Real Beauty with FD
Welcome to Real Beauty with FD, a place where we discuss what beauty means to us! Whether it’s a product that sells out every second around the world or a cult classic to discussing body positively to building incredible brands! We are here to find YOUR little black dress in skincare, make-up and more importantly promoting happiness within your own skin and owning it! Each episode I’m bringing in a new personality to discuss all things beauty and touch on their inspiring stories.
Real Beauty with FD
Real Beauty Season 6 Episode 6 PART II: Editor/Publisher of LCAHouston International Society News Magazine, and Founder Host of International Mothers Day Soirée featuring Ruchi Mukherjee
And of course I kick off the episode immediately asking Ruchi how amazing it was to interview SJP!
Loved this interview - thank you so much again Ruchi for your time and CONSTANT incredible outfits I see all the time on instagram! You are an inspiration
To find out more information check out @lcahouston on instagram or https://lcahouston.com
Hit me up @choosandfashiondoos would love to hear from you!
Welcome to real beauty with FD. Season six episode six. And this is a second part of the Cole conversation I had with Ruchi. So we will go dive. We will dive into that in just one second. And just a reminder. She is the editor publisher of LCA Houston international society news magazine. And also the founder host of the international mother's day Surrey. And I will say. we dive straight into, I needed to ask her about some of the people she'd interviewed and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, who, as you all know. If you are loyal listeners, I'm obsessed with her. So that is how I kick off this week's episode. But before we do just a little bit of a life update as I was not organized enough to get this podcast out last Tuesday. So I apologize for the week delay in between these episodes, but we were in Disney world and oh my gosh, it was such a great trip. And you probably remember that in January. me and my family and also our friends, we went on a Disney cruise. So there's been a lot of Disney, the star of this year, like a lot. But it's been so worth it. And originally I was a little bit concerned knowing Luna is only four and a half. That would this be the best time when she forgot. And I think maybe there's still that possibility that. In the future. She's not going to remember these trips so vividly, but she's at such a perfect age of like just absorbing the magic of everything. And just loved it. So if you're on the fence or debate and going. Highly recommend going. Um, the only downside to the trip is we decided to drive. And I don't think I would ever do that again. Plus I came back and you can probably hear it. My voice, I brought a cold back with me. And it's not. COVID. I double-checked. Um, I did a test yesterday, so I've not been feeling the bass, which kind of socks, um, especially being like the first kind of Monday back to work after. Going on such a great trip that I've just not felt good at all. Um, But anyway. Um, not to kind of dwell on that. It was great. Um, so definitely had the best time on I'm currently. So where I sit to kind of record my podcasts is in one of our spare bedrooms that I converted into, I guess, like my closet. Um, so I have like shelves and stuff, and then I sit with the vanity that has a mirror. So. I currently just looked at myself in the mirror. And I'm like, gosh, I, um, so overdue getting Botox, um, which sounds very Bain, but I can see. As I'm frowning. And I need to do that. So while I was kind of thinking out loud, I do just want to kind of give a shout out to skin day spa in Houston. It's based in the Heights. So Donna is amazing. She's the owner. And she's been doing my Botox for years. So, if you are looking for somewhere or you're sitting on the fence or maybe. You've been somewhere, but you're looking for somewhere new. Um, I highly recommend they don't just do Botox sees you fillers, facials. Other amazing treatments. Um, but for me, I go there for Botox and it's$10 per unit. Plus, unlike other places they request you go back after a week. And the reason they do so is just to kind of help. Kind of look at where the Botox has SAS hold. So if you do like need some more, or because of the great thing about Donna is she's always looking for that kind of natural look, um, As she just wants to make sure everything's even, and it's all kind of looking good. So they do. A free Botox touch-up, which I can't see anywhere else in Houston that conducts this. Um, so anyway, if you want more information, more than happy to help. If not check them out on Instagram is asking day spa Houston. I'm sorry. I just wanted to mention, as I look at my skin, I think, oh my God, maybe it's cause I have a cold. And I'm just not feeling like a hundred percent, but having a mirror in front of me is not the best. Um, Anyway. Completely went off on a tangent. Um, so I'm going to stop rambling on. And I will go back to the second part of this awesome episode with butchy. Thanks.
francene:,so I have to ask, you have conducted face-to-face interviews with a number of people, and I need to ask, how was Sarah Jessica Parker? She was, I love her.
