VIP Café Show – Youngstown, Ohio – Local Guests with Amazing Impact to Our Community
Friendships begin based on numerous circumstances. Many are created because of similar interests and hobbies. For example, being part of the same sports team or maybe being a member of the same academic club. Other friendships are formed based on proximity or what neighborhood you grew up in. Whatever the reason, having a good solid friendship is a wonderful thing.We believe Podcasts are very similar to friendships. They are many times created by a few people who have common interests and share a similar vision. They are generally formed to help “inform” others about a variety of topics and subject matter. The question many Podcasters ask themselves is….why me/us? With so many options to choose from as a listener, what makes one Podcast better than another? We believe it all begins with….a good host or pair of hosts! That is exactly how The VIP Café Show came to fruition. Two friends, Greg Smith and Brian Blasko had a conversation while enjoying a cigar on a cool crisp January evening and the rest as they say…is history.The VIP Café Show was created to inform, educate and entertain listeners from the great city of Youngstown, OH. Although The VIP Café Show listeners reach far beyond the Youngstown area, the primary focus of the show is to highlight local “Youngstowners” and to hear their story. The Podcast also dives into a variety of fascinating topics besides Youngstown. Greg and Brian love discussing leadership, public speaking, customer care, team building, and life in general. They are always fascinated by what makes people tick and how people became (or are becoming) the person they are today! The VIP Café Show is a fun and informative program that engages the audience with every interview, conversation, and dialog that transpires.
VIP Café Show – Youngstown, Ohio – Local Guests with Amazing Impact to Our Community
E51: The VIP Café Show with John Ruble - Breaking Barriers and Achieving Dreams Together
What if you could transform your life from factory floors to motivational stages? Join us as we sit down with John Ruble, a dynamic consultant coach from Achieve Your Dreams, who has done just that. John shares his inspiring journey of how a single book, "The Art of Living" by Bob Proctor, ignited his passion for helping others achieve their goals. Listen as he discusses the importance of setting stretch goals and overcoming the "terror barrier" that often holds people back. You'll hear incredible success stories of clients, including a state representative and entrepreneurs who have expanded their businesses, illustrating the profound impact of mentorship on the path to ambitious dreams.
This episode also delves into the power of small, positive changes in daily habits and mindset shifts. John highlights strategies like waking up an hour earlier for study and shifting from an "I can't" to an "I can" attitude, particularly in resilient communities like Youngstown. The conversation takes a fun twist as Debbie and John share personal preferences and memorable experiences, from favorite pizza spots to childhood jobs at amusement parks. Debbie wraps up with an empowering message about continuously striving for more and not journeying alone. At the same time, John underscores the ongoing adventure of self-improvement and the critical role of a coach in achieving one's dreams.
hey everybody, welcome to the vip cafe show. I'm the host here today with my unbelievable co-host debbie larson. Greg smith is myself. I hope everybody's having a wonderful day. We have a beautiful day today oh it, it's, absolutely perfect.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:No more 90s. No Well, I'll tell you what. Why don't we just get right into this? We got too much to do here.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, and our guest is so full of information that will help everybody. Let me introduce to you John Grubel, who is a consultant coach with Achieve your Dreams. He started this company to help people overcome barriers that are in front of them stopping them from achieving the things, and no matter anywhere we're at on the road, there's something more. There's something like you could be so successful in one area of your life and kind of scared to truly go after something in another area. John's passion I've known him for a long time and his passion is just to really help people get through and achieve some of their most out there unbelievable dreams.
Speaker 1:The hairy, audacious goal. Hairy and audacious. Thank you, Debbie, and thank you Greg.
Speaker 3:I couldn't think of the right adjective. I appreciate being here today and I'm grateful for that and I'm excited yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we always start with what got you inspired into this in the first place. What happened in your life that makes you go? I care about helping people reach their dreams and their goals.
Speaker 3:I worked in a factory and I remember being called in and production didn't change. I was going to get a demotion. So I went to Barnes Noble, walked up to the shelf and I picked a book called the Art of Living by Bob Proctor and from there I said I'm going to meet this guy. I did I started my company Achieve your Dreams. That was back in December 2016. And January of 2017, I started the company going and on September 8th of 2017, I left corporate America.
