Empowering Coaches and Athletes Across the Lone Star State


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What if you had the opportunity to reshape the future of Texas track and field? Stuart Kantor, the visionary co-founder and executive director of the Texas Track and Field Coaches Association (TTFCA), pulls back the curtain on how his organization is igniting change and enhancing the sport statewide. We cover the crucial role of the Winter Clinic, a gathering where over 700 coaches unite to share best practices and advocate for impactful changes in collaboration with UIL and other key organizations. Stuart's passion, as both a coach and photographer, shines through as he discusses efforts to elevate the sport and the subtle transformations they're championing.

Prepare to be inspired by insights from legendary figures like Carl Lewis and Michelle Carter, as they join forces with local coaches to provide intimate learning experiences at the Winter Clinic. This chapter takes you through the anticipated highlights, from engaging sessions on hurdles and pole vaults to the much-awaited Hall of Fame ceremony, complete with a ribeye dinner celebration. Discover how the clinic serves as a platform for coaches to influence UIL rules through legislative processes and offers a wealth of knowledge to enhance their skills for their student-athletes' benefit.

As we celebrate the vibrant Texas track and field community, the discussion takes a poetic turn, underscoring the relentless pursuit of excellence among its athletes. From the evolving inclusion of steeplechase events to the nostalgia of reintroducing the javelin throw in state meets, there's a palpable excitement for the future. This episode promises a motivational journey, encouraging coaches and athletes to showcase their programs, engage with renowned experts, and embrace the spirit of pushing limits and owning the track, from Dallas to Houston and beyond.

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Speaker 1:

The Champs is here. We run the show Talking fast times how the athletes grow In the podcast crew, we bring the heat From the field to the mic. Can't accept defeat. From Dallas to Houston, yeah, we're raising the bar. Every athlete's story, every victory, a star. We hustle on the field, focus sharp like a spear. The clock's ticking down, but the finish line is near. We'll be right back In the podcast groove. We bring the heat From the field to the mic. Can't accept defeat. From Dallas to Houston, yeah, we're raising the bar. Every athlete's story, every victory, a star. We hustle on the field, focus sharp like a spear. The clock's ticking down, but the finish line is near. With every single stride we own the sound. Texas track dad, we run the show Talking fast times how the athletes grow In the podcast crew, we bring the heat From the field to the mic. Can't accept defeat. So lace up your shoes, let the journey commence. Texas track dad, we build the suspense.

Speaker 2:

You you go here. What's going on, guys? What's on? Hope y'all can hear me, I like that new year truck. It's nice. I put a lot of time and effort into that. No, I did not, but this new year AI made it easy, but I know why. Y'all here, we at 25 already People jumping in here. We're live on IG, we're live on Twitter, youtube, linkedin, all all that good stuff, whatever. But we got my favorite sponsor here, ttfca.

Speaker 2:

We're going to talk about this big winter clinic coaches clinic coming up, the winter clinic. If you have any questions about the clinic, y'all guys, feel free to ask any questions. Drop them in the comments and we'll try to get those questions answered. The best we can Shout out to my guys at Trackborn I got to kick them a shout out. If y'all need any track and field equipment, shout out my guys over there at trackborncom. And, of course, you know we're going to shout out TTFCA. That's Branko man now. Hey guys. Hey also go hit that follow button, hit that subscribe button, go to IG, get that going as well. Here's the man of the hour here.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

I'd like a new intro. I've been working on it.

Speaker 3:

I'm telling you, it's intense.

Speaker 2:

I just want to say I appreciate all your support with. You know the stuff I do. I really do appreciate it and it's a busy day today for me, but I make time especially for you and TTFCA so we can get this word out. We appreciate it Not a problem at all. Not a problem at all. So I'm going to let you introduce yourself for the people who don't know you. Let them know who you are. What's your role at TTFCA?

Speaker 3:

All right. Well, as you mentioned, my name is Stuart Cantor, co-founder of the Texas Track and Field Coaches Association of the Texas Track and Field Coaches Association close to 20 years ago with a gentleman named Steve McBride. He passed away a few years ago. I'm the executive director, now Also a teacher and a coach in a TAP school, as you well know, 6a Bishop Lynch, and you know, when we're not doing some planning for the Winter Clinic or the Media Champions, then I'm usually on a track somewhere with a camera in my hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you take some great pictures. By the way, you take some great pictures. What is TTFCA? Can you spell it out for them what the letters stand for, because some people don't know and just give us a little history behind it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's the Texas Track and Field Coaches Association. There's a little over 700 coaches that are now members. Most are members through attending the Winter Clinic. You attend the Winter Clinic, it's automatic membership, but we get a lot that send in an independent membership, not only publicize the sport in the state of Texas, but behind the scenes we're working with and talking with UIL, which everyone knows moves at a very deliberate and slow pace. So just because things don't happen as quickly as we'd like doesn't mean there isn't conversation going on. We've got open lines of communication with taps, texas relays, and some of the subtle changes that have happened over the years are because of these conversations, and there are more coming. But that's really what we're doing. We're trying to, you know, advocate, uh, for the coaches to make the sport, which is already great in the state of texas, uh, even better and take care of some of the concerns.

