become lucid.
And even you can, if you're very advanced, you can see this in other people. It means that the energy of the head, which is known as the tonal or like the, [00:13:00] the waking energy is mixing with the energy of the navel, which is known as the Nawal, which is known as the, like a sleep energy. And when they mix in the heart, that's actually when lucidity happens.
And so, as I said, lately, when I've become lucid, it's been very much when I was just doing some very powerful shamanic work immediately beforehand. And then when it's like, I go to sleep, I just realized that I'm in a dream and it's like, I think the last time that that fully happened, I was like, okay, I just started allowing myself to shape shift into different animals.
For example, the blue hummingbird is the patron of. The Aztec Empire and is also known as the patron of dreamers and doing impossible things, but the blue hummingbird has like a harder time flying very high. So then I transformed into an eagle, which has an easier time flying. And yeah, I mean, it's I think it's that's what I'm looking to do more.
So one of the other just becoming lucid does require quite a lot of energy, though. So I noticed like I have to have a good relationship with my sleep. It happens more when I go in naps, even than when I'm just going and fully going asleep. But then there's been other times where I've become [00:14:00] lucid where.
And this is one of the more farther out things that we can do as dreamers, this happened a long time ago, but I was investigating the castanetum discussion that there's inorganic beings all around us, um, in our dreams, that they actually will send beings known as scouts or messengers into our dreams to kind of see what we're doing, and these will take the shape of like, Exceptionally weird objects or people or animals, you know, and then if we ask if they're an inorganic being they'll say yes, and then if they are an inorganic being we can say take me to your realm, and that was like one of the most farthest out experiences I don't know I'm, I must have got there but as soon as I did that it's like my whole.
body vibrated. I had like this very intense, like vibrating in my root chakra. And then I was like going through like a DMT portal almost in the dream. And then I woke up and I was like, Whoa, that is just so weird.
Amina: That's cool. So you had the plan to do that when you get lucid and then you execute it.
Ghost: Yeah, exactly.
Like that's, that's one of the things lately. It's like, I haven't really been like that intentional. With [00:15:00] these dreams, I think I could be a little more intentional with them. But I've been more just like doing the work in the waking state to deal with my fears lately.
Amina: Yeah. Yeah makes sense I've had similar dream experiences where you know I'll like shoot through this interdimensional tunnels and it'll be this really weird like vibrating electrical sensation I've also encountered different beings that claim to be from whatever different planets different dimensions spirit guides even All sorts of different things.
So I think that's really cool. That's a really good plan. It's so like, if I, if I were to give you some lucid dreaming tips, do you keep a dream journal at all?
Ghost: I do. Yeah. That's one of the things I really, I avoided doing that for so long, but then like
Amina: last
Ghost: year or not last year, yeah. Sometime around October of last year, I was just like, All of my bad habits that were preventing me from dreaming like smoking weed and really not dream journaling.
I was like, fuck this. I know, I know what I'm doing. I know, like I'm just seeing my life just stay the same. I was like, okay, I'm finally ready to accept that maybe my [00:16:00] teachers are right about all these things. And then, you know, I'm kind of just ready to change my life. So I started dream journaling, stopped smoking weed, and just started taking Ormis as well.
And I don't know if you've had any experience with Ormis. I thought this was a scam, but it really is not. What is
Amina: the ingredient?
Ghost: It's monoatomic gold is what this is. Oh, interesting. I have not heard of it. I'd recommend it. Like, I got this because people were saying that it would go and improve. their dream recall and I bought it and I was like, Oh, that sounds cool.
But then I didn't try it for months. But then when I was kind of just getting more serious about dreaming, I was like, I started taking it every night and it really boosted my dream recall. That's
Amina: cool. Yeah, I love experimenting with different dream boosting supplements and things. So I'll check that out.
But yeah, it's, it's interesting, like how, how much dream journaling can really help. And kudos to you for stopping smoking, because that was also a big challenge for me that I'm still working on getting over. Story of my life. So like, Yeah, whenever I'm not smoking, my dreams are way more lucid and vivid.