Speaker 2:Awesome, wow, awesome that was a quick, nice like rundown.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, yeah. So you were a case in point. You had a dream, you went after it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I always liked motivation. I had seen Zig Ziglar many times and I enjoyed seeing him and I remember meeting his son at Toastmasters with Greg.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, seeing him, and I remember meeting his son at Toastmasters with Greg.
Speaker 3:Yes, and he signed my book. He signed the book. See you at the Top for me which was great Nice.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, yeah, he was very relatable and down to earth.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah for having an internationally known name.
Speaker 1:So tell us. You know what is. You know? You hear all this gibberish today. I think it's gibberish. There is part of it's probably true because people believe it's true, but any more people go. Well, you can't reach your dreams. You know you might as well just sit at home. Covid wasn't a great thing for us, and now that's over. And what would be your message to people and what they need to do with their lives to really take a good, hard look?
Speaker 3:We want to get a goal that makes us inspired, that comes from our subconscious mind. You have to be excited. This is something I really want. Then you have to believe in it. Most people don't believe. They'll say, debbie, what do you think of this goal? And you'll say you can't do that? No, you have to set your goal and go after what you want. And we take those little steps, inch by inches, inch by the mile. It's a trial. So we want to take those action items which I teach my clients how to take action items daily to start getting towards your goal. And we want to have that goal big enough that we're going to stretch, not something we know we can do, not something we've done before, but something that we're going to stretch and be inspired.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's so good because there's not very many voices just accidentally around us sharing that message. So if I just finish hearing that and I'm feeling the weight of somebody's unbelief or disbelief in what I just said, it's so nice to have somebody in your corner who's saying that, because then it stirs you to be like, yeah, I'm going to push through so many people. They the difference between their you know their success and those who maybe were trying along with them is somebody like a coach, a mentor, somebody who's gone before them just holding their hand. So that's what you do, right?
Speaker 2:Yes so tell us a little bit about some of the people that you have helped along the way.
Speaker 3:One of my clients became state representative Nice, another company I worked with during the auto industry. They have three locations and Deb probably knows who they are. That's actually Westside Tire. They always wanted to expand in Austin town but they were so scared to do it. They were hitting what we call the terror barrier worry, fear and doubt. Why teach you how to get on the other side of that? We don't want to, we don't want to dwell on that. We want to get on the good side. We want to have that belief, we want to have that understanding that we can achieve what we want to achieve. So they did that expansion. And I know that Lisa Walters, she'll tell anybody in our B&I group that you got to sit down with me. I can tell you story after story of what I have accomplished, that John got me on the right track.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, yeah, so talk to us, and this is more than cheerleading, oh yes.
Speaker 3:Oh yes.
Speaker 1:This is just you know.
Speaker 3:Oh, yes, oh yes, this is just you know Good point Good point, Greg.
Speaker 1:What I'm saying is there's science and art behind this.
Speaker 2:Absolutely yeah All right, so tell us a little bit. Let's start with the terror barrier. You mentioned that. Can you explain a little bit about what that is and does somebody like, do successful people just not have a terror barrier? Or talk to us about that?
Speaker 3:Everybody has has somewhat of a terror barrier. You want to have a little bit of fear to drive you, but what happens is, a lot of times people get a thought in their conscious mind, they push it to the subconscious mind and then worry, fear and doubt just scares them to death and they stop. I've watched people freeze when something happens to them, just freeze and they don't know what to do. We want to take action items. You want to start taking action towards what you want. You want to start taking action towards what you want. So you want to be on the opposite side. You want to have that belief system, you want to have that faith and those are the things that we want to achieve those goals. But you want a little bit of fear, a little bit of fear isn't going to hurt you.
Speaker 2:Okay. And then you mentioned one time before about when people reach. Let's just say that you get on the side of this. You want this $100,000 contract and you get it and you just and you did everything. But then you because I've been a friend a long time, I've heard you helping. I haven't actually taken your courses, but just being around you, it's like osmosis. You hear these things, but you said then there's a new terror barrier ahead. So you never get complacent because no matter what levels you achieve, you have to. But after you've hit, gone through the first one, it it's easier to go through the ones that lay ahead.
