Playing with Madness

DND Season 8 Episode 10 - Peter and the Drow

Chris Thiel Season 8 Episode 10

Tensions rise as an unforeseen guest arrives in camp while Brick and The Marqui wander aimlessly in the Jungles of Kled. Will These Edgy Dudes make a new friend or add another foe to their long list? Find out on this episode of Playing With Madness!

Andrew Collins-Anderson - Brick
Chris Thiel - Dungeon Master
Chris French - Hurlbert
Danny Deluca - The Marquis
Jared Witkofsky- Peter 
Morgan Just - Corvus

A huge thank you to Danny Deluca, Jordan Fickel, Pressure Highway, and Motoshi Kosako for the music contained herein. 
Edited by Chris Thiel.