VIP Café Show – Youngstown, Ohio – Local Guests with Amazing Impact to Our Community
Friendships begin based on numerous circumstances. Many are created because of similar interests and hobbies. For example, being part of the same sports team or maybe being a member of the same academic club. Other friendships are formed based on proximity or what neighborhood you grew up in. Whatever the reason, having a good solid friendship is a wonderful thing.We believe Podcasts are very similar to friendships. They are many times created by a few people who have common interests and share a similar vision. They are generally formed to help “inform” others about a variety of topics and subject matter. The question many Podcasters ask themselves is….why me/us? With so many options to choose from as a listener, what makes one Podcast better than another? We believe it all begins with….a good host or pair of hosts! That is exactly how The VIP Café Show came to fruition. Two friends, Greg Smith and Brian Blasko had a conversation while enjoying a cigar on a cool crisp January evening and the rest as they say…is history.The VIP Café Show was created to inform, educate and entertain listeners from the great city of Youngstown, OH. Although The VIP Café Show listeners reach far beyond the Youngstown area, the primary focus of the show is to highlight local “Youngstowners” and to hear their story. The Podcast also dives into a variety of fascinating topics besides Youngstown. Greg and Brian love discussing leadership, public speaking, customer care, team building, and life in general. They are always fascinated by what makes people tick and how people became (or are becoming) the person they are today! The VIP Café Show is a fun and informative program that engages the audience with every interview, conversation, and dialog that transpires.
VIP Café Show – Youngstown, Ohio – Local Guests with Amazing Impact to Our Community
E59: The VIP Café Show with Angela Johnson - Life Coaching: Unpacking the Journey to Self-Discovery
This episode is a deep dive into Angela Johnson's transformative journey. A life coach, Angela shares her personal story of loss, love, and professional growth. She explores the importance of self-discovery, relationships, and the possibilities that come with seeking guidance.
• Angela's insights on navigating loss and resilience
• The balance between success and happiness in personal lives
• Importance of communication and establishing boundaries
• How seeking coaching parallels seeking medical help
• Cultivating one's potential and embracing vulnerability
If you're curious about how life coaching can transform your life, contact Angela on Instagram at @coachang.allin or visit her website at allinwithang.com.
Hey, hey, hey, it's a VIP Cafe show here from the Havana house in Boardman, Ohio. We thank Gino for letting us use his room here to do this. And he has amazing things here, like unbelievable coffee, unbelievable wines. Yes, great staff and great staff and great staff and if you like to smoke, he has about anything you can imagine as far as legally all right, that's yes, with a new humidor debbie's having a wonderful blueberry flavor blueberry yes it was so we're drinking some peach that is correct.
Speaker 3:each wine, yes, yes, it's very good.
Speaker 2:Very good stuff Brought by our amazing guest.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, which we're not going to do yet.
Speaker 2:No, not quite yet. No, because we have so much to talk about.
Speaker 1:We do.
Speaker 2:Yes, this year is off to a start. I think is this our first podcast together this year, this year yeah. We took a during that sabbatical, but we took one Unpaid, too Unpaid, and I did one solo.
Speaker 1:Did you?
Speaker 2:Yes, michael Ross. So if you guys have not listened to that one, it will be posted or is posted.
Speaker 1:I have to get it first, though when you give it to me, then I can post it.
Speaker 2:It was an amazing conversation. We went a little long, but that's because you weren't there to keep us on track.
Speaker 1:That's right, that's right.
Speaker 2:But okay, okay, man Greg, you have done so much this year. You've done more already this year than so many people in a whole year. So let's talk about some of the things that you've done. You went to the Super Bowl. Yeah, this epic Super Bowl, this epic Super Bowl you went to. Am I throwing all your business out there?
Speaker 1:The Bartlers do a wonderful fundraiser every year and we decided to give to that fundraiser, and one of the things you could have done is you bid on this and then one of the prizes is the Super Bowl. So thank you very much to the Bartlow Corporation, denise and John York, and that's how I got the ticket. So it was a wonderful experience.