Speaker 3:Right, You're having understanding of yourself, you're understanding yourself better, and that's one thing we want to understand is knowing ourselves better inside. How do we react? I know how I react at times.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And when something happens to me, I have to start taking. If it's a problem, you can't dwell on the problem. You have to look for the solution. And this is what I teach and I will get going and I'll just start taking. That Everybody knows stay away, he's going to start moving. And that's what I do. I take immediate action Because I know and then I start. You feel good when you take action Because I teach people how to build on the wins, Not the losses. We want to build on wins. What's your wins for the week? That's energy creates energy and everything we want is evenly present in the universe right now. It's all here. We just got to manifest it you going back a little bit.
Speaker 1:We talked a little bit. I'm going to name it, call it out. It's called anxiety and people think that's a bad word. And I had the opportunity to meet with sam walker, who is studied it's. He has the captain's elite principles.
Speaker 1:He studied all the best teams in history that ever existed and he figured out what components are there for the best leaders on the planet, and one of them is anxiety. But it's not anxiety without action in. In other words, anxiety is built into us to show us fear, but people that coddle down have a problem. But what people have learned? When I feel anxious, I need to act Wow. And that's the difference maker. And they won't pick people in the NFL to lead teams unless they have that in them. Wow.
Speaker 2:That's incredible.
Speaker 3:It is.
Speaker 2:So people who act oh, you have a diagnosis or something that you have to just get rid of. There's something wrong with you. They just haven't learned what to do with it.
Speaker 1:Some of the most anxious people are some of the most wealthiest on this planet, because they have learned that when I'm anxious, that's telling me that there's going to be barriers, there's going to be obstacles, there's going to be problems. But the people that overcome that and understand the formula it's taught here.
Speaker 2:Wow, I hope that somebody listening to this just got that. Rewind it. Rewind this podcast like 30 seconds and listen to that again. Wow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there'd be a lot of people. I can be a millionaire. Call John and he'll get you there. Hey, that's, it's not hard in today's world, no, no, no, it's not. So how do people work?
Speaker 3:with you. How does that happen? I work with people. I uh have programs that I work with and my main one is thinking into results, and they get the program and they listen to the audio morning and night or watch the video, and it's through repetition that we change, by doing things over and over and over again. You want to get that in your subconscious mind. Then I teach them along the way to take non-productive actions and make them productive, one or two at a time. So they're doing this, they're going through worksheets, because writing creates thinking. We want to create thinking. You want to get that in that subconscious mind and I work with them right along the way on a weekly basis, and they can get a hold of me anytime through a text, email, phone call. I'm very easy. Within a couple hours I'm willing to get back to you. And where would they go to do that? Okay, they would get a hold of me at 330-402-2716 or an email at AchieveYourDreams2017 at gmailcom or my website at Achieveyourfuturecom. Okay.
Speaker 2:Now one other question is can you give us an example of a non-productive action to productive action, like what would be an example of a non-production or what's a popular common non-productive action that you see in business people? Because that's a lot of our listeners are people who are already professionals and in the business world.
Speaker 1:Or they have an employee that they're like oh, this person's not. I love them, but they're not getting anything done.
Speaker 3:They're not being productive. Believe me, I know that. So one thing is, if you make a small shift in getting up a little earlier in the morning and maybe spend an hour studying instead of sleeping in, that would be an MPA to a PA.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay.
Speaker 3:It could be too much time in front of the TV, it could be too much time in social media. We want to change. That's just small shifts. You don't want to change at all. Just take one or two things and we want to take that MPA to a positive action.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, that's good, that's good yeah.
Speaker 1:Very cool, you do an inventory.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'll have him write things out. And then, what can we change here? What are some other?
Speaker 2:gems that you got along the way. I know that there's Wait. I don't want to let this go. Oh, okay, because I think this is huge, I know.
Speaker 1:I want to pick this right If you, you're missing the moon. So just these little nudges he's talking about.
Speaker 2:You're right.
Speaker 1:Can completely change the outcome of your life.
