Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour
Andy Cooney, Star of Carnegie Hall, dubbed by The New York Times as Irish America's Favorite Son, hosts an Irish Music show like no other...
Andy Cooney's NY Irish Music Hour
Andy Cooney's NY Irish Hour (75) Some comedy relief with Brendan Grace!
Andy Cooney
Season 4
Episode 75
Enjoy my 75th New York Irish Hour Podcast!
Part 1
Nathan Carter, Celtic Cross, Erin's Fury (Latest Release), Cliona Hagan (New Single), Me
Part 2
The Elders, Brendan Grace (Comedy Relief), Louise Morrissey (New Single), Brendan Shine, Gaelic Storm (Seamus Pick)
Part 3
Dermot O'Brien, Ciara Fox, Gavin Gribben (Lastest SIngle), The Tumbling Paddiea (Latest Single), Celtic Thunder
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