Speaker 2:

So do y'all get involved in like, just say, uil got a certain rule about how something should go. Do y'all protest that or try to get it changed, or is that something y'all involved in as well?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, through their legislative council process.

Speaker 3:

Okay, oh yes, we do that, and, mr Zepeda, you know, with UIL and Joseph Garman. They contact myself and or Shelton Irvin, the head coach down at Humble Summer Creek. They'll contact us through email or text and run some ideas by us and, granted, not everything as mentioned will happen quickly because UIL is a different animal. They just can't make a decision. Oftentimes they're the messenger. Superintendents have to side with it. Then the state education commissioner he's got to sign off on things, whereas someone like TAPS by the time you get home from a meeting, taps can make a change. They don't have to answer to anyone. It's a different process.

Speaker 2:

That's good information there. Let's get to this winter clinic. So it's a big deal. Looks like you is even bigger this year. I was looking at that roster. I'm like, oh OK, we're doing that. We're going to get to the presenters as well. To the presenters as well. What can coaches expect to get from the clinic and to see at the clinic in 2025, January, that's coming up.

Speaker 3:

Well, as you already hinted at, shelton and I, when planning this year's list of presenters, we're thinking all right, well, you know, the United States did tremendous in the Olympics, let's just carry through that theme. So, as you saw, there are multiple Olympians, athletes. There are multiple, you know, coaches of athletes. So it's a very it's a well-respected group of coaches and athletes who are going to bring a ton of knowledge in every single event. So, coaches, even if you're listening with half of your ear, I mean you're going to get knowledge that will make you better, will make your team better, make your whole program better. You can't help but learn from this group.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, as y'all can see you can see the background here we have Michelle Freeman. Jasmine Moore, carl Lewis is on there. I'm looking at the list now. Jasmine Moore, carl Lewis is on there. I'm looking at the list now. We have Joe Brown, olympian Discus. Michelle Carter, gold medal, olympian Shotput. Rick Dunn is going to be there. Sue Humphries, olympic high jump coach. Let's see. Also, they have a round table that's going to be going on. I'm going to ask you this I know Carl Lewis is going to be there. Is he going to be selling his book there as well? Is there going to be a setup for that?

Speaker 3:

For the Speed and Science book. Yeah, and as well, Coach Tellez should be there signing it.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, good deal, good deal, good deal, good deal. So also at that Winter Clinic, the Hall of Fame ceremony. Can you tell us a little bit about that and how coaches can get the tickets to you know, just if they want to go to that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is the 16th annual Hall of Fame for the second year. Now we've grown to the point where we're actually having a sit-down dinner beforehand. It is inside the Texas Sports Hall of Fame on the campus of Baylor University Ribeye dinner before the seven new you know, seven members of the new class are inducted and tickets will be. Tickets are actually. You can reserve tickets on the registration form itself, which is on the website, or I've sent hundreds out through social media and through email as well on the website. The Hall of Fame page of the website will be updated over the weekend for purchase of tickets if it's not coming through the school's business office off the registration form.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, let me ask you this too Coaches Clinic, like the winter clinic that's coming up. Why is that important for coaches to come? What's your take on that?

Speaker 3:

It's important because, as coaches, if we stop learning, then we're doing a disservice to our kids and our program. It's that simple. There is no. When you listen to Vince Anderson, one of the great speed gurus, when he sits down next to you and he tells you I'm going to a clinic in hopes that I can pick up one thing, all right. Well, if Vince is going to clinics to learn, then it's probably good that we've got to go to. Our kids deserve it. It's that simple. Our student athletes are worth attending a clinic and trying to learn new approaches, new cues. It might be a new drill. It might be worth.

Speaker 3:

After Michelle Carter presents, it might be neat to, you know, stand with her after her presentation and pick her brain for another half hour in a more intimate setting. You know one of the side rooms where she can give you a more one-on-one demonstration. No, your foot needs to be here, not here. That's why your young athlete isn't getting the trajectory that she needs when she can literally sit there with you and grab your foot and tell you no, this is how it should be. Do you feel that? So, yeah, I mean, when you have someone like Michelle, you know, or Leo Manzano, you know it's hard not to learn.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, and the sport is, it changes. You know it's not the same, it always goes to change.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and whether you're in TAPS or SPC or UIL or one of the smaller associations, homeschool, tcap, whatever, there's 17 events in Texas. That's a lot of events to learn, when most of our coaches are also. You know in the classroom, you know whether it's teaching literature or you know PE, whatever it may be, there's 17 events. These people will help you become better at these events.

