Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
SEASON 6 REAL BEAUTY WITH FD : House Rules: Better Sleep. Less Stress. Hotter Sex. More Strength. Stay Wise. Featuring founder & CEO Amanda Goetz
So much fun talking with Amanda from House of Wise
Check out next weeks episode for part 2!
Hit me up @choosandfashiondoos
Amanda:Where are you based?
Francene:So I'm based in Houston, so it has been beyond hot over the last, I mean, it's always hot here, but we've literally had no rain for like six weeks now. So the humidity has been horrific. So anyway, another reason why not to use video
Amanda:I'm in Chicago for, uh, a couple of weeks and it's actually surprisingly nice here, but it's been storming, it's like the opposite. It's like a thunderstorm. Oh, amazing. Every night. And I'm like, I forgot how bad Midwest thunderstorms are. It's, I wake up and I'm like, do we need to like, take shelters
Francene:Cause you're based in California.
Amanda:No. So I'm actually, uh, I was in New York for 11 years, then Covid hit. Um, and I am a single mom. I have three kids, and New York was not the place to have three young kids during a pandemic. Cause like New York's homes are not meant for you to be inside. They're meant for you to be outside. Yeah. So, um, I, I left with the kids. I lived in Charlotte, North Carolina for a year, homeschooled them just to get through the pandemic. Oh wow. Yeah, that was the year I started House of Wise. It was chaos. It's hilarious. Looking back, like we would never do that again. Like if I chose that, but um, and now I'm in Miami.
Francene:Oh, nice. Oh my gosh. I love Miami. I've only ever been there once for, um, a Bachelorette and I just have the best
Amanda:time. It's like, it's so funny, there's like two Miami's. There's like the Bachelorette Miami, and then there's the like, You're in a tropical environment. There's the. Super health and wellness oriented group of people who like get up and they run on the beach every morning and that kind of crew. And it's like nice that you can dip your toes in each when you live there. But yeah, it's so fun.
Francene:Oh my gosh, I bet. Um, so the girl we went for the, um, the bride, she's very like fitness orientating. Um, so I ended up planning the majority of it. Um, so anyway, we booked this like PT that came to like South Beach and was like, he gave us for like two hours. We did a hardcore workout and I swear half the girls hate me, He was like, all right, let's do pushups now. In the water. In the water, and then come out the, and the girls cool we're life. But my girlfriend, the bride. Time. Like,
Amanda:oh my god. That's like my, I definitely see that dream bachelorette party. Like, oh my gosh, that's so cool. I might have to get the name of that person. That sounds awesome.
Francene:I'll send it to you. It was, um, he was great. He was so much fun. Um, but some of the videos he took, I was like, sir, come on. Help us look a little bit better when we're working out
Amanda:Yeah. You're like, you, we need better content, sir, if you want us to promote you,
Francene:um, Okay, well, hey Amanda, let me kick this off and then we will go straight into the interview and I will say I really tried to tame the questions to give to you, but I had so many, the more I researched you and the more I just kind of went through all of the things you've accomplished so far. I really tried not to go crazy with my questions, so I have tailored it as best I can, so, okay. It's
Amanda:all good. Bear with me,
Francene:Bear with me. Welcome to Real Beauty with fd, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us, whether it's a product that sells out every second around the world, or it's cult classic to discussing. Body positivity to building incredible brands. We're here to find your little black dress and skincare makeup, and more importantly, promoting happiness within your own skin. Each episode, I'm bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories. This week I'm delighted to be joined by Amanda Getz, house of Wise Founder, and c e o. Who is on a mission to help women take control of their sleep, stress, sex, strength, and wealth. So thank you so much for joining me today. Thank you for having me. Um, you definitely look like a of sunshine. I will say with the way the sun is like coming in, I'm like, well, it's giving me all the vibes. Um, okay. So we ask every guest, what does beauty mean to you?