Speaker 2:I sat with the.
Speaker 1:Philadelphia crowd. Thank goodness that they won, because I don't think I'd be living if they didn't, because Philadelphia fans are some of the roughest fans in the NFL.
Speaker 2:I know they take pride in destroying their own city which is just crazy.
Speaker 3:I mean knocking down light pools.
Speaker 2:I know, oh my goodness, I know, were you wearing a jersey.
Speaker 1:I was wearing a neutral shirt. That had both colors in it Pretty smart yeah, so I just sat and watched.
Speaker 2:People watched. It was really cool, oh my goodness. Yes, wow, one of these days I have a really good friend in Philly, but that's not the big thing though I did get married.
Speaker 1:I know I got married, and that's probably much more important, in fact, incredibly more important than some game.
Speaker 2:You mean Taylor Swift does not trump your wedding.
Speaker 1:No, no, but I was telling you Kelsey and her were having dinner and I looked at Rachel. I said they're going to lose the Super Bowl. I said because they're partying and Philadelphia is serious about this game, Anyway, Wow.
Speaker 2:Okay, so what else have you done? So you got married? Where did you get married? I got married in our new house we built a house together, so we decided to have a small wedding have her brother-in-law, marius. What a great memory.
Speaker 1:What a great lady, and my oldest and her oldest were our maid of honor. Well, her daughter and my oldest son, were our best man and maid of honor, and I like how you did that?
Speaker 2:because, knowing the span of who knows you and your reach, it could have been this massive wedding, but you just kept it small. To like family Is that what you did. Yeah, really I love that yeah how, how meaningful is that? Yeah, and a lot less stress a lot less stress all right, so you like being a married man?
Speaker 1:well, yeah, I found a great partner. That's when somebody fights for your dreams and you fight for theirs. That's really the key. In fact, I just read a great book. It's called super communicators and he talks about the deepest level of relationship is when people try to control the other person. That's when you get in trouble. You can fight every day as long as you're not trying to control the other person. You should really focus on controlling your own emotions and your own reactions, versus trying to control them. The minute you try to control another person, that's the beginning of the end. Whether there's disgust in the marriage or not, which is one of the studies. It says, if you show disgust, which which is rolling your eyes, that's a big indication. But the bigger indication is whether you're trying to control them or not.
Speaker 2:Wow, it's huge. Just out of curiosity, that book does he give any tips to people who are already in that cycle of disgust and whatever? Or is it just a? No, this is just a communications book. This is a guy that studied. This is just a communications book.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is a guy that studied. This is a board-certified book. So when you get into the college-level teaching, you can't reference things that are not studied properly.
Speaker 2:That's what I try to read, because some people make marriage look horrible. They make marriage look like something you never want to even get close to. We're designed for it, yeah.
Speaker 1:We are programmed to be in relationship. That's why these new cyborgs that are going to be our best buddy, our emotional support AI device, is dangerous because we are wired for it. You think pill popping is big now Wait until those things come out, I think. I think you need another human being. We're wired for it and it takes 35,000 years for genomes to to mutate so right.
Speaker 2:But it's also about control, because here we have almost some people say too many people on the face of planet, which I don't believe, but they will say that right, and then we're making fake ones of us, right. So we literally will scorn the real ones and go try and spend billions for fake ones. Why? Because we could control them yes or we think.
Speaker 1:And another thing too is I think it comes down to this, and this will really bring in what our guest is talking about yes and why this is important is people don't know who they are and they don't know what they want, and one of the things you can do and I've done it, I've absolutely done it and anybody that believes, anybody gives other people advice and don't get as a bite for themselves, which is from a life coach yeah is really shouldn't be giving advice yeah, I mean you got to do what you want.