Speaker 3:

If you're a head coach, you'll feel better that your assistants are now more confident. Yeah, yeah, I think it's really important. I mean, if you're a head coach, you'll feel better that your assistants are now more confident.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, yeah, yeah, I think it's really important. And also the networking, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah, you're going to meet a lot of coaches from different places, you know they might know something you don't know.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, exactly Last year. You know we're pushing 600 coaches. Now the network, like you mentioned, there are coaches who are very successful. You know, using a certain technique and you haven't thought of it. You know I had a high jumper that I was working with a couple years ago privately and I couldn't. I had a high jumper that I was working with a couple of years ago privately and I couldn't figure something out. So I called Sue Humphrey. She saw something on video. She told me about it that I didn't see and I brought it to this young athlete and it changed everything. It's just because I needed another set of eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, eyes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, coach Humphries, I just had one of her athletes on here yesterday. Coach Humphries, I'm going to get you on this show. We're going to make this happen. We're going to make it happen. We're going to make it happen. She's a well-known coach. She's tremendous-known coach.

Speaker 3:

She's tremendous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So yeah, coaches y'all need to get out, because I know some coaches y'all might feel that you got a certain way of doing stuff that you don't want to change. But times are changing now, guys, you know athletes, they built different.

Speaker 3:

Now, yeah, I'm not saying and I understand the idea of not wanting to change, but we tell our athletes all the time you need to get out of your comfort zone. Yeah, we need to do that too, and maybe you don't have to change. But at least keep an open mind and hear about these other techniques. There may be something that it's like all right. I probably can at least integrate that into what I am doing, and for a lot of coaches, you know. If Sue Humphrey, for example, or Michelle Freeman says this is how we did our relays, and you're thinking we did it like that too. So now it reaffirms that you're on the right path. We just don't have athletic athletes, but we're doing our athletes, you know we're doing them right yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're exactly right.

Speaker 2:

So I seen something I know you post posted a few weeks ago and I seen it on the website. So the coaches get some type of credit or credits, or can you explain that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we are certified as an educational provider with the state of Texas. So inside everyone's welcome pack is a certificate for 32 professional development hours. You get 20 for attending the in-person clinic and then over the last few years we've had, monday through Thursday night from 6 to 9 pm, a virtual clinic. You know through Zoom and speakers from around the country. You just join in those 12 with the 20, you're guaranteed 32 hours of professional development.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay, coaches, like I said, if y'all are interested in those credits, that is available, that is available. How often do you? A question is coming up. Oh, okay, let's see. Yeah, this is a question. It's I don't, it's not pertaining to the uh clinic, but they just want to ask you this um, how often do you deal with young coaches and help them along the way? I guess you know, giving them tips and things of that sort.

Speaker 3:

Actually all the time, and that's part of what happens. You mentioned networking earlier. So you'll get coaches like Shelton or a you know a coach like a Lewis Edmondson or John Turk at St Mark's and at the clinic themselves they will network Marks and at the clinic themselves they will network. We are also starting this year a TTFCA mentorship program and that is our first target and this was not a plan.

Speaker 3:

You didn't ask that question in response to this, it just happened to be pure coincidence is that david thurchak, a member of our board, head coach at st mary's hall, wanted to start a mentorship program with the association a couple of years ago and this happens to be the time that we're actually going to start it and the early topic is going to be mentoring the young coach. Okay, you know who's just getting started? Because one of our board members, randy Bermea, who was a great hurdler in high school, in college, in the Conference USA, was at Harlingen, now up at Rockwall. Well, he is and still is a very young coach who, through the clinic when he attended and we asked him to speak a couple years ago has really been able to hone his craft. So it is beneficial that way to the young coaches to get into conversations with. You know the elder coaches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ig is Really picking up all these Comments. It says Coach Stewart has been a wonderful Mentor For me over the past 20 years. Uh oh, coach 84. I have to look it up, but shout out to you. I appreciate it yeah yeah, and that's needed.

Speaker 2:

That's needed. You know the older coaches reaching out to young coaches. You know try to. You know guide them. You know through what they need to get through. You know, as far as developing athletes, what to look for in athletes Because, like I say, we don't have this gray hair for nothing. We might know a little bit more. You know we might know a little bit more. We might know a little bit more man. It's a great thing to see that. I'm glad you're creating that program as well.

Speaker 3:

Even though we've got gray in the beard, there is still a ton to learn. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's Coach. Is that David Kayser, ut Tyler? Oh, david Kayser. Yeah, okay, shout out to Coach.

Speaker 3:

We go back a long way.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, all right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's shouting me out on IG here. Ig is really picking up too. So, the Coach's Clinic when the clinic is happening, guys, um, you can go to x, uh, you can follow. Uh. Ttfcox uh, just put ttfca in there. Uh, the website uh, can you tell us a little bit about your website, because it's a lot of information? I know you can't probably get to all of it, but you have a lot of information on it. I know you can't probably get to all of it, but you have a lot of information, a lot of good information on that, on your, on your website.

Speaker 3:

There is a lot of information and it's really because I have a very patient wife. Um, because, well, I mean, you know when you have.

