The Child Care Business Podcast
The Child Care Business Podcast
Season 3, Episode 1: Introducing Gen Z! Strategies to Engage our Newest Generation in the Child Care Workforce
Child care centers are seeing five generations of employees working together: traditionalists, boomers, generation X, millennials and now generation Z, who are ages 10 to 24 years old.
As this group becomes a larger part of the workforce, it’s important to understand how they’re different from other age groups, says Kathe Petchel. She has been in early childhood education for more than 30 years, both as a teacher and a center owner, and is an expert on hiring and training staff, as well as staff development and onboarding. Kathe also is the head of business development at Hinge Advisors.
In this podcast, Kathe walks us through several key things that center owners and directors must understand about the newest generation in the workplace, including:
- What makes them different
- What key factors must they navigate that are different from other generations
- Their strengths and fears
- Brands they like and why that is relevant
- Their needs especially post-Covid
- Best team members to pair them with
- Unique characteristics to leverage
- How to find them and how to keep them
Learn more about Kathe here and she can be reached at kpetchel@hingeadvisors.com!