Speaker 1:If you want to help people do better, then get somebody to help you do better and then, and that's the cycle. Yeah, I just I. I think it's time to introduce our guest.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's do it All right. Today we have Angela Johnson, a certified life coach, and she has a unique and original way of helping people not just achieve success in business and stuff, which is super important, but also that balance of finding out who they are, of actually enjoying their life and liking their life, and she has a whole story attached to it. I'm super excited to introduce her to you guys today. And then I want to ask Greg real quick too, like in addition, okay, before we get started, is I want to know if you, in all your travels, have ever met somebody who is super successful in business but when you look at their life, you could see that it's falling apart and crumbling, because sometimes you get a perspective, but that is what our guest today wants to make sure doesn't happen, and all too often good people are struggling behind the scenes because they're putting so much into one area.
Speaker 1:Here's a big secret. Yeah, I have a friend who says human beings are a mess. M-e-s-s Okay, I've said this before on this podcast, but this is important the last S stands for suffering. Okay, you've got to understand. All human beings suffer, yeah. And when you think, oh, nobody suffers like me, oh yeah, they do. Oh yeah, oh yeah. And our humanity I teach public speaking and our humanity is captured when you share your vulnerabilities, not unsolved vulnerabilities, like you don't want to dump on your audience, but when you have solved vulnerability. In other words, you have a scar on your body and you share that scar. Not telling them what to do, but telling them what you did and what you went through. Then they can see themselves in what you say.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And then they can connect with you in a deep level. Because that is how we connect, because guess what? Life is not exactly. You get your way all the time Right.
Speaker 2:Spent a lot of years trying to, like you know, fix that one. Yeah, but that intros that segues into Angela Welcome. Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here, and your story started with a little pain as well.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so talk to us a little bit about what you do and then why you got into it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so I am a life coach, like Debbie mentioned, and I didn't even really know what a life coach was just a few years ago. Truthfully, I just so happened to really stumble upon it and it was because of my journey. And my journey is a big part of my message with my business, because I look back on my life with the struggles, the obstacles that I've experienced and I've been able not just to overcome them but to turn them into something beautiful, which is what I'm doing right now. And so I coach people one-on-one specifically women who are Christian and in their mid-30s, call it who struggle with their confidence.
Speaker 3:That could look like not being able to set boundaries, not communicating efficiently with their significant other, feeling guilty for doing something to take care of themselves as opposed to taking care of their children 24-7 all the time. That's self-love, really developing that self-awareness within themselves that, no matter what it is in your life, you can figure it out and you have everything within you already. You just don't realize it yet. And then I help with specific tools and such as to how to get there. I really didn't even plan on this. I didn't just wake up one day and go oh, I think I'll be a certified life coach.
Speaker 2:Sorry, you too bad. Yeah, no, I think I'll be a certified life coach. It's not a YouTube ad. Yeah, no.
Speaker 3:It's interesting that you mentioned YouTube ad, though, because I was following.
Speaker 3:I have been following a YouTuber for a while over a decade now, and I didn't follow her because she's a life coach. She's not a life coach, she's just somebody that was into hair, makeup and all that like a vlogger. Okay, that was into hair, makeup and all that like a vlogger, okay. Okay, I still follow her. I love her to this day, but back then it was just a way of me getting out there to I don't know a creative outlet, okay, like um, kind of just I don't want to say distracting myself in a sense too, but it was something fun, something I wanted to look into. So I followed her for all this time and now her sister, several years ago, got into life coaching and she was my one-on-one coach for a little bit.
Speaker 3:Okay, and fast forward to now. She is a very successful life coach and she has her own program, which is where I got certified, and so I had started with one online course, which then led to another online course. So I had started with one online course, which then led to another online course, which then led to going to the retreat in New Jersey, which then led to something else, and then so on and so forth. So it was just a matter of it didn't just happen because I wanted it to.
Speaker 1:It happened because I was paying attention, okay.