Speaker 3:So we call it. That's how you make a quantum leap in life, and sometimes those quantum leaps happen because you believe in yourself and you're making these small changes and all of a sudden your whole world just opens up and everything starts coming to you and you can't believe it.
Speaker 2:Wow, just through a small exchange, yep and.
Speaker 1:I'm also going to say one other thing. I think it's really important. You will be shocked to know that some of the most successful people on this planet have what you call coaches. Am I right or am I wrong, John?
Speaker 3:Greg, when you said it just now, I was going to say it a little bit ago I was going to say how about Michael Jordan? They have coaches, Everybody that's rich, Any successful sports person, any successful business person. They have somebody they go to.
Speaker 2:Wow yeah.
Speaker 1:And this isn't just rich, this is rich in your life. This is about wealth. This is about leveraging who you are and using the universe and achieving great things.
Speaker 2:Interesting. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. We go to college, we go, yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 3:So every time we meet somebody, there's a reason why you meet somebody. There's a reason why I met Greg so many years ago. There's a reason why I met Debbie We've done many things together, yeah, and we've seen each other in a lot of different events but there's reasons why you meet people and I always try to look for that opportunity. How can I help?
Speaker 2:somebody yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, Definitely definitely, and I see you doing that. I see there's a passion there. Okay, so are you from?
Speaker 3:here. I've been in Youngstown my whole life. Yes, youngstown, born and raised. Born and raised yes.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right, so talk to us a little bit about the mindset that you see some of the mindset patterns that might be worth looking into and adjusting or changing here. We have so many strengths Greg and I talk about it all the time, we are both Youngstown cheerleaders and the resilience we could go on and on, but you really help people overcome some of these mindset barriers.
Speaker 3:So what are some of the ones that you would see locally as patterns? A lot of them is just the thought pattern these people have around here. Just watch some of the stuff. I don't want to say where, but I live in Portman Ohio, so I'm around here.
Speaker 3:But just some of the thoughts they have and the things they throw out there, and I think this is crazy. Why are you guys saying this, like they're on the I can't. We want to be on the I can. Henry ford said if you can. If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right. So where do we want to be? We need to change mindset here.
Speaker 3:We have a lot of great people here in this area and a lot of great things can happen in this area 100 and a lot of a lot of great things are happening right now and there's a lot of things behind the scenes that are happening. That is so true that is 100% true.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, absolutely and really, if you can take the average person, they say I just had this. They've achieved their goals, they're riding high but they're bored, and I'm sure you've had those clients. So, let's talk about them, because there are people out here that I have a nice house, I have a nice car, I have a wonderful family, but I'm not happy because I feel deep down inside there's things they know they want but they're scared to go for them.
Speaker 3:Wow, and having a nice house, having a nice car, it's great, but what else do you really want? That's what I teach people. What do you really want in life, yeah. What do you really want to do? And a lot of people are settling for less, yeah, which is the wrong way to think we want to go after. What are our dreams? I would have somebody write down what do you want? We talked about this a little bit ago. Things I wrote down years ago. I went back and looked at my notes. I go two out of four are done. I didn't even know that.
Speaker 2:Do you ever find that people are surprised once they start writing down man, I didn't think of this in years, about this desire. Or are they usually pretty, as you see these clients and you say write down what you truly want. Do you ever see them surprised at what comes out? Or is it something that they hold close to the sleeve?
Speaker 3:generally? No, it's. It's surprising what they end up accomplishing. I had somebody build a house up on lake erie, a vacation home. They thought they could never do, never, ever do, and they did it. And they're just overwhelmed by what they did. And they didn't think they could do that. But once you start taking the steps, the universe will start giving you the material and the resources that you need to achieve those goals. And until you start taking that, you can't sit home and watch TV. Yeah.
Speaker 1:You have to get out there. It's that old adage too. If I say, hey, did you notice all the red cars today? And you're like, no, I don't know. If I say look for all the red cars when you leave here. You won't miss one. But, as he's saying, if your mindset starts to look for opportunities and understand and train yourself, and you train yourself to look for things that are bringing you closer to your goal and you start to focus on that, the universe comes to you.
Speaker 3:We pass opportunities up all day long. There's stuff that comes up that we don't even realize. It's out there.
