Is It A Classic?
Is It A Classic?
Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels Summerslam 1995
Their first ladder match at Wrestlemania X is heralded as a classic, the jump start to an era of ladder matches. But, these two ran it back a little over a year later at Summerslam 1995 and brought the ladders with them. Does the second ladder match out-classic the first? Does it hold up? Does the title hold up? We go through every scary bump, from the odd beginning of this match to the crazy finish. Then, we tell you definitely using our SCIENCE~! if it is, in fact, a classic. We also discuss Brock's current character, Ronda's current character, the best crowd in a while in Austin, which ladder is legal and much more. Check it out!
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3:21 Headlines
12:42 Main Event/How Do We Determine "Is It A Classic?"
14:40 Match Background/Build
21:00 Match Breakdown
35:45 Is It A Classic?