Is It A Classic?
Is It A Classic?
2001 Royal Rumble Match
30 men enter but only 1 man can be left standing. Who will go on to the Wrestlemania main event? The Royal Rumble is one of the most talked about and most anticipated matches each year on the wrestling calendar and 2001 did not disappoint. From big spots, big returns, big surprises and a big red machine, this match lives on as one of the best Rumbles of all time. So, it's time for us to put it through the SCIENCE~! and determine if it is, in fact a classic. We also talk about who should #hanginthere this week, what is smells like, lots of great (or terrible) Steve Austin impressions and much more. Check it out!
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1:11 Intro
3:45 Recent Wrestling
13:08 How Do We Determine "Is It A Classic?"
15:10 Match Background/Build
21:00 Match Breakdown
47:05 Is It A Classic?