Power Over Parkinson's

Parkinson’s Advancements: Technology, Surveillance, and Gait Research

Power Over Parkinson's

Listen as Dr. Christine Esper, Associate Professor within the Department of Neurology at Emory University, shares many advancements within the Parkinson’s Disease space. Dr. Esper elaborates on her work within the Emory Brain Health Center’s 3D Motion Capture Lab and how both gait and tremor in Parkinson’s are being analyzed. Dr. Esper also shares how she’s been on the forefront of examining how DBS tele-programming can be successfully done. Finally, Parkinson’s Disease (along with MS) were the first two diseases selected by the CDC as part of their National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System (NNCSS) and Dr. Esper is on the team helping to track the epidemiology of neurological conditions. The aim of the NNCSS is to derive actionable and timely information to increase understanding of neurological conditions and catalyze research into causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

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