ruchi:I mean, she was very, she came on launching a shoe collection at Nordstrom in the Galleria. I went,
francene:I went to that. I never got to meet her, but I went to it. Oh, went for that. Can
ruchi:imagine was Infourteen.
francene:Yeah. Yes. That's when I literally moved here a month before.
ruchi:Oh my God, that is so funny. Oh, I love that so much. Yeah, she was there. Um, I, um, had my photographer with me and she and I, we went to cover that and I got a chance to speak to her and, you know, interview her. And she was very nice. Oh, I mean, I, I, I saw her kneeling over to a la old lady who was in a wheelchair and, um, she was very, very friendly, very easygoing, and very nice.
francene:Oh, I love that. That makes me happy. Have you tried it?
ruchi:Does. I, I sometimes don't like interviewing celebrities for that reason is because if I like some movie or something, I don't want that to be tarnished.
francene:I know that would be my fear is like meeting your idol and then they're not that nice. Oh my God. Um, but have you, have you tried on any of her shoe collection that,
ruchi:um, at that time I did, and I don't see much of it anymore and not so any places. Yeah.
francene:So the only reason I bring it up is I was the same, and it's only the last like three years I now buy from, I mean, not her, obviously the store. Um, but they're actually made in the same place as Manolo BBLs. Yes. And it's, they're so similar. So similar. Um, just a little bit less expensive. But anyway, I really like them. They're very comfortable. Okay. Highly recommend. Yeah. Um, so I guess from like being able to like interview so many great people and from the fashion perspective, um, what about beauty and more specifically your kinda skincare routine. What is a typical kind of day for you? Because your skin looks incredible and it looks like you're not wearing anything right now. Um, just
ruchi:a little al I mean, so, okay. I am very old school, believe it or not. I have not ever put a single Botox injection, nothing
francene:on this. Yeah. Your skin is great. It is great.
ruchi:I get my eyebrows threaded in Hillcroft. Okay. Cause I, I grew up with that like almost, you know, as said from age 19, I started getting, I, I had a uni bra It did. You have great
francene:eyebrow shape,
ruchi:so I do threading. You did great. Um, I have made exercise like a skincare routine almost, or like something which happened to me in 20 20 19 mostly, but 2020 even more. Yeah. It's like, I hate it to be like a chore. Yeah. I hate it to be like a punishment. Like, oh my God, I gotta do it as, I won't fit in this outfit. I do. It is because like, you know, just like, oh my God, there's a luxury that just like, I love shopping. I'm one of those people who will not shop online. shoppings your cardio have zero time now. like, oh God. I'm like, this kid is sneak out or missing homework and go sh look around and then come back and do my homework late at night. Um, I, uh, definitely always, there's a cliche ones that I can always clean my. Before going to bed. Yeah. With coconut oil. Well, I, okay. I have dry skin now, so Skin to skin. So I have pretty dry skin always had. Okay. Okay. And so I put coconut oil and clean up the, that, that cotton ball just clean up my face. Yeah. Yeah. And I use a lot of oil base. My biggest routine is grew up with mommy, mommy's, uh, home tricks, turmeric, yogurt. Um, there's a, we call it basin, which is Grand Flour Uhhuh. I don't if you get that in regular grocery stores. I pick it up from, um, what do you call it? Uh, like from Indian grocery stores and I make a paste. Or if nothing, I absolutely, every other day I pick yogurt, honey, uh, lemon juice if needed. Or maybe just a little pinch of like a fresh turmeric Yeah. Or whatever, and mix it. And then I put a paste of it on my face.
francene:Oh wow. That is, I love diy. Oh, I love this. Yeah. And it just helps moisturize to keep it less dry.
