Observing Others

Dan's Best Friend

Kelly Silvester

My best friend's name is Dan.

Well, Dan's best friend is in the doghouse.

Have you ever been in the doghouse with your best friend?

How do you mend fences when frienships get messy?

We have some guests on today's podcast that have some good ideas.

Thanks Kolton Rackham, Lorin Jeppsen and Angie Thorpe for joining us!

Once there was a dog whose owner was injured in a car accident and was taken to a hospital. The injuried man lived alone. He called his neighbor and asked if his neighbor would go and feed and water the dog. The neighbor agreed and went next door to feed the dog.

The dog, however, did not trust the neighbor. Once the neighbor was in the dog's back yard, the dog began growling and snarling at the neighbor. The man couldn't get passed the dog to get the food or water. So the neighbor left and tried again the following day.

The next day the result was the same. The dog still did not like or trust the neighbor. Several days went by. The neighbor had made multiple fruitless attempts to no avail.

One day the neighbor thought that if he brought some dog food with him, that might just do the trick. The neighbor even brought some meaty treats with him that day.

By the time the neighbor came back with food in hand, the dog was weak from lack of food and water and exhausted from so much barking. Gently the neighbor held out the food hoping the dog would not bite the hand that fed him.

Bashfully the dog decided to accept the generosity and persistency of the neighbor and ate the food. The dogs strength returned. But so did a love for its neighbor.

The two became like best friends.

Get out of the doghouse. 

Reach out to your friends today!