Speaker 3:

You have jobs and then you have passions on the outside, and this is one of them, you know as well, not only just organizing stuff, but keeping the website, you know, somewhat up to date. But it's a lot of work but there is. We try to provide as much information as possible for the coaches information as possible for the coaches. We're working on right now getting the 2025 calendar updated, which is sort of a conglomeration of Mile Split Athletic and a few other sites, so our coaches see it all in one location, and coaches are constantly sending me you know, meat information to post, which I promise I'll update this weekend.

Speaker 2:

Let's see. So this question is coming from ig, um. They want to know um how often do out-of-state coaches come to the to your clinics?

Speaker 3:

um and or some coming out of state coaches come every single year Now and that's really because of social media. We don't send a lot of emails outside of Texas to promote. I have this year Arkansas, kansas, oklahoma, but almost every year we will get coaches from those three states and Louisiana. I mean, it's not a huge percentage. Obviously, most of them come from Texas, but every year we do get coaches from Oklahoma, kansas and Arkansas because their clinics are usually at different times than ours and I think we have a tremendous cast that they want to come see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So out-of-state coaches, y'all are welcome.

Speaker 3:

Come down and get registered.

Speaker 2:

Come down and get registered, let's see Talk about that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, hotel reservations, how does that, that work if you go to the website and click on the winter clinic page, when you scroll down just a little bit, there is a phone number you can call or there are live links, um, for the hilton, which is connected to the Waco Convention Center, or the Courtyard by Marriott, which is across the street. I mean, literally you can throw a rock from one hotel to the other and both links are there. The passcode is there for you know the discounted room rate. It's already embedded inside the link. Or, if you feel more comfortable making a phone call, the 800 number is there to call.

Speaker 2:

Cool, cool, cool. And Stuart, I want to apologize to you because I told you I was going to race. Mike, I'm not there yet. We're supposed to be racing at this winter clinic, yeah you and Mike come here. I don't think I can make that 60 meters. I don't think I can do it. I'm not physically ready, I'm mentally ready, but I'm not physically ready. I'm mentally ready, but I'm not physically ready for that yeah, I understand.

Speaker 3:

I saw a meme the other day and it's like, mentally I'm 29, I've got the sense of humor of a 12 year old, but physically it's like I fought in a civil war. So I understand. Oh really, I hear you.

Speaker 2:

Guys, that's the website there. You can go there and get the information about the clinic. Are there any other activities that might be going on at the clinic that we didn't talk about? I know we talked about the Hall of Fame, we talked about the presenters. Of course, I'll be there, guys. Also, I'll be there doing interviews. Make sure you stop by my table, is it anything else? Oh, the vendors. What vendors are going to be there?

Speaker 3:

Let's talk about some of the vendors. If you want, we can touch on some of the other vendors that we, that we bypassed, um. But as far as vendors, uh, three more are actually joining us this year. They reached out to me, they said they want to be a part of it. One is called O2 boost, which is oxygen boost. Uh, on Track and Field, has reached out to us, as always, eonline Sports. You know, from Bruce Caldwell, track Barn. You know Carl's a huge supporter, mf Athletic. In fact, with MF, you know we've started the Ed Marcinkiewicz Community Service Award. For those that remember Big Ed, a huge supporter. And you know, inspiration for track and field in the state of Texas, gil Richie, ucs, exact Track VS Texas mile split, boland FX. So you can get all your starter uh shells right there. Uh, image maker for you know, your uh record boards, easy, smart fundraiser. Uh, legendary sports equipment, bsn. I mean it's a whole collection of track and field related vendors and products. They're all going to be there. They're all very loyal and we're loyal to them as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, like you were saying, they will be able to make orders on. I know Gil is going to be there, so they'll be able to make orders on. I know Gil is going to be there, they'll be able to make order. If they want to order a starter stand or something like that, they'll be able to place their order there. Right, oh yeah, okay, Good deal. Yeah, some more. We can talk about some more of those Hall of Famers, and so who are some of the inductees this year for the Hall of Fame?

Speaker 3:

Well, we've got James Lott, great high jumper. James Lott, great high jumper. His daughter signed her collegiate scholarship. She was a haptathlete that Coach Turek worked with Jimmy Howard, another great high jumper, Coach Bevan, down at Rice and one of his great throwers. Now Dr Kavanaugh, Regina Kavanaugh I'd have to pull up the list If I click on a link. Is that going to take me away?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. It might not, I don't know. I have a tab open that lists all the yeah you probably can open up.

Speaker 3:

It might not, I don't know, let's see, I have a tab open that lists all the Hall of Famers. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You probably can open up. Yeah, if you open up another tab, you should be good, you'll be good.