ruchi:No, I just keep it as a face mask. Oh, I love that. Yeah. I just put a face mask and leave it for 10, 15 minutes and then wash it off. Okay. That's a great tip. Uh, that's something, those are the typical things I do. Um, grew up again with a lot of oil massage. I don't get a chance to do that anymore cause hair's done. If I do put oil Yeah. But whenever given chance, I do a little bit of oil massage. It's really, you can take, you know, cast oil is very good for you. Oh really? Yeah. Cast castro is really good for your hair. It's really sticky. So you just need a little bit, mix it with, uh, coconut oil or so. Um, I use a lot of oils, uh, especially coconut, castor oil, almond oil, stuff like that. So, and then, so I do that and I don't put a whole bunch of makeup. Okay. I mean, I just feel like it can show that, you know, I mean, of course I'll, I mean, I'll, if I'm on tv then I'll try to cover up my dark circles or whatever, but otherwise, I mean, just a, a good primer. Yes. I love a good primer, so I, I'll buy a good primer. I mean, nothing expensive. Mm-hmm. Mac powder, Mac lipstick. Mascara eyeliner. I love it. Always. I either go with red lipstick or a, a smokey eye Oh my
francene:go-tos. Yes. One or the other. I love that. And what about your hair? Because you have Great, okay, I have to
ruchi:give a shout to dry
francene:Is that your
ruchi:secret? They are the best. I think so. And this, this is, um, four day still hair. Oh my
ruchi:So how often? Well, dry shampoo, well, I have baby hair, so the curls hold. Yeah. I have baby hair. So the curls hold. Um, dry shampoo is my, I live by Yes. I'm not, because I don't wash my hair every day. So every three days or four days I'll wash my hair. Okay. And, uh, dry bar, I invest in getting my hair done is because for two reasons. I have to go to so many things. And it just, for me, it stays long. Mm-hmm. so it works out. So if I have a lunch and tomorrow, then I have a, like, oh, I'm, I'm actually gonna be meeting Bik the designer on, uh, Thursday. We are having a lunch with him. Oh my gosh. That's amazing. He's amazing. Have you seen his collection sometime And he, I think some of them wore for the o um, Oscar. Oh
francene:really? Oh my gosh. Yeah. No, I need to look. And
ruchi:Michelle Obama is a big, that she wore many of his outfits and many of them I'll send you some pictures of. So I'm meeting him on Thursday at the luncheon. Tomorrow there's an event at, uh, Asia Society by this New York Times bestseller, uh, Indian Cook author actually. So we are interviewing her. So all these events will be there, so I can just get, get the hair done out of the way and I'll be good to go.
francene:God, it's a lot. So it helps to get your hair done and ready. And we mentioned at the start of the episode, um, you know, talking about kinda laying out outfits, but it's a lot, it's a lot to go to. It's a lot. Many of those different events. And then think of, okay, what am I gonna wear? And, you know, avoiding kind of fast fashion. How do you keep up with trends? Do you keep up with trends?
ruchi:Or no, I don't invest at all expensive with on trends at all. Okay.
francene:So it's more like,
ruchi:so I business absolutely will not spend anything more than$50 on an anything trendy. That's the max.
francene:Okay. Wow.
ruchi:For me. Okay. Trendy stuff,$50, whether it's a dress or, you know, the cutouts have come out the cutout style. I know this just a fact. So, you know, I found something like that at a cheaper store. I'll go, you know, those little stores, I'll be like, okay, 35,$40, I'll wear it. I'll wear accessories. Yes. Like they, there's a joke. I'm, I am. That's what they said. That, and I, you know, my closet is small and, um, I, I would tell my friends, I don't have any savings my savings at the closet. That's true. My savings on the closet. I am like, I can't save, I'm gonna save, I'm gonna save. I can't save. Um, I, cause you know, I feel like I'm this, I'm this girl who's like, okay, whatever. Life is short
francene:It is. It's just, I feel
ruchi:the same way. Um, I always invest in good
francene:accessories. Okay. Is there any specific brands you
ruchi:prefer? No specific, but yeah, I mean, see, I will not buy, like, I, I love, um, CLA handbags. Yes, I am crazy for handbags and, uh, Well, this one's, this baby is sitting right in front of me. Ooh, that's beautiful. That's the Bulgar Spen. Oh my God,
francene:that is so nice.