So that is definitely a plus. And then I would say what you seem to have already kind of [00:17:00] done before. It's like, have a good dream plan. Like, what do you want to do in your next lucid dream? You know, be confident that you'll maybe randomly spontaneously get lucid. Or if you intend to like try a technique or something, like have a dream plan ready to go, you know?
Cause a lot of times. People will start getting lucid more often, and then they'll just blank out, like, not know what to do, you know? So that can kind of help with the incubation process of, like, you know, programming in your subconscious mind. Like, when I'm dreaming, I will remember, and I will, you know, do X, Y, and Z.
And the other thing that the dream journal really helps with is, like, finding patterns. So, like, you can find what people, objects, environments you commonly dream about, and you can kind of use that to just have little mindful check ins. You know, you might call it reality checks or whatever, but even if you just like, let's say you dream of a cat a lot, you know, every time you see a cat, you think, am I dreaming right now?
And then eventually that'll kind of start to happen in your dreams.
Ghost: Yeah, those are all great tips, you know, and one thing that dream journaling, what I realized it really helps with. Is it just creates that link between the conscious and subconscious mind because it's like, [00:18:00] especially when you smoke, your conscious mind can kind of get lazy with all of the downloads that happening to it.
But once you start to dream journal, you're telling yourself that like, this is important. It's important for me to remember. And I was really surprised at how much it helped because I had been avoiding it for years. But I was just like, you know what, I need to stop avoiding it. Remove the laziness and Yeah.
Get to it.
Amina: Yeah. And it doesn't have to be complicated either. You know, some people voice notes, some people just take bullet points, you know, you don't have to write like the whole detailed narrative, which I like to do, but you don't have
Ghost: to. Yeah, no, I like doing that too. You know, it's, yeah. But it does depend, you know, that whole, like now, now I'm working on my like wake up handwriting, you know, and being like, can I even read this afterwards?
Amina: Yeah, I use like a voice recorder method and then I go in and write it out in my dream journal later.
Ghost: Oh, that's smart.
Amina: Yeah, I have like, it's actually good for the lazy people like me. So I use this voice activated recorder app on my phone and I turn it on like before I go to sleep, you know, plugged into the charger and then it'll just kind of pick up when I speak or snore or whatever my dog barks.
But what I'll do is [00:19:00] like I've trained myself. So when I halfway wake up, I just lay there. I don't even fully get up, turn the lights on. I just start speaking my dream. And then when I wake up, I like review the files and, you know, transcribe it into my dream journal.
Ghost: Wow, that's smart. You'll have to send me that app link after the show.
Amina: Yeah, I will. I think it's called Prime Sleep Recorder. I'll send you the link. Cool. Yeah, I paid like 20 for the lifetime version, but they have a free version too.
Ghost: Nice.
Amina: Yeah. So worth it. Totally. Awesome. Well, what else? Do you have any other questions for me about lucid dreaming or just anything dreamy and fun?
Ghost: Yeah. I mean, what are the, what are the most far out dreams that you've really had in this practice? Have you ever experienced like when pre cognitive dreams where you're going and creating, do you have a dream manifestation practice?
Amina: I do, so I have had like, uh, precognitive, premonition dreams, like dreams that'll kind of come true exactly how I saw them in the dream.
It's happened a few times. I also just have so many interesting lucid dream stories that I share just like all the cool things I've tried. I [00:20:00] mean, I've been lucid dreaming for 20 years, so I've tried all sorts of stuff. Yeah. Let me send you this link real quick. Maybe you've seen it. I have this link on my website of like the ultimate list of things to do in a lucid dream, some of which I have not tried, like my friends will add to it and stuff.
But a lot of which I have, and it'll be like, you know, the fun superhero stuff, and then it's some of the like, you know, spiritual growth stuff and then some trippy stuff and just like all sorts of different types of things. But yeah, some of my favorites have just been, honestly, my favorite thing to do in dreams is interacting with dream characters.
There's a whole category in that list there for that. Just like talking to them, seeing where they come from, trying to figure out if they're a part of me or if their own independent being, you know, which there's different types of dream characters. Um, so yeah, I love doing stuff like that. I love finding my spirit guides.
