A Cup of Gratitude

Season 9 - Episode 4 - Finding Gratitude the "Type A" Way

Amanda Schaefer Season 9 Episode 4
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00:00 | 52:13

This week I’m speaking with Laurie Meek Watkins who has always referred to herself as a “Cracked Pot”.  She’s the Type A Lady behind the blog type a checklist. Laurie dedicates her imperfect self to helping you know a great big God who overcomes an imperfect world. (2 Corin. 4:7-9). In 2020, Laurie shifted from being “cracked” to “shattered” as her husband and companion of 40 years walked away from their marriage. For the next two years, Laurie experienced the ongoing trauma and chaos of trying to pull her marriage back together...until Godly counsel told her it was time to let go. (Matt 18:15-17) Then… Hurricane Ian took her home. God was teaching deep lessons in letting go of loss. Laurie’s goal is to walk this new journey with dignity and glorify God along the way.  She searches to find purpose in her pain and to share hope with others. (Romans 8:28). You’ve heard it said, “ There’s Good News...and then there’s Bad News.”  (John 16:33). Laurie will share the Bad News, the Good News...and THEN...the GLORIOUS News: God restores shattered things. (Isaiah 61:2-4) 

“I am making everything new!”  (Rev. 21:5) 

Laurie’s message for you: 

“Precious one.  Please remember you are loved with an everlasting love. Jesus wants you to fall fully and completely into His arms.  Jesus has already won your battle for you.  He calls you to come to Him and REST.  Let go. REST.  This road may be hard - But you are never alone when you give everything to your Savior. Ask for forgiveness. Let go of control.  YOU are Loved.  YOU have a purpose. Choose Jesus and be FREE. 


*Theme Music “Blessed Time” by Ketsa