The Working World
How do you manage staff and build a workforce in the current working world? That’s exactly what The Working World investigates. Your hosts, Keryn and Jamie, joined by industry experts explore current global business trends, staff mobility post-COVID-19, and the various elements of managing and building a truly global workforce around the world today.
The Working World
Take 5 | Sean Gallagher | Hybrid working & the challenges that leaders must address
The Working World
Season 2
Episode 4
Dr. Sean Gallagher is Director of the Centre for the New Workforce at Swinburne University of Technology and one of Australia’s leading experts on the future of work.
Following on from Sean’s fascinating insights in our December 2021 episode, he now brings us a Take 5 update on the latest developments in hybrid working and the challenges facing organisations.
Explained simply in a few slides, this episode is a ‘must’ for leaders to understand what hybrid working is doing to particular aspects of their business.