Asking for advice about my life, things like that, you know, projects I have working on, like my dreams have given me business ideas and things, but the precognitive ones have been cool. Like those are [00:21:00] always surprising me because I never know really when a dream is going to happen. And it's usually something for me, it's not like a big event.
It'll be like a very random situation. Like kind of like a deja vu moment of like, I had this exact dream and like this moment is happening, how it happened in my dream, but it's never anything significant for me. It's always like. A random reminder that of that connection.
Ghost: Yeah, that's, that's powerful. And this is a great list.
You know, it's funny that there's so many, so many similarities in just what people think to do in dreams and what is actually creating change. You know, it's one of the first things we learned in Toltec teachings is really that when we're going up in a dream, it represents going to the heavens and it's creating good things in our lives.
But when we're going down in a dream, it represents going to our underworlds and the fears. And revisiting our traumas. So it's interesting that so many lucid dreamers, they have a tendency to want to go and fly, which is actually one of the most beneficial things we can do.
Amina: Yeah. I, you actually made me think of a dream that I can share.
So it was a lucid dream. I shall share two dreams, I think. So I was going down in like this underground tunnel [00:22:00] cave. And I become lucid. It's like this elevator, but it's like a really like fancy house elevator. And I become lucid at the end of the elevator because it starts filling up with water and I'm like, Oh, this is a nightmare.
Like I must be dreaming, you know, scary emotions usually trigger me to become lucid. And so in that dream, I was like, okay, what can I do? My friend and I, at the time, were doing some shared dreaming experiments. So for the first half of the lucid dream, I was trying to find her keyword. And we had some interesting success, you know, exchanging keywords.
But, yeah, so then, after I did that, I was like, I asked the dream itself, like the entity of the dream. I was like, how can I heal my traumas and blockages? And then like a little black cat comes out of the other room. And then like this guy in like a hazmat suit gives me like this plastic puzzle. And this is like typical, like dream chaos, but it had like all these like Scrabble pieces and it said programming.
And that was the answer that the dream gave me, which is kind of deep and also kind of like vague, but it's like, I always get these like interesting, like profound, like realizations from [00:23:00] the dream. And I've also had dreams actually, you know, heal me from things that I was going through. You know, I seeked out a spirit guide in one dream and.
Literally asked them to heal me. I was lucid and then I instantly remembered like, Oh yeah, I'm going through what I was going through at the time and this spirit guide, like literally poured like loving energy into me and I swear it was so weird, but I woke up and I just felt better. Like I was healed. I didn't have like this grief that I was carrying as much.
And yeah, dreams have this, this powerful healing ability. And when you bring lucidity into that, you can just learn so much about yourself and, and heal things, even physical things. So yeah, I think like, there's so many things you can use lucid dreaming for.
Ghost: I mean, it's, it's very vast. You know, I remember one time when I was trying to quit smoking, I was like just doing it and this was a while back, but I did manage to quit for quite some time until I was like, ah, fuck it, you know.
But I was just dreaming that I had some friends coming over in my house and they were asked, they came over and they were asking, Oh, do you want to smoke some [00:24:00] cigarettes? And normally at that time, I only smoked spliffs, you know, so I was like, oh, cigarettes. But at that time, I was like, Oh, heck yeah, let's smoke some cigarettes, you know?
And so then there was this snake that came over and just like, it looked like a burnt snake skin, you know? And then I was like, huh, it looks like it's dead. But then I poked it and it slithered all the way to my, just behind me actually and in that in the language of dreams the snakes always about shedding the skin and It was like all burnt, but I guess it was alive still and it slithered behind me and in that day I just had no more urge to smoke weed after that.
It was really interesting. I thought the snake died, but you know, it was still still kicking.
Amina: Yeah interesting and you know, this is another thing too that I want to point out because It's, it's really hard for me to say like, Oh, a snake always means this or whatever, this symbol always means this, because although there are some archetypes that we can kind of apply to like society as a whole, I feel like there is a lot of individuality with dream symbols.
So like people from two different cultures or backgrounds or experiences might see a snake as two different things. You [00:25:00] know, like a lot of people see it as something negative. Or if somebody has like a bunch of snakes as pets, it might mean one thing to them versus somebody who's like scared of snakes.
