Is It A Classic?
Two best friends take a look each week at a different match in wrestling history and determine definitively: is it a classic?
Is It A Classic?
Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose Hell in a Cell 2014
Two former Shield brothers collide in the most dangerous structure in all of WWE - the Hell in a Cell. The fight starts on the top of the cage, is filled with many big bumps, and has elements you don't see coming. Is it a classic? We put it through the science to figure it out. We also talk about whether or not it was a work or a shoot (you know what we are referencing), we make random noises and we get very explicit at certain points. Check it out!
Follow us on instagram @classic_pod or e-mail us at isitaclassicpod@gmail.com.
3:29 Headlines
17:43 How Do We Determine "Is It A Classic?"
20:12 Match Background/Build
29:35 Match Breakdown
38:11 Is It A Classic?