Adversity to Inspiration: The JTD Coaches Me Podcast
Adversity to Inspiration: The JTD Coaches Me Podcast
10 in 10 Series: Episode 10 ~ JTD & Lily Walford
For her special re-launch series Adversity to Inspiration, Joann Tierney-Daniels, a Health, Weight Loss, and Mindset coach, sits down with 10 special guests who have overcome adversity and are impacting the world in a positive manner. In this episode, Joann poses her signature series question, "What was a pivotal moment in your life you didn’t see coming that changed the trajectory of your life and prompted some form of personal growth?" to Lily Walford.
After breaking free from an abusive relationship, Lily started a journey to understand what makes a healthy and loving relationship. Now, an international Love Consultant and Match Maker, Lily teaches others how to identify and leave toxic relationships, hold themselves accountable, and find love and fulfillment. She works with clients to change their perspectives and equips them with the tools needed to find loving, connected relationships.
Her modalities employ a combination of psychology and behavioral change, so clients can find real, honest, genuine love. From her own experiences, Lily knows firsthand that not everyone knows how to find or sustain healthy relationships without guidance and assistance. Lily services are a game changer in the dating and relationship industry and have helped countless individuals around the globe.
To learn more about Joann Tierney-Daniels visit https://www.jtdcoachesme.com. You can find additional information about Lily Walford on Instagram @lovewithintelligenceofficial.