So like, I think it's really cool to like look up archetypes and what things have meant, you know, just throughout the years to people. But I just wanted to make that note that it's, it's also a very personal thing and you can find personal meaning to it as well.
Ghost: Oh, yeah. Well, I think one of the reasons why animals they end up being so powerful in the ability to kind of like change what's going on is because they have their own pattern, you know, the animals themselves, like a cat is always going to be doing cat things, and it's going to be different than rabbit things or jaguar things or snake things, you know, and so when we can kind of realize, like, what is the actual pattern of this animal, we can see what pattern we're bringing into our own lives.
Amina: exactly. The personal patterns is really a big thing, and that's what dream journaling is, like, really helpful for, you know, you can see, like, I have shoes in my dreams a lot, you know, and like, I'm always looking up, like, what that could mean, you know, and I always kind of take note of how they're different throughout my life, [00:26:00] you know.
How they show up differently in different dreams and, and just look at those patterns. I even sometimes notice like calendrical patterns in my dreams. Like I'll dream of something and then like exactly like a year later, it'll like continue that dream or like my subconscious will remember like big events that happened and I'll dream about it without even.
Realizing that it's that day and things like that. So,
Ghost: yeah, that's, that's powerful. So what are your practices to become lucid in dreams? What do you, what do you do on the regular?
Amina: Um, so I definitely dream journal, like as a basis, I kind of go back and forth with like how much I'm trying to lucid dream.
But I definitely set intentions, like as I'm going to sleep, I just kind of vaguely think about, you know, I will be lucid, I'm going to sleep, let's have like a moment of mindfulness, you know, as like a part of my wind down routine, so that I can remember, like, I'm going to sleep, if I find myself anywhere else, I will be dreaming, you know.
And that sometimes works, but what really works for me a lot is wake back to bed. Like I have most of my lucid dreams in the morning time, like my later REM periods in like five to 7 [00:27:00] a. m. Like if I wake up around that time, maybe for a couple of minutes and go back to sleep again with those lucid intentions, I will very likely have a lucid dream.
It's not a hundred percent, but I kind of have found what works for me by now. I also sometimes have experimented with like binaural beats with like auto suggestion, you know. Kind of affirmations, like telling you like you're sleeping and you're dreaming. And I have actually heard them in my dream before to get lucid, but that's not as effective for me, but it is a cool thing to try.
Ghost: Well, that's interesting. Yeah. I know that I've definitely had more of my lucid dreams in that period as well. When it's like, I think it's because the brain and the body and the spirit gets some of that rest that it wants, and then it's able to kind of take that more active component. I heard from like a master of Qigong that like, for him, from his perspective, pursuing lucid dreams was just like not, it was kind of pointless because it's the, he wanted the body, the body will naturally want to sleep during that time and the mind is supposed to turn off.
But he's, he's very Buddhist, so um, He's just about non [00:28:00] intervention. But still, you know, the, the idea and the realization that lucid dreaming takes energy I think is, is very apt for anyone that does it.
Amina: Yeah, you know, I've heard a lot of two, you know, two different things depending on the person. I mean, we know, like scientifically, that it happens usually during REM sleep, so we're not missing out on any regularly scheduled REM sleep.
And there have been some studies where people, you know, report feeling refreshed after a lucid dream. But some people do feel tired, like, being consciously awake, consciously aware throughout the night. Especially if you lucid dream a lot, like, I feel like this is more commonly reported in people that lucid dream almost every day.
They do feel tired from it sometimes because you are conscious, but lucid dreaming also in a more moderate level, which most people are more moderate, like not, not everybody. It's pretty rare to lucid dream every day, but in general, lucid dreaming has like antidepressant effects even, and can help people just feel more rested.
So I think, I think it depends. There's some sort of like threshold there.
Ghost: Yeah, I mean, there's, there's so everybody can [00:29:00] have a different perspective on on really lucid dreaming just because it's there's so many ways to dream, you know, there's even perhaps even more ways to dream than there are to live.
But I guess if you really realize that the dreams are creating your life, right, there's just as many as both.