Speaker 3:

All right. So we got Jim Bevan, regina Kavanaugh, jimmy Howard, james Lott, bobby Gilbreth he is a posthumous. He was a great sprinter 30, 40 years ago, robert Speedy Gonzalez as well, and one of the great coaches in the Dallas area, jerry Sutterfield. Jerry Sutterfield is now a very well-respected official, but Jerry did a tremendous job for many years at Dallas Highland Park.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 3:

Don Garrett. You know one of the voices of Texas Relays and Track in Texas and around the country. Don is going to continue as the MC. We've already been contacted by many of our current Hall of Famers that they will be in attendance. You know Earl Young will be in attendance, jolanda Jones, robot Martin they'll all be in attendance to welcome in the new class and I know I'm missing several. Carlet Guidry will be there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, when is the itinerary going up for the clinic?

Speaker 3:

The itinerary will go up next week. Actually, we know the presenters were just putting the time slots together. Uh, coach ervin and I uh saturday night, so that will go up our either sunday or early in the week. We've got a rough draft of it but we've got to verify that all the times are good. Uh, with all the presenters and a couple that we have to fly in okay, okay, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, guys, um, go follow ttfca on x. Uh, you can get your updates there. Uh, you can get your updates on um, my pie, texas track, that podcast on x facebook. You know where my podcast, texas Track Dead Podcast on X Facebook. You know where to find me. I'll put out some updates there, but if you want the immediate updates as soon as it posts, you want to go to TTFCA on X because it's going to be posted there first. So you need to go there. And also, like I said, the website is there, ttfcaorg as well. So the itinerary should be coming out soon so you can see what days you want to come out to see the presenter or whatnot. Pizza buffet I know y'all had that pizza buffet last year.

Speaker 2:

Let's get to the important stuff.

Speaker 3:

Let's talk pizza, because several years ago, when we were in Addison at the Crown Plaza and this was a few stops ago, because we were at the Great Wolf before at the crown plaza, and this was a few stops ago we were at the great wolf before. We would always, we would always lose attendees Saturday when there were great speakers, cause it's like well, we're hungry, we want to go out and get lunch. So for the last few years we brought pizza in and everybody stays, cause you know, if there's pizza, you attract a party. Oh yeah, everybody stays, because you know, if there's pizza, you attract a party.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah. Yes indeed, One of my favorite pizza places that's not a chain, which is in Waco is Papa Rolo's on Valley Mills. I've been eating there since I was about 12. And they're bringing in the pizza.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice so if you like pizza, that's the place to be. You got a shout-out on IG, Coach McCarroll. He says looking forward to the Winter Clinic, this will be the best clinic yet.

Speaker 3:

Coach McCurl out of McMurray.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love the McMurray. Yeah, mcmurray does A tremendous job. All they did was All they do is win conference rings every year. Yeah, he's a really good football coach and he's one of those young coaches. Um, you know, speaking like we did before, he is a he's an excellent coach tactician, but he's also a young coach who, when you see a young college coach learning from veteran coach, it's like well, I have to learn as well. There's no reason I shouldn't be doing that. I hear your dog.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's one of them. I have too.

Speaker 1:

Fair enough.

Speaker 2:

He's probably hungry. Yeah, and like you say, you're right, you're right, you got to keep learning For the coaches. You know who's watching this. Don't ever think you got the key to the box. You don't need to learn anything else. But like I say it's.

Speaker 3:

Not at all. I mean at my school and I'm sorry, but at my school, you know, I coach the verticals. I coach the verticals and you know, just to give Coach McCarroll I mean he's working hard he's got a big pole vault competition coming up soon out in his area that people need to go to. But when I go to pole vault, only competitions in addition to taking pictures. But, man, you just talk to any coach, they're going to share the information. You're sitting there watching them coach their athletes. If you ask them a question, they'll answer. The best stuff I ever learned was sitting at Texas Relays with all the vault coaches and asking Tom Hayes and Coach Compton it's like, why did you say that and not this? They'll tell you, it's not a secret and you learn not a secret and you learn.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, you're right and I'll tell you. Uh, for all the coaches who are um on this show watching right now, you're thinking about going. You're not sure. Go, you need to go. Uh, when last year, every coach I interacted with at that clinic last year told me they enjoyed themselves. They're coming back this year. They had a great time. It was very informational. Like I said, the networking is crazy. You need to get there. It is what it is, guys. I'm telling you, it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

If you want to make yourself better? Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

And you mentioned the networking, and I'm sorry, I just thought of something. You mentioned the networking because I mean, you see, this it's gray now. It wasn't when we started and that was only a half hour ago, and all of a sudden it's gray now. It wasn't when we started and that was only a half hour ago and all of a sudden it's gray. But for those young coaches, once again talk and get mentors. You mentioned David Kaiser from UT Tyler on here. He's one of my mentors.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'll tell you that right in front of everybody so he can hear it, but he is definitely one of my mentors and we talk once a month, once every other month. He is definitely one of my men and we talk, you know, once a month, once every other month, but he is someone that I know that if I need something David I can't figure this out I can call him. You need people like that in your coaching circles because we don't know everything, because we don't know everything and we have to be the first honest with ourself, yep, because if not, our athletes will know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, you, you're right. Find out the answer. Yep, make, get yourself a circle of people you trust.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, yep, yep. Bill, bill that network up where? If you don't know that answer, hey, give me a second, I can find out, I can find out. Let me call somebody real quick. Yeah, let's see, I think that. Let me check Registration. Let's go through registration. How can they get Registered? Any number of ways. Let's go through registration.

