Planners on Purpose Podcast

The Black Experience: A Different Burnout Battle

Naomi Tucker, CMP Season 6 Episode 148
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00:00 | 14:01

There is a segment of burnout that isn't typically discussed. It has to do with how diversity impacts the burnout experience, and in this episode, we dig deeper into the black experience with burnout.

Black people have a different experience than many others when it comes to burnout. Much of the reason why they experience more burdensome impacts of burnout is due to the marginalization, along with other systemic challenges in the world.

More specifically, black women experience burnout more than any other group due to these same challenges. Additionally, black women experience things like black maternal mortality, weathering, glass ceilings, and tokenism that all contribute to the continued battle that they face daily.

This episode uncovers many of these insights and also offers to the reader what they can do to not only support this community but also to elevate the conversations in their department and in their organizations so that we help make changes that impact us all.   

Links and Resources
Fast Company Article
Banish Burnout Challenge

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