Speaker 2:So did you find yourself? What was the catalyst that you said, hey, I should get a life coach? Or did you find yourself in that place of overwhelm, or like, where were you at in your life before all this happened?
Speaker 3:yeah, that's a great question. So before all of this and I'm talking over a decade ago now, um, when my dad passed away. So my dad passed away when I was 21 years old of a massive heart attack. He was playing basketball and that was, of course, very difficult. Now, everybody's different, right. You might not have had the exact same relationship with your father like I had with mine, for obvious various reasons, but I was close with my father and it was very sudden and tragic.
Speaker 3:I went through a lot at that point with the shock of it all. And what do I do with my life? The best way I can explain it is it felt like my life was starting over from scratch. It was a new life and I got on medication for a while. I saw several therapists to help me cope with that and, of course, other things were happening in my life too that were quite the struggle, but that was like the main thing that really changed the game for me and for years I really just started looking inward to see if I could get better with this, because I can't change it. Okay, you can't change that what was the period like?
Speaker 2:are we talking a few years?
Speaker 3:now into this, I would say, yeah, I mean. I mean, I would say I was 21 and all of my 20s really were just involved with some kind of self-development. There's this obstacle how do I want to face it? There's this obstacle, how do I want to face it? And so, with life coaching though when I was talking with my life coach at the time, this would be 2019, I think something like that it was a different type of struggle. It wasn't as deep for me when I worked with her, but like the overwhelm, the not really knowing what to do, balance it out and all of that. It was just a matter of listening to myself. What do I need right now to help me get to my next step and that's such a big part of my message that I want to get out there is learning to just trust in your journey and stop comparing to other people. I feel like we get so caught up in this person and that person, what this person's doing and I'm not doing this and that that's called marketing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, but it's so true.
Speaker 1:But that's why you don't watch TV.
Speaker 2:Because otherwise you'll be like okay, I thought I was successful, but apparently I'm not. And I need to do this and I need to have this.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, my hamburger sucks and I want that hamburger Right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but it's learning the ability to just eliminate it.
Speaker 1:Get rid of the programming.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the programming of your mind Okay. So you had to be on medication right after as a life coach. Do you find that okay? So for somebody who goes through a sudden loss like that and I know that you're not really a grief life coach, you're an overwhelm and stuff but do you find that if you were to coach yourself back at 21, what would you tell yourself? Would you do the same road or would you do a different road, knowing what you know now?
Speaker 3:I would do the same road. Okay, because it led me to here. Okay, truth road Okay, because it led me to here. Okay, truthfully, yeah, everything that I've done in my life has brought me to this very moment and I wouldn't change it, even though with the wisdom that I have now, if I had the same scenarios pop up in my life. I've learned from my past.
Speaker 3:So some of what you know now is because of the exactly, and I don't think people quite grasp that, because the struggle is hard yeah, that's where all the learning happens that's where the learning happens, and if we could learn to just sit with the struggle, allow feelings to come up, allow thoughts to come up, process that, yeah, show yourself some self-compassion for crying out loud and stop beating yourself up over it.
Speaker 3:You actually can learn something. So you turn your emotions into something positive, into logic, because it stems with your mind and you know this.
Speaker 1:It all starts in your mind, which you tell yourself yeah, the communication, the story you tell yourself about yourself, is the most important story in your life. Isn't that something? It is.
Speaker 2:It seems like a lot of people in the demographic that you have as your specialty audience or special audience. The common thing is guilt and shame, particularly guilt. And sometimes when you ask the people or you listen to the stories, a lot of them it's over stuff that you can look in Like one, like you listen to the stories, a lot of them it's over stuff that you could look in like one lady. It was experiencing guilt. She just felt like she wasn't good enough and here the life coach was like I would have loved to have her life and I'm like why is she coming to me? Because she's like banking and has a beautiful family and has friends over, has this good social, all these different things.
