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Measuring Peace: How the Peacebuilding Field Can Enable and Evaluate Effective Interreligious Dialogue

Alliance for Peacebuilding Season 2 Episode 3
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00:00 | 26:46

AfP was proud to partner with the Porticus Foundation to implement the program “Enabling Effective Dialogue: Developing Understanding and Effectiveness Measures." The goal of the initiative was to gather and assess the evidence about the effectiveness of interreligious dialogue (IRD) as a peacebuilding approach, and contribute to a strong culture of monitoring, evaluation, and learning across the IRD sector. A key part of this activity was establishing a peer learning community of global south IRD implementers, academia, and diverse NGOs who exchanged insights and best practices in assessing IRD.


Longtime AfP collaborator Saurav Upadhyay was deeply involved in this project from inception. Join AfP’s Michele Piercey in a conversation with Saurav, where he talks about some of the most striking lessons learned from this project, and what he sees as the most promising avenues for further research. 

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