Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour

Andy Cooney's New York Irish Hour (63)

Andy Cooney

Hello Friends,

My God there were so many new releases in Ireland this past week.  I couldn't possibly play them all.  I did feature a surprise recording at the end of the show you don't want to miss!


Part 1
Bernie Heaney, Kendel Moody (New Single), Tony Allen (New Single), The Murphy's (Latest Album track), Dee Reilly and Yours Truly (1990 recording)

Part 2
Gary Mangan (New Single & New Album), Nathan Carter, Derek Ryan (New Single), Suzanne Rowe (New Single), Michael English (Seamus Pick)

Part 3
Mick Hanly, Me, Delia Murphy (1939 recording), Gina Dale Haze & The Champions (Latest Album release), Bob Carlisle & Shannon Cooney (Surprise recording)

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