Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Got Conflict? Let’s Talk Peacebuilding is a podcast by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), a network of more than 225 organizations working globally in 181 countries to reduce and prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Got conflict? Of course we do! Because conflict is inevitable, but violent conflict is not. In this podcast, we discuss what is driving record-breaking global violent conflict, and more importantly, what we can do to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace—in our neighborhoods just down the street and in faraway places.
Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Building Bridges Amid Division: Understanding America's Conflict Dynamics
The January 6th attack on the United States Capitol forced Americans to confront what conflict and peacebuilding experts have warned for years: that even before the 2016 elections, dangerous conflict dynamics are increasing in the U.S., resulting in greater instability and violence. The data shows that identity-based conflicts—fear of us versus them— are driving this win-lose conflict.
But why now in the U.S. are political instability and violence becoming such serious threats to our democracy?
In this podcast, AfP Executive Director Liz Hume discusses identity-based grievances, polarization, and social cohesion in the U.S. While conflict is inevitable, violent conflict is not, but it takes correct analysis of conflict drivers, resources, political will at all levels, and everyday people and communities working to prevent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Liz welcomes three experts from across the political spectrum to discuss peacebuilding and conflict in the U.S.
- Dr. Peter Coleman: Expert on constructive conflict resolution and sustainable peace and Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University
- Lisa Sharon Harper: Founder and president of FreedomRoad.us
- Charles Lieske: Expert in mediation and facilitation and Executive Director for Mediation West