Observing Others
Observing Others
An Ounce of Prevention
One of the hardest things any of us can do is make adjustments. Making adjustments to the way we do things often goes against the grain. It goes against the flow.
But as the saying goes: doing things the way you usually do gets you the results you usually get.
And doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is a no win situation.
But improvement is possible when we are willing to change the way we do things and get the necessary guidance to do so.
There are so many benefits from getting advice from consultation.
One problem is that consults often get a bad rap. People tend to be suspicious of the financial motives of paid advisors when they get paid for advice.
The truth may very well be that people have a hard time making changes in the first place.
Today our guests are wearing consultant caps.
We are on location again at GYVR! Joining us on our podcast are Andy Day, from the law firm Bender Day & Cullimore, and Arthur Warsoff, owner of Trans World Business Advisors of Utah County.
Listen as we find out how an ounce of prevention, following sound advice, avoids so many pitfalls and problems.