Speaker 2:And when he really helped break her, break down what she felt so guilty about, it came down to a junk drawer that she could never keep organized enough. So it was interesting because all these beautiful good things, but because there was one little thing in her life that she just couldn't seem to get a handle on. It was bothering her Another lady it was doing the dishes, that the dishes seemed to always stack up and she felt like a failure because she had. She couldn't keep the dishes done and so it's. Do you find that?
Speaker 3:as a common thing in some of your clients. Totally, and I think that it boils down to what is the meaning that you assign to that box, what is the meaning that you assign to the dishes. And that can change, because maybe one day you and you doing the dishes you actually feel more productive and that's going to help you achieve whatever goal you want to do. But maybe the next day you go screw the dishes. I don't, I am not touching the dishes because right now I need to focus my time and energy on this, or I want to focus my time and energy on that, and I think we get caught up in the chaos of it. We don't know how to dissect it because we allow our emotions to take over, and so I think it boils down to just being able to see that and trust yourself, trusting in yourself.
Speaker 3:So often we want someone else to tell us what to do. Just tell me what to do. Like you already know what to do. You just don't want to accept it and do it because it's hard.
Speaker 2:Or you think that somebody knows something you don't.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because I could. There are times that if somebody came to me and asked advice, I would be their biggest cheerleader and I'd say, no, here I'll help you put the package together. And I'll help you do this, putting my own package together and trusting that it's good enough to be confident in Yep Totally different story.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah. Being able to do it to yourself, it's oh you can give the best advice in the world to someone else, but then, when it comes to your own, life you go. Why can't I take my own advice, which is why it's probably good to get a coach yes, if you find yourself in that situation Because I've been in that position yeah, and I still some sometimes to this day.
Speaker 3:I'm in that position where I question myself and I have, but then I've learned how to not crave somebody else having to tell me what to do or that I can do it, because I've trained my mind so much that it doesn't matter. I know what it feels like when I'm in a rut, or what to do if I'm feeling down or if something is too challenging. Okay, then how do I make it less challenging and daunting to then achieve it? When you have been in the position of somebody who gets it like that, it's a lot easier to be able to then teach it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's good. So how has your practice been going so far?
Speaker 3:So far, so good. I just started this business just a couple years ago. Like I said, it happened and it's happening pretty quickly. I'm excited about it. I'm really thrilled to see what happens because, although I'm new to the game here, I frankly have envisioned so many things over and over in my mind that I feel it's already happened. So it doesn't matter when or how it's happening.
Speaker 2:It's just a given at that point.
Speaker 3:It's a given it's a non-negotiable. Sorry, not sorry.
Speaker 1:I have to say full confession. I've used coaches probably since I was 12 years old.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Right now I currently have a few. I have a few and some are specific to things I want to learn, but I have an intuitive coach right now I just work with today, actually for an hour and a half, and I have a business coach that I work with and some people say I can't afford that. Well, you can't afford not to, Because you can't. We're not on a circle, we're on a straight line and that line's going to end someday. There's two things that are guaranteed death and taxes.
Speaker 1:Right such an uncomfortable thought, yeah yeah, we, you've got to take the time to get help from other people. We are wired for help. We're wired to be in a relationship. We're wired for that and if you have somebody dedicated and fighting for you, you can't beat that. So if you've never done a life coach, if you wonder what is that? It doesn't mean. It's funny because if you break your leg, you go to see the doctor right, exactly.
Speaker 1:Oh, I broke my leg, I go see the doctor, but if your mind's or your spirit's broken, which is two different things- and you can handle both. If your mind or your spirit, or both, are broken, there are people out there that can help you come back, because you have, as she said, you have everything you need. You just need somebody from the outside who has perspective.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, Perspective.
Speaker 2:It's so good. It's so good because I'm thinking of a garden, as you're talking, and the soil is already. The soil's there, it's already ready to grow. It just needs something to be planted, somebody to water it, it needs some sunshine those things the soil can't do. On its own.