ruchi:So this was one the year Bulgary was a very generous supporter of, uh, L C A magazine event. Mother's Day Suaree. So yeah, we, we, we got that then. And he, and they were, they got a table, they got a table together. It was very nice. Um, this lime color, now this color and this, you know, even the color is very trendy if you think about a spring. Yeah. But this is burglary and the style is so classic, it'll never go out a style. Yeah. I have been, over the years, collected a very, a nice collection of clutches and handbags. Um, I've never been like, oh my gosh, Chanel or anything like that. But I do like a good brand. Uh, I have a beautiful Chanel clutch that I love. Absolutely. And then, um, then each one has a story like, uh, I wanted Always the Lady Dior. which Bri is Diana, they created for her. Mm-hmm. uh, that mini or the medium one, whatever. And I wanted to always get it. And that was so funny because I still remember when I was going through such a hard time in my life where, I mean, I still remember, I mean, having not even a hundred dollars in my hand, I'm like, I don't know what to do. But I still was that girl. But I was never sad. I couldn't get it, but I just kept dreaming. I would go in the store, in Galleria, Dior store, like every day almost and ask for the price of that
francene:lady Dior. You're like,
ruchi:has it changed? Change the price. I was like, they'll be like, oh, ok. And I kept, I would tell myself one day when I work hard and if I, my dad always taught me never buy something on credit. Uh, yes, you can buy it. My dad, dad said the same, you, to pay your bills. Only then you. Yes, I am very lucky to be raised with the such values and okay, there was, I saved, I said I'd never buy jewelry for myself ever. I never bought myself any diamonds. I never had any diamonds, nothing but handbags was my weakness. So when I finally bought that lady Dior, I went to lo, I had gone for a trip to London and I bought it in London. The same store where? Where they had got it for Lady Princess Diana. Oh my gosh. Oh, I love that. And it's beautiful. It's got this, my initials RM with the star in the middle. Yeah. And it's like, you know, they're like, oh, you're a star. So the, so just love those little stories with it. Uh, shoes doesn't matter. I am all about, I'm always in heels and always I walk on the go and lunches and galas. Yes. Of clever. Um, I will prefer simple pumps. Yeah. But of course we are all, you know, we women still buy a whole bunch of shoes, so. Yeah, I
francene:know we still
ruchi:buy them my booties and you know, I mean, these Dichi boots I got like two years ago, I always look for a good deal. Everyone knows me. I am all about deals. Yeah. People don't know this, but a tip shopping Tip Jimi has as biggest sale in summer June. Go to the store, you'll get 40% off. Oh, that's awesome to know. Clutches, shoes, wedges, everything. Classic from classic clutches will also go 40% off. Oh my
francene:God. Jimmy C is like my favorite. I'm obsessed with Jimmy C. It's the best. Yeah, the best friend.
ruchi:They, they. I love the style of shoes. I love the Me too. You know, the evening clutches are really nice. They have a sale. Well, Gucci used to have one point and they've stopped having, but that's the good timing. Summer for aga. The other brands in gal, they have good
francene:sales. Okay, so I had to Galleria in June.
ruchi:Yes. Yeah. June go there and. keep an eye and it's, I always look for deals. I buy inexpensive, mostly clothing, of course, I've bought expensive ones too, but I mostly try to buy a lot of like reasonable price clothes and then I mix and match it with all the accessories. Yeah, I do. So handbag shoes, these are, because those investments you can, you can wear it all the time. Yeah. Agreed. I mean, clothes, you're not gonna repeat unless it's a blazer or a classic piece, a black dress. But you're not gonna wear a floral print. Like 20 times, you know? I know. It's no point, you know, spending too much money on a, you know. Yeah. That's,
francene:if you agreed. And this is, um, you know, you mentioned cuz I do outfit of the day, I'm also, this makes me be more, um, have more inspiration on like, how do I mix and match so I'm not repeating the same thing. Oh yeah. Which is bad. All I do. Which is bad because this is how I justify my purchases. Cause I say to my husband, I'm like, I can't possibly wear the same thing He's like, you're just going to work I'm like, I know. I know. Um, so tell me more about L C a Houston Magazine. I know you launched in 2009, um, but tell me what was the inspiration behind it and um, what you guys have coming up in the future. Oh yeah, so
ruchi:exciting. So we definitely have lots coming up, but L C A Houston started as an online magazine. So I went the opposite route. People usually start print. I did online, I've been always been with TV and print magazine and, uh, newspaper. So I already had a huge portfolio and a, and a backing and, you know, off in journalism. Yeah. So I was not new to that profession at all. I've been ri I was writing already in the US for years and had built relationships and, uh, the community started asking, and at that time, and even now, there was no magazine, which is this. The vision I had was that I did not want any ethnic community to be just known for their stereotypes. I just did not want India to be a chicken tka, masala and arranged marriage. Yeah. Which is fine, but we are more than that. Just like America cannot be only known for cheese. Yeah, for sure. You know, so same thing, you know, it's