Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
Got Conflict? Let’s Talk Peacebuilding is a podcast by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), a network of more than 225 organizations working globally in 181 countries to reduce and prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Got conflict? Of course we do! Because conflict is inevitable, but violent conflict is not. In this podcast, we discuss what is driving record-breaking global violent conflict, and more importantly, what we can do to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace—in our neighborhoods just down the street and in faraway places.
Got Conflict? Let's Talk Peacebuilding!
AfP at 20: More than Two Decades of Peacebuilding
In 2022, AfP celebrated its 20th anniversary, and today, it is a thriving and robust network of over 200 organizations and more than 30,000 global peacebuilders in 181 countries working to end violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
But how did it all start? Over two decades ago, a small group of visionary peacebuilders established the Alliance for Peacebuilding, officially incorporating it in 2002. These founding leaders knew we needed to work together if we wanted to build and advance the peacebuilding field.
Even though we have made some serious gains as a sector, violent conflict and fragility globally reached a 30-year high in 2018. Unfortunately, conflict and fragility are increasing, issues including climate change are compounding conflict, and we are experiencing democratic backsliding in the global north.
Preventing and reducing global violent conflict and building sustainable peace are some of the most significant challenges of our time, and AfP’s 20th anniversary provides the opportunity to reflect on AfP and where we go from here.
In this episode, host Liz Hume welcomes three leaders in the peacebuilding field who were critical to the founding of AfP:
- Melanie Greenberg, Managing Director for Peacebuilding, Humanity United
- Rob Ricigliano, Systems and Complexity Coach, The Omidyar Group
- Hrach Gregorian, MA International Peace and Conflict Resolution Program Director, American University School of International Service