Good Morning Teacher
Good Morning Teacher
Summer P.D. without Leaving Your House
Becoming a better teacher means making time to learn about new techniques and strategies to implement in the classroom. There is no better way to do this than to connect and learn from other teachers. This summer is a great opportunity to sharpen your teaching tools with a variety of online courses. In today’s episode, Noelle shares some summer opportunities for teachers and some low-lift ways to improve your teaching.
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Good morning, teachers! You’re listening to episode # 16.
Last week on the podcast, we discussed my favorite dos and don’ts of the summer, so that you can make the most of your time. To check out that episode, be sure to visit maneuveringthemiddle.com/episode15.
Today, we are going to elaborate on the idea of growing your craft professionally as an educator over the summer! I’ll share many reasons why I think the summer is an optimal time to do so and give you ideas for where to start.
I would LOVE for you to jump in with your favorite ideas too. So, if you are listening while driving or while you are doing cores, don’t worry, not only will we provide all the links to the resources, but we would love for you to share your favorite professional development opportunities in the comments.
Simply check out maneuveringthemiddle.com/episode16.
Let’s do it!
POINT 1 | Noelle
One thing we know about summer is that we as teachers are in a completely different mindset than we are in the school year. Maybe it is the ability to enjoy a warm-up of coffee or the flexibility that a summer day allows, but our mindset is 180 degrees different than the school year.
When we are rejuvenated and well-rested, our brains are more willing to learn and consider new ideas. I think of it as putting on a different set of glasses. In the school year, we have glasses that only see the most immediate and urgent needs. We are hyper-focused on those immediate details. In the summer, we put on another set of glasses that help us to be more reflective and more proactive. We are able to take a different perspective because we are under less stress and less pressure. Thus, we are able to make more calculated decisions.
Also, many districts require some sort of professional learning over the summer, so if you are going to get those credits and certifications you might as well make the most of them.
I always recommend choosing one thing to work on and focusing your attention there. This helps you to be more effective in your time, in your ability to process the information, and you are much more likely to actually do something with the information...this will result in some sort of desired change.
If you want to make it more fun or if you need some accountability, then you really may consider inviting a colleague to participate too! If you are considering professional development in a certain content area, then reach out to your department and see if anyone would like to join. You could even reach out to other content areas or your team if it has to do with an educational practice like standards-based grading or a classroom management strategy. I especially like this because you will have someone to brainstorm with who knows how your school system functions and knows your student population.
My favorite thing about our MTM team and our MTM teacher community is the brainstorming and collaboration that takes place. In fact, at the time of this recording, we are just a few weeks away from a really big collaboration event with our curriculum team. We have some amazing things planned to support our teachers next school year and I am confident that the ideas we are bringing to this meeting will only get better because of the collaboration.
STEP 2 | Noelle
Now that we have discussed the benefits of expanding our craft during the summer, I wanted to spend the rest of the episode breaking down different opportunities that might be of interest to you.
When I think of summer PD, I think of both formal and informal opportunities. Informally, there are FB groups that are full of a wealth of knowledge on specific topics, even specific platforms. I also think about blog posts, youtube channels, and Facebook lives.
More formal PD makes me think of courses and workshops as well as books.
Let’s look at FB groups first.
FB groups have many benefits to collaboration, like people that are quick to answer your question or help with a specific need. I have found I am most successful when the questions are specific and clearly laid out or if they are troubleshooting in nature.
They can be a little less helpful when asking broad questions because you don’t know the circumstances or perspective in which that person is answering. It really is like going into a giant teachers lounge and asking a question, you will get sooooo many different responses and opinions on the topic. So brainstorming or crowdsourcing can be helpful!
So consider the goal of asking the question and be prepared to look at the responses and ask yourself “Is there something that I can adapt to work for me and my students?”
This summer in our Maneuvering the Middle VIP FB group, we have a professional learning series planned for the summer using FB Live. Each week, we will share on a different topic that you can join in on the conversation. I love a FB Live because you can participate live by grabbing a cup of coffee and chatting along, or you can watch later when its convenient for your schedule. So mark, your calendars for our summer learning series beginning in June.