Speaker 3:

How can they get registered? Any number of ways. On the website is the registration form your business office can email. If a W-9 is needed On the website, there is also. If you want to pay independently, there are PayPal links. I've sent registration forms out via email through social media. If, by chance, none of that works and you're, you know, just late deciding and you want to show up the day of, that's fine too. You can walk right up. We'll have registration forms there available for you to fill out on site. So any way you want to get to the clinic is possible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Indeed. So it's going to be in Waco guys, at the Waco Convention Center, Yep January 3rd and 4th. Yep January 3rd and 4th. I'm just typing the comments now for those who don't want to know the dates. Stuart, anything else you want to talk about regarding the clinic and everything?

Speaker 3:

honestly, I think we pretty much covered everything. It's a great lineup. I didn't do the exact count, but of the 20, I think we pretty much covered everything. You know it's a great lineup. I didn't do the exact count, but of the 20 presentations that happened, there's got to be just roughly 14 or 15 that are being instructed by either Olympic athletes or coaches of Olympians. You know, like we mentioned, leo Manzano, olympian. Sue Humphrey coaches Olympians. So there are plenty of great opportunities. Mike Cunningham, who's, you know, the hype man of the nation, he'll help get everybody introduced. Yeah, yeah, uil, with Joseph Garman and Reza Pater.

Speaker 3:

They have requested to speak early on Friday on the state of, you know, of track and field in Texas and questions and concerns. So if you're coming, you want to get there early. If you have questions for UIL, just keep in mind you want to get there early. If you have questions for UIL, just keep in mind. You know sometimes we get angry when decisions are passed down. We have to keep in mind as well. Oftentimes they are the messenger and I'm not saying that because they asked me. I'm saying that because once you've been to enough legislative council meetings, we know they don't necessarily make all the decisions.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it comes down to them and they have to be the bearer of good or bad news. All right, give me that.

Speaker 3:

So when are they going to speak? I'm going to type in the comments here. They're going to be one of the first presenters on Friday. I don't know if they'll be 11 o'clock or noon, but they're going to be early on Friday the 3rd. That's per their request. I know they've got a lot of different events going on that they've got to get to, but they will be here and they do want to talk with everyone. They'll answer any questions with concerns or whatever we got.

Speaker 2:

And they're going to be going over updates for the new season and things like that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Okay, ig says looking forward to attending the Winter Clinic again this year, and that is PTE Turtle Headquarters. Who do we have speaking of? Or do you have somebody speaking on turtles? Yes, a great coach, he is a. Or do you have somebody speaking on hurdles early?

Speaker 3:

Yes, a great coach. He is a USATF hurdle chairman. A lot of coaches will know this name because he's been around a while. Tony Vini Okay, I spent a lot of time at UCLA as an athlete and a coach. Now I think he's a Chapman out on the West Coast, but he is speaking on hurdles both hurdles sprint and intermediate.

Speaker 2:

Nice, nice, nice Guys. So get there. Looking at this roster, all the events look like you're going to have presenters on them. All the events look like you're going to have presenters on them. So, yeah, shot put. Was there anybody on there?

Speaker 3:

for poll vote. Poll vote was just taken care of. Yesterday I was waiting for a couple of people to tell me whether they could and we just confirmed it yesterday. It's going to be Jeff Bray, who actually lives in the Waco area, runs a club down there Zero Gravity, but Jeff was a premier vaulter himself at Florida State back in the day. He's also connected with the Richards family. You know Bob Richards, one of the great Olympians, 52-56 Olympics, first guy on the Wheaties box, you know, and Brandon Richards and his. You know Brandon. It's a long history of track and field with the Braves and he is going to speak.

Speaker 2:

All right, nice. So guys get there, get registered. You still got time. So is the registration going to stay open? No, okay.

Speaker 3:

Registration will stay open. That way, people like I mentioned, even if they want to walk up and we usually get about 25 to 30 walk-ups every year Okay, that's good to know. Life gets in the way and we just forget, so we bring the form with us. That's no big deal. And as far as Carl's presentation, let me just point out something. Carl Lewis, he is not doing a presentation per se. He is going to answer questions, so if you're going to attend Carl on sprints, have questions ready for him.

Speaker 2:

Let me type this Okay, now, that alone he's not doing a presentation.

Speaker 3:

He wants questions to answer. I got to be honest, I think if Carl is going to answer a question that I have about track and field, I'm going to ask it.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm going to go, because I need to know how I can get faster. Put his mask on.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, in fact, you and Mike might be demonstrating during his presentation.

Speaker 2:

That would be a bad demonstration On what not to do. This is what y'all don't do here.

