Multiply Network Podcast
Multiply Network Podcast
Episode #47 - PAOCMULTIPLY.COM Website Intro with Paul Fraser
In this episode Paul announces the launch of a new website going live on January 15th. He outlines three important areas this new resources addresses for leaders and the disciple-making communities they are leading. Check out www.paocmultiply.com now for free access to the current resources and look for new ones dropping every month!
Happy New Year and welcome to 2021. Our goal Multiply Network since 2018 was for us to become a full-service network, meaning that we would help recruit, train, resource, coach and support in any way we can disciple-makers and the communities they lead. And today we move a step closer to that robust goal with the exciting launch of a new resource that we believe is going to help leaders. It's our new website called www.PAOCMultiply.com. Now, just hold on. Before you go there, I want you to understand why we created it. We created it with three big goals in mind. We wanted to answer the question that many multipliers have when it comes to starting new disciple-making communities. The question is, where do I start? And so when you go to this website, you'll see a tab that says Steps to Plant. You'll want to click on that and we walk you through the initial first steps, connect you with the right district leaders to get the dream of starting that disciple-making community moving forward. Our second big goal was we wanted to create a place for resources. We wanted to create an ecosystem for resources for leaders that have already launched their new disciple-making community or are at the beginning. Maybe you're an existing church leader looking to multisite. We think these resources are going to help you. We've had leaders from all over Canada create short videos speaking to us on specific topics as it relates to leading in church world. I'm so grateful for all of you that have sent in those videos. You're all incredible leaders and we appreciate that you took the time to create these resources. So you want to make sure that you want to watch them all. Because the content is so great and helpful. And keep coming back every month because we're going to be adding new resources monthly. The third big part of this website is our training component. In becoming a full-service network, this was an important part. And I was thinking through how we could best help our disciple-makers and our church planters have the best chance of succeeding. We're excited to announce that we've already trained our first church planters and are working with districts to train even more. Between the videos that are for training and the resource videos, we're going to have over 20 videos ready to go as of today. And the best part of all
of this:it's free. So grateful for all the leaders and churches that support, and districts that support the Multiply Network. And because of your support, we're able to do things like this to help move disciple-making communities forward and to help them multiply in Canada and maybe even around the world. And we think this website's going to be a fantastic resource for every leader, but especially those who will be starting or will start a disciple-making community. So please help us spread the word for this free resource. We truly want to help as many leaders as we can, because we believe that every Canadian deserves an access point to the gospel and we do that through making disciples and starting these communities. All right, I'm done. Go check it out. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out these fresh new resources.