Speaker 2:Sometimes people hear that you already have it all the inside of you. It's just inside of you and they became navel gazers and they're always, it's about them and they're. They spend their whole life thinking I can do it and I this, and if I just do this, and it becomes very isolating and very honestly toxic. Yes, we do have the potential, just like the soil has the potential to grow pretty much anything you plant, but sometimes you need somebody to cultivate it.
Speaker 1:You need somebody to speak life into it. And something else I want to mention that I heard this, and I think it was Simon Sinek, and what he said was he said we don't gain trust with ourselves and with other people by giving help. We gain trust by asking for it. You think about that?
Speaker 2:Oh, I have a problem. I'm not good at that.
Speaker 1:We have somebody sitting right here.
Speaker 2:It's a professional.
Speaker 1:It's local.
Speaker 2:Yes, good.
Speaker 1:It is dedicated to making your life more than you ever imagined.
Speaker 2:Yes, and she's very passionate about it.
Speaker 3:I'm super passionate about it and it's actually a nice segue into my dad, because you were talking about soil and planting seeds and all that, and I so often will say my dad planted the seed for me with that. Oh really, yeah. So I'll tell you a little story. So I was maybe 12, 13, somewhere around there. I was a young girl and my dad later in life got very much into the mind and he would put in cassette tapes in his car and listen to things like this, whatever they were back in the day, their podcast now wait, so your dad would be listening to my podcast.
Speaker 3:My dad he would listen to stuff about the mind. And one day he sat me down and he said angie, I want to tell you something important. Can I have your attention please? And I'm like, yeah, dad, he goes. Angie, no, really, I want to tell you something. Are you listening right now? And I said, okay, yeah, dad, he goes.
Speaker 3:I want you to know this. I want you to know that you are capable of whatever you tell your mind. Your mind is your most powerful thing that you have. You understand. And I said, okay, he goes. No, no really, because, listen, one day I'm not going to be here. Wow, one day I'm not going to be here. And I want you to remember that you understand me. And I said, yeah, all right, dad, I hear you, I understand you.
Speaker 3:And it stuck with me. It stuck with me and I'm getting chills because I am very passionate about it, and it's not just because I've been there. It's because I have done a lot of studying. I care. I have studied myself to know in my own abilities that I can help you. I will pick up on things, I will be your cheerleader, but I will also keep you in check when you need it. So there's a balance, and we've talked about that a little bit Like just with everything in life, you've got to find a balance and I feel like that's also very important, something that we don't think about just balancing everything out.
Speaker 3:Your balance is going to look so different from the next person. We've got to just get out of this habit Habits are very important Get out of the habit of looking out there, looking outside of you for the answers, because everything is in you, everything. You've just got to develop certain skills. You have to have the will to want to change. You have to, because I can't make you change, right, yeah, I can't make somebody change.
Speaker 3:You've got to want to change and you've got to be willing to get the help and be vulnerable enough to say I don't know everything and I don't know everything, right, I don't have all of the answers, but I can tell you that I will try and that I will get you the answers and that we will do this together. This I can tell you that I will try and that I will get you the answers and that we will do this together. This is a team, so you've got to be willing to just surrender it and say you know what? I don't know what the hell Take it. I am willing to do whatever.
Speaker 1:How do people work with you? How does that happen?
Speaker 3:So you contact me and I tell them.
Speaker 2:Well, how does that happen? How do they?
Speaker 3:help you.
Speaker 2:So I'm on Instagram, set out the signal. Yeah, like the signal in the sky. Can we get one with my logo on it?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go. Oh yeah, I'm on Instagram right now. My handle is at coachangeallin. I also have a website.
Speaker 1:Spell it out. Spell it out. Some people can't spell, yeah, like me.
Speaker 3:C-O-A-c-h-a-n-g.
Speaker 2:Dot all in a-l-l-i-n and then my website is just all in with angcom okay, awesome yeah so you're sitting here and you're wearing a purposeful t-shirt, yes, with the 23 and michael jordan. For just real quick, tell us what. Why that my husband bought this for me?
