New Insights On Life with Bill Burridge
New Insights on Life, hosted by personal development and life coach training expert, Bill Burridge, is the audio version of the blog by the same name, New Insights On Life.
The theme is personal development and self improvement with insights and learnings derived from life coaching experience and practice. Topics discussed are wide ranging and will be of interest to life coaches, aspirant life coaches, and members of the general public who place a high value on personal growth and development.
The mission of Bill's organisation, New Insights, is to bring greater personal Freedom, self-Confidence and Growth to people from all walks of life. As a specialist life coach training institute, it does so both directly, by training people to become life coaches, and indirectly through the coaching services offered by the independent certified life coaches that it has trained.
The New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme is presented in a hybrid online/home study format to offer trainee coaches the best of both worlds when it comes to the learning and practical experience.
New Insights operates internationally through sister companies, New Insights Life Coaching UK Ltd (based in Bristol, England) and New Insights Africa (based in Cape Town, South Africa).
New Insights On Life with Bill Burridge
When Following the Science is Not Enough
When it comes to the study of human motivation, those who remain fixated on 'following the science' are likely to be disappointed.
In today's podcast, Bill argues that the power of life coaching lies in its ability to recognise and harness concepts that cannot be neatly explained in scientific terms. As he implies, the secret to living the life you love requires acceptance that there is a certain 'magical ' element to life.