Observing Others
Observing Others
The Scarlet N#mber
We have talked a lot about words.
We have made up a few words like confluencer and collaboratory.
And made lists of words that start with letters like B, E & R.
What about numbers?
When we say "word count" or "character limits" what do we mean?
Who would have thought numbers have anything to do with words?
And then algorithms and analytics came along
And time limits.
Even Ted Talks have time limits
In fact, we have talked before about time of possession: giving time of possession to the person you are talking to.
Have you heard of the books the "12 Week Year" or the "5 Second Rule"?
It seems that numbers and counting have everything to do with words.
In fact, in some instances numbers are more powerful than words.
Today we talk about the Scarlet Number.
And, of course that is a play on words from the title of a famous book The Scarlet Letter, a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850.
What are the Scarlet Numbers in your profession? Personal life?
Listen to find out how life is measured by the numbers.