Amina: Yeah, exactly. I feel like it's all just one big dream, you know, and like lucid dreaming has made me feel that way. Like I'm just as consciously aware when I'm lucid dreaming as I am right here, you know, while awake.
So I think it's all connected. Like there's no one true reality. Like, I don't think this reality is any more real than my dreams. I think that it's just a different state that we're in. You know, I think they're, they're just one's awaking reality and one's a dream reality.
Ghost: Yeah. Well, the dream, that's what the.
The shamans say is that this world is becoming more and more like a dream every day. Is that we're really shifting, we're really shifting the world that we're living in right now. And it's actually like a vast period known as the shift to the sixth sun. And it's said that what has been hidden in the light is being revealed in the darkness.
And so the light is all the external structures of the world and the darkness is the dream [00:30:00] world. There's like more and more people are going to be waking up to the power of dreams and the power of what's going on in our subconscious.
Amina: Yes, exactly. And you made me think of a dream quote from my dream the other day.
So one thing I was doing while lucid a lot was just asking the meaning of life, just to kind of see what I would get, you know, what kind of weird answers I get. And so I asked this one dream character, what's the meaning of life? And she goes, Creative expression. I'm like, that's interesting. Like, what does that mean?
She's like, we're all just one big fake dream simultaneously being dreamed by the bigger real dream and I asked her like What does that even mean? She's like, I don't know some people call it God and I asked her So what's the fake dream? And she's like, I don't know and I say me neither and then we just like laugh and skip away So it's kind of funny because it's like I'm trying to find these big profound questions and then I got like this Kind of deep answer, but then it was just like, Oh, but who knows?
It's not that serious anyways. You know, which kind of describes most of my dreams.
Ghost: Yeah. Dreams within dreams. It really [00:31:00] can be like inception sometimes that ever happened to
Amina: you. Yeah. I have like woken up into a dream at one point. It happened so many times in the same dream that I was like, Oh my God, am I ever going to wake up?
But I did.
Ghost: Yeah. It's that one's a trippy one for sure.
Amina: Well, that's awesome. I love talking about dreams and, and all this important stuff. I think this is stuff that people need to know and normalize talking about dreams.
Ghost: Well, yeah, it's that it's that shift of people just really realizing the power they have and the ability to kind of like interact and see directly what their subconscious is doing, rather than needing to go through like a medium or a therapist or, you know, there's a lot of good ways to do it.
But the dreams is one of the ways that it's just like the most direct and Indisputable because you're the one seeing it. And then you also realize that because you're seeing it, you have all the ability to change it when you wake up.
Amina: Yes, exactly. And I love seeing more people get interested in lucid dreaming.
So, you know, I'll support you on your journey too. If you need tips or, or motivation or whatever, um, I'm here for you. I do that. I'm a lucid dream coach. Um, and I, guys, I kind of consider [00:32:00] myself a shaman in a way in that regard, because sometimes I'll even find people in my dream while lucid and I'll help them get lucid by like trying to wake them up and be like, Hey, you're dreaming.
Look at my eyes, you know, and it's actually worked before so I don't know if you find me in a dream anybody listening Yeah, maybe try to get lucid.
Ghost: Yeah, that's great advice. I'll be I'll be I'll be on the lookout Yeah Certainly are a shaman at this point, you know And you can go in and you can intend to create certain changes in your life through dreaming, you know Like healing yourself of illness there's been times when it's like it's funny because when I really get motivated to go and do something it's like We just sort of need that jolt to be like, how am I going to fix this?
But when you know that any problem can be fixed in a dream, you're like, okay, well, this is how I'm going to fix it. You know, like one time my cat had ran away for, she was gone for 30 days. And I was like, really getting worried about her, you know? And so then I was like, I just literally feel like I'm going to die if she doesn't come back.
So I dreamed of the blue hummingbird, the Nawal, uh, or the spirit guide of doing, [00:33:00] doing impossible things. And I was like, I was going, I was like, I'm going to sleep in a dream that the blue hummingbird's going to bring my cat back, you know, and I didn't remember anything that I was dreaming. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up, but I woke up to the little bells on my front door, which are like what the cats say when they go and want to come inside.