Another wonderful Facebook group is the YouCubed FB group. This group is hosted by Jo Boaler and really provides a lot of out-of-the-box ideas for developing a mathematical mindset.
I love the conversations in both of these groups because they are encouraging, uplifting, and helpful to better your craft as a math teacher.
There are also wonderful groups to help troubleshoot from using specific software like Nearpod, Flipgrid, Canvas, to a specific type of skill...you will be surprised by all the help and assistance you can get from strangers in a FB Group.
Now be forewarned that you can easily get sucked into the social media trap, and realize you have spent 45 minutes and don’t have too much to show for it. I recommend when you find a useful post to click the 3 little dots, and click on “save post,” so you can access it quickly at a later date.
STEP 3 | Noelle
Online and In-person Professional Development
Another great use of time, especially if you are looking for teaching ideas on a specific topic, is online courses and workshops. Now, I am always hesitant to recommend something that I haven’t yet taken or don’t have experience with, but I do feel comfortable talking about the courses and online workshops our team is planning to take this summer.
First up, Jo Boaler's online virtual course. She has two that are recommended to go back to back. First, How to Learn Math for Teachers and then, Mathematical Mindsets. I think these are good if you have never taught math before or if you have taught for many years. I have found that depending on the space that I'm actually currently in, I can read the same thing and interpret and apply it differently.
Second, I am looking forward to Pam Harris’s workshops. She has several topics that relate to middle school math and I really look forward to her deep perspective on it! I have previously watched her teach on adding fractions and it really helped me to better personally understand the modeling and then also translate that to students.
My third favorite program is only online this year, it is called CAMT and typically held in Texas each summer. This year they are hosting it virtually and it is great for just the wide variety of topics presented. You can probably find a handful of sessions that meet your specific needs. There are literally hundreds, so it can also be pretty overwhelming.
If you are looking for some professional development that is not math-related, you might want to check out my favorite youtube channels.
First Mix and Math --- yikes, I said not math-related -- Brittany joined us on episode #12 and she has several youtube videos on incorporating problem-solving and different rich tasks for upper elementary math students. I always find it helpful to know what kids should have been exposed to before they get to my classroom.
Shake Up Learning is another favorite go-to resource for all things Google. Kasey is a technology expert and while she does teach on other platforms, most of her videos are on Google products. From utilizing it to save you time as a teacher, to better utilize it for your students, if you have a question about Google, she has an answer.
STEP 4 | Noelle
Lastly, the easiest and least committed, and possibly the most old school, the good ole fashioned book! I actually love books about teaching because you can easily reference them and they often provide visual examples. Remember, all of the links will be on the website at maneuvierngthemiddle.com/episode16.
Here are some of my favorites and the ones I most frequently reference:
About Teaching Mathematics (K-8) by Marilyn Burns
Mathematical Mindset by Jo Boaler
Building Numerical Fluency (K-5) by Patsy Kanter and Steve Leinwand
5 Practices for Practice Middle School Edition by Margaret Smith and Miriam Gamoran Sherin
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (K-12) by Peter Liljedhal
RECAP | Noelle
So as a quick recap... you can make the most of your refreshed and rejuvenated brain by taking part in some professional development opportunities this summer! Grab a friend, grab a book, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy the clear mind that you have during the summer.
I would also like to personally invite you to join me in our MTM summer learning series! You can find out more at maneuveringthemiddle.com/episode16.
OUTRO | Noelle
We are several weeks into our Good Morning Teacher podcast, and it has been a joy to record these for you! I am hoping that they are making your commute to work a little more enjoyable and that you are able to take ideas and make them work in your classroom. If you have been loving the podcast, then we would love a five-star review! It helps us to get found by other teachers! For more all of the links, resources, and freebies mentioned today in one easy place, so check out maneuveringthemiddle.com/episode16.
I’m Noelle Pickering… and you’ve been listening to the Good Morning Teacher podcast… Until next time, friends, make it a great week!