Amanda:Beauty to me now in my late thirties is truly about self-acceptance and. like all the work I've done through my twenties and thirties, which has been a lot considering I got married very young and then got divorced after having three kids. It in your body sh changes after you have kids and, and then like when you hit your thirties, you realize like you've been probably living for other people. Goals or or view of what they you think that they want you to be. And once you kind of shed all of those layers of things that have been given to you over time, you realize that. You feel beautiful when you truly, truly are just living in alignment with who you want to be or who you truly feel like you are. And so to, to summarize, I would say it's, it's definitely around alignment. Like once you seek alignment and stop living for other people. I love that. That
Francene:is a great, um, answer. And I think, you know, I used to always read like interviews when I was younger and you would hear people, especially once they hit their thirties, mainly women saying, you know, now I'm 30, I feel like I know myself so much better. Um, I feel more confident and it always roll my eyes and be like, I'm like 20. I feel great in my skin. And I'm now 33. And I will say that it truly is once you get older and you really learn who you are and your boundaries and what you're willing to tolerate and when to say no, and you start realizing that the way society raises you and conditions you, you start kind of breaking free of that. And it's crazy how much you don't realize it until you are. Like more mature
Amanda:A hundred percent. I grew up so neither of my parents went to college and they got married super, super young and my mom supported my dad. She raised us. She was at home all the time. And it's so funny because it wasn't until I was in therapy, like working through this. prior to my divorce that I was like, oh, okay. So the model that I was given, that I saw was, you know, kind of your identity came from caring for your husband Yeah. And get, you know, getting married and Ha and truly, truly your identity was like re a reflection of who you marry and what they do. And so I got married, I got engaged at 19 and married in college. Then all of a sudden I like woke up in my thirties after I had kids and I realized like, no, I care about my career and, and just as much as I care about my family life. And so I, I had chosen somebody that didn't, you know, fit into this new role like, Concept that I had for a relationship that I wanted. And so it truly is like you start to rethink and I think like in your thirties and people say even in your forties, like I'm late thirties now, but then 40 year olds tell me it gets even better because I think as you get older, you, you want your world to become smaller. Yeah. and I feel that already. Like I, my relationship with social media especially this past year has shifted a lot. And I used to like want to talk about everything on social media and now I'm like, I kind of just want my world to get a little smaller. And the older I get, the smaller it's getting and it's like really wonderful.
Francene:Yeah, you al also realize that, again, when you're younger, you think if I surround myself with all these amazing groups of people, I'm super cool, popular, it's great. And then you realize again, when you're older, you're like, you know, I want the quality conversations. I'm happy to have like a small friend group knowing that they're my actual friends. Yep. And they care and we're not having surface conversations. So you're like, oh my God, how's it going? How's work? It's like, no, we're having deep conversations I never thought I would have with my girlfriends. Yeah. Which
Amanda:is. it's beautiful. It's all like literally all about quality over quantity once you get older, because time is so finite and especially you have so many more things pulling for your attention. So I love that. Yeah, no,
Francene:I agree. Um, so I realized I forgot that we do have some house rules, um, which I will quote directly from the House of Wise websites. So the house rules are better. Less sex. More sex, less stress, hotter sex, more strength, and state wise, I love this. So firstly, where did the name, house of Wise come
Amanda:from? Yeah, so I had been exploring this idea of building this company for a few years. Pr it was during my divorce where the idea came, um, kind of as a seed. And then I was on a business trip right before it was right when Covid started. People were wearing masks on the plane and I was like, should I be wearing a mask? You're like, what is this? I know It was very, very freaky cuz it was still very new. And I went to India and. Went to the Taj Mahal one morning and came back and I was really thinking about this idea and like, this is my second company. I never wanted to be a founder again. Um, but it was just, I was so passionate about the fact that when I was going through my divorce, I couldn't find something that helped me truly de-stress and, and remove kind of the anxiety I was. And so when I looked at the, the cannabis landscape and specifically into the difference between T h C and C B D and which one was better for stress, et cetera, et cetera, um, I, I realized that there was a huge opportunity to speak to women like me, who I'm not trying to get high. I, I truly, truly am just trying to like function the basic necessities of my day. And as I had the three kids at the time, it was three kids under the age of. It was really wow. Hard for me to give myself permission to, to make space for things like, you know, getting a workout in clearing my head, ha, having an orgasm. Like all those things were like the back burner, and I think women are the first to put everybody else's needs before their own. Mm-hmm. So then, I was on this business trip and I was thinking about all of this, and I, I, I wanted every part of this to feel like it was empowering women. So I started to research, like literally I googled like women who have gotten screwed in, in, in history, right? Like by, by the partners or whatever, whate, whatever it was. I just wanted to hear their stories and I found the story of Brownie Wise, who she created the Tupperware party. Post, you know, world Wars to help, uh, women make money. And, but she saw this idea that women are so, so influential and powerful, and so she kind of created the direct sales model. But Earl Tupper, who's the guy who created the, the storage thing mm-hmm. uh, when Brownie Wise came to him and asked for. Executive position or, you know, shares in the company, something, because she helped literally build this massive empire. He actually fired her because he no longer needed her, and then sold the company a few months later and she got nothing. She went, she, she then retreated to Florida and no one really ever heard from her again. And to me, I was like, how much can we like so many. women relate to whether they're like the assistant jobs and in corporations that are helping enable men to build massive companies or supportive wives, et cetera. And I was just like, wow. This resonates with me both personally, but like on a macro scale of, you know, women help. Like I have so many women who help. Raise my kids and, and enable me to do what I do. And so it's not even in a heteronormative sense, but women are truly, truly like helping everyone keep the wheels on and, and keep moving forward. So it was just like very powerful to me. So I named it after her. Oh
