The Working World
The Working World
Simon McSorley | The Power of EVP, Post-pandemic
With over a decade of agency side technical recruiting and founder of Crew Talent Advisory, Simon McSorley has a deep passion for EVP – a knowledge base that has grown as he gets to know his clients and understands their culture and the value proposition they offer their employees.
Simon has a unique approach to providing a recruitment service to his clients. By offering a range of personalised services that are tailor made for each organisation, no matter where they are in their business development journey, he takes a deep dive into their EVP to ensure prospective employees will be the right fit.
With Simon’s sound knowledge base and experience of EVP, our discussion covers the importance of defining an EVP and the steps involved to ensure it is driven by the workforce, not the leadership team!
Our insightful discussion includes:
• Listening to your people & understanding what they want
• A careers page – the front door to hiring people
• The steps to developing a strong EVP