And then she was back after 30 days and just devoured all the food in the house. So
Amina: I would have cried.
Ghost: Yeah, I was very relieved. I was getting very worried at that point. But yeah, a lot of different spells and everything I could do to go and bring her back. But that was the, I guess the thing that just, uh, that was when it was time was when I dreamed of myself as the blue hummingbird leading her home.
Amina: Oh, that's amazing. And yeah, I totally believe things like that happen all the time more than people even admit. Um, and it can take some practice to do, you know, dream tasks, lucidity, or even incubate a dream. Um, but dreams can help you solve problems. Practice skills, you know, find lost things, you know, talk to long lost, even dead relatives.
You know, these are all real [00:34:00] things that dreams can do. And, you know, people are starting to wake up to it. But of course, there's always going to be people on either side of the science, spirituality spectrum, which is okay. I'm here to bridge the gap.
Ghost: Yeah, certainly. It seems like, you know, quite a wealth of knowledge and experience.
I definitely recommend if you want to go and find out some more things to do in Lucid Dreams, going and giving the book The Toltec Secret a read. He sort of lists out the basic training of like the first year of training that I did with Sergio. And it's very powerful. I mean, he talks about going and doing many of the same things that you've discussed already, doing talking with relatives.
Doing certain spirit guide. And yeah, just really dreaming, dreaming with power, you know, because once we step out of this realm, you know, we realized that we're in a wider dream and the dreams in the, once we go and step out of our own, just like little bubble in the world and we decide that we want to dream something in the world, it happens.
Amina: Yeah, for sure. Thanks for the recommendation. I added it to my Amazon card and I'll link it for listeners too.
Ghost: Yeah, it's a great resource to check out.
Amina: Cool. [00:35:00] Cool. Sweet. I'll add it to my list. And so let's wrap up a little bit, unless you had other questions, like I want you to stay, like where people can find you and all that stuff.
Ghost: Oh yeah. So I'm on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube. You can find me with my username at Ghost Abalar Ghost and then A-B-E-L-A R's all one word for the usernames. But you can do two words, you know, if you want, they'll, they'll both find me. And then if you've been interested in some of the work that I've, I've discussed, I actually have a full masterclass that I did in one of my friends groups for a few people where I really brought people through the basic toll tech theory of dreams and how to work with them.
That one was really interesting because at the end we get to doing this specific exercise to induce lucidity or to induce a specific animal into your dreams or a specific archetype. And so this is a series of breathing exercises that's also in the book The Toltec Secret, but um, it involves just breathing in four directions, um, 13 times.
So you breathe to the left [00:36:00] and then the right and then up and down. And we did that exercise with someone, um, with actually the group, actually. And then I was meeting again with that same group, and the person who was doing it with me, one of them, who were doing the dream of a crocodile with rain to purify our relationship to abundance and dream of that.
And then she said she was taking a nap right before our second call, and that in that dream, she was dreaming of an ocean with all these crocodiles while it was raining. And That was just really interesting to me to be like, yeah, these techniques are definitely effective, you know, and it's, and it's funny because if you want to go and like dream of something, you don't actually have to remember it for it to happen, you know, but it does kind of help, you know, just like my dream with the cat, you know, I don't know exactly what I dreamed about, but given that she was at my door immediately when I woke up, I have to think that it probably was effective.
Amina: Yeah, for sure. We dream all sorts of things that we don't even consciously remember. That's why I'm always encouraging people like, don't you want to remember this a third of our lives that we spend asleep? Like there's so much power and knowledge [00:37:00] there. I love it. That's cool. I really appreciate the work that you do.
And I respect it. And just keep it up. I know it's hard to stay motivated out here and the type of things that we do. So thank you for doing.
Ghost: Oh, well, thank you. Yeah, I appreciate it. We're all we're dreaming the sixth son together. So yes, exactly. Quantum shift of the whole earth.
Amina: Yeah, and in case you post this on your page, I'm Amina from The Dream World Podcast, and you can find me at the dreamworldpodcast.
Ghost: Yeah. It's been great talking with you, Amina.
Amina: Yeah, likewise.