not, uh, we, I, and I kept feeling that, and people at the same time were like, oh my God, we, you've written, you've covered for t v Asia, you've covered for this. Where are those stories? Mm-hmm. So that gave me that, you know, the light bulb was like, ding, okay, how about Ava online presence of all the stories that I'm covering? And I start putting that online. And then the vision started slowly growing, that this will be the magazine, which will be me, which I started seeing was for initially just mostly known. And it is only recently changed. Let me tell you, Indians were only known as, oh my God. Yes. I love Hillcroft. I love the Tala. Oh, I love the. and they were not aware of big brands, were not aware of that. We were the biggest spenders in Houston. They were one of the biggest, you know, shoppers and they're buying diamonds from, whether it's from the big brands or whichever. And that became my idea to start seeing women or men from Asian community, Latin community, uh, you know, Iranian, you know, Arabic community, all of these communities doing amazing things, but they were just in their own little pockets doing mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So I was going to the Indian community covering a gala for them. I was going the Asian community covering a gala for them. But there was no, there was no synergy or there was no, uh, bridging that gap. My magazine print edition came later. I was online and that's when in 2013 I had a, a vision alongside this columnized to do for times of India, I'd written even for states when I wrote, called The Eight Moms of Houston. It was a fun little piece of stories I would write about fashionable Indian or Asian, whichever community I would pick every time four or five moms. Mm-hmm. from various ethnic backgrounds and how similar kind like their fashion and what philanthropy or as a mother, you know, uh, what they're doing. Because also growing up in India, another mindset and stigma, I would constantly hear, oh, you're a mom. You don't need to get your nails done. Yeah. Oh, oh, she's painting her nails. Great. Once you'll have a kid, all that will go out of the window. Yeah. So cute. It bothered me. Motherhood is not a punishment. And my mom was, is a very, fashion, was a very fashionable, and I remember people like making her look like as if she's not a good mom. If she's doing fashion. Yeah. If she's wearing matching outfits. If she's wearing, she's put together. They're like, oh yeah, she, all she does is fashion. She was the most dedicated. Mother I've ever known who knew nothing other than her children. Mm-hmm. And she would feel like, oh gosh. And so I just felt like that's such so wrong. I mean, motherhood doesn't mean you to look, you know, you can be comfortable. It's to its own agree. I'm not gonna criticize if any mom wants to be in sweats, that's absolutely okay. Just because I love to wear a dress or that's my, my point of view. But I, I admired actually a lot more the moms who were so fit and they would wear the. glamorous dresses. And I would be like, yeah, wow. Yes, that takes, I know it takes effort. you a baby crying there and you're trying to also look good. So I started writing about them and that column turned into the L C A Houston International Mother's Day story. I love that. We started the first one in 2013 and we are nine years now. So we are having, upcoming is in Houston on May 15th. Uh, we'll have our ninth Annual International Mother's Day story at the Junior League of Houston. And the theme is super awesome. Frida Kaho inspired, so big, amazing big hair, you know, big rose headbands and hair, you know, flower bands and floral dresses. That's the theme. And then we have, for the Woodlands, we have the honorary announcement party in the Woodlands on May 4th at Tory Butch. Yes. It's a cocktail party. and which you are one of
francene:our honoree. I cannot wait. I'm so excited. Get your
ruchi:pink dress ready because Honor. Oh, I'm ready. Wear pink on the kickoff. So ready? I can't wait. And then we are gonna have, after the Houston event, we will be in full swing with our Woodlands main luncheon on October 16th, 2022 at the Woodlands Country Club. And the theme is gonna be the afternoon tea with hats and fascinators.
francene:Oh, this is awesome. I cannot wait. I'm so excited. Cannot
ruchi:wait. Yeah. Well, why count this full? And we are also talking to Market Street for end of the year in, um, November to host a Diwali event, which is the biggest Indian festival. Uh, it's called the, you know, festival of Lights. Yeah. And it'll be a Bollywood theme. And hopefully we are gonna be having that event at Market Street. So everyone will get ready to get their on the Bollywood dance moves. Oh my goodness. And all bright c sorrys and dresses. And we will be hosting that event to raise awareness for mental health for first responders.
francene:Wow, that's incredible. It's incredible, like everything you've built and done. Um, and I'm really, really excited for these events coming up
ruchi:I am excited. I can't see that, you know, the woodlands turning into this colorful Oh yes. Fun happening space. I feel we need that.
francene:I agree. Oh, yes. Um, so usually at the, um, I'm conscious of time. There's so much I could ask you and continue to ask you. Um, but we usually end with a quick fire round. Okay. So I'm gonna ask you some questions and just whatever pops into your head, go for it. Okay. Um, so your favorite cocktail.
ruchi:Oh friend, 70 fives. Oh, oh
francene:my God. I love that cocktail. Yeah. And most used emoji.
