Think Like Amazon
Learn how to apply Amazon’s core principles and innovation frameworks to elevate your business and career. Join Jorge Luis Pando, an 8-year Amazon veteran who’s helped over 70,000 Amazonians boost productivity, as he dives into real-world insights from leaders who’ve transformed their work using Amazon-inspired methods like customer obsession and systems thinking. With global experience in product, tech, and marketing, Jorge brings a fresh perspective to every conversation.
Whether you lead a startup, growing business, or team outside of tech, each episode delivers practical tools to innovate, scale, and lead with confidence. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates: https://www.linkedin.com/company/think-like-amazon-podcast/
Think Like Amazon
Applying Amazon’s innovation playbook across diverse businesses with Godwin Pavamani
Godwin spent 5 years at Amazon as a senior leader of product, retail and program teams. In each role, he led new innovations or launches for Amazon customers. Post Amazon, Godwin spent two years leading a business turnaround and is currently the co-founder at a real-estate tech startup where he continues to leverage the innovation processes he practiced at Amazon.
In this episode, you’ll hear how Godwin uses customer focus and document writing to develop and refine new solutions for customers. Specifically, Godwin shares how he uses Press Release and Frequently Asked Question (PRFAQ) doc writing to clarify customer benefits and business requirements, which Amazon leadership principles he’s leveraged in businesses outside of Amazon, and why he continues to use written narratives in his startup work today.
Mentioned in the podcast:
Godwin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/godwinpavamani/
Vive: https://gotvive.com/