Speaker 3:

There you go, and CoachTube, by the way. Coachtube will also be there and they're going to film and archive a lot of this.

Speaker 2:

CoachTube. Okay, yeah, as they've done in the past. So okay, they're going to be live streaming.

Speaker 3:

Not live streaming, but they're going to film a lot of the presentations and then archive them to where. If, for example, you attend and you didn't get to see because you wanted to see shot put but something else was going on at the same time and you sent your staff to go see something, you can come back over the next three months and watch whatever you missed and then, after the archival date is up, then they sell everything and we end up making a little bit of money here and there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, another thing. I've seen something about a virtual clinic. How does that work?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the clinic ends Saturday afternoon. Everybody is tired. Sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday and Thursday, after the clinic, from 6 pm to 9, three sessions a night over four nights, so that's 12 more hours of virtual presenters through Zoom, hosted by CoachTube. So they will then archive all of those presentations. You can watch them for free with a code that we'll provide, and then after a few months, like I said, the archive becomes for sale. But as a TTFCA member, you know, once I have your name, I'll send the database to CoachTube. They'll be able to respond with a code giving you access to the virtual you may have, because I'll be a track practice. I myself might not even get home in time for the first, so I know I can log in with the passcode later and watch what I may have missed.

Speaker 2:

Ok, oh yeah, guys, you miss it so I know I can log in with the passcode later and watch what I may have missed, okay. Well, yeah, guys, if you miss it, you can go that route, but if you can get there, like I say, that's a big deal. Carl Lewis is there answering the questions and, yeah, that's a big deal there. Coach Freeman is going to be there. So, coach Freeman, she's speaking on the relays. She is.

Speaker 3:

Okay, she is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Good deal Guaranteed to make all of our second legs just like Sidney.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nice, maybe me and Mike need to put a relay together.

Speaker 3:

Okay, there it is, me, and Mike need to put a relay together. Okay, there it is.

Speaker 2:

Me and Mike. Yeah, I'm going to get on last leg because I know it's not going to make it around, so I'm going to be good, fair enough. But all right, Stuart, before we get out of there, is there anything else?

Speaker 3:

as far as the clinic is concerned, no, this is it. I mean, it's as I said, we've grown to, you know, pushing 600 coaches from the early days in a in a holiday inn up in addison where we, you know, had 125, 150 and, uh, if coach kaiser's still, he remembers those early days when you know it was growing and starting to, you know, gain ground a little bit. And then we went to the Great Wolf, we outgrew that, which was a good sign, and now we're, like I said, we're in a good spot. We're in Central Texas pushing 600. We want to surpass that and, you know, be the voice for the state of Texas and, like you mentioned earlier, if you're from another state, you're obviously more than welcome. The knowledge doesn't change just because you go back home. So come and join us.

Speaker 2:

Guys, y'all come out, I'll be there. I'll be doing interviews, some giveaways, oh, and also I got the trimmers. I got some trimmers to give away. If y'all want those hair trimmers, y'all need to get there early. I'm going to be there both days, so get there early. Yep, that's it. That's it there. Yep, yep, I got those hair trimmers. They're going to go fast and I think I was out, probably within the first hour or so. So that's where you go it's my turn.

Speaker 3:

I'll give you some props too, Because with the growth of the clinic and your attendance, you're giving coaches now an opportunity at zero cost to them to promote their program. I mean, there's coaches here who are doing tremendous things. They've've got wonderful kids and athletes and they're doing great stuff, whether it's going to indoor meets or this kid has just set a great PR. It may not even be college-worthy, but the kid is all of a sudden incredibly confident in life and everything and you're going to provide a platform for coaches to promote their programs and that's important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I enjoy doing it. And the coaches I talked to last year they had fun. We had fun, we had a great time. We had a great time. I enjoy listening to them talk about the athletes. They enjoy you know talking and, like I say, that's why I set up this platform. It's here for you all to use. Get out there and brag on yourself, brag on your athletes, you know, because you earned it and you know. And they earned it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I appreciate that I appreciate that and, like I said, and they earned it I appreciate that. Like I said, I love doing it. We had fun. I'm also bringing back the wheel again. You can spin. There's going to be some big prizes on there. The wheel is a little sketchy, but I will let y'all spin.

Speaker 3:

Well, it hasn't fallen off anyone yet, so we're okay well we have some big prizes over there.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to reveal the prizes yet. Y'all see them when y'all get there, but y'all gonna. They're gonna really enjoy it. So but other than that go to ttfcaorg, get registered if you have any questions. If they have questions, you want them to email you? Yeah, email me.