ruchi:Oh, the kisses all over the face. Yeah,
francene:Um, if you were a sex and city character, who would you be? In? The Sex
ruchi:and City? Yes. Oh my God. So for shopping wise, uh, a lot of people used to call me the Indian Carry Blood Show, but I like to say it, I'm not a fan of her character because the way she was treated by Mr. Big, I would never, ever tolerate a man treating me that way. And I will be taking that at the same time. I love Samantha, but she's, I love, that's over the top with her sex That's not me. Um, I do love sex and I'm not ashamed to say like, oh my gosh, she's Indian. She said that. Um, I'm a combination of that. Yeah.
francene:That's a great combination.
ruchi:You know, like, I would not take. I would, I'm all about equality. I will be treating a man with respect, and I want man respect me and, and I will not be changing partners like she does Oh yeah. Um, but at the same time, burger shopping. Yeah. That part is so me, apartment can't let go of my apartment life. Uh, my clothes, my shoes. I shouldn't be buying. And I'm a journalist. I shouldn't be buying, but I'll buy it. That's me. But not the part where Mr. Big, so I don't know. I'm torn
francene:It's a Caucasian. Okay. I'll, I'll give you, I'll give you them both. Um, okay. If you could be anyone for the day,
ruchi:who would you be? Any other person? Mm-hmm. honestly, uh, I don't know. I'm quite, I, I just would like to be. Oh no,
francene:I love that. Cause I don't know. That's
ruchi:a great answer. Other people have so I have never, ever, ever envied even my richest, most fabulous friends. I love them how they have achieved, but I always feel we don't know what they had to go through or what they're going through. That's true. So I don't want to be anyone else. I'll just be me
francene:Great. You're the only one that's ever answered that question in that way, so that's great. I love it. Um, if you could pick only two skincare products, what would they
ruchi:be? Um, I'll, I'll take the Castro Okay. Any others? I'll take the Castro with me. Yeah.
francene:Any others?
ruchi:Um, I'll take a good, uh, martial.
francene:Okay, we'll take that. Yeah. Um,
ruchi:I got moisturizer, a sunscreen moisturizer so that if is gonna burn me off with the sun so I'm gonna take a sunscreen moisturizer with me,
francene:Um, and what is your life motto or phrase that you live by?
ruchi:Um, I've recently started living by actually that I'd rather be used than I use somebody and I, it's a combination of different quotes, basically. Yeah. Uh, Robin Nago says this over and over again, said this noble laureate poet from India that. Build yourself in such a way, just like a tree, or be so great that when you build a tree, a you don't think, a tree doesn't think who's get, who's getting the shade. It's not concerned about that. And uh, there's a, there's a politic line. I can't exactly remember, but what the, but the gist of it is basically is this, that, um, just give without really any expectations. Yeah. And it's hard and sounds so like, oh my god. No, it is truly actually you're doing a favor to yourself by not by saying that, oh, I mean, I'm so great. I'm gonna give without no, it's because expectation is the number one killer of all relationships. Yeah. Whether it's with your child, whether it's with your partner, whether it's in your job when you do job or a work, if you just see it yourself, like this podcast you do because you do it for fun. It's so much more easier if you just did it to get a result and, you know, compete with other numbers, it just drain you. But the second we, we all have to pay bills, we have to make money. I understand. I'm definitely cautious for that. Mm-hmm. but we cannot think of the result even with our children, with our partners, and we have to live in the present. And at the same time, I always feel I rather be used than I, uh, I abuse and use somebody else. I now want to be in a position in life where I have to use. Yeah. No, I love that they'd rather be used.
francene:No, I love it. Well, hey, thank you so, so much for your time. This has been a great Thank you.
ruchi:This was great conversation.
francene:Good. Yeah, I know. I just looked down and I was like, oh my God. I'm pretty sure I promised 40 minutes and we've gone well
ruchi:over No, it's okay. And I appreciate you so much, and thank you. Uh, everything you're doing, just the fact that you're doing this is, it's, it's a, it's a beautiful gesture because you're, you're bringing so much joy to so many people and you're finding your own little meaning in your life, I feel. So that's really good. And, you know, stepping out and loving fashion. Hey, I love women who love fashion. I'll be artist.
francene:Right. Well, um, hey, I will see you on Sunday. Looking fabulous. See, thanks. Um, but yeah, thank you so much. Have a great evening. Bye. See you Sunday. Bye lady. Bye.