Speaker 1:Because we're focusing on what we don't have rather than what we do have.
Speaker 2:Or Ian categorizing, because I'm one that I see opportunities. I see ideas everywhere, creativity everywhere. For me, it's the opposite of knowing which ones to say no to, knowing which ones to say these are the ones that are opening up what I truly want. But unless I really knew what I really wanted, unless I knew, at least for this next season, every opportunity would look good to me. So it is interesting to have that goal written down.
Speaker 1:So you know that's a good point. So somebody that wants to do everything and does nothing, I call it. You're right, you're totally right, let's call it out.
Speaker 3:That's the scrambled egg. That's the scrambled egg.
Speaker 2:Wait a minute. They don't know where to start. Why did I say anything? They don't know where to start. Why did I say anything?
Speaker 3:they freeze themselves it honestly happens to everyone it does so you want to write down. What do I really want? Debbie, write it out. What do I really want? You know? I've told you this many times.
Speaker 2:What do you really want, even as you were saying it before the podcast, I was like man, I need to get a fresh notebook and start all over, because you have told me this so many times and it's almost like hearing it. Today I'm hearing it for the first time again, even though I'm not like it's very familiar, but just but it's okay too.
Speaker 1:It's okay anytime in life to be like I don't know what I really want. It's okay. But you have to get out there and try different things and see what you fall in love with.
Speaker 2:Okay, and can I just stop real quick on this, because there are so many people I notice, so many people especially I don't know if it's a middle child thing, I don't know if it's somebody who's got to take responsibility in times of, especially, families that maybe they were raised in loving but chaotic environments where nothing. So you end up being the one that facilitates everybody else's needs and you never look at. I'm one I'm not going to say never, because nobody's unselfish by nature but very rarely have I looked at myself to say what I wanted. And when it came time to even choose a career, I was so frustrated because there was a guy who would say write down your vision, make it plain. And I would get frustrated. If somebody tells me what to do, I'll do it. Like I will be, I'll do great.
Speaker 2:But I used to get so frustrated when they'd say write down what you want, because I didn't know what I wanted. And this was like when I was super young and then over the course of years I've started to like, figure things out. I was good at what? Pretty much whatever I decided I wanted to be good at, but I didn't know what I truly wanted. And I think that around here I see this a lot. People carry on other people's burdens family members, community around them and they have no clue. It feels so wrong and selfish to think what do I want? And then it feels then they feel helpless. So we run from that. We run from feeling selfish and helpless. If you're a big-hearted person, it's not easy to look in the mirror and say what do I like, what do I want, what do I want to do?
Speaker 1:So speak on that. Yeah, why is that important that you take care of yourself?
Speaker 3:You want to take care of yourself. You want to feel good inside. I totally believe in helping people. I've always been that way. You know how I am with my own kids. They both graduated recently, oh yeah. But you want to not feel guilty inside. You want to go after what you want and it's okay to help people. But I always look at it this way If you help yourself, you could help more people Seriously. So if you have more money, it's not evil, it's what we do with it. But you can help more people. You can donate money. You could do things for something. You could build something. We want to build things bigger and better. Look at the world today. Look at this the phone.
Speaker 2:Definitely better than my dad.
Speaker 1:You're connected to the world right there.
Speaker 3:If my dad came back he's been gone 22 years and he saw this and he'd say where's the remote for the TV?
Speaker 2:I'd say right here, dad. He'd say you're nuts.
Speaker 3:But look at technology and look at how this thing has changed so much, from the flip phones these phones, iphones. It's amazing. So we want to not feel guilty. We want to go after what we want to and you can still help people.
Speaker 1:I always say the more you have, the more you can give yeah, again, I'm going to talk about this and why this is so important you know, everybody here has experienced the fact of trying to teach somebody something that's close to them, like their kid, like they don't want to listen. So you have to get the neighbor or the friend to help them right now. Now, let's take that one step closer yourself. You see why a coach is important? Because, listening to yourself, you're sometimes not going to hold yourself accountable. We're a coach, you've got to go, show up. You're paying money, you're putting, you have blood in the game and you have now got to be accountable to somebody else who can see things from a perspective that you don't see.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And that's why John is very valuable to somebody that wants to make a difference and wants to leave this room and leave this world as a legacy.
