Is It A Classic?

1st Anniversary Runback Special / Wrestlemania 38 Thoughts / Punk v Lesnar; Bayley v Sasha

It's been 1 year since our first definitive ruling if a wrestling match was a classic. Since then, our SCIENCE~! has changed, our tastes have been updated and we've become a little more polished at what we do (hopefully).  In that year, there were two matches ran though our original formula that were deemed not classics and were hotly debated.  They are Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk at Summerlam 2013 and Bayley vs. Sasha Banks at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.  A little less than a year later, we revisit how they pass through the new science. Are either of them classic worthy? Join us as we take a look back. There was also this little thing called Wrestlemania that happened which we talk about. Come check us out and join us for another great year!

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5:18 Wrestlemania Thoughts
22:44 Revisiting Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk
43:08 Revisiting Bayley vs Sasha Banks