Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour

Andy Cooney's New York Irish Hour (64)

Andy Cooney Season 3 Episode 64

Dear Friends,

My apologies for the delay in getting out my 64th New York Irish Hour.  Enjoy!


Part 1
The Tumbling Paddies, The Murphy's & Michael English (Latest Single), Derek Warfield & The Young Wolfetones, Screaming Orphans (New Release) Me (my latest album release)

Part 2
Liam Clancy & Tommy Makem, The High Kings, Mick Thomas (Comedy Relief), Kendel Moody (New Single), Darren Kiely (New Single / Seamus Pick)

Part 3
Jim McCann, Jim McCann, Tiny Green Island (Debut Single), The Druids, Carl Corcoran & Claire Heffernan (New Single)

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