Is It A Classic?

FTR vs The Briscoes Supercard of Honor XV

What was the match everyone was talking about coming out of Wrestlemania weekend? Seth vs Cody? Bianca vs. Becky? Knoxville vs. Zayn? It was none of these! On the first show of the Tony Khan era of Ring of Honor, FTR and the Briscoes tore the house down. This match was universally praised as the best of the biggest weekend in wrestling of the year. It was a great match for sure, but does it have enough to pass our SCIENCE~! and become an Instant Classic? Tune in to find out! Plus, Danny goes on a few rants, we discuss rushing storylines, bloatedness, Dicks, Johnsons and so much more!

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2:33 Headlines
17:22 Main Event/How Do We Determine "Is It A Classic?"
20:00 Match Background/Build 
25:44 Match Breakdown
35:31 Is It A Classic?