Speaker 3:Absolutely, I know one thing I learned is we want to willingly give and graciously receive, so giving and receiving are really the same thing in life.
Speaker 2:Okay, and that goes along with this. So givers listen up, because you're saying it's the same muscle.
Speaker 3:Giving and receiving. A lot of times when somebody wants to give us something, we don't want to take it, we feel funny, but we should take it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's like saying no, I don't want to get Christmas gifts this year. You don't do that, Greg.
Speaker 1:No, it's funny because if you take a picture of the person giving the gift, it's always a better picture than the person getting it.
Speaker 3:You do feel good when you give.
Speaker 2:You feel great inside and you don't feel good when somebody turns it down.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can't have that feeling unless.
Speaker 3:I accept it.
Speaker 2:You feel offended, a little offended yeah.
Speaker 3:You have to reject that. Remember. We can accept or reject anything that comes through our thoughts. Nobody can make us feel anything unless we let them, and we don't want to let them.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, you don't want to give too much away now. So how do we work with, how do you? Let's talk again about how we work with you, john.
Speaker 3:Well, you could send me an email at AchieveYourDreams2017 at gmailcom and I will respond back. Or you can call me at 330-402-2716. And you can even text me at that number. That is my cell phone number. Or you can go to my website, AchieveYourFuturecom and send me a message there and I will get back to you.
Speaker 1:Awesome. I think we need to do something called Rapid Fire. Go ahead, Debbie.
Speaker 2:All right, Coke or Pepsi.
Speaker 1:Coke.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:Do you like chocolate, either dark or milk Dark chocolate.
Speaker 3:Miracle Whip or mayonnaise. Mayonnaise.
Speaker 2:Mayonnaise All right, north or south for vacation. South, everybody says south.
Speaker 1:Beach or mountain? What Beach or mountain Beach? He's good.
Speaker 3:I know right, I've done the beach quite a few times already.
Speaker 2:I think he's done some inventories on himself Cat or dog person.
Speaker 3:Or neither, neither, neither.
Speaker 1:There we go.
Speaker 3:It's funny when it comes to that. I want to be able to control my life. I don't want that animal to control me.
Speaker 1:And now one of the most important and you can take either one yes, Best pizza place in town that you enjoy Because there's a lot of good ones and the best French fry in town. This is a tough one, yeah.
Speaker 3:Right, we stumped them. I lived in Struthers for 30-some years yes. I like Lovilla, I like Upton, I like Uptown Pizza. There are so many great pizzas oh you've got to give that.
Speaker 2:I'm overriding him on this because he met his lovely wife at La Villa.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, wow, okay, all right, what about French fry?
Speaker 3:I'm not a big French fry person. Well, there you go. Oh, now I just have to say this I did work at Idora Park, so Idora Park fries, okay, all right, those are good and they're going away.
Speaker 2:They're starting to fall off everywhere Now. You don't see that as much, so enjoy them while you got them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, enjoy them All. Right, debbie. Any final thoughts?
Speaker 2:The final thoughts is and no matter what you're doing, where you're, where you are in life, there's something more. If you're still alive and you're still breathing, there's something more for you to do. So don't ever get complacent, and if you're bored, that's like the worst thing, unless the boredom is a seed of creativity. But you were never meant to live your life unfulfilled. So, even as I walk this journey that's just my message to everyone Even if you're so many steps ahead of me, there's still more for you to do and still a mark for you to make in our region, in our city or the world, wherever you're listening from.
Speaker 1:The only other thing I'm going to say is you can't do this thing alone, and John's here, right in town. John can help you, he.
Speaker 3:You can't do this thing, alone.
Speaker 1:And John's here right in town. John can help you. He has put the time in, he has done the reps, he knows what he's doing, he has a good reputation, absolutely, and I highly recommend. If you don't have a coach and you want to do something, even if you're good now and you think you can't get even better, I'll bet you John will find it because he has perspective, not perception.
Speaker 3:There's a big difference? There is, yes. So, john, final thoughts Thank you, and I just want to say it's all about getting better and better. Better is a great word, man, I love it All right, have a good one everybody.