Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Got Conflict? Let’s Talk Peacebuilding is a podcast by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), a network of more than 225 organizations working globally in 181 countries to reduce and prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Got conflict? Of course we do! Because conflict is inevitable, but violent conflict is not. In this podcast, we discuss what is driving record-breaking global violent conflict, and more importantly, what we can do to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace—in our neighborhoods just down the street and in faraway places.
Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Cybersecurity and Peace: How the Peacebuilding Field is Working to Build Cyber Resilience
Growing cyberthreats to peace and security are coming to light—from attacks on election and critical to infrastructure, to healthcare, to the financial sector. In light of this, how is the peacebuilding field working to build cyber resilience, and what is it learning from its efforts?
In this episode, join host Tanya Domi, AfP Executive Director Liz Hume, and guests Digital Peace Now Global Ambassadors Raj Burli and Gurmehar Kaur for a conversation around what exactly cyber resilience means, how cyberspace has become a tool of war in the conflict in Ukraine and others around the world, and how peacebuilders are working to integrate cyber resilience into conflict prevention strategies both in the US and globally.