Playing with Madness
A horror comedy actual play podcast. Enjoy original music, hardcore nerdery, and madness. Starring Chris French, Danny Deluca, Andrew Collins-Anderson, Chris Thiel, Jake Vega, Morgan Just and Jared Witkofsky. Theme song by Pressure Highway and original series music by Jordan Fickel. Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © Playing with Madness Podcast, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.
Playing with Madness
Season 7 Episode 20- Attempts at Hugging
Jared Witkofsky
Season 7
Episode 20
In this episode the crew of the old dad meets the crew of the Cosce de Tigre-
Production Note- We had to deal with some missing audio in the second half of the clip, so it might jump in a couple places. We did what we could to make it as coherent as we could.
- Jared Wikofsky- Game Mother and Editor
- Chris French- Jupito Armless
- Andrew Collins-Anderson- Cael Gardener
- Chris Thiel- Ashley Boneface
- Danny Deluca- Gabriel Townsend
- Morgan Just- Howard Blowfeld
Original music by Danny Deluca, Jordan Fickel, Pressure Highway, Miss Champagne and Motoshi Kosako.
Alien RPG is a product of Free League Publishing. Purchase Alien RPG proudcts here:
Tags: alienalien rpg xenomorph free league publishing actual play