Francene:my gosh, I love that so much. I never knew that story. I mean, I knew about where, um, like the kinda parties came from, but I didn't realize that. Um, okay, so you mentioned that, you know, you did a star previously, and I understand you also worked in a corporate position, um, your mother to. Three. Um, which, well, I mean, I will say I only have one. She is four. Um, I'm actually waiting for her to burst through the door any second when she wakes up. But I have, I have everything set up, so don't worry. I'm always very impressed if anyone has more than one. Um, one is a lot. Um, and you know, kind of making these in incredible, um, you know, products which include like multi products such as like CBD B, sex gummies, um, CBD sleep gummies. Then you have sex serum, and then you have the facial serum, which we will talk about in a second. Cuz I have been loving it. Yeah. Um, but were you always looking to branch out into. Like skincare with C b D, was it kinda originally about more of the gummy side of things or was it always both? Like what was your
Amanda:vision? Yeah, so the vision is always around creating space permission. Okay. Build up space. Okay. And so the, the fun thing about the gummies is that and, and the tinctures, any of our ingestibles, yeah. Once you take it, it's about a 30 to 45 minute activation window. And so the cool thing is, say you pop a strength gummy, which is our pre-workout gummy, which it only has 60 milligrams of caffeine plus C B, D, and. you have now signaled or given yourself permission that you are going to work out in 30 to 45 minutes. So now you, like if you have a kid, like we have kids, so now you're, you're figuring out, okay, I'm gonna get this TV show ready on the tv. Yeah, I'm gonna play, do a little activity with her, and then I'm gonna set her in front of the TV and go do my workout or whatever it is. But you've now said this is happening. And the same with like the sex gummy, I think. You know, I, I like to, whenever we're, we talk and we have our sex therapist and we do a lot of workshops with women, we, we talk about taking ownership of getting turned on, like not expecting someone else to turn you on. And, and a lot of that is around like, allowing yourself like an intimacy routine or, or like the space to transition from whatever mode you were in or role you were in, into this next role. And so for me it's like, okay, how do you go from like mom mode where kids are touching you in one way to try to like transition into like, you know, romantic sexual being. And so for us it's like, okay, you, you pop a gummy. And so the skincare, the way I view the skincare line is not necessarily around skincare. It's around that routine at night. And so for us, we, we pair it, we like to pair it with a sleep gummy. Cause it's like you pop a sleep gummy, you know, in 30 to 45 minutes. You, the, the, the combination of the CBD and melatonin will kick in. What are you gonna do for that 30 to 45 minutes that is really, really good for your sleep? Mm-hmm. And so what could, I was like, what can I give them that keeps them off of their phone? And so for me, I wanted to create a really, really high quality serum. And we worked with an incredible chemist, um, who, you know, worked at Chanel, et cetera. And, and so we created a very nourishing serum. With a guha and it's more about looking at yourself, having a moment to like say, I feel great, I'm doing this for myself, I'm relaxing, and um, I'm staying off of my phone so that I can have an amazing night's sleep.
Francene:Yeah. I, I love that. And let's just go kind of straight into the Sarah. I actually have it next to me. Um, and I think I already messaged back, um, Lauren just saying how like chic your packaging is. It is. Thank you. Beautiful. Um, but knowing you just launched the House of Wise Face Serum, um, which was launched back in June, um, so I just started using this and honestly, it's perfect. This is very rare this ever happens that I just ran out of my serums. I'm like, perfect. I've been using it for a week now. Um, and you can see like my face is pretty glowy today. Um, but up until these last couple of weeks, my skin has been so hormonal, I wanna say verging on acne, which I've never had before. Um, and it has really, really helped my skin, like really helped in a small space of time and I was like, oh, wow. Normally I give it like a month and I'm like, okay, this is great. So congratulations, It's a great product.
Amanda:Yeah. So C b D is for people that don't understand cbd, b D is really, really good about anti-inflammation, right? And so it's going to help with any inflammation you have in your skin. And so I love it, like I use. Specifically when I travel, but a lot at that time of the month when I feel like my skin is just going haywire. Yes. Yeah. Um, and then it's got a ton of ingredients that are antioxidants. Uh, Rose hip oil, which is fatty acids and antioxidants. Um, and then, you know, a lot of vitamin E, so everything in there. But the cool thing about when you pro, when you put in C B D to any, uh, product, C B D has a natural binding, um, characteristic to it. So it attach. To active ingredients and it heightens the effects of them. And so that's why in our strength, gummy, we only have 60 milligrams of caffeine, but it feels like almost a hundred to 150. You get this big burst of energy, but it's, it's subtle and it doesn't feel like you are you, you don't have jitters, et cetera, because it just heightens the effects of the active ingredient. Yeah. and then, and so the same goes for the, the skincare line as well and the sex serum. Um, but that's amazing to hear it, like your skin looks incredible so that Yeah, and it,
Francene:it definitely has not like I've posted about how unhappy I've been with my skin lately, so this is definitely a testament to that cuz it's the only thing I've changed So thank You're welcome. Honestly, like. I also do need to comment. I do love everything about the House of Wise website. Again, it's very like slick, very educational. but I especially love some of the phrases that's being kind of sprinkled in, like, where it says, unlike your toxic X, we keep it honest and transparent, which I love.