The Working World

Gerard Holland & Naren Chellappah | How internships shape the future workforce

The Working World Season 1 Episode 32

Dive into the world of internships and the ever-shifting Australian employment landscape with Gerald Holland, CEO of InternMach, and Naren Chellappah, Program Director at Career Success Australia. In this episode, Gerald and Naren unpack the challenges and opportunities facing graduates and employers alike. 

The episode explores the importance of internships, the challenges of university-industry collaboration, and the skills employers are seeking in today's market. Our guests also delve into the changing career landscape and the growing need for upskilling and professional development. 

Insights into this episode include:   

  • Internships – a win-win for graduates and employers: discover how internships offer companies a valuable opportunity to identify and recruit future talent while assessing their fit within the company and how these programs equip students with practical experience, and ease the transition from theory to real-world work. 
  • Building stronger university-industry collaboration: explore the challenges and potential solutions for universities and businesses to work more closely. Learn how universities integrating internships and fostering stronger communication channels can benefit students and companies. 
  • The skills employers seek beyond the resume: find out what qualities like a positive attitude, strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn stand out to employers. 
  • Navigating the changing work landscape: gain insights on the growing need for career coaching and upskilling in a dynamic job market. This episode explores how individuals can adapt and thrive amidst career transitions and the skillset landscape.