Speaker 3:

Email me ttfcahotmailcom. But you know the other thing you mentioned how great is it where you can go to a clinic and take your picture with Carl? Take your picture with Leo Manzano, silver medalist. Take your picture with Jasmine Moore. You know the first American woman to compete in long and triple and she's a local girl, out of Mansfield, you know. Or Michelle Carter. Take your picture with Cadivas Robinson, olympian, you know. And Billy Nelson's going to gonna talk, you know. On on the steeple chase again, because the steeple is in part because of you. Know how texas relays has helped us. It's becoming a popular event. You know a lot of new, a lot of new high school tracks are putting in a steeple oh, I didn't know that really, oh, okay akaday in dallas put in a steeple.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I didn't know that Really. Oh, okay, ocaday in Dallas put in a brand new track last year has a steeple. St Mark's has a steeple. Lovejoy has a steeple. Antonian in San Antonio put in a steeple. It's becoming a popular event. It's a great event to watch.

Speaker 2:

We just said track and field. It changes, it's changing. It's changing, you know. Yeah, it's evolving. Let's just say that it's evolving.

Speaker 3:

I'm waiting for the day when we can throw the javelin again in Texas, like we did prior to World War II.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm not that old, but the research is. You went way back.

Speaker 3:

That's a while ago they used to throw it in UIL. It was just a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really I didn't even know that no javelin in UIL.

Speaker 3:

No javelin. The only association in the last five years that has thrown the javelin in their state meet is the Homeschool Association. Spc tried. Spc governance didn't want to hear about it. They wanted to do it as a trial. Taps was going to listen to us. We had a meeting set up and then COVID shut us down.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay was going to listen to us.

Speaker 3:

We had a meeting set up and then COVID shut us down.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, it's a lot of kids that like that javelin.

Speaker 3:

You know that when you watch the AAU or the USATF in the summer. They're all over the state of Texas. In fact, aau is going to be at Humboldt again next year. What's one of the prize competitions they're going to have? Eight-year-olds are going to be throwing the turbo jab. The high schoolers will be throwing the jab. It's part of your heptathlon and decathlon. We need a jab in a state this populous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you this Is that something y'all might be trying to put together to talk to UIL about? Yes, bringing that back.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's only. It's only been, you know, 80 years. But yeah, that's I was, I was. I was laughing at this IG comment it's only been 80 years.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, gotcha, I was laughing at this IG comment. I was laughing at this IG comment. They said your email is that hotmail. They said yeah, you're really showing your age now with that hotmail.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because it morphed into Outlook. But it still gets through it, At least I don't use mail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need to upgrade to at least Gmail.

Speaker 3:

I have a Gmail, it's just not connected.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, let's see.

Speaker 2:

Who was that? One of my followers on IG. Yeah they're right. Alright, guys, on my screen we got over 100 people just watching on one of my screens here. That's not counting everything else. We're probably well over 200 people watching this. Guys, get to this clinic, go out there, have fun, Learn some things. Is it going to be? I didn't see anything on the website or anything like that. Is it going to be any type of social or anything like that? Is it going to be any type of social or anything like that?

Speaker 3:

We're working on that? Yeah, we're working on it. There definitely is one Friday night right after the induction ceremony inside the Texas Sports Hall of Fame there is a social that Wahoo Sports Entertainment, tom Hill's company, wahoo, is taking care of. That. That's after the ceremony, but Friday evening, you know, as far as the social, we'll try that Most of us will as far as the board and those connected will be inside the Texas Sports Hall of Fame with the induction, all right, but there's great places right there.

Speaker 2:

You got crickets right across the street and just type in social, okay, all right. Well, I think that's about it. We covered a lot. We covered a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And if you have any updates or anything like that, let me know. We can get you back on and we can go to updates and things of that sort. But other than that, guys, for the people who are watching, do y'all have any questions before we close this out? If not, we're going to close it out. If you have some, go ahead and just email TTFCA, go to X. You know, dm, do what you got to do to get it done.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Coach. Well, that's a wrap.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate it sir.

Speaker 2:

All right and I'll see you soon. Thank you, coach. Thank y'all for watching. Y'all. Go follow me on Facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube and all that good stuff. Peace.

Speaker 3:

We're out.

Speaker 1:

The champs is here yo, we out here on the track, when the dream is run, each step a testament. Here we get it done, crushing all the hurdles, wading through the pain. The texas sun shines bright as we train in the lane, push it to the limit, never look back. Texas track pad. We run the show, talking fast times how the athletes grow in. The podcast groove. We bring the heat from the field to the mic. Can't accept defeat. From Dallas to Houston. Yeah, we're raising the bar. Every athlete's story, every victory, a star. We hustle on the field, focus sharp like a spear, the clock's ticking down, but the finish line is near With every single stride. We own the sound Texas track bad.

Speaker 1:

We run the show Talking fast times. How the athletes grow In. The podcast groove. We bring the heat From the field to the mic. Can't accept defeat. From Dallas to Houston. Yeah, we're raising the bar. Every athlete's story, every victory, a star. We hustle on the field, focus sharp like a spear, the clock's ticking down, but the finish line is near With every single stride. We own the sound Texas track dad. We run the show, talking fast times how the athletes grow In. The podcast crew. We bring the heat From the field to the mic can't accept defeat, so lace up your shoes, let the journey commence. Texas track, dad, we build the suspense.

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