Speaker 3:yeah, so the whole basketball theme is a big part of my brand and that did not happen intentionally. It just happened because, again, I was curious and creative and all that. So when I was working with my logo and and we've incorporated the basketball into that, it has to do with my dad and so I channel a lot of the basketball because of my dad. But I also channel it because I'm very inspired by the storden of the storden the story, yeah, air jordan story. Okay, I am very inspired by that and kind of just like believing in yourself, like sunny did when he traveled and went to the house and did all the things. And they're like no, don't do that. And he's like, no, you gotta trust me, like I know what I'm doing. And he did it and made it happen and all right, I gotta watch that movie oh, I'm telling you, I have that movie on repeat.
Speaker 3:It's on repeat, I love it, but maybe it's because it's my brand Partial.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah Right.
Speaker 3:But I channel a lot of that.
Speaker 2:So what do you think? All right, I think we're good. All right, rapid fire.
Speaker 3:Rapid fire.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, okay, all right Shout somebody out who has mentored you or been a significant influence in your life my father and my mother. But my father, he was big, pivotal. Yes, different ways, parents in different ways very good. What book are you reading?
Speaker 3:or have you read? Or the most impactful I just finished breaking the habit of being yourself by Dr Joe Dispenza. Oh, okay, and if do we have time for a little side note on that, yeah sure, okay so I bought this book actually several years ago. I started reading it and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I just at the time, I guess I had expected it to be something different.
Speaker 3:It was a bit over my head. Okay, I put it aside. Fast forward to now, about two weeks ago, or whenever I picked it back up and I couldn't put it down Really ago, or whenever I picked it back up and I couldn't put it down.
Speaker 3:Really. I was so into it because now that I'm certified I have more experience and all that and I get it, I totally get it and believe in it and practice it. It's one of those books you want to have a foundation of some sort with mindset, work and all that, but I think it was a phenomenal book. Amazing, yeah, amazing.
Speaker 1:Coke or Pepsi.
Speaker 3:Oh, Amazing Coke or Pepsi oh gosh.
Speaker 2:Coke zero. Oh my Okay.
Speaker 1:White chocolate or regular chocolate or dark chocolate, and this is a lot about your personality.
Speaker 2:What chocolate is your favorite? Stop, there's a whole book about it.
Speaker 1:Really, she wrote it.
Speaker 2:You wrote the book on chocolate?
Speaker 1:Yeah, she did. That is totally a study.
Speaker 2:That is 100% a study that I would do and write a book about.
Speaker 3:Oh gosh, okay, I'm curious. Now there is a book. I found it in New York.
Speaker 2:City. This is so crazy because I tested it.
Speaker 1:I wish I could find it Well, she's getting time to think.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry. I know you want dark Regular chocolate.
Speaker 2:Okay, what's your favorite brand of milk chocolate?
Speaker 3:Oh, lindt is my favorite. What's it called Philadelphia Candies? Oh Okay, local, all right.
Speaker 1:Wow, a little plug there. A little plug there. Maybe you'll get some free chocolate, I know yes.
Speaker 2:If you're watching this anywhere else in the nation, you've got to try our local, philadelphia.
Speaker 1:So one more what do?
Speaker 2:you got, okay, other than air. What is a go-to inspiring movie that really, just when you're feeling down? Or blah, rocky IV, rocky.
Speaker 1:IV. You like the speech, huh.
Speaker 3:I love the whole movie.
Speaker 2:Okay, I love how there was no hesitation. No hesitation I'm going to go watch those two movies Any of the Rocky movies. I love inspirational movies. One more time, give us your plug. I love inspirational movies.
Speaker 1:One more time, give us your plug At coachangeallin Instagram.
Speaker 3:Allinwithangecom is my website Excellent.
Speaker 1:Thanks, so much, thank you.
Speaker 3:Thank you so much Thanks.