Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Got Conflict? Let’s Talk Peacebuilding is a podcast by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), a network of more than 225 organizations working globally in 181 countries to reduce and prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Got conflict? Of course we do! Because conflict is inevitable, but violent conflict is not. In this podcast, we discuss what is driving record-breaking global violent conflict, and more importantly, what we can do to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace—in our neighborhoods just down the street and in faraway places.
Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Gender, Sex, & Peace: How the Security of Women & LGBTQ+ Communities Determines Security for All
Just last month, the United Nations observed the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, setting the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda. In recent years, the world has seen both tremendous achievements and setbacks in relation to the status of women and LGBTQ+ individuals—from Iran to Afghanistan to Myanmar.
In this episode of AfP's Peace: We Build It! podcast, join host Tanya Domi and guests Dr. Valerie Hudson, University Distinguished Professor and George H.W. Bush Chair, Professor of International Affairs at Texas A&M University, and Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the United Nations Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, for a discussion about the rising global crackdown on women and LGBTQ+ communities, and the critical importance of their inclusion and leadership in peace, democracy, and security initiatives. Learn how gender and sexual relations shape other social, economic, and political relationships, and how the WPS and LGBTQ+ communities can learn from each other to advance multidimensional inclusion, protection, and durable peacebuilding.