Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour
Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour
Andy Cooney's New York Irish Hour (63)
Hello Friends,
My God there were so many new releases in Ireland this past week. I couldn't possibly play them all. I did feature a surprise recording at the end of the show you don't want to miss!
Part 1
Bernie Heaney, Kendel Moody (New Single), Tony Allen (New Single), The Murphy's (Latest Album track), Dee Reilly and Yours Truly (1990 recording)
Part 2
Gary Mangan (New Single & New Album), Nathan Carter, Derek Ryan (New Single), Suzanne Rowe (New Single), Michael English (Seamus Pick)
Part 3
Mick Hanly, Me, Delia Murphy (1939 recording), Gina Dale Haze & The Champions (Latest Album release), Bob Carlisle